Heat Building Reformer Flow<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 5740

Heat Building Reformer Flow
Amy Havens
Class 5740

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Amy, I love the 'Challenges Sequences' in this short 30-minute workout!  You are awesome!  THANKS
Pacing was perfect thank you
Katie M
loved this—some simple adjustments for added focus and loved the loaded spring plank series!!
Tanya P
awesome! heat!  Thank you Amy Havens 
Good stuff, Amy! And yes, yes yes we must move every day!
Carol D
Love the pace… Amy, you got so much into 25 minutes!
Amy, great workout, full body! Loved the flow, yet you explained movements very clearly. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Gisela G
Love it - as always!
Marie W
Amy I just love your classes! Simple but challenging movements in less than 30 minutes. PERFECT!
1-10 of 11

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