Class #5750

Full-Body Fire

35 min - Class


Andrea Speir presents a fiery Reformer class designed to push your strength, endurance, and form to new limits. This intense workout utilizes 3lb Hand Weights and a Loop Band to amplify the burn as you move through creative variations of classic Pilates exercises, including a unique standing lunge series. Get ready to work every muscle group - from arms and back to glutes, abs, and inner thighs - as Andrea guides you through precise movements, deep pulses, and alignment-focused sequences that will leave you feeling stronger and more energized than ever.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box, Loop Band, Hand Weights (2)

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Hey. It's Andrea, and welcome to the final workout in your reformer plan full body fire. We're returning to some of the exercises and movement styles that we've done already, but we're gonna play with intensity and variations and bring that heat a little bit that way. So the things you'll need for the workout today are a set of dumbbells. I've grabbed 3 pounds for myself, but you could do no weights. You could do 1 twos. I wouldn't go any heavier than fives, though.

I also have a loop resistance band for myself just to add a little bit of extra heat to some of the standing work. So if you want 1, grab it, whatever resistance you wanna work with. The setup is a little bit unique today. We're putting the sitting box down on the floor, as you can see here in front of the reformer. So, again, that will be for a little bit of standing work and a tiny bit of planking so you know what your future is there. Foot bar is all the way down. 1 red spring is on or 1 medium heavy spring.

Headdress is flat And I'll be using the handles and the long loops today starting with the handles. So if you've got double loops, you're good. If you've got single loops, you do you, but this is what my setup is. Yeah? Okay. Let's get right into it. So to begin, step into the band if you're using it, slide it right up above your knees. Grab those dumbbells and carefully come to stand on your box and turn to face away from the reformer.

I like to stabilize my my calf up against the foot bar to take that quick step back and hook the feet around. Once I'm there though, I kinda wiggle my leg forward. So it's not connected and touching the foot bar. Arms straight down start to hinge your body down and down reaching the dumbbells toward the foot bar Andrea then standing back up. And we're just flowing through that to begin.

So back leg stays straight, bending that front leg down Andrea straightening it back up, gliding down, and right back up. Your upper body stays in that nice lifted long line hinge it forward and hinge it back up. Imagine almost like that foot on the box is pulling the box in towards you which is a cue that kinda helps me to get my hip back activate from the hamstring, the back of the leg. Sue 10 more seconds that whatever range is feeling good in your body today, keeping that balance, keeping that control, shoulders down your back. On the next 1, dive down.

Meet me down there. Bring the dumbbells or your hands to your chest. Little pulses down and down. And down. Keep the carriage as still as you can. 10 seconds.

5 more seconds. Hold it down low. Reach your arms forward. Bend your elbows and knee in Andrea send them out. Draw them in.

Send them out. So we're doing this today instead of footwork as we bring our practice standing, challenge all those little stabilizing muscles as well. 5 more seconds. On your next 1, keep your legs straight. Bring your hands back to your chest. We pulse down and up.

Down and up. Roll the shoulders back and down. 10 more seconds. 5 more seconds, stay low. Now, the back leg stays straight. Push back 2 Andrea, bring it forward. Glide back 2 inches, bring it forward.

You're pressing from that front stabilizing glute on this. Oh, give me 10 seconds. Small and controlled. Inertheizer hugging toward the midline, even though they're not touching. On your next 1, hold it there.

Little pulse is down and down. 10 seconds to finish this off. 5 more seconds. And you bring everything home. Now rotate to face the side.

So legs are still where they were. Your foot's an inch or so from the edge of the carriage. Make sure your feet are in line with each other. Arms down to begin. Press out a few inches.

Pull it in. So, I want you to make sure you feel like you're in a good spot. If you would need to take this foot on the box, and bring it out a few inches from the footbar, do it. Make sure you're comfortable. If you wanna add arms to this, bring the dumbbells together, give me a little bend diamond shape. As you push away, lift your arms up, bring them down.

