Tutorial #3853

Visceral Movements - Fluids

30 min - Tutorial


In this video, Gil looks at different types of adhesions and the effects they have on the viscera.

This video was filmed and produced by Gil Hedley. It includes videos and photos of dissections of cadavers (embalmed human donors). You can visit his website for more information about his workshops.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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May 01, 2019
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So here we're going in now differentiating woman by fluids. True gliding. Okay, this is the hockey popcorn ice with the water. This is the glass slip with a drop of oil on the glass slide. True blinding, and we're in the chest of it. We made a windows in the chest wall and I'm sure it's body. Well, the going along with blinds on the rib cage in flies. That's true blinding. It's a fluid in their face and said here to it. You can't just look at this as a differential runner. You see that?

Okay, people come between the river and you'll see differential movement between the lobes of the lungs. Why? Because as the lung inflates as to squirrels or relative movement of the lung, it twists on itself and so it has to glide on. So simultaneous to gliding along the ribcage, it glides on itself at the low lobular interfaces. Is that cool? These are beautiful health months. I mean [inaudible].

Okay. Did this placement of deliver every inflation of the lung news, the liver, the liver then displaces the other viscera, right? And you have a general repeated 20,000 times a day excursion of all your visceral, based on your breath cycle. It's quite a magnificent dance going on and wonderfully in the same room. We had two forms, both unfixed on one table, this, this healthy gliding lung. And on the other table they have lung cancer from smoking.

So we inflated those walls too and saw them to have emphysema. Okay, that's the bubbles. Okay. Emphysema means blown up is a Greek word. You can read it in the New Testament. Jesus walked into the upper room after the resurrection and found the disciples hiding in fear and he addressed them. He said, peace be with you. And I says, and he flew space them. He blew them up. He blew on them and said, receive the Holy Spirit.

These are balling up. The parent kind of the lung is gone. There's no recall out. You can't expel the air when you have emphysema. So it's Kinda like this. My mom is the film read on top of that stuff that you can't get the oxygen and you gotta work for it. And he came to the carbon dioxide out. So [inaudible] anyway, watch these lungs for youth. Quite different than the other ones.

It's like a knuckle ball. We don't have differential movement between the lobes of the lungs because they're fuzzed over. Right. The disease processes resulted in inflammation, which has resulted in that hegemon [inaudible] of surfaces that wants to go I and are not bound to one another. They're fuzzy over rolls up like a knuckle ball. No more spin on the slide cigarette. I want you to tell you not to smoke. Okay? I'm the last guy to tell you I can do my uncle, he was apparently schizophrenia, his only pleasure, mindful smoking and the last person to tell him not to smoke. So this is raised long so you can see that the visceral Pleura is that hearing to the parietal floor like it's like an abandoned Asian. And what I noticed, again, like I say in the first speech, I can think time and the Phys, I was referencing visceral adhesions where it's kind of cool, you can see like, oh there's the thought something got going.

It generated a general stillness. And then you start getting Tribeca I growing in there that represent like follow on adhesions, right? It's progressive stillness, be get stillness, movement begets movement. This is what I was basing that insight on. And you can see time lapse things, right? And you can start and if you, if you do, you can see snapshots and recognize that something is in a stage of a cycle. You see, oh you never see this guy [inaudible] why did they leave a little white cloud behind him? And if you stare at it for awhile, often you'll see little pendulum drop off the room and then you see kind of spreading, let me see, 10 of them in a row and all spread together and just [inaudible] of a cirrus cloud. That's a, not a cloud mourn of the earth's things, but born of the airplanes. Right. And, and it after a while you get used to looking at the sky and such a place.

Then you, you're like, oh that's like before our old airplane clown. That's not a regular cloud, right? It's the same thing here I'm looking at an x many year old adhesion followed with other adhesions. Here's Flo's chest. This was amazing. So okay, I'm trying to pour, I'm dissecting your chest wall but as long as drop down and I've created a space where there was only a potential space right? This along the normally be adherence of the chest wall wide fluid, but the system is operating now so on this class and dropped down and the Pleura don't touch each other. There are two of them, right?

