Tutorial #1340

Toe Corrector

15 min - Tutorial


Niedra Gabriel teaches a Toe Corrector tutorial that works both the fingers and the toes, opening up lines of energy up the legs and arms. Niedra recommends using the Toe Corrector when you want to get more sensitivity and intelligence in the feet, particularly before performing Footwork or working with the Jump Board. Enjoy this interesting tutorial!
What You'll Need: Toe Corrector

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Mar 21, 2014
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Hi there. This evening what I wanted to do with some tutorials, I'm starting with a toll corrector, which I'm will, we will show how to use four fingers, hands two which is hardly ever done but wonderful to do. Anytime you want to get more sensitivity and intelligence in the legs. Specializing in defining the feed more specifically is helpful before footwork, before jumping board, which is what we're going to do a little bit later on. But for now we're starting with the feet. This is good if you have problems, if you have Bunyan's, if you have aging clients or if you just want more intelligent and powerful feet or healthy feet, it helps separate the toes. So most of us have dead numb, dumb toes.

If I was to say the truth of my opinion about most people's feet, mine included, so what we've done here, by the way, you can use a big fat rubber band that you can buy from staples. Or if you buy Broccoli and you have a thick rubber band round the vegetables, that works really well too. And this is a toe corrector, a grads toe corrector. So we put it around the big toe. Now, Mandy, if you would pull your feet apart and let this stretch your big toe inwards. So keep going out and in. So what she's doing, as she's stretching out, it's allowing the the band or the rubber band to pull and start to loosen up the big toe. The big toe usually gets kind of jammed and stuck and calcified and I can already see that on both feet as she's pulling out her big toe is actually pulling in like it's gotten an abundant tendency. Sometimes I, we don't want that mandate. Keep going and I'm going to not let you do. It's a spread your toes first, spread your toes and now let the foot go apart.

Pause here and I'm actually tractioning her big toe inwards to edit educated. We really want very wide feet. Then come back in and again do the same again and let that, this foot isn't doing it. Being too cooperative. That's okay. Keep going. I said Tozer stupid. So this is like common knowledge. It usually takes a little bit fussing, hold it out.

It takes some fast to kind of teach the toes to do something. They're not used to come back in, press out again. And if you're doing it to yourself, you reach down and make the toe go away. That's better. We want this toll. Yes, no, yeah. I actually want the toe to be traction in the knot. I don't want you to get strong. Yeah. So as you go on my right.

Okay, so spread out and hold and I'm going to try and help you. Yes. Two more times like that. She stopped being stupid. Yeah, it's tricky. They really liked their, these things down at the bottom of the foot that don't do much. Now that starting out, see if you can also spread the toes apart. I'm doing it with my hands to kind of demonstrate what we're trying to achieve here. This separation of the toes.

Keep going back and forth and thought we'll follow energy. We'll follow thoughts. Just having the intention. She starting to work really hard. It's hard, isn't it? Yeah, that's it. Paul and Paul. Now, we will not do this today all the way, but you can actually move if, especially if you're working with a rubber band, you, we won't be able to do it. You can do the same saying moving down the toes. So every time the band is over, we're looking to open up the webbing.

So now she's got these two together and she's pulling apart. Yeah. That's amazing. Now as you do it, I want to also to feel that you're moving all the way. Yes. So you start to activate and wake up the legs and by the way, do foot work. Do this. Go back and do footwork again and you'll see your legs good. And your butt or yeah. Yeah. It wakes the muscles up. Getting the toes to spread up opens up the nervous system.

Yes. It's all the way up. Right into my hip. So each toe is going to give a different sensation. It's going to wake up a different energy line up the leg. Well, well-worth doing this. So you would go, we can not really go all the way down, but if using a rubber band sometimes is better than high tech equipment, we're back to the big toe. Mandy, spread your feet a little bit longer out in front of you. So now you've got long feet. We want you to flex your feet all the way and a separate, and by the way, the joint, if possible, you want to put it above the knuckle, not below the knuckle.

We're looking to get the toes long now spread apart so the toes are pulling towards each other. Keep the toes pulling up at. Press the ball of the foot down. So you're in a high flex position of the toes and I can feel how tight your big toe joint is. Now keeps spreading and press the toes down towards the floor. Press down, down, down to stretch them at the tarsals and then lift the toes up so you flat.

Yes, you get this full flection of the toe. Keep the toes pulling apart and then flex the foot all the way up. You can bend your knees. So keep going to your, this band is pulling you apart. You press down, press the toes down, lift the toes up, spreading. Flex your feet all the way, all the way, all the way up. And again, press down. I wanted to see this pulling apart. Yes. Press down, toes towards the floor. Keep spreading that spring.

Pull it apart to forces your toes to be wide. Lift the toes up and flex your feet two more times like this. This is good. See how much nicer, more detail is coming into the whole foot. Press down. I want this toe to stay in. Pull down, lift the toe up and flex your feet and flex. Your knees. Might just as well get, make the whole leg work. And one more time.

I'm going to get the heels apart as well. Press down all five joints. Press the toe down. Nice Mandy. Lift the toe up and flex your feet all the way up. Very, very good. Now if you have a Bunyan, which you just have the beginnings of, you can either keep one foot, if you put, put this and lift your knee up and whole behind your knee with your hand.

So you're pulling the traction of the spring is up. You can also do this. I'll take the foot out. You can hold the spring with your hand. Now this is very individual because if you have a Bunyan, you want to traction out so that you're pulling the joint out and then you just pull the big toe joint down. So you press the toe joint down and lift the big toe joint up and you're working the toe against. That's a press down.