Lift and down. Think about shoulder height on that so we don't pull up into the neck toward the ears. Right? So we keep it connected in those postural muscles. Let's do 10 seconds. Whoo. Little bit of a soft bend to the knees. Almost like I tickled you with a feather behind the knee. That's what I want you to think about.

So it's outer glute, inner thigh. On your next 1, everything goes out. Lower your arms pull the couch in an inch, lift up, push out an inch in, out. Whoo. Everything is working here.

We've got legs, abs, arms, Make sure you're breathing. Oh, relaxing your neck. 5 more seconds. Shoot. And everything comes home.

Take that foot on the carriage and wrap it so it's still parallel hooked around the edge drop down into a squat, draw your hips back, bring your dukes up in front of your face, just your leg presses the carriage out, and it pulls it in. Reach it out Andrea. This is option number 1. Holding these dumbbells, if you've got them, that's work. So if you wanna stick with it, do it. If you wanna add on a little spicier, extend your arm out with the leg, pull it in. I flip my palm to face back behind me, And then I flip it in toward my face. Press, end in. Reach, end in 10 seconds. Shoot. 5 more seconds.

Andrea everything comes in. Okay. Close the carriage. Turn, take a step forward onto the box. Face forward. Line yourself up hip distance in parallel, and then take that little step Back. Hook your foot around the edge of the carriage. Arms are straight and strong.

Wiggle yourself forward so you're not touching the foot bar with your Achilles there and dive down. Let's go back to our dead lift style variation. So you hinge down and you lengthen back up. Nice long line from the top of your head. Shoulders staying down. Andrea you've got 10 seconds down, zipper backup from the backside.

Start to think about your core, deepen in to hinge forward. Try to get your abs on fire as you lift up. Make this a core exercise. See if that changes anything. On the next 1, dive down. Hold.

Bring your hands up to your chest. Little pulses down and up of the hips. The carriage stays as still as you can. 10 seconds. Tiny little pulses.

5 seconds. Hold it down there. Reach your arms forward. Bend your elbows in the in and send them away. Everything in and out. So we changed the work slightly here.

We've got such an endurance hold for the front stabilizing leg. 10 seconds in and out. 5 more seconds. Whoo. Everything goes out. Hands to your chest.

Let's pulse down and down Andrea down. 10 seconds. 5 more seconds. Hold it low. Now press back 2 inches and forward. Back and forward.

It's tiny Second and last side. Maybe you get a little lower in this. 5 more seconds. On your next 1, you hold it where it is. Little pulse is down, down, and down.

Final 10 seconds. 5 more seconds, and then you bring everything in. Okay. Let's rotate to the side. Set your foot so it's in line with the 1 on the box and inch or so away from the edge. Let's do the same setup.

So arms by your sides. So start to press out and come back in. So this is a nice moment. You see if that foot on the box, if that leg is bumping into the footbar, take an inch or so step further away from your reformer on that box. Okay. If you wanna add on, let's bring the weights together in front of your chest as you push away, lift the weights up and down.

So you get this shoulder raise here. As you lift up, though, don't think shoulders think back. Lats and traps hug back and together. So it stays super connected. 5 more seconds.

Hold it out on the next 1. Press out an inch in an inch. Start with the lower body. Check-in with the core. And if you wanna add those arms, here we go. Push out lift and down.

You go for that little pump and down. Up and down. 10 seconds. Shoot. 5 more seconds. Whoo. Andrea everything comes home.

Take your foot on the carriage. Wrap it gently around the edge. Drop down into your squat, draw your hips back abs in, dukes up in front of your face, and be speed skate out, end in, reach, end in. Do a check, see if you could lift your toes up off the box, So the work is back toward the heel and then set those toes back down for stability for me. So that's where I want you to work with that connection.

If you wanna add that arm, here we go Speir it out, pull it in. Palm faces back, and then into your face. Reach in. Reach. 10 seconds. Could you get a little lower with this? 5 more seconds. Andrea then bring it home.

