Athletic Endurance Reformer<br>Delia Buckmaster<br>Class 5886

Athletic Endurance Reformer
Delia Buckmaster
Class 5886

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Elizabeth D Hello! Thank you for taking the class and the time to message me! I am so happy you love the abdominal work. This class progressed from one light yellow spring, then to blue, and on to the red and eventually heavier spring. I meant for it to flow from  standing in the well at the back of the reformer to working my way up to the front. When I prepare a class, I think of the theme and where I want to start. From there  I just start to move through exercises and flow them together as much as possible. That includes exhausting the use of the spring before I move on. Hope that made sense! :)
Michele M
Loved the flow and challenge of standing unilateral exercises!  Thank you Delia!:D
11-12 of 12

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