Class #5748

Glutes + Abs

35 min - Class


Andrea Speir leads an athletic, fast-paced Reformer session focusing on sculpting your glutes and abs. With optional use of a Loop Band, this session challenges your strength and stamina, pushing you to meet your edge and explore your full range of motion. You'll feel the burn as Andrea guides you through rhythmic movements, making this targeted workout a go-to favorite that will leave your booty feeling stronger and more sculpted.
What You'll Need: Reformer (No Box)
Optional: Loop Band

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Hey. It's Andrea. Today, we're flowing through an athletic and targeted workout that focuses on the glutes and the core. We'll focus on endurance and stamina in these strengthening exercises. So the setup for your reformer today, I want your foot bar in the middle upright position. We'll be starting with footwork. All of your springs are on.

If you wanna start a little bit lighter, take off your yellow Speir. You'll need a looped band for this. And if you don't wanna work with the band, you can still do all of these exercises without, but it will add a little bit of extra heat. So whatever level resistance you wanna work with, I'm working with light today. Headdress is up.

I've got my long loops attached. If you've got double loops, work with the longer of the 2. You don't need your sitting box. That's it. So let's get right into this. Step into your Andrea, bring it up above your knees, and lie down on your back.

Once you're down on your back, start on your toes, heels together toes apart in your pilates stance, press all the way out to straight legs, bend journeys, resist back in, and start to flow, reach, Andrea. Out Andrea in. As you're moving through your body today, think about keeping a gentle resistance out into that band. So even as you come in and you might lose a little bit of it, you don't wanna kind of push out and in aggressively into that. Right? So keeping that gentle connection to the band. All ten fingers pressing down into the mat, shoulders drawing down your back.

Let's get 5 more seconds in. On your next one, go all the way out. Bring it halfway in and pulse up and down, up and down. So never going all the way out, never coming all the way in. We're working the endurance here of the legs. So feeling that heat through that quads, the top of the legs. Shoot. Tail bone is down.

10 seconds. 5 more seconds. On your next one, hold it out halfway. Stay there. Little wraps out into that band. Wrap, wrap, wrap, keeping a gentle bit of tension the entire time. 5 more seconds. 3 more seconds, hold it out there, reach all the way out, bend your knees come in, walk up to your arches, hip distance, Andrea parallel, lengthen all the way out, and resisting.

Here we go. Full range. And you should feel that reflexology spot right in the middle of your foot, lengthening out, Andrea, and knees, again, lining up over your second toes. You have that nice form, that connection as we start our workout today. 10 more seconds. Shoo. Thinking about lifting the quad up, lifting the knee up.

Shoo. On your next one halfway in, big pulses up and down. Up and down. 10 seconds. Shoot. 5 more seconds.

Andrea go all the way out and come back in. Walk up to your heels, hip distance, flex your feet, lengthen out and in. So we are flowing through this footwork today, shoo, getting that circulation flowing. Everything is connected, even though we're targeting in on the lower body with our movement. I want you to think abdominals in and up, shoulders down, and arms are active.

So everything we do is always full body connected. On your next one halfway in Andrea pulses up and down. Up and down. Your heels are pressing that footbar out from under you. Shoot. 10 seconds. 5 seconds.

Let's go all the way out and come back in. Take your toes, turn them out in the corners of the footbar. Your knees actively press out into the band, lengthen out and in. So we do a bonus 4th variation of our footwork today. Here, you're still feeling the quads, right, you're still feeling the top of your legs, the front of your body, but wrapping around so we get the corner of the seat, the medias engaged here as well. 10 more seconds.

5 more seconds on your next one halfway in, and you know it's coming, little pulses up and down. 10 seconds. Whoo. Starting to shake 5 more seconds. Hold it out halfway, little wraps out, out, out, out. Take the knees out of this.

Just think about the glutes wrapping. Make it so muscular here. 10 seconds. 5 more seconds, hold it wide, lengthen out, and resist come all the way back in. Bring your knees into your chest, rock up, come seated.

