Sarah's Go-To Mat<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 5916

Sarah's Go-To Mat
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 5916

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Thank you for playing Maria P!
Hi Wendy B, YES!  Moving our bodies should be fun.  arriving in shapes a different way helps strengthen the body mind connection.   Thank you! 
Thank you Dorit T!  There will be more:) 

Jodi G so important to allow movement that is pleasurable and let go of being perfect!!  YAY!.  Practice makes better...Thank you!!
Thank you Kay C. !!
Amy P movement is the best for moving a tired body!  Wonderful to know this class worked for you:) 
Thank you Patti S !  I will review those sequences and consider expanding in next class:) 
Thank you Jordan R !  Playful and challenging is exactly what I aimed for.  More to come:) Take care:) 
Chuhang G
1 person likes this.
10 minutes in and I knew this wasn't the workout for me. It requires way too much space for my small house and the cues are pretty hard to follow. I've enjoyed your other class though.
Hi Chuhang G,  Thank you for your feedback.  Yes. A person does need a fair bit of space for this class.   I thoroughly enjoy rolling around and exploring organic movements combined with Pilates based exercises.  That I said, I respect that not all people  connect with moving this way.  Look forward to "seeing" you again in a different class.  Take care:) 

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