Tutorial #5802

Building Confidence

5 min - Tutorial


Seasoned Pilates instructors Maria Leone and Tracey Mallett share their personal journeys and insights on developing teaching confidence. They explore the common challenges new instructors face and provide practical strategies for overcoming self-doubt in the studio. Their wealth of combined experience shines through as they discuss the importance of finding your authentic voice while staying true to Pilates principles, offering valuable guidance for teachers at every stage of their career.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Dec 05, 2024
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Hi. I'm Maria. And I'm Tracy. I'm so excited to be here with Maria. We're here to help you find your inner confident you. We've all been there. Right? Definitely. Definitely. So what do you do? How do you prepare for a class? Like, if it's something you've never done before and you think you might be a little nervous, what do you kinda do? I'll be I come extremely prepared, probably too over prepared, and that's also can be a negative too. Correct.

So I think there's a happy medium being prepared and way over prepared. We've got to find that happy medium point of view because it's a lot of you put a lot of pressure on yourself, which I do, and I'm sure you do too, because we're perfectionists, but we're just a little bit hard on ourselves, but lots of preparation, lots of positive affirmations. Absolutely. I can do this. I mean, it's true. I'm human too. I can do this.

I'm gonna walk in. I think it all it it comes back to your confidence. And so all that preparation for me is just so I can be confident. So I prepare, and then I throw it away. But when you prepare, I think you go in feeling like, okay, I have a plan even if you don't go back to that. It's like you have that foundation to go in.

So it gives you that prop up. I can do it, and then you probably won't even do what you just did. Yeah. How many times have you done that before? A lot of times. Me too. A lot of times, because something else comes up, but it just gives you that confidence to like, crawl your nerves so you can go out there and just be you because you're like, I'm prepared. I think walking into the room is really important too, like, your posture, how you address people, that you are you're on their level. You're not above them, but you are their teacher.

You take control, but you are you you. You're on the same level as them. Just that they come into you for an expertise that they don't possess. But at the end of the day, We're all the same level. And I think that's really important that we're not looking and talking down to them.

We were talking to them. Exactly. Exactly. But you can also I think I always tell teachers just be yourself. Be yourself. Be yourself. And if you mess up, you just kinda go like, oops, I messed up. At the end of the day, people aren't looking for, like, whether your flow was right or not. They're looking for you to connect to them.

And if you have passion for Pilates and you're teaching passionately, that's all people really want, you know, like, that connection of, like, this is a passionate. This is someone that, like, is into this, and that's who they wanna learn. Well, they feel the energy. It's all about. It's about your energy that you bring. And and that you can't manufacture. It's it's there. And you have to find your passion, your energy to bring into the class.

And I think that's what resonates with people. At the end of the day, I would say, Pilatus is not rocket science. We can all learn Pilates. Yeah. But it's how you connect with your audience. And my biggest thing is lightness tracks like this, and you think, why is people gonna come to me?

Because I'm not like that that pretty blah blah blah Instagram influencer. I'm like, they're coming for you. Your journey is their journey. Whatever you go through in your journey to be a piloted instructor is what you're teaching them, and they're attracted to you because you're giving something that they see something in you. So I truly believe there's an audience for everybody.

And I think that's where the confidence comes from, like, because we're always continuously comparing ourselves with other people when there's no need to. You are amazing. You're Maria. I'm Tracy. I am who I am, and that's why they're coming to the class for you. Yep. Not for anybody else.

I also think it's important that you take control of the room. Absolutely. Like, it's not It's not hanging out like you and me right now talking about stuff. Right? Like, you have to it's it's a performance. You walk on stage. You take control of the room. Hi, I'm Maria. That's set up your machine. It's so nice to meet you.

Thank you for being here. You speak loud. You speak with authority. You use your posture, and you just kinda set that tone. And then your passion comes out. And then if you make a mistake, I make mistakes all the time.

It's owning the mistake, though. It's owning the mistake. Yes. Yes. And it's okay to own the mistake because we're human. And then every now and then, I'll be like, hey. Did we do this already? I'm like, hey.

Which leg are we on? I'm like, you guys keep tracking your own leg. Like, just go the other side. You know? I did that yesterday when I was in the middle of a floor, and I forgot the arrow desk and the lady in front of me, Lisa, because I was filming the live class. And she and she's doing this. She's doing the arrow desk. I'm like, oh, yeah.

We forgot the arrow desk. Thank you, Lisa. You know? Okay. Oops. We'd can't be Leone leg wonders, but it's people love that. They do love that. That's probably why we love you because you accept that we're not perfect. Exactly.

That's the thing. Confidence. Confidence. It's not about perfection. It's about being you. Well said, Tracy.

Thank you.


Gal P
Hi Tracey, Hi Maria. Can you elaborate on how it looks for you to Prepare for a class? I find it hard to come up with an intention, a goal. do you get inspiration from another teacher. at least when you were at the beginning?  
Thank you for any response. 

Gal P My inspiration for a class is to teach a well balanced class to the class level that’s in front of me. I always start with Mat work to warm up the core and spinal articulation then move to the apparatus. Even if teaching a group reformer class I start the same way. Always leg work first then progress to hit flexion, later flexion, rotation and extension. Flow is important to plan into your class. Remember, it’s you that gets bored before your class does. Keep it simple and attainable then you can up the intensity if they’re able with good alignment. Hope this helps! 
Sorry typos here LATERAL FLEXION. 
Gal P
Thank you very much for the answer! Really appreciate it. 
The director of the studio at my place really thinks about a big goal throughout the year and then divides it into a goal for the month, for example this month the goal is a extention, then this week a hip ext', a week after that a back ext' etc. And acording to that she builds the class with all planes but a focus on hip ext', let's say) I felt it was too big for me, I still can't think so big and then get down to the little details. 
I try to do it like you said, but i love the mat work everytime. 
Thank you and happy holidays! Tracey Mallett 
Super helpful video, and also appreciate the feedback in the notes, Tracey Mallett! I've been teaching mat for 10+ years and just began my reformer training and all of a sudden feel like a total newbie :)

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