Tutorial #5670

Round vs Flat Elephant

1 min - Tutorial


Join Amy Havens for an enlightening tutorial focused on mastering the elephant exercise, a fundamental movement in the Pilates repertoire. Learn valuable tips on proper form and execution, including how to engage your core and maintain alignment throughout the exercise. Discover the nuances between performing the elephant with a short spine versus a round spine, exploring how these variations affect muscle engagement and overall benefits of the movement.
What You'll Need: Reformer (No Box)

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Hi, everyone. Amy Haven's here talking about the benefits of options for elephant, round back elephant, or a flat back elephant. If you or your client happens to be a little lordotic like this, we want to extend the line of that curve, and let's work our round back elephant. Looks like this. Your hands are on your footbar. Heels are back against the shoulder blocks and really pull that navel up your lumbar up to the ceiling.

Round the entire spine. You push from the legs and you maintain that curve. The work is keeping the curve of your low back up to the ceiling. Therefore, that c curve and that c shape. Okay?

Now if you or your client happens to be tighter in the back of your legs or your back. Let's have you work the flat back elephant. Here's what that looks like. Same setup, hands and feet, This time, legs are straight. Back is straight.

You get your head down between your arms, your sitting bones up, your rib cage snug, shoulders on your back, and you're working those long legs and that long spine, flat back elephant, both are good. Both have different purposes, and we think it's really important that we show you options. So I hope this has helped you. Thank you.



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