Tutorial #1341

Foot Corrector Tutorial

10 min - Tutorial


Niedra Gabriel teaches a Foot Corrector tutorial that releases and strengthens the feet. She cautions that this practice may be painful at first since most people have calcified and stiff feet. However, after working with the Foot Corrector, you will find that pressure and tension are lifted from your body.
What You'll Need: Foot Corrector

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Apr 18, 2014
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So we have a foot corrector here. This one is made by balanced body. Um, I have often worked with ones that are done with grots, fabulous, fabulous underused peoples piece of equipment. Most people's feet are very calcified and stiff and tight. I've never seen people, it's a love hate relationship. They start out, it's so painful. They scream and then they want to buy one of their own because they have so much benefit. Pregnant women.

Most every pregnant woman I've had would get one because it helped her so much. Ease pressure in her whole body. So Mandy lets have you stand up and just face me with one hand here. I like to have people with a hand holding onto a wall or something so that I don't have to deal with pressure to start with. You use it just to break up tension.

So I have Mandy with her foot across the art and just push down and as you push down I'd like you to take the weight off of this foot. So you stand on it. Yes. And then stand back down. Actually let's have you move back a bit. So your hand is in front so it'll be easier. So just to show you, Mandi, this is what I mean. I want you to push and down and push and down. So just stand, stand and down. That's the, so you're just taking full weight and three and four and five. Now I'm moving her an inch down and same thing again.

One, two, three, four, five and then another inch down the rails. Keep going, Mandy. I am moving her foot because unconsciously as it goes through the middle of the arch, there is a lot more pain and the person suddenly jumps five inches instead of one inch and they don't even know they're avoiding the areas that are the most congested. Four and five and again, one, two, three, four and five. And then the last one and one. Sometimes I will have a person work on the heel too. I'm actually, let's have you do it as well. Occasionally people have bow, um, bone spurs. Most Times the heel is the least painful, but occasionally they really need to break up something. And Five.

Now let's just have you do the other one. Facing the camera, Mandy, so you work with, let's move it back and just start and when Mandy is doing this, when people do this man, his feet just get going with it. One, um, sometimes people are very dropped the arches or very deformed feet. If the arches are very draft, move down a little, I will really make a focus that they press into the outer foot, outer foot instead of in keep going, man, to some people would come in there and they'll be doing the work and every, they have this completely collapsed foot, so I want to restore the foot. I want to correct the foot into the curb stimulated. Usually there's a lot of numbness and a lot of calcium buildup on the outer line of the foot. I make sure that working the pressure as much as possible into that line.

Good. Little further. That's painful, right? Yes. Okay. It's the same. It was painful. Yes. Yes. That's why this is good. That's why I'm having you move incrementally usually. So feet can be very, very painful if it's too painful for them to take full weight.

That's it. I have the person keep that foot on the floor. That's why they're holding on and they just take as much weight as they can bear cause you really like opening up style. Huge amount of stagnation in the foot as you just do this. This is like a massage. Okay, now move. Keep going down. That's it. So we just, how much weight the person takes is very personal, but the eventually the person to be able to take a lot of weight for weight and enjoy it because it's actually like that Nice feeling versus Oh my God, I'm being crucified or something.

Oh here we go. Cool. If this like more painful. Yes. The opposite one. You could feel it. Okay, this is good. Now let's go. So this first part is just to break up and release tension in the foot.

Now we start to strengthen the foot. So let's have you, I'm sorry, I always liked the hand face me. So the hand is in front of the body weight. The ball of the foot. Design in the heel is on the map. And I want you with this knees slightly bent and standing all your weight on this foot. So can you, and I'd rather let's have this foot a little bit back. Mandate your standing foot stand. Just stand on it.

So basically what you're emulating is your weight is here and here's your foot and your foot corrector. And now all you're going to do is push down. I want this knee bent. The reason I'm anal on that, this is the inclination, so you get it to go down. But with body weight, I don't, I want it all foot. So see if you can press down, press and lift, press and lift, press and lift. Press. Now I start to look at what's happening with the knee. And right now you're rolling way in Mandy, let, yes, let's have you extend the toes instead of crunch them.

Get the weight into the outer foot. Yes. So the arch is not, and I remember we were doing that work into the big toe. Now press down, do not roll this knee in. Push. Now do you see or you're rocking don't rocks. They understand. Yes. Now you are working the foot and she's got a lot less movement going on cause he's really isolating. Yeah, that's exactly what you want. So you want to get that foot active. You really training the foot to work like this and not you have the rest of the body involved much harder. That was great.