We're going into a bridge. So I'm gonna say 2 red springs. If you want less stability, which is gonna be a little bit more challenging, do a red and a blue. Lower your headdress all the way down flat and lie down on your back. Keep the band on.

All the way down. Okay. So let's do the same leg as each other. I want you to come up onto your right heel, then left toes, your hip distance in parallel. Top your tailbone under. Lift your hips up.

Hold yourself up in this position, upper ribs down, tailbone gliding under. Start to lower that shape down and lift it right back up. Lower and lift. So you wanna make sure that heel is high enough on the foot bar that if you took away the left foot, you would still be balanced Andrea in control because I'm gonna tell you right now, that's your future. Lower down and up. On the next one, keep it up high little pulses up, down, up, down.

Try to keep the carriage in as best you can. 5 more seconds. Hold it up there. Now keeping the work in that right heel, lift the left leg up to a tabletop. Same thing. Let's lower it down, up, lower, and lift.

You're doing full range to begin. Andrea that means as low as you can without losing that curl under of the tailbone, 5 seconds, hold at the top little pulses up, down, up, down 10 seconds. 5 seconds. Hold it up there. Now stay there. Both knees open out to the sides.

They come back parallel. Open out Andrea. Give me just a few like this. On your next one, hold it out. Wides. Stay there. Push out halfway.

Draw the carriage in. Carriage glides out halfway. It comes back in 10 seconds. Find your own pace. Find your own range.

Keep it in control. After your next one, you're gonna meet me back in. Hold. Parallel your legs. Extend that left leg up to the ceiling, Andrea finale, little pulses up, down, up, down, lift, and lift. Try to match my pace here for 876543 2 Andrea 1, woo, foot down, roll down, rest for a second, shake it out.

Let's put the left heel on, the right toes on. Hip distance in parallel, tuck Andrea, we're going right into it before we can think about it. Start to lower the shape down and lift it right back up, down, up, and down. So this is our prepping moment. Right now, we've got about 90% of the work in that left heel. Right leg is helping us stabilize the hips, keep them nice Andrea even. On the next one, keep it up high Andrea pulse your hips.

Up and up and up 10 seconds, lift, and lift to a neck check, shoulders down, 5 more seconds. Shoot. Keep it up there. Lift the right leg up, tabletop that leg. We do the whole thing again, lower it down, up, lower, and lift. So, again, how fast you do this is up to you.

I want you to keep the carriage in. Keep it so connected. Hold at the next one. Little pulses up, down, up, down, 10 seconds. Shoot.

5 seconds. Hold it up there. Both knees open out. They come back parallel. They go out and in. It's like a double clamshell out in.

Give me 2 more. Hold the turn out. Push out halfway, pull it back in. Press the carriage out Andrea. I want you to think about doing this from the corner of that left glute. 5 seconds.

3 seconds. Meet me in parallel your legs. Extend your leg to the ceiling, little pulses up, down, up, down. Match my pace on these. Give me 876543 2 Andrea one foot down.

Oh, we made it roll down. Shake it out. Relax for a moment. Hug your knees into your chest. Do a little rock side to side. While you're stretching, reach back. Lift your headdress all the way back up if you have that ability with your reformer Andrea slide the loop down.

I want it to go over the top of your feet and underneath the arch, slide an inch or so out of your shoulder blocks, tabletop your legs, Curl your head and chest up. Andrea stack behind your head and neck. With a little bit of tension in this band, extend your legs out to 45 degrees, bend your knees back in. Just start to flow that out. And in.

So it's like a hovering footwork here focusing now on the core. We still have that abduction out. So outer hips and glutes are engaged. But tailbone staying down, you're zippering in and up from the low abs. 10 seconds. Shoot. 5 more seconds. The next one, keep everything out.

Little pulses out out into that band. Pulse. Pulse. 10 seconds. Shoot. 5 more seconds. Hold it where it is. Pull one knee in toward your chest and then switch your legs. You switch and switch. I want you to keep a gentle tension out into that band throughout. So legs are not together.

