Class #5740

Heat Building Reformer Flow

25 min - Class


Join Amy Havens for an invigorating 20-minute Reformer class designed to create heat and energy throughout your entire body. This quick, efficient workout combines creative choreography and unique exercise combinations to strengthen your abs, hips, and arms while promoting spinal articulation. Through Amy's expert guidance, you will experience a satisfying and empowering session that encourages you to connect with your breath, have fun, and focus on what feels "shiny" in your body as you move through challenging sequences like Semi Circle and Kneeling Arm Work.
What You'll Need: Reformer (No Box)

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Hi, everyone. Amy Haven's here at Pilates anytime again. So happy to be back. Wonderful room. My friends out there, everyone watching. We're doing a quick full body, get it done, reformer.

Set yourself up for your footwork. I'm on 3 red here. Have fun. Breathe connect. Let's go. So we're on balance body. So I've got 3 red down here. I want you to start in Pilates v take 3 breaths, get yourself connected, shoulders, neutral abdominals, etcetera.

We're doing 5 here we go. 5 regular presses. I like an inhale out and an exhale in. And 4, and 5. And then we'll do 10 little pulses like the halfway out and in. 2, 3. Connect those heels.

4. Long arms, open shoulders. Where's your navel? 4, 3. Okay. Two more pulses and out and in and out and in all the way out really connect all the way down, everybody. So arch is same pattern, 5 full extensions, your breath in on the extension, the exhale to come in.

2 and 5. Now pulse. 1. Little. 2. 3. Get in those legs. Use your feet. They're pushing. They're pulling on that bar.

5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, full extension all the way and then all the way in, lift your feet, place your heel. Same thing. 5. Full extensions. See if you can traction your heels down the bar a little bit, especially on the right end. So you feel those hamstrings contracting a little more intensely.

Last one is slow. Little pulses. One and 2. 3. Are you adducting? Yes. Is your naval pull to the lowest part of your lower back? Yes.

Your shoulders back? Yes. Last one full extension and coming in. Lift your feet. No place the balls of the feet with a little space between your feet. I want you to lower both heels, lift the arms, press the arms, lift the heels, lower the heels, lift the arms, lower the arms, lift the heels, arms up, heels down, arms down, heels up, 2 more patterns, lift the heels, and last one. Keep your arms down. Take a little walk in place, and 2, 3, and 4. We'll do 8 more now.

8 and 7 really articulate those toes. Get on that big toe ball. 4 32 should feel really good. Stay up in the high relevay. Keep your heels high.

Come in very slowly. Bend the toes. Bend the toes. Bend the toes. Bend the toes. Hug your knees. Give yourself a hug. Lift your tail a little bit with that.

Now come on up. Let's drop the springs. We're taking 2 red springs to stay. Lift your footbar. We're gonna lower that thing out of the way.

Come on down for 100 and coordination combo. I like to do kinda combine certain things so that you kinda get them done. So take a breath. Come up to your 100. We're gonna pump for 5 with the arms. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Press the legs, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Pull the legs 3, 4, 5. Pull the knees in 4, 5. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Pull the legs open 45. Close to 3, 4, 5. And pump 2, 3, 4, 5. Open 2, 3, 4, 5.

2 more patterns, 4, 5. Pump 2, 3, 4, 5. Press 2, 3, 4, reach those arms, close those legs, fold them in, fold the arms. Last one, one, four, five. Press and pull an n, n, n, n, and arm circles.

Just 5. No extra extra. Just feel the rhythm of your arm circles. 4. And one more circle. Yes. The abdominals are down.

Ready. Reverse. Big stretch. Like those birds that just flew out by the window. Open your arms span. Take the air. Press it out.

Grateful to move your body every day. Somehow. Okay. Feed in the straps. Bring them to you. Stepping in wheels together.

Legs extend. Now come up to 90 with your legs for a minute, settle in, tailbone long, 5 leg circles down. Now I'm gonna do modest sized circles for myself today. You can do big if you need. Sometimes for me, the smaller range is more work in my muscles. When I go big, it's a stretch for me. And right now I'm wanting to work my muscles.

Reverse. 5. But if you need to stretch today, go for it. Just know where you need your control on a quicker pace. 4. And then 5, stay down together in turn out legs, bow and arrow. I don't have a preference.