And if the toe up and press down, I want the knee now straight and up. Let's get this foot a little bit more out. That's it. Press down. But Mandy, you need to pull, no, not the foot. The Toe. Yes, that's it. So that you're, you're not letting the Bunyan pattern work. You're forcing the joint to remember how to move in a right alignment. And it's quite amazing how much, much. Um, sometimes it can be calcium deposits.

Sometimes the joint is a little rusty a lot. This is like wd 40. Yes. Look how much better the joint is working and the big toe has its own fulcrum of a work. Make sure, see if you can keep yourself straight it and it's a big stabilizer. The other four toes work with a different balance of muscles from the big toe. So often people lose that stabilize of the big toe. This looks good.

Let's have you do the other side. It feels really good and nice. So out. So lots of the foot long. Remember you're tracking this joint out and long and then you pulling the big toe down and up against resistance. How far away you have the foot that's working is up to you. You can be sitting.

I know some people like to work the other foot up and then you work your big toe down and up. You just training that big toe to do work. Just like my thumb is pressing down and lifting up. So you're exercising your big toe. Fine. Listen with a little bit more funny, Huh? Yeah. Yes, I'm going to hold your foot a bit now. Press down, pull, pull, pull, try to pull over my hand.

I'm going to help it down and up. You've got the idea with the angle, so she's pulling out because her toe wants to go in two more times. Mandy, down, down, down, down and up. A mind of its own. Yeah, come on and up. Okay, that's good. With that for now. Takes a little time. It's interesting and fun to do. It's kind of a brain twister among other things. Now pull apart with the psalms. Same Way, same concept.

Just stretch your thumbs away from the center so you use it a stretch of time, so in and out a few times. Pull, pull, pull, pull and put. Now let me show you with the other fingers, it's a little bit different because you want to, you can use them that way. I forgot up up at the top. Some of us, especially as people get older, they get arthritic joints and the joints start to bend. You want to encourage the fingers to be stretched. That's it.

And then, yeah, that's really interesting. I can feel the differences between the two sides. Move onto the middle finger. Same thing, just stretching and think of the whole hand stretching. You're really trying to pull the whole palm. We're really taking all the bones and making them more malleable.

And then the ring finger, would that be good for carpal tunnel? I would say so because carpal tunnel is usually from this kind of up your arm. And again, so think of the little finger pulling away from the ring finger. And before you move further to the little finger, turn your hands. So they're back to back as well. So turn them this way. Yeah. Yes. Because what you will do is you're going to pull the finger this way.

Uh, that's it. So you pull apart. But no, this has to be a Pi. Okay. Uh, to join. So another way to play with this. So you'll pull that. So you feel how it's stretching the whole inside. It's like you're taking the fingers and you're pulling them back.

So those are two ways to work into the fingers. And one more, make sure both hands are pulling away from each other. And now do the same with the little finger. Just a way, because the little finger will not work the same way. It's got nothing to pull away from when you're pulling it into yes. All the way up into my shoulders.

I can see it working all the way into your shoulders. Oh my goodness. Especially in my left. Just taught. Wonderful. Now next one. Let's take this down. So this is toe corrector for the fingers. You take the spring center, this is a little tricky. This you cannot do or let's get it in. So you're holding it and you're working in and very interesting way to exercise.

So we will pull this apart to help you. Yes. So not just go up and down and work your fingers. That's it. Three and four have a go with the next fingers. So yeah, we go into one hand at a time and again, one, two, three, four. PyLadies is for everything. Hi, good. I will pull it apart. So you can go ring finger. Whoops.

One, two. This is, these are archival exercises with the toe corrector. We don't really do them and they are very, very sophisticated work into the extremities. Yeah. And let's have you do the last one. Yes. Two.

I have to concentrate. It is so different. Isn't that wild? Now can't have you unbalanced. So you're going to do the other hand too. Oh my head feel alive. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Fantastic. So here we go.

Better. Okay. Yeah, but too, see my other finger wants to come in and save it. Yeah, that's exactly it. Eventually you learn to really get the fingers to work. Let's have you do with this. The third, this is perfect. You can do at your desk. [inaudible] two, three, four. Cool. And wing finger. Okay. Whoops. Here we are, right. Whoa. With overt popped. Yeah, that this happens. It kind of it the spring.

It's cause I'm so strong right. Here we are. Okay. So here we are. Ring Finger. Yes, you got it. Okay. Two, three. Want to come help. And here we go with the last one. One. Whoops, go slowly.

I'm not really sure what you can use for this if you don't have a tow corrector. Maybe even if you take a tennis ball and you just squeeze, you practice working the extremities, I think that could work. We just never think of actually using the tips of our fingers. And that's the most, um, furthest away point for the nervous system. Yay. That looks awesome. So there you go.

The toe of toe corrector is a wonderful tool to use. Very great for the hands. If you don't have one for the hat, just use a rubber band and use a ball for the contracting part. Very therapeutic way. Or do use, huh?


Amazing Niedra! Not sure how I missed this earlier. The finger work looks challenging, but beneficial for an often ignored part of the body.
Genius Niedra! You're my favourite!
Niedra Gabriel
You make me smile.
It feels wonderful when we work all the way out to the extremities of body. Thank you!
Niedra Gabriel
I so agree Penny, each inch of our bodies has life and qualities, addressing the smallest part brings more life and detail to the whole. Enjoy, enjoy.
Thanks Niedra, I am going to use this to see if it helps my "trigger thumb" issue...
As well as my feets!
Niedra Gabriel
Let me know - I hope it does Candace.
1 person likes this.
New to the Toe Gizmo, loving the new sense of connection up the feet to the hips and the hand sequences is like icing on the cake! Very cool way of working up back to the arms, shoulders, neck. I have two boys who play video games and they are my new guinea pigs Thanks Niedra!
Niedra Gabriel
awesome Hilary 

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