And so that creates a channel at the chest wall. I put my finger in between the Pleura on the right and the poorer on the left and create a channel in between them. And that's normal anatomy that there would be a fuzzy yellow stuff between the media scan structures and the chest walls, predictable anatomy. Now I'm tearing the up and honest media style aspect because I'm just making the dissection to keep going. Right. And I want to do the whole thing when I get over here and I'm like, Huh, I already tore the core. What's Huh? [inaudible] push. Push up. Shut up.

I got to look out my scalpel. It my hands. I've got to get a knife cut this long off of the chest. That's kind of weird. Huh? Gliding surface. Right. I need a knife to get to my part. What's the deal there? And look at the force that I have to use with my hand and pry that blown off of the chest wall. This particular lung was in here? No, 100% of the surface.

Not Weird. Since when do you have a prime alarm off the chest wall should just be flopped down like that. Oh sign right. Cause it's a gliding surface. Look, I cut the chest wall, look up on a couple of their glue. It's coming up. It's [inaudible] right. The entire apex of the lung is stuck to the couple of the thoracic space and I had to pry everything apart. I go on copy as a point of contrast. Alumni on the other side, you can see it straight edges.

That's the normal presentation of a long being. Nice. I couldn't, this little abandoned adhesion was maybe oysters were problems given the fact that they have the lungs but it does represent the same kind of invasion you saw and raise stressful. I pop it now the whole thing's three and that is that. But over here I can go back after I've tried the visceral pour from the native style color. We can say glued together completely. How that long, I don't know it's going to be last in line at all. No more gliding surfaces. We don't blind with glue that glue long pry that whole thing.

I've had a try off in the diaphragm front. Hmm. And of course it's got me curious and I want to know like how's that, what's the deal with that? Like a completely progressive Asian and I would say see entire Oregon, my best friend from high school, one was playing on a universal machine. You don't go off like this [inaudible] but he's a critical care pulmonologist.

I called them up. I said, hey Richard, I have this case in the lab where the lung is set here and go over 100% was Christina Canadian sites on that? I'm curious. He said, well, we had no procedure. I was like, well, tell him that. So the procedure is when you have a patient who's alum keeps collapsing repeatedly, right? You can inject talcum powder in between the visceral on Friday pleura reinflate the line will be completely in the plural stick to the fluoro [inaudible]. Right? And it won't collapse on you Marcus little bed here because inflammation I believe too, and dehydration, the top right leads to stickiness, right?

So that that was intended or this could be an incidence in that there are other ways that this could happen. This could be grouping. I thought this was most likely that, and you can see your on the race zone plan, those are 10% of your breath, your client [inaudible] percent. You might sacrifice that. So maybe she was like, I really hurts and I can send some more. So this is a therapy that's offered and then that person makes the choice. Yes, do this to me. I know that my mom will be stuck forever, but at least it won't collapse in collapsed lungs and little ladies grilling hurts. It hurts the young people too. I had a fellow sitting in [inaudible] right out there, uh, two talks ago and he said that was happening to me too as a young man.

The Yoga Dude. Right. And it must've been the other dude cause he had a really cool beard [inaudible] [inaudible] problem of repeatedly collapsing and they offered him the therapy of the top injection and he refused it because he had looked into that and learn that it was like carcinogenic and he didn't really want to endure that. Maybe. So maybe if you're young you don't want to do that. Maybe if you're very old, it's six in one half dozen. The other get cancer in 20 years right here and your age. Chances are right. So, so he rejected that, but he asked them instead to brave the surface. Smart Guy, a braid, the surface, the interior surface of the ones. So they scratched it all up, made a goose and then they played it as long as stuck to that doesn't, it doesn't collapse anymore. So he hasn't had to here on long buddy. He's not, he's not at risk of cancer because of him. Smart Guy.

So I don't know. All lady and I can't, of course, several times we'll have this problem also a young person with repeated collapsed lung. She had, um, when she had a period amongst clubs, it was like a syndrome is like 24 people on Earth who have this syndrome. This poor lady has a syndrome, a great suffering, you can imagine. And she was offered the talc injection. She didn't want to do it as a young yoga person who didn't want her lung stuck. And so she's worked with food and all kinds of stuff to try and change her hormone system to make a lung stuff cause which comes success good for her.

