Healthy Spine Reformer<br>Tom McCook<br>Class 5808

Healthy Spine Reformer
Tom McCook
Class 5808

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Ellie T Pepa & G. Molina, Thank you for your inspiring feedback!! Many thanks!!🙏
Angie N
As usual Tom, always great, thank u
Loved it, very cranky body earlier much happier now. Thanks Tom 🙏
Lori Anne Thompson & Helena, Thank you both, I appreciate your feedback and am happy you enjoyed!! All the best,🙏😊
Angie N & Nicola F, Thank you both! Mindful movement is medicine!! I’m very happy be there n service of your practices!🙏
Always a pleasure to work with you. Loved this class, the cues were perfect in helping me find my connections. Thank you, Tom!
As always, Tom's classes are peacefully strong and make you feel so connected to your body. I feel like I just had a mini teacher workshop too. Thank you, Tom. Grateful for your lovely classes. 
Valya Karcher
Thank you Tom - beautiful and clear flow, and, as always, love your gentle guiding voice
Connie MLori M & Valya Karcher, Thank you all very much! It's great to hear that the underlying intention to support you making the connections to your amazing body was successful and you feel the difference!! Wonderful!
I love the walk in place in the flat back elephant why does that feel so amazing?! My right hip was like oooo lala what other moves remind you of that one? Like getting that hip to go deeper into the socket- 
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