Introduction #5374

Go with the Flow

1 min - Introduction
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Movement should be a celebration of what your body can do and a vehicle to make you feel alive. Join Erika Quest in her new series that will take you through creative and functional ways to stay fresh with your Pilates practice. Each session focuses on seamless sequencing to keep you moving and thriving for life. There is joy in movement so let's celebrate your body and get ready to flow!
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Jul 26, 2023
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Movement should be a celebration of what your body can do and a vehicle to make you feel alive. I'm Erika Quest and my new series will take you through creative and functional ways to stay fresh with your Pilates practice. Each session includes seamless sequences to keep you moving and thriving for life. There is joy in movement, so let's celebrate your body and let's get ready to go with the flow.


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