One leg goes straight out to the side. When they come to that froggy position, flex your ankles, pull both legs to the center line. You can keep the ankles flexed as you do bow and arrow today. We'll do 3 patterns. Here's the second.

My tailbone stays long toward the foot part end of the reformer. We're not curling it to the sky. This is a flat pelvis exercise. That's it. 3 rounds. Lakes parallel. Now bring your legs to 90 again.

Take your head rest down. Let's work the low abdominals for a second. Okay? What I mean there is pull now into curl of your pelvis. Roll your hips up and then roll your hips down. I'm really only going from my sacrum to my top of my lumbar.

This first three reps. Right? So it's the carriage may move a little. Not to worry. Pull the stomach in. You're trying to articulate that very finite lower spine. Now bend your knees a little.

Do 3 more. You'll probably be able to move more. You've taken some factor out of the game, which was the leg position. It's okay. This is about low abdominal work to articulate the lowest spine. Okay? Bend your knees even more. We'll halfway up your spine.

Pick yourself up. Your legs might also feel lighter because they're bent. Right? You don't have the long legs of your body to pick up. Now 3 regular short spines. See if you can pick yourself up from that connection no matter where you take your short spine from. Use it here.

Roll down. As soon as your legs start coming towards you, get to that bumper, pick yourself up, low abs, middle abs, upper abs, flex and bend, breathe, roll down. Only one more. I know. Only one more. Lift.

Get what you can. Take a deep breath. Roll yourself down. Down down. Now lift your head. Due to your hair from the thing, take your straps off your feet, and we're gonna come up.

I want you to load your springs up, everybody, all your springs. Okay? Keep breathing as you load. Keep going. Now the reason we want all of the springs on where I love the long stretch mount as a full exercise. Okay? So one hand on the bar One foot on the headrest, other hand, other foot, we're gonna hold the plank line, hold the plank line, dismount the other side.

One hand never leaves the bar. It's their foot. Other hand, other foot. Just hold, hold, hold. K? We have three rounds of that.

It's just a nice little swift exercise all on its own. You don't have to always move the carriage in long stretch. Hole, hold, and one more round. I like this one. I give this to some of the men I work with, and they actually really like it a lot. And they do well with it.

Not that we gals don't, but okay. We're gonna hold here. Now Pike your hips. I'm still a feet on the headrest. You can lower your heels.

That's fine. You could keep your heels lifted. That's fine. Let's just come down to that plank line and a pike. Get some stretch out of it. Feel the energy. Go through the top of the head. Out through the tip sits bones a tail.

2 more rounds. Forward forward. Up. Up. Forward forward. Now when you go up, take a leg up.

Take a leg down, stand on it. Other side, take a leg up, and down. 2 more rounds. Keep it moving. I'm leading with my foot. That's kind of an external faraway queue, but I'm leading with my foot. As if it's on my bum, one more. Lift.

Lower. Lift. Okay. Let's come to your elephant position. Heels against your shoulder blocks. Go into a flat back elephant for a moment, everybody, and then go into your round back elephant. I prefer the round back.

It's pretty traditional. I want you to lift your floating ribs. These last couple ribs on your back really make those the highest point of your spine if you can. Okay, if you if you can in that part of your back. Now that makes your abs work. Take one foot to the side, big toe to the side of the reformer. We will abduct the thigh and the hip.

Press your hands to the mat. There's a little weight shift on your standing leg. Yes. I don't care how high your leg goes. I want you to feel your bum, and I know you will no matter what. 5 on the other side.

Stay round. Tow to the side. Go one. Use the strength of your hips. 3, 4, good for us. And now we're gonna change the springs. Come down on your ankles for a moment. So down stretch, I like 2 springs.

I'm still staying on 2 red. Reposition your feet. 3 down stretches. Left lift. Arch. You guys arch. Use your back. Don't come out of the arch. Go.

Use your legs. Come forward. Lift. Even a higher arch. And 2, higher arch. Go lift. And three, Okay. Be at it. Stay here.

Come up on fingertips. Come up. Come up. Now lift your arms. Lift your spine. Backbend. Backbend. Backbend. Backbend.

Take it down to one spring. Baby elephant. We need a nice curve after that extension. Walk to the front of the mat. Metatarsals at the front. Where are the back ribs.