10 seconds. Shoot. 5 more seconds. Keep one knee in. Hold it there and crunch up, down, up, down, lift, match my pace on these for 8, up 7, up 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, hold it up on 1. Make a mental note which knees in twist toward it Andrea switch legs and criss cross over, over, over 10 seconds, 5 seconds, Bend in quick reset, then we'll do the other side.

Table top your legs, head and chest up hands behind your head. Now remember that mental note. Extend that leg out. You have the opposite knee in here Andrea behind your head, little crunches up, down, up, down. 10 seconds. Shoot. 5 more seconds.

Hold it up high, twist toward that bent leg, and we crisscross again. Twist twist, twist, twist. Keep the tension in the Andrea. 10 seconds. 5 seconds.

When you're even here, bend in. Okay. Let's get rid of the band for now. Set it down to the side. Reach back and grab those loops. Your arms go up to the ceiling, tabletop your legs.

Thumbs and first fingers come together in a diamond shape, shoulders down, put a little bit of tension out into those bands, legs up to the ceiling, shoulders down, give me a lower lift, down, and bring it back up. Now this is a big diamond shape lower and lift back up. Everything down and back up. If your hands are losing that tension, I want you to reach them forward of your sternum. Shoot, just give me one more like this. Bring it up, bend into a tabletop.

Now, one leg, let's dip it down over the foot bar, bring it back Andrea alternate legs down, and up. It's this little alternating little dip down toes into the ocean. 10 seconds down and down. 5 seconds, give me one more each leg to be even. Meet me back in tabletop. This is a version of a TikTok.

Your hands stay still. Your knees dip over to one side, and they come back center. They dip over to the other side. And center over center and over. You should feel this in your transverse abs, the deepest layer of your core. You should also feel this in the back of your arms, just as a bonus, one more set over and over. Let's bring everything home.

Reset for a moment. You have one more thing, and then I'll get you off your back. Arms go up. Knees and legs extend up. Lower one leg down to hover above your footbar. Your arms are parallel.

Big arm press down and back up, down. And up, this is our version of the 100 today. So we're getting this nice big pump of circulation, but we're challenging the core to scoop in. If you'd rather bring that bottom leg higher, do it. If you wanna challenge this with that like going even under the footbar, do it as long as your back doesn't arch, work to where your body is today. Phew.

5 more seconds. Phew. On your next one, your arms go down. If your leg was under the footbar, bring it up above the footbar, curl up big scissor switch here, switch your legs, switch, switch, switch, 10 seconds, reach those fingertips forward. 5 seconds.

Andrea then bending. Relax for a moment. We got the second side. Tharms are up, knees in legs up, lower the opposite leg down, and here we go. Straight down and up.

Reach and back. So you're matching whatever variation you did on that first side. 10 seconds. 5 seconds. Kvie got her scissor switches. Hold it down there. Curl up. Here we go. Switch, switch.

Switch. Try to match my pace here. 10 seconds. Finger tips are reaching toward the end of the reformer. 5 seconds.

And let's bring it home. Oh, loops go back. Rockup comes seated. Okay. I think we're warmed up now. So let's go on to one blue Speir.

This is for some seated twisting. So I'm gonna give you some options once we're in this. Sit cross legged facing out. If you don't love that, for your knees, you could try putting your legs out in front of you, but I like this to start, so check it out, see how it feels. We'll start holding on to the loop, sit nice and tall, start with your hands in front of you, connecting from your core, twist toward the foot bar, untwist all the way back toward the risers. So it's this little ring out. If that feels like it's a lot in your shoulders or neck, do this on a yellow instead of a blue.

If you feel like you want a longer range, little bit more resistance. Hold on to the middle of the loop. Hold on to the start of the rope. The arms are secondary on this. They're following what the abdominals are doing.

They're twisting. They're wringing it out. Now, you can either stick with this or turn it into a circle, twist circle up overhead, and bring it down. Twist to the footbar circle up over to the shoulder blocks. Give me 10 seconds like this.

