Healthy Spine Reformer<br>Tom McCook<br>Class 5808

Healthy Spine Reformer
Tom McCook
Class 5808

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Karin P
1 person likes this.
Thank you! This felt wonderful. Very helpful self tactile cue on side sit up, verbal cues in standing splits and my aha was with mermaid. I reach too far Into my flexibility then I lose core control and dump into my low back. I pushed out a foot if that and felt more control but still a great stretch. Loved the footwork and the connection to breathing in the beginning!
Rachel J
Thank you Tom.. I absolutely love that class.  Perfect blend of strengthening, mobilising and lengthening.  Delicious :)
Loved this class!  Tom, I use the M.C. Hammer cue too and then also realize I also have dated myself.  lol  Thank you!
Karin PRachel J & Joan B, Thank you so much for sharing your thoughtful insights and inspiring experiences!! 😊🙏
This was a lovely peacefully connected class. I appreciated the cue of the down rib package in the short box work as well as several other predatory movements. Thanks so much, Tom! 
Such a wonderful class thank you Tom 🙏👌
Thank you. This made for a beautiful, mindful self care class in between  clients.
Ellie T
Thank you for this beautiful and very complete class!! I just love it!!

Please, more 45-50 minutes classes. 
1-10 of 25

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