Introduction #3862

The Pilates Daily

1 min - Introduction
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Each day of the week has a different energy, so why not match your Pilates practice to your mood for the day? This 7-day course includes movement classes designed to take you through each day of the week, with the start being more intense and the end of the week being more restorative. These Mat classes use minimal props so you can practice anywhere. Get ready to move and we'll see you on the Mat!
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Aug 05, 2019
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[inaudible] each day of the week has a different energy, so why not match your philosophies class to that field? Hi, I'm Jia Calhoun, and this new series is designed to take you through each day of the week. These quick mat classes use minimal props so you can practice them. Anyway, get ready to move and I'll see you on the mat.

The Pilates Daily: A Class for Each Day of the Week: On the Mat


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