Tutorial #5676

Mastering Eve's Lunge

1 min - Tutorial


Join Lesley Logan for an insightful tutorial focused on mastering Eve's Lunge. Lesley provides valuable tips and modifications to help your clients maximize the benefits of this exercise. Learn how to adapt Eve's Lunge for different fitness levels and body types, ensuring a safe and effective practice for all participants.
What You'll Need: Reformer (No Box)

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Dec 12, 2024
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Hi. I'm Lessa Logan. And today, I wanna nerd out with you about Eve's lunch. This is something super great for you or your client, especially in place of front splits. So a lot of people have a hard time getting into front splits. This is a really deep knee flexion.

It's a big stretch, you also need some balance. So what you can do, whether you're ever gonna do front splits or not, is actually drop one foot out to the side of the reformer, the other foot into the shoulder rest, drop down to one spring. You'll place your hands, and then it's so tempting to kinda like, just hang out here. I mean, we all know. We've seen it. Right? But what we wanna do is push that back leg from that hamstring as you lift these hit points up.

It's gonna limit how far back you go. However, you're actually gonna get a true stretch of the of the front of the hip while strengthening the back of the leg. And I'm really staying in the back of this, like, so I mean, a lot of strength here. So it is called Eve's lunch. That means with the lunch. Right? And you can come in and out as long as you're never hanging out in that lower back and hanging in that hypermobility. So pull those hit points up, push with the back of the leg, and do this stretch in place of of your front splits or any other type of stretch you wanna get a stretch in and see how fun it can be. If you wanna add a side stretch, You can or a twist. That's fine as long as adding that in doesn't take you out of the strength of the exercise.

Have fun.


1 person likes this.
Crazy how a drawing up in the hip points creates boundaries that change everything🙏
Karen M yass its so good to have the strength with the stretch! xx~LL
1 person likes this.
Love that you're doing these quick tutorials. I have clients who have taken Pilates sessions for a decade and still sometimes forget and hang out in Eve's lunge. These videos are great refreshers for all. 
Lori M yay! I'm so glad you think so too! Happy refreshing all those eve's lunges xx~LL

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