Intermediate to Advanced Mat<br>Kathryn Ross-Nash<br>Class 976

Intermediate to Advanced Mat
Kathryn Ross-Nash
Class 976

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1 person likes this.
Whew! Took Kathi's mat class at Art of Control last year and I'm still feeling the burn! Hoping to see more of her classes here!
Idaho potato! Inspired!
A little bit of fun......loved it! What a great way to start my day!!
Sarah N
Wow, that was amazing!
fantastic !
that was GREAT!!!!!!
pure gold classic pilates (in terms of repertoire + advanced speed)!!!
Amazing mat class and beautiful energy!! Fantastic!
I recommend watching this once through before you attempt it as the cues assume quite a bit of prior knowledge of these moves. I wish it was a tiny bit slower as I loved some of the exercises but couldn't follow it all.
Just fantastic! My kind of class! Thank you for the inspiration. Greetings from The Netherlands
Carmen Molina Munera
41-50 of 65

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