Myofascial Lines Reformer<br>Elizabeth Larkam<br>Class 889

Myofascial Lines Reformer
Elizabeth Larkam
Class 889

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Not a problem, My name is pronounced like 'Renee' but with a 'D". I was able to attend the party when invited. Was not able to do the conference. I live in Henderson which is a suburb of Las Vegas.
I know Henderson! I look forward to meeting you. If ever over here on the coast, please stop by the studio!
1 person likes this.
Thanks, I will for sure!
Cannot wait to try this today! Thank you for the creativity!
1 person likes this.
I love this woman! She is so brilliant!!! And I always love her humour. So very much information!!!
Terrific and innovative workout. Lots of material there to take away. Really helped to release my quads, hip flexors and relieve some ongoing pain in my SI joints.
Kathy B - try raising your feet and jumping only at the top of the plate. And/or try adjusting the springs slightly. They may be slightly too light or too heavy. Make sure you are properly aligned and have cushions under your head. Add one or two more if necessary.
I couldn't agree with you more Romona!
Jennifer thanks for the tips for Kathy B.
A pause for an educational moment. I love it Elizabeth. You are as wonderful as you were when I met you close to 30 years ago. You're creativity and knowledge continues to inspire me.
Thank you !
I am so happy to be able to learn from you more often than just at conferences - you are so brilliant and I love the way you make me move!
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