Close the carriage, step onto the box, and step off to the side. Let's set these dumbbells out of the way for now. So set them down onto the floor. Before we move our box, I have 1 more thing for you. Come on to your knees facing your reformer.

Hands come down, then carefully you've got a moving carriage here. So, scooping from the abs, step up to 1 foot the other foot, press out into a plank. So your hands, I want them to be where it feels like it's a good resistance without pushing you out of your alignment here. Lift up nice and tall. Press the carriage out a few inches in a few inches out and in. Now you could stick with this.

This feels really nice, really functional, to press down as you actively lift up from the shoulders and the core. If you wanna challenge your balance a little bit, 1 leg lifts up pointing the toes. If you wanna add on as you push away, pulse the leg up, down. Up and down. Give me 10 seconds. 5 more seconds.

Everything comes down, hold, bend in halfway, little pumping pulses, down. Your elbows are hugging Andrea towards your waist. This is a tricep push up here. 10 seconds down. Down 5 seconds. Push it up. Take a break if you need it. Otherwise, opposite leg comes up.

And you glide the carriage out and in, out and in. Option to add that leg pulsing up as you push, up and away. 10 seconds. 5 more seconds. Everything comes down, bend your knees, draw everything in, and carefully make your way back, and step off to the side.

Let's get rid of that looped band, set it down out of the way, and let's move the box onto the reformer. Okay. Let's take the box onto the reformer, the short direction, but put it in front of the shoulder block so it can glide a little bit easier. You're on 1 red spring. This is for some unilateral single arm work. So if you wanna go lighter for neck or shoulders, do this on a blue instead of a red. Set yourself up and have a seat on top.

Once you're there, face forward, Gaze down, make sure your heels right under your knee. Reach back, and let's grab 1 of those handles to begin. Bend in. The other hand can wrap around and hold on to that loop on the side. Lift up nice and tall. Hinge forward just slightly and extend your arm forward and draw it back.

This is all we're gonna do to begin, so set your form as you're flowing through this serve a platter variation Think about shoulders evenly lining up and lift up from the top of your head, keeping that slight incline forward. The reason I want you to keep the incline forward is you're being loaded from behind. So not just for safety here, but also to keep that tension, keep that resistance, and make this really challenging. 5 more seconds. Extend your arm forward.

Hold it there. No lower it down and lift it right back up. This is not a crazy big range. If your rope tops your thigh or your box, that's as low as you wanna go, and then think just below the shoulder so you don't rise up toward the neck the scalenes there. We keep it all connected anterior, the bicep, shoulder, flat, 5 more seconds going for bone density on this 1. On this next 1, bend in. Now take your hand.

Flip it. Your thumb holds from the top. It's like you're holding a grocery bag. Bend in elbow wide shift slightly forward. Punch forward to about where your nose is, and then bend your elbow wide. Shoulder press out Andrea.

As you draw your arm back, that's your moment to connect your shoulders together so then you can keep that connected as you punch forward and back. 10 seconds. This is 1 of the most targeted and effective exercises. Whoo. After your next 1, bring it down. Keep that handle in your hand.

Reach back. Grab the other Andrea. Let's go into a shave, shifting slightly forward, make a diamond shape, thumbs and first fingers behind your head, elbows wide, and you lengthen up Andrea down. Up and down. So those elbows aren't pulling back as far as they can. I want you to hinge them just an inch or so forward so you can really get the shoulders down in opposition.

Let's do 10 seconds here. 5 more seconds. Reach all the way up. Hold. Now keep that tension with your hands. Make sure you've got a little bit of room behind you.

Tuck under and round down. Can involve your stomach down reaching forward. Round forward, open your chest. So it's just a little little contraction back, back, back, back, and round forward lift connecting into the core. We move on to more core focused movements after this.