Those floating ribs are up again. 5 little baby elephants with two legs, push with the back of the thighs, hands over the bar, shoulders over the bar, floating ribs up. Now same thing, but with one foot, My foot's by my knee. And 2. 3.

If you'll have the stomach, really has to go to work. Mhmm. And stand down. 5 on the other side. Let's go. N o one. Arms push down.

Stomach pulls up. Floating ribs pull up. 4. Good. 5. Everyone step down. Okay. Come all the way down to the ground.

Nice and brisk. Light spring for me for this sequence, that'll be a blue kneeling. Crouching first. Take your straps. Now before we do the full sequence here, as you're sitting, you're kinda sitting on your toes.

My sit bones are on my heels. Grab those straps and just hug with your hands. Nice and connected. Round into a c curve. In the c curve, start to bring your arms a little bit forward. Sit bones a little bit above the sitting bones. More stomach contraction.

Take a breath. Use your hips, everybody. Start to come up. Reach the arms up. Reach the arms up.

Reach the arms up. Flip your hands. Hands to your forehead. One salute. Open your arms.

One hug. Gonna do a few little combos there together. Bring your arms forward palms up, contract, and go back down. Same sequence again. So we scoop the arms.

Rise up. Use the hipic sensors. Raise the arms. Now flip your arms. Palms face out, little salute, open your arms for a hug, hug, hug, and open, bring the arms forward with your palms face up, and contract to come back down. A couple more patterns. Just making fluid, right, taking these nice pieces of movement and choreography and flowing, contract, slow yourself down to go. Last two, we'll do 5 sets, salute, reach, open for a hug, gaze out.

I've got the ocean to look at, contract down k. Use your whole body, right, your feet, your hamstrings, those glutes, abs, shoulders, everything shouldn't really even have to tell us what to use. You feel it. Arms open. A hug and open arms come forward. Take one final breath and contract to come back down.

Good. Hook on one's, strapped to the pig. Come up for side arms. Now side arms Little different. I want you to make a fist around your strap, knees apart. I'm about halfway out in the carriage, arm here. Open up 3 to 4 single arm pull. One of my clients John Steele does this. I corrected him once.

He he said, this is how Joe made me do it. So ever since that day, John taught me something, and this is how I do my pull. Thank you, John. Okay. Loop your elbows through. Hug your elbows together, turn toward the rope.

You're doing a little bit of trunk rotation. This is not pulling the arms. They're fixed here. You're turning your trunk. Yes, endeavoring to keep the pelvis facing forward.

But you know what? There's a little relative movement in it. There is. There's a little relative movement in the pelvis when we rotate the body. We're not stow we're not st1. We're gonna move. Right? But we're endeavoring to keep it for for sure.

Okay. Outside hand, the one closest to foot bar using the strap, side bend, open up, take a moment, Ideally, even weight on the knees, look down, tricep extension, 5, 4. Again, trying to keep the pelvis facing front. Ease off the traps. You guys pull this scapula down.

Last two feel going up with the hand. Up. Wonderful work. Hook this strap. Turn to face your other side. Loopy doop. Carriage Hand.

John a steel pattern. We're just gonna give him the credit. Actually got it from Joe. So rope pen by your arm. Whatever you need to do with your feet, sometimes people like it up here, tuck the toes, it's up to you.

We go. Pull. So it's the draw a sword. And 2, I am trying to go up in a little diagonal with my arm. If that's not working for you, you go straight across. You can also use the other arm to help you.

You know that by now. And here's 5. Hook your rope elbow inside the strap. Other arm around elbow to elbow. Start by turning toward the rope.

Breathe in. Full breath to the side. Inhale, exhale back toward the ropes and toward the foot bar, toward the rope, not pulling the arms, turning your trunk, Think of spiraling up and around. Here's number 5. Work that waistline. Right? And then carriage hand, which is the outside in my mind, handhold a strap, other hand on the headrest, shoulder block, turn, get a profile, shoulder on your back, and we pull the arm up.

Trying to stay evenly weighted on the knees, hips toward your wall that's right in front of you, Last two full body in here told him to getting all our body parts. Okay. Put that strap down. One of my favorites is coming next. Semi circle. Articulation, flexion, and extension.

Talk about a winner. Pull the bar down. I like a low bar. We did do one spring, everybody. On this reformer, I have an option of 1 green spring, which feels really nice to me. You're gonna come down.