These are flows. One's being in play now. They were outstandingly beautiful. Um, you have to warm up after them to stop all that time and look at how they picked up, actually picked up and they're so beautiful to me. The way that they lift her heart. You see how the inflation in the lung actually lifts the heart? See what is the hoc, all right, if not an organ that trace to every cell of your body, what does the shape of the heart, if not the shape of your body, right?

And the lungs screening only in the wings of your heart. And maybe how I shouldn't excalation unless you, again, with every inflation of the lung, the liver will be displaced in a particular, right, in a particular excursion path based on his ligamentous relationships. So with the liver would move your more dramatically if the chest wall were in place. Right? But it's not. And so we still see some of them in malaria, in response to the inflation along the movement of the heart center there. But the, the liver has a coronary ligament here and those relationships with the diaphragm, with the right triangle they miss and that creates an access and access of movement for the liver based on this coroner and and right. My triangle with was so turns like this, but then with each inflation is displaced flipped word, right.

And it follows the path of this woman meant the falciform in the round ligament towards the natal. So the liver is, is working on its axis, dropping down and rolling towards [inaudible] with every breath. Inhale and exhale. Many roles laterally, same axis put backwards, can rises up and talks back onto the rib cage. That's the normal excursion pattern of the liver. Close liver had a beautiful colliding there according to which it would moved as I'm describing this letter would not, no, as I was describing, right? Because if you have an anchor point on the lower margin on the liver, now we ended up, one's inflate, the liver is trying to roll forward, but it's caught up on a hitch and so it's not gonna roll forward.

It's gonna maybe be displaced like enough, a wall straight down and maybe it's going to tip right or it's going to tip left based on where along the margin of the liver we find me an Asian. Now, skilled visceral therapist could pow paid for the normal excursion and the variations on the excursion of the normal liver and also pal, these kind of distorted movements that is the same as palpating that scar on the light and now you've, you've, you've spotted the thing, you've seen the access point around where's the things turning, which isn't the predicted one, and then you can play with that, right? And see if you can invite vectors of movement through that space that will maybe melt that patient over time. Because again, 20,000 times a day you have lots of opportunities. Once you've introduced a movement for that movement to increase in its range until the body will dissolve something that it doesn't mean anymore. That's where we can't necessarily retreat from our, and again, these, that stet represents a healing event, right? And it's own way. You see these, these are agglomerative processes that are happening in our bodies.

This is a treasure, right? We can look at it and say, oh my gosh, this bad thing is happening to me. I go to sleep and eight hours later on more stuff than it was when I laid down. I sat in a chair for four hours. I feel more stiff than, I didn't want to start it. I put this is actually, you have like a lawyer on retainer in your body, right? In other words, the process that that effects the wound closure and the feeling right in his times of difficulty, that process is always present to you. Right? And so, and in order to keep it in check or in balance, one, I like to keep from healing you so much that you're turning into a block of wood. You got to keep moving, right? But we don't, we don't want to consider a bad asset. Right. It's, it's, it's an asset. Do you understand that? Like this is a healing principle in our body that's always with us and in an order and in order to not let it get the best of us, we, we, we keep going. Flo's liver was actually a hearing, but all along the margin of the liver where her right meant around him was stuck to her. She had very many on Donald's surgeries. Sure.

I won't be a mentor. First of all, look at Race Valley. This is day five folks. I do object to advertising of fresh tissue. That section cause you take it out of the fridge and then crushing it. So I like to say fixed on fixed. I think that's more, Huh? It describes the state of the bombing also described this movement potential [inaudible] fixed wadi actually moves too much. You see you can take grandma's arms and toss them over her head.

She might not have been able to do that. She was like, no, no, no, no, no. The best ear hurts, but she ain't complaining afterwards. Right. All the muscles had gone flacid this, no emotional resistance. You can break through Haitians that she doesn't even feel right. So the unfixed body is hyper mobile, the fixed body is not mobile. Uh, the truth is somewhere in between.

[inaudible] he had no adhesions into this hearing and acquainted beautiful. And uh, so I was moving them about and showing you the gliding properties of the intestines. As I gathered the lips of the Mesentery, you can skip the loops with the intestines themselves just gliding, slipping and sliding along each other with their stairs. Fluid coating. It's a vacuum packed in there folks. There's no space, right? We have still continuity in the viscera, but the [inaudible] are different. Right? So we have this angry holding and balling up and then folding in on itself and right as these movements take place, right?