Twists circle up and over 5 more seconds. Shoo. Just one more. Bring it down. K. Close the carriage. Put that loop down. Put your hands onto your foot bar and bring yourself up to stand.

If you're on a yellow, that's gonna be a little bit more challenging. One blue is more stable. So make your choice, feet together, I'm still on one blue spring. Hands are on the foot bar. Let's do the same leg as each other.

Take your right foot, step it across the left, then turn your feet so your heels point to the right, your toes point to the left. Drop all the way down into a plank and hold it there. Shoulders down, scoop and pike the carriage up, and lengthen back down to your plank. Flow through this up and down. Your heels are flat for this to begin. Shoulders are pressing down your back, and we're wrapping into the right waist.

The oblique One more time. Go all the way up, all the way down, hold. Now pop up onto your tip toes, feet are still in the same spot Bend your knees in Andrea extend them out. Bend in and lengthen out. That case scenario here, you have your shoulders over your wrists. You're lifting weight up out of the wrists, so there's not too much flexion or pressure down there.

One more time. Send it out hold. Now, glide that shape back a few inches, draw it forward. Glide it back a few inches Andrea forward. Couple more like this.

It's a small movement back Andrea in. Give me one more. Meet me in your plank. Stay there. Now your right hip goes down, up, down, up. You should feel this again in the right waistline. 10 seconds.

5 seconds. Untwist come all the way down. Sit back. Give your wrists a little shake. Before we do the second side of planking, I wanna bring it back to your twists. So turn face the opposite direction Whatever your setup was, if you were lighter on a yellow, put it back there.

Hold on to the loop. If you had more tension, grab onto the middle of the loop and the rope, and here we go. Twist toward the footbar, untwist back toward the shoulder lock. Now the range on this, how big or small you go doesn't matter as much as the connection of the core. Right? So scooping in, lifting up You're thinking about wringing your abs out like a towel, arms follow, whatever the core is doing. Shoo.

Turning this into a full circle, twisting to the foot bar up over and around. Twist circle up and around. Don't move from the arms again. Circle your torso around. 5 seconds.

And then bring that all the way home. Hook the loop down. Hands come onto the footbar first. Bring yourself up to stand. Let's do the second side of our planking.

Feeder together. Left foot goes up and over the right. Heels point to the left, toes point to the right, drop down into your twisted plank. Heels stay flat, pipe up, scoop it in, and send it back down. Start to flow.

Now the reason I like to do this often with the heels down is because you get that whole side of both feet, scooping in Andrea drawing the carriage in and under. So you really get that working back of the left tip Tangible activation into the oblique. 5 more seconds here. Whoo. On this next one, hold it down in your plank, pop up to your tiptoes Ben your knees in and extend them out, drawing in and out, double check. You're not dropping too much weight forward. Lift your chest.

Stay proud and open there. On your next one, hold your plank. Stay there. Let's press back a few inches and in. Glide it back and in, and your left hip should be lifting up just a bit more than you might think. 5 seconds.

Hold it back in your plank. Lower that left hip down an inch up, down, up. 10 seconds Andrea you're out of this. 5 seconds, untwist, come down, knee to knee, close the carriage, and step off. Give a little shake out.

Okay. Let's go straight into some glute work here. So I want you to stay on a blue spring. If you're on a yellow, put it on a blue. Let's grab your band and slide your band up above your knees. So the band comes all the way up.

Lower your headdress flat for this first one, come up onto your knees facing toward your shoulder blocks. Reach down, grab one of those loops, give it a gentle pull, hook that around your arch. Now my opposite hand to that leg is coming down through the shoulder blocks, press up against the opposite shoulder block, grab the peg. Other hand can just stabilize where you feel best. Your leg is down Andrea you sweep up and you lengthen down.

Sweeping up. And down now as you start to move and you say, this is what she was gonna have me do. If you don't want that band on, take that loop to band off. This is a hard with or without it. Right? So that looped band just adds a little bit of spice. You got 10 seconds like this.