But please, if you need 2 springs for semi circle, take it. Hands on your shoulder blocks, sweaty body moves back, get on to Pilatesbee, check it out. Now Push the carriage with your arms. You just did all that arm work possibly for this. Connect your heels together. Add doctor legs.

Pull the carriage close. 2 of each position. Can we take a big deep breath? Yes. We can. We're gonna roll the spine, stir them away from the chin, push with the arms. We are creating space.

We've got a hot body. We've got heat. We've got a lot of mobility potential right here. Push back not all the way to straight nikes. You've gotta keep that knee control, right, curl.

Use your hamstrings. They're part of the success of this exercise all the way in, and we roll down. I'm really pushing with my sweaty arms and rolling down. Opening that long arch in the sternum. Deep breath and push.

Hold the carriage still as you curl, it's a rotation of the pelvis. There's the articulation of the spine. Here's the extension and now to the opposite way push back. Extension meaning length, not hyper extension. There is a difference. Sometimes we want hyper extension like right here.

Watch big backman in the lower back. It's important. Come in because now you get a good flexion of your lower back. Right? Those beautiful extremes functional Everything in Pilates is functional somehow.

Come all the way in. Curl it up. Hope that felt delicious. Take your hands away. Hold the side of your footbar.

Close your knees. Now this upper ab region, everybody, bring it down into your body. Reach your thighs more forward. 3 breaths. I'm nice and warm.

Seal. Full body. Kind of a quick one. Now we're gonna do a really lovely part of a split stretch. Get get the sweaty body up. I like to put the high bar up.

Okay? And you're gonna do probably the same spring. I'm going to climb up. So as part of front splits, we're not doing the standing up, bring one foot up onto your foot bar. Try to lower that hip. It's a little hard to do because the leg is up here, but we're trying. Now I want us to lower our head, hold the corners of the footbar, let yourself hang.

Let yourself hang. Move the carriage back. It's not about how far back we go. It's about how low we can stay. Bring the carriage in.

Keep your body kinda down, chest on the thigh. You're stretching that back hip and probably underneath here for some of you. Okay. Now we can bring the body upright. If you feel steady, you can have your hands on your knee. Your arms to a tee.

I'm gonna take one hand to the knee and the other arm up, and I'm gonna move the carriage about 2 inches and in. 2 inches. I'm the longest thigh down there up to these fingers that I've ever done. I'm hoping. And then coming down for the other side. So every time you do it, it can be the most every time.

Right? Okay. Back foot toes tucked. Heel is pressed. You're on this knee. Hands on the corners, and you're gonna get your head down.

You're gonna scoop your tummy, and it's not about how far back we go. Stay chest on thigh. The reason why I'm not asking you to go too far back, we're starting actually to wind the class down. And if you're really, really, really warm, what if you were to overdo it? I don't know. If you wanna go full split, it's my offer to you, but I'm not. Now I want you to come up.

Like I said, you could hold hands on shin, knee, one of each, or one arm up. I'm gonna take this arm up, and I want the longest line from that knee through the hip to this arm and then 3 little pushes. Stay focused. Take your breath. You can probably feel yourself kind of energy shape changing and shifting. That was our 3. Now go for the biggest longest reach.

And put your hand down. Hey, guys. We're gonna come up to standing on the floor, a standing roll down. Take a nice deep breath. Lift your arms. Sometimes the short workouts for me are very satisfying.

Gonna walk out. Let's do one more plank physician. Just hold that very strong capable body. Every time you approach it, it's a practice. Right? Something new shines itself.

Pike your hips up. It's okay if something was a little dull. Focus on what felt shiny. Alright. And roll everything up, everybody. And I thank you for coming and joining me for class.

I'll see you next time. Bye bye.


Amy, I love the 'Challenges Sequences' in this short 30-minute workout!  You are awesome!  THANKS
Pacing was perfect thank you
Katie M
loved this—some simple adjustments for added focus and loved the loaded spring plank series!!
Tanya P
awesome! heat!  Thank you Amy Havens 
Good stuff, Amy! And yes, yes yes we must move every day!
Carol D
Love the pace… Amy, you got so much into 25 minutes!
Amy, great workout, full body! Loved the flow, yet you explained movements very clearly. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Gisela G
Love it - as always!
Marie W
Amy I just love your classes! Simple but challenging movements in less than 30 minutes. PERFECT!
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