Introduction #4836

Begin Pilates

1 min - Introduction
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Pilates is designed to meet you where you are. In Erin Wilson's program, Begin Pilates, you will experience just that. Erin created this series of Beginner Pilates Mat classes with all of her favorite tips and tricks that she has learned through the years to make the exercises more accessible to your body. You will increase your flexibility, strength, and overall awareness of how you move. Let's get started!
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Jan 05, 2022
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Pilates is designed to meet you right where you are. And in this program, Begin Pilates, we will experience just that. I'm Erin Wilson and I've created this series of beginner Pilates mat classes with all of my favorite tips and tricks that I've learned through the years to help make the exercises more accessible to your body. When we finish, you'll be on your way to increasing your flexibility, strength, and overall awareness of how you move. Let's begin.

Begin Pilates: Start Here!


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