So really finding that moment to prep your abdominals for what's to come. On your next 1, round down to halfway hold, give me a little bend and pump of those arms. And pump, if this doesn't feel super stable for you today, go back to the original shave position, 5 seconds, 3 seconds, Open to the side lean forward. Give me a couple big hugs. Open and close here.

Arms always staying in your peripheral vision. So you open, and they hug right back in. 10 seconds of this. Abdominals are scooping up pelvic floor is engaged. After your next 1, bend your elbows in.

Let's set that original handle back, and we'll go into the other side of unilateral work. So holding on to that side handle with that first original hand, bend in lean forward serve a platter. Here we go. Straight out and right back in. Reach and back. If you wanna take that hand off at any point, if that feels stable, to cue your shoulder down, cue your abs in, do it.

10 seconds of this. Reach Andrea. 5 seconds. Extend your arms straight out. Hold, let's lower down Andrea up. So you're going down and up.

We say straight arm on this, but it's got a little bit of a bend. I want it to be so muscular. Never from a joint. 10 seconds. 5 seconds.

Bring it in. Now flip your hand. The entire handle is underneath your hand holding your thumb around the top. Elbow wide. Let's shoulder press out. And in. Punch.

And in your punching in line with your nose, pulling it back wide. Reach and back 10 seconds. 5 seconds. Give me 1 more and everything comes in. Woo. Okay. Set that handle down.

Now reach down. Let's add on a red Speir. Best case scenario here, you've got 2 red springs. So set yourself up accordingly. This is just for short box.

So while you're down there, you can also pull out your safety strap for your feet. If you're 55 or taller, you may wanna hop off and bring your box behind the shoulder blocks. So that's up to you for having that extra bit of room behind your back. Okay. So let's make this a little bit spicy. Grab your dumbbells because Why not? So once you're there, just set those dumbbells down while you set up your feet.

Slide your feet underneath that safety strap. Reach down. Bring your dumbbells with you. Start with your feet together in the center slide back until you've got lots of good tension with that strap, and then press your feet actively out to the side. So you're wrapped around the edge of your carriage. Take your hips. Lift them up. I want you scooping and start with that big capital c curve of the back.

Arms reach forward start to round down and round back forward. So we start just like this. If at any point you don't wanna use the dumbbells, Put them down, keep going without, lowering down, deepen in round back up. Your ankles, your Achilles are connected to that carriage edge throughout. That way we don't work into the hip flexors. Right?

I want this all in those deep, deep abdominals. Lower down hold. Give me a lift, up, down of the arms, round forward. Bring it down Andrea lift up, down, round forward start to flow that just a bit. Up, down, curl. Lift up, down, curl. See a couple more like this.

On that lift up, that's your moment to punch your abdominals in and up even deeper. Arms also should be feeling the heat here. Round down hold. Palms face in. Let's take 1 dumbbell, stack it on top of the other, Twist toward the bottom dumbbell, hold it there, lower down, and up with your upper body. Your hips are even.

They're reaching out, especially that outside opposite heel. Reach it out and down. 5 seconds. Hold it up on the next 1. Little twisting wrap away from your body.

Tiny twist Andrea twist 5 seconds. 3 seconds. Hold. Now bottom arm pulls in and extends out. In and out. This is your bow and arrow moment here. 5 seconds. Shoot. 3 seconds.

Hold it there. Switch other dumbbell on top twist the opposite direction down and up. Lower and lift 10 seconds. 5 seconds. Hold it down low.

Little twist back and twist and twist 5 more seconds. 3 seconds. Hold bow and arrow pull it back, reach, back, and reach final 5 seconds. Bring everything home. Roll it out. Shake it out.

Let's get rid of 1 of the dumbbells. Set it down against the box. We're going into some side sit ups. So take 1 of your legs out. Rotate. Take your dumbbell for now and put it on top of your headdress right in that crease.

Set yourself up by putting that bottom hand down on the headdress. Lengthen your body out Andrea press the entire side of your foot, your heel up into that tension. Take the dumbbell now in your top hand. Reach it up toward the ceiling. Bottom hand bends.

