Speir Sculpt Reformer Challenge

Get ready to experience a series of powerful and strong workouts focusing on building endurance, improving circulation, and enhancing muscle memory through Andrea's signature layered approach, allowing you to connect deeply, feel strong, and progressively challenge yourself. Using easy to find props like the Overball, Loop Band, 3lb hand weights, and Box, these classes will challenge you to meet the strongest version of you on the Reformer.


Great Class! You got me shaking :)
Ya W
Amazing classes!good work
Gemma  H
Loving this series. You are a very good instructor. 
I absolutely LOVE that series❤️ So intense 🥰 You are an amazing teacher. Thank you.
Robin S
So proud of myself! I finished all of these tuckass kicking 35 minutes sessions into the deep muscle body! Thank you ~ its been a minute since I've done "athletic" pilates over traditional.
I loved them all and remembered how difficult the simplistest of movements can be the most challenging! Thank you 
Tara K
Natasha P
First workout of this challenge and LOVED it.  I cannot wait workout tomorrow!

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