Straight up and down. So we're working the outer hip with this looped band But the main focus here is hamstring, back of the leg, major part of the glute, the maximus, and even the top of the glute, you're minimus. Hold this leg up at the top. Give me little pulses up Andrea. I want you to keep the care just still as you can.

10 seconds. Lift and lift Andrea lift 5 more seconds. Shoot. Hold it up there. Turn it out slightly. Flex your foot bend in towards your elbow, stamp it back, bend it in, and stamp it back. 10 seconds. Open your chest gaze out past the end of your headrest.

On your next one, your leg extends out hold. Point your toes, little pulses up, up, up, and up. Final 10 seconds of this. 5 seconds And bend your knee, bring it down. Okay. So coming out of this, let's take the loop off. Carriage comes home.

Pop your head rest up. You're lying on your side. So if you'd like a pillow, grab it. Put the loop down to begin. I'm adding on a yellow Speir, so I have a blue and a yellow. If you wanna join me do it, if you wanna stick with one blue, that's fine.

Lie on your side. We're going into outer hip work. Take that loop in front of you. Give it a little pull and slide the loop up above your knee. So you're lying down here.

Stretch your waist out long. Top leg lifts up and down. Lift up and down. I like to take my hand, at least when I start and put it on my hip and stretch it out because I have a tendency to scrunch up away from the tension. So if you're like me, use your hand to cue your form.

The next one, keep your leg up high. Little pulses up, down, up, down, lift, and lift 10 strong seconds here. Rebuilding the strength, the endurance of that medias, that outer hip and glute. Hold it up on the next one. Trace little circles up back and around with that leg.

Up and back. And you can move the carriage on this one. Focus on the knee and the heels staying in the same plane, the same line of motion as best you can. Change your direction on the next one. Back lift up.

Shwent up 10 seconds. 5 seconds. Hold it up on the next one. Stay there. Now extend your light kick forward and bend it back in. Kick forward and in. You'll see my hand Andrea moves around my free hand to keep my hips stacked. As the leg goes forward, the hip is thinking about pulling back in opposition.

On the next one, keep your leg forward. Hold it there. Pull back slightly. Little pulses up. Up. Up. Give me 10 seconds. Lift. Lift. Lift. You have 5 seconds.

Shoo. Hold it up there, bend in everything lowers down. Take that loop. Let's slide it off your leg, bring the carriage all the way home, and set it back. Push your way up. We got the second side. So let's take off the yellow spring, back to being on one blue spring and bring yourself around.

So we're up on our knees, drop the head rest all the way flat. Take the loop, carefully give it a pull, hook your foot into that loop. Again, if you don't want the looped resistance band, take it off. Bring yourself down through the shoulder blocks on the opposite elbow. Extend your leg to the floor. And here we go.

Sweep straight up. And lengthen down. Straight up and down. So you know what this last big set today looks like? Chest is open Think about leaning toward the action, toward that moving leg. Abdominals are engaged throughout, so there's no arch, shing, or whipping over the back. It's backside of the body, hamstring, and glute.

On your next one, keep that leg up high. Stay there. Little pulses up and up. Keep the care just still as you can. Gazing just past the head rest. 5 seconds.

Hold it up there, turn your leg out, flex, bend in, tap the elbow, stamp it back, bend in, stamp it back. Best case scenario, this rope is tracking right in the middle of your knee for as long as possible. 5 seconds. Shoot. On your next one, your leg goes straight back. Hold. Point your toes, little pulses up, up, up, up, 10 seconds. Shoo. 5 seconds.

Andrea bend everything in. Reach down. Take the loop off. Set it back and sit up. Okay. Grand finale. Lift your headdress up. Adjust your Andrea, add the yellow spring if you did for the first side, and lie yourself down.