And strains. So even if you know what's coming, start like this with me so you really get that good length out and up of your side. Right? It's not about crunching up into your waist. It's about elongating, working into the obliques, the transverse abs, So either stick with this or bottom hand comes up to your chest. Lift lower. Lift and lower. I like to start like this often just to get my shoulder to stay down when I've got the dumbbell. If you got it, you feel good, hand behind your head.

As you come up now, twist toward that dumbbell lower. Twist, bring it down. Let's do 10 seconds together here. 5 seconds and bring it down. Return the dumbbell down into the crease. Walk your hands up the wooden frame or whatever your frame's made out of and just give yourself this lovely stretch would never deny you this stretch.

Take a moment and then start to walk your way back up, and let's do the other side. You could just leave the dumbbell where it is. Swap out your legs and rotate your body around. Get your foot in that good spot on your safety strap, bottom hand on the headdress. Take a hold of your dumbbell.

Reach up toward the ceiling. Hold it there to begin. And then start to bend and straighten that bottom arm, lengthening down and up. So remember, you could stick with this. You could return to it at any point.

If you're ready to lift that arm up, here we go. Hand either to your chest or behind your head. Think about keeping the dumbbell in the exact same spot, and it's all muscular lifting up to that point and down. Adding the twist, twisting toward that arm and down. My hand is now behind my head. 10 seconds.

5 seconds. Andrea we stretch. Put that dumbbell down. Climb your hands up your frame. Keep your foot connected to that strap and go for that nice big stretch.

When you feel good to go, make your way all the way back up. Unhook your foot and step off to the side. Okay. So last zone I really wanna work into inner thighs and adductors. We don't need dumbbells. You're done with these.

Set them off to the side. Your box should be in front of your shoulder block. So if you moved it for a short box, bring it back in front, Your options for this are the options I'm gonna give you are 1 yellow spring only or no springs. No springs is challenging. It's the advanced choice.

It feels great. So come around. Face me first if you've got the option. I want you to stand facing away from your reformer. The leg that's closest to the box steps in and back.

If your knees are sensitive, you may wanna put a pad or a sweatshirt underneath your knee. The foot that's on the floor, externally rotates. Turn your toes out toward the foot bar. Hands on your waist to begin. Everything glides out, and everything hugs back in. So you just start to move.

This is slow and controlled, same pace out, same pace in. These will build. So as you start to move here, if you feel like this is not, you know, feeling great, in your hips SI, you could either skip this or go on a slightly heavier spring. If you want more challenge, take those springs off. 5 more seconds like this getting this into your body. On the next 1, hold it out there.

Arms out to the side. That knee pulls in under the hip, and it goes right back out. So it's just this little tuck contraction. Bring it in under and bring it out. In and out. Let's do 10 seconds.

Shoot. 5 seconds like this. Shoot. On the next 1, keep it out. Your arm that's closest to the footbar crosses your body as you pull in all the way, and it opens out wide. Hug the carriage in sweep and open out. So we're adding this slightly different direction of movement, this rotation to slightly challenge those same muscles.

5 more seconds. 3 more seconds. Bring everything out. Hold it out there. The foot that's on the floor, lift your heel up, set it down.

Up and down. The carriage is out. The carriage is not moving. 10 seconds. Lift and lift 5 seconds. Keep that heel up. Little pulses out and in of the carriage out in.

So you're lifting up from the very base of your body, lifting from your core, chest is open, 5 seconds. 3 seconds. Hold it out where it is. Your heel comes down. Draw the carriage in, parallel your foot on the floor, and take a step forward.

So walk around and do the other side. So bring yourself around. Let's get into it the same way. Face away from your reformer. Inside foot steps back against the box.

Floor foot externally rotates. Hands on your waist. Everything dives out. Everything hugs back in straight out and draw back in. As you start to flow through this, arms can open out to the sides, palms up toward the ceiling, 10 seconds.

