Full Body Flow<br>Andrea Speir<br>Class 5746

Full Body Flow
Andrea Speir
Class 5746

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Morgan H
SUCH a great challenge! I've been practicing for a long time and it's not often I get the shakes from a class. This delivered. THANK YOU!
Marithé Lessard
Amazing congratulations  nouveau et stimulant 
☺️ 🙏 merci 
Another amazing workout with my idol 🔥🔥🔥
Nahid D
I loved this exactly what I have been looking for, strong, moving at a pace and creative movements - love it! More from her please!
Wow! This was fun and challenging. It ended before I knew it. Thank you!
Helen S
My first time working out with you!  Loved it all!!  Thank you!!
Marithé Lessard
🙌 bravo merci 
Spicy!!! Love it !!!
AAAaawww,thank you! Great class, fabulous!
Awesome complete class. My whole body burnt!
31-40 of 42

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