Cardio + Strength<br>Andrea Speir<br>Class 5744

Cardio + Strength
Andrea Speir
Class 5744

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4 people like this.
This is my kind of work out! Thank you!
Terez L
1 person likes this.
This kicked my tooshie! Need to do this everyday
Ray H
Another fine class. Testing, Ray :)
Great one, thanks so much!! Love the total body workout!!
Barbara K
This is an awesome workout! My new favorite 
A new go to!  My bootie will feel this for a while LOL
This is such a great pace but doable . More classes please ,I’ve earnt my cuppa and mince pie
Another amazing class. This group of classes will definitely have to become part of my weekly Pilates routine. ❤️🙏
Perfect! Just did on my balcony in Hawaii. Will be doing these during my whole vacation!
Lisa V
This is a new favorite. The multifaceted and extensive arm work was wonderful while also offering a complete workout. Thanks!
1-10 of 14

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