Hip slide toward the back edge, reach in front, get that reformer loop, gently pull it, and slide the loop above your knee. Stack your legs in a ninety degree angle, lengthen your top waist out. Here we go. Lift that top leg up, lower down, lift up, and down. So we're going in a full range As you start to lower, if you feel like your band starts to lose tension, that's probably your lowest point, because again, you don't wanna whip into that band. You wanna work the endurance, the stamina of that glute. Just one of my favorite things about these more targeted workouts is they really get that moment to build so much strength that then carries into those full body workouts really elevates our practice and our overall strength.

Hold your leg up on the next one. Little pulse is up and down, up and down. So building on that endurance with this, there's no break from that looped band. 10 seconds. Five more seconds.

Hold the tension. Let's circle the shape forward up, back and around. Up and back. And as that leg goes back, think about pressing back into where the hamstring meets the glued. I call that the smile of the seat. Andrea you're shaking, so am I.

This is this is tough. After your next one, change your direction Go back up and around, back and up, draw your shoulders down for me, lengthen out from the top of your head, 5 more seconds, hold it where it is, hips square off, kick your leg forward, bend it in. Forward, ending. Remember, as that leg kicks forward, pull your hip back in opposition, 10 seconds of this. Keep the carriage as still as you can. 5 more seconds.

Extend forward. Hold little pulses up, up, up, 10 seconds, lift, lift, lift, 5 seconds, and then bend in. Everything lowers down Andrea rest. Take the reformer loop, take it off your leg, carefully bring the carriage all the way back home, and hook the loop down. Rock yourself up, come seated facing your foot bar. Now, let's get rid of that looped band. We're gonna take it off, set it to the floor.

I wanna stretch out your glutes Andrea your pure formers before you're done with me today. Take your fingers, put them behind your back. Sit pretty close to the front edge. I'll show you the first option for this. Toes are on the frame, push out to two straight legs.

You're going into a figure 4 stretch. So if this is the right choice for you today, stick with it. Otherwise, let's step one foot up onto the foot bar, The other leg comes across, flex your foot. So either way, we've got that flexed cross leg. Lift up tall. Bend your bottom leg slowly. Let the carriage come in.

Press it back out. You're flowing through at your own pace and your own range. You can see my pace is slow. My range is small, and I am feeling this. So you should be getting this major stretch around into these muscles we've been working so much today. And just deep natural breaths.

On the next one, press out. Put your toes down. All ten toes are on the footbar or the frame, walk your hands down the frame of the reformer. Hold on if it's available to you to that foot bar. Drop your heels and stretch your body over.

We're getting that big back body stretch here, hamstrings, Start to walk your way back up. Coming all the way up, sit tall, take the other leg. I like to help my leg here in this position, flex your foot across, lift up with spider fingers, and slowly bend and straighten. You're gonna feel exactly where we've been working here in this stretch. On the next one.

Hold it out there. Bring those toes back down Andrea again, walk your way down the frame of your reformer. If you can, you can either hold on to the side here or give me an underhand grip on your footbar. Pulling your head and chest gently down, increasing that stretch. And then when you're ready, start to walk your way slowly back up, bend your knees.

Bring the carriage Andrea bring your feet down one at a time. Oh, and that is it. We are done with that workout. I hope your glutes knobs are feeling it, but that stretch felt really nice. Right? That's it. I will see you for your next workout.


1 person likes this.
Amazing teacher
1 person likes this.
Love this class! WOW, that series with the band loop and reformer loop side lying is intense, in a great way!
4 people like this.
Loved this class!  I hope she teaches more classes for Pilates Anytime!
1 person likes this.
Great Ckass!!!
Shannon H
1 person likes this.
I cannot wait for the last class tomorrow! What a great series, you are a fantastic instructor!
Shona Croft
1 person likes this.
Amazing fresh new ideas and great workouts xxxx
1 person likes this.
wow what an efficient workout. Loved it!
1 person likes this.
Another 10 rated class!! Loved it❤️
1 person likes this.
Holy glutes! Love it! Great instruction!
1 person likes this.
Love your classes!!! And love the oblique work.
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