And then the vessel return in forms and they kind of blossom, right? They have a common end road. It's the same plant. Right. But there are prolongation is that then kind of rub against each other? In this case it's fashion, fluid fashion instead of fashion, fashion, fashion. Like you have in the musculoskeletal system here you got fashion, fashion, fashion or you have fanship fluid fashion, but they're continuous still and that fluid in between them is alive and it's you great. That's not some dense stuff. The fashion of alive, the blue books are alive. You're alive. This is awesome.

I'm going to screen to say, excuse me sometimes like a little Fascia. Is that, am I talking about my Mike [inaudible]? Here's clothes ascending colon covered in the fluid. We're not talking about gallons of fluid in her salt, so we're talking about a serious membrane, the coding of the organ with a Mesothelioma layer that kind of poses grace. That then becomes an adhesion point, like the drop of oil between the glass flip and the glass slide, allowing these organs to be continuous and moving differential gliding on each other here our flows, small intestines running the bowel kind of Tracey through the pathway, the intestines to observe though what she got going on there. You know, this is what all searches do. This and announcer can kind of, you run the mile high during the dissections too. I find stuff when I do it, I here. Okay, this moves to the test center stuff.

Why are they stuck to each other? I did a little further. Turns out the leaves of the mesentery are structurally shot because the tumor has grown and stuck them together. Tumors can sit things. Okay, gross and the adhesions are all alive. Okay. They have vasculature, they have innervation and they grow so you can see right down below, look, it's only fashion. It's like 13 girls. Tell me Mash it. Right.

We have cotton gandy membrane connecting loops are the attention that would normally be gliding surfaces. Can you see how confusing dissection is when you see tissues like that here and they represent right? Well, it's gone wild and the very same tissue is what's permitting moment in the musculoskeletal system here. I found out ideation this time it was stitches, stitches and staples. We through the mesentery there was fishing stapled together. Why would that be? I kind of guessed that that circles were there before me because I had already taken the tumor out problem. I don't get the people's medical records.

I just guess based on the footprints I see in the body, so flo had quite a few different types of adhesions, whether in her store accident or an ad and then demonstrating all the different ways that things can stick to each other inside, inside of the gut. As a, as a demonstration height of a glomeration as a sequelae of inflammation. Do we become inflamed also in our musculoskeletal tissues? Yes. Do we become a glomeration in her muscular tissues? I know saying, well, why would think so, but we're not going to be able to say that definitively is what was going on and to given body during that section. You have to do that with the histology. You have to do that with biochemistry. I can't see that in gross dissection.

All I see is phys where futsal and if they can't tell you it's too much files or not enough fuss, I got to look at function for that. I got to know why. There used to be all put the macaroni on the third shelf night, come on, put it on for sure. Right. They want to see that limitation. Then I can add to my series of questions about it. Is there a glomeration now? It doesn't have to be that, but it can be that, right? Just another thing in your toolkit. Oh, well, have you ever had a bunny get hit by a car?

Walk up on your front lawn die. I have [inaudible] [inaudible] when you walk up on my phone [inaudible] [inaudible] my front lawn died and I'm being homeschooled homeschool dad. I was like [inaudible] a lesson [inaudible] because you could appreciate you're in the camera and dissected the bunny and I'm gonna show it to you. You said talk about monies earlier, right? And I want to show you by point of comparison. You saw inside flaws valley, there was one pretty, y'all was completely normal. Hopefully your values look like that on the inside, not so stuck maybe, but, but yellow fatty mesentery, mezzo colon as a colon.

Patty had appendages along your calling. This is all all on normal, healthy tissue. What we call her flub or hit her very swelling, superficial fashion. But once it was removed, she had value just like Mr got it was concave. Okay. She didn't have any fatty accumulation in your abdomen that was presenting and if you saw all that fatty tissue in her abdomen, that's normal human presentation. Don't be thinking I shouldn't have any fat in my body. No, we, we have fat. It's, it's our function. It's our endocrine system. It's our own fax system is, it's our, it's our metabolism, it's our health. But pennies have a very different emotional life. So here's the buddies, mesentery, we don't see any fat in deposition and I said, we said that we see the parents and the on white soap bubbles on the arcades of Vasco of shared that that constitutes the Meza, the Mesenteric Fabric, October loops of the intestines and it's quite beautiful and, and quite a sharp contrast to, to our, our human form.