Now bring the heel to the top and the toes here. So lift your foot up. You can adjust your other foot. This one I absolutely love for dropped arches. So you're just gonna push down and you have to think that it's really making the heel drop. There's a certain amount of body changing, but you want to see if you can feel the arch contracting as the heel goes down. Yes, we can now see it. Yes.

So you're making the arch. Yeah. And this is a trick one and the four people with drop artist, I have them focus so they can feel, what's it like to make the art muscle work? Cause that people usually just don't even know that it's a muscle that they can activate. That was lovely. Let's have you do the other side. Let's have you stand this way so we can see the inside of your foot. So here we are.

Now let's have you turn back and stand on the other side. I wanted the inside of your arch to be viewed. Yes. Right. So same foot. So try to lift the arch. I'm looking at the line of your foot. Disney, I want bent. I want you to wait on that. Like can you lift it?

I don't think you're standing on that. Like lift this foot up. Oh you are? Okay. No, change the balance. Okay. Is the knee slightly soft? I want the weight into the little toe. Mandy Moore. And now push down. Push just the foot. Do not shift weight. Push. There we go now.

Now she's getting this leg and foot to work. Press and press. That's it. So you're really isolating and it's hard for her. She's not getting a lot of movement going because she's really getting the foot. It's working hard. Yes. Okay. That was good. Mandy.

Put the heel up here, just so again. And here again, I wanted you to know all before you go down all five toes on the mat, on the floor, heel toe, little toe is specially for you cause you have a very slight tendency towards a dropped dart and beginning Bunyan. So we want that, all of that. So we taking these toes, spreading them, and now see if you can push down with the heel and up and press down. And I'm blocking her toes cause her toes want to curl up if you don't have someone to help you with that. So it's really pressure into the outer foot Outta here, Mandy. Yes, that's it.

That's it. Now we're getting this art's to work. And one more time. Lovely. Very, very good. Oh, okay. So how do your feet feel? They feel relaxed. Yay. So there you go. Wonderful piece of equipment in joy.

Hope you have fun and have beautiful feet.


2 people like this.
Thanks Niedra! Excellent piece.
Niedra Gabriel
i am so glad you enjoyed this tutorial Hydie, I love the foot corrector.
7 people like this.
Love it. Love it. Love it. More foot corrector tutorials PLEASE???
1 person likes this.
Niedra, you are also a genius of the body. Like Joe! Thank you for this. Love it!
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you JC - just checked your website and FB and you are something yourself. I will be in the UK teaching a weekend of Pilates in August in Worthing ( I believe). happy to share details if you like. contact me at niedra@spirit-moves.com
Theres H
1 person likes this.
hi, I love any foordwork excercises. Thank you. As I don't have a footcorrector, I did this tutorial with a tennis ball. It is surely not as painful and effective, but would u recommend that at all? it could then also easily included in a group workout.
many thanks
Niedra Gabriel
Theres, you are really " thinking on your feet", great idea to work with a tennis ball, it allows for a lot of benefits and you are so right, you can use it in group classes this way too. There are NEVER any hard and fast rules that would stop you form doing pilates, it is about health and fitness and finding a way - Jospeh created the magic circle originally from a beer barrel, so you are in good company.
1 person likes this.
Thank you so much! More feet, please!
Rina S
1 person likes this.
Amazing. Last night, I was feeling exhausted and achy. I didn't have the energy for a full body workout and decided to deal just with my feet. I dusted off my neglected foot corrector and went to work. This definitely invigorated my whole body. I still feel my feet in a sensitive but positive way this morning. Am I correct in assuming that this is not something to be done two days in a row? (At least not at the beginning.)
Niedra Gabriel
How exciting to read your post Rina - I am also from Israel originally, so always excited to connect with a fellow sabra. i personally see no reason not to work on your feet regularly, meaning daily. It is really more of a personal issue, as if your feet are VERY congested and calcified, the first time or two can be pretty painful and you are breaking up calcification, or stuff facia or moving little bones that may not have moved in years.... so if it seemed like it is too much, back off, but if you are ok with the sensations -you may find your energy and all your other workouts at a whole new level because of including your feet in the process. Enjoy!
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