Going at your own pace. Think about both inner thighs actively working together. Hold it out on the next 1. Just that bent knee pulls in under the hip and press it out. That carriage leg pulls in and out. Little wrap and release.

So it really brings that mind body connection into play here. Of focusing in just on that side. On your next 1, hold it out wide. Draw the carriage in all the way. Those fingers reaching toward the foot bar cross toward the box. They open out wide. Push the carriage away.

Hug it in, rotate, open wide. 10 seconds in, and out. 5 seconds. Hold it out wide. Stay there. Lift your heel off the floor.

Set it down. Lift it up. Down. Keep that carriage out. Keep it still. 10 seconds. And lift. 5 seconds.

Keep your heel up. Hold it there. Little pulses out an inch in an inch out and in. Rolling the shoulders back and down, you got 10 seconds. 5 more seconds.

Hold it out where it is. Lower your heel, draw the carriage in, parallel that floor foot, and carefully step off. Alright. Let's get rid of your box. Set it back where you keep it. Get it out of the way.

Whatever sounds good. And let's bring your foot bar all the way up into the middle upright position. Place on a blue spring and take off the yellow if you had it. Let's start with a nice big stretch out here. The foot on the floor goes right up in line with where your carriage mat is.

Set the inside foot against that shoulder block holding onto the foot bar, dive back, and let's get that great big hip stretch. Again, we did that more advanced version of lunging in the front, so here's that great moment to open up the hips stretch out the quads, open the chest. You could either stick with this or start to straighten the front leg, flex the foot, walk your fingertips either down to the frame, or round the frame to the floor. Option to lift the back leg off, going deeper into that stretch, if that feels good. And then slowly lower the knee if it was up, bend that front leg, and draw the carriage into clothes.

Slide your foot down. Let's walk around and do the other side. Foot down in line with the frame, hands on, foot back, dive down. 1 of the best things the reformer gives us here is the stretch. Opening everything up, keeping the abs engaged so there's not too much flexing up into the low back option to press out to a straight front leg, maybe walk your hands lower, maybe walk them around the frame to the floor, stretching out the hamstring, option to lift and straighten that back leg.

And then slowly bend that front leg. Walk your way all the way up. Slide your foot down. Have a seat Andrea just face me. Step your feet out nice and wide.

Let's finish together here, reaching your arms all the way up. Hands come together. Draw your hands to your heart, opening up your shoulders, and set your hands down palms up on your knees. Take a moment, close your eyes, take a deep breath in, and a deep exhale out. Andrea give me a couple more deep breaths.

And just taking a moment of gratitude for yourself at the end of all 5 of these workouts. It's easy to show up for other people, but a lot harder to show up for yourself and you did it. So you should be proud of yourself. Opening your eyes, bringing yourself back to your body. Great job. You did it. You are done with that workout.

You've done all 5 of those workouts. Again, you should be so proud of yourself, and I will see you for your next workout.


1 person likes this.
Great start to the day and week. Inspired to try the rest of the series! Thank you
1 person likes this.
Made a few adjustments for my body, but totally enjoyed this challenging class. Thank you! I look forward to the other classes in this series. 
1 person likes this.
1 person likes this.
Great class. The inner thigh section was "fire".  Thank you.
1 person likes this.
So much to love in this class! I especially enjoyed the front lunge series at the beginning, and the inner thigh series near the end.
Shannon H
1 person likes this.
WOW, just WOW 🤩. I needed a practice reset … this series did it for me! Amazing series, amazing instruction! Thank you 
Sharon M
2 people like this.
Would love more reforrmer classes by you...loved this challenge! Thank you!
1 person likes this.
Absolutely obsessed with your classes, series, and you. I’ve been waking up excited every morning to see what the next class will bring. Spicy burns in all the right ways. Thank you! I really hope more of your classes will be added.
Amanda  D
that inner thigh series is 🔥🔥🔥
New obsession!!!
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