And we see this same pattern repeated. And the buddies here is actually a little bunny was a mountain funny shit going to have five monies and they're really cute. I was like midwife to a dead money and a pretty nice to thighs too. She got none of it. Okay. I was like, you know, or you're carrying I the a. That's my one. I gave her a cow. Well, it's too big. I want the funny, no, that's a little enough.

Her name is Lou Flo's heart. Unlike her, unlike her, I'm downloadable or a Besser, her alone was not adhering to. It was this fluid and beautiful heart as you could possibly don't park and you can see as I, as I touch it, you can see the differential movement of the heart and under the, you can see through the members, right? If I grab it, he was trying to pull up. Let's see how it's adherent. There's no space there. I haven't cut it to make a space. No air gets in right now. There's the fluids of DHEA here, right?

That's like a long collapse move. There's air in here now. Ouch. That's unfortunately going into the potential spaces like sardines. I find that the deeper, the deeper I go into the body, the more deeply I'm touch in the process. I consider it an extraordinary honor and responsibility to hold another human beings hard in hand, even if that human beings passed on and left their shell behind. That shell itself was precious and uh, and moving, right?

Yeah. To her relationship with that until you're on heart. Okay. No response. And this hard in particular kind of shook me. It was so perfect and so fluid and such a beautiful representation of a place where the blood refreshes its movement doing the mechanical for. Right.

I like to think about the movement model for the heart rather than a pump leads. That is the place where, where the spin is refreshed on blood. And the, the most vital aspect of what the heart does is this refreshing of the bloods laminar vortex rather than, um, with pushing. It's not poor that you're blessed sucked to the periphery. [inaudible] so to the periphery sucked to the center pushing it, I'd have to be much bigger. [inaudible] so it was quite precious to hold and free. Completely free. [inaudible] yes, true.

Got Base Heart. He had had a triple bypass. So we can see all these adhesions between the visceral pericardium and the private pericardium. These are staples, so in the heart surgeries, the membranes are hoping to, and sometimes the staple Mac onto the surface of the heart without being close. And these processes, again as if it's like the heart as a pump and you're replacing the pipes, you know, to have much worried about these sorts of things, right? But if the heart is the place where their blood spins are precious as motion and you've done something that's going to generate a straight jacket on and in x many years and you want it, it's a different, right? Again, the model that you bring to it is going to affect your behavior. If you brought a movement model to the heart, you might do your surgery a little bit different, right?

You might work with a patient a little bit differently in a way that would minimize the straight Jacqueline effect of adhesion on that prepared pump. I love clarinet and stuff that feel very rewarding. This was a cool situation here because we had an unfixed target like flows, but it had just [inaudible] one at Haitian and I thought a lot about this as we played with that beginning. We play the play with the stuff on finding in score. What's this range of motion has played. Right? So so what, what? What happens to that?

The Heart's movement if it's holding hands with the side of the space that have sent me is now has access to the motion. That wasn't normal to everyone. It was completely free to do as banks. Right? So now it's stuck here and it's Kinda, it's kind of changed the dance. It's going to change the way that it spins the blood, isn't it? It can't spin the blood exactly the same way for an his dynamic or variable way.

I look to the other side of the graph to copy and then innovation down by the pulmonary veins and checking. Sure enough there's a canyon wrong in that. That's what I mean by one. One still point leads to another, right? You get that one banded Haitian. This kind of complicated issue.

Back to the formations on the opposite side, the access of motion that's been created. So Rosa, fountain, thoughts and Malcolm don't talk them. [inaudible] all right. Bye. Melt. I need to soften introduced vectors of the movement to invite, right. Range of motion rather than provoking new tiering because you think something doesn't belong over. Remember, compensations have their place, right?

And if you just pop that ages, it's kind of get more orientations, right? Cause you're gonna create inflammation. He's going to repeat the cycle.

Integral Anatomy: What's the Fuzz?!


Cynthia G
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