Tutorial #5868

When a Cue Is Not Working

5 min - Tutorial


Maria Leone and Tracey Mallett share their candid insights on navigating those awkward moments when your cues suddenly miss the mark in class. Through their wealth of teaching experience, they discuss practical strategies for gracefully pivoting when exercises fall flat, offering alternative approaches that keep students engaged and class momentum flowing. Their conversation delves into the delicate balance of honoring traditional Pilates principles while addressing student requests for trending exercises, providing fellow instructors with valuable tools to maintain the integrity of their teaching while staying current and relatable.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Dec 05, 2024
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Hi. I'm Tracey, and I'm Maria. We're kinda talking about, like, when you're in a class and you're queuing your class and it's just not happening and you kinda have to pivot, what would you do? First of all, I take ownership and I kinda go, hey. You know what? This isn't this isn't working the way I thought. Mhmm. Let's take this to this instead. So you just kinda dial it back. You dial it back.

So you don't want the class to feel like they're, like, doing a terrible job. It's like, hey. I'm gonna I'm gonna shift gears. Let's try this first. And sometimes I'll say let's try this first. Rick, you know, admitting that was maybe a little too much. Yep.

And then if that first step goes well, then maybe I will go back and add a second step on. Or sometimes they just need a if it's something like really new that they're not familiar with, it's like, hey. Hold up everybody. So not very often because it does stop the flow, but sometimes I will say, let me just show you this. Yeah. I think there's a happy fine line there with when you're teaching a group exercise, class, that it's not about every exercise. Let me show you how.

Yeah. You have to learn as an instructor to be able to cue them without them looking at you. However, maybe we've taken them a little bit too far. You're like, you have to own up and go, you know what? You're not quite ready for that. Mhmm. Let's dial it back a little bit. And sometimes it's that I'm not ready for it. Like, I haven't quite have my verbal explanation for what I'm doing. Something might be a little bit new for me, and I know I'm still, like, working this out.

And I'll even say sometimes. I'm like, hey. I'm still roughing this out. And I might have to get down in show something if I don't have the words for it, but, again, that's like worst case worst case scenario. Kind of moving into where the era that we're in right now, which is why we're doing what we're doing is we get people walking and going, hey. I just saw this on Instagram.

Can we do this exercise today? Mhmm. They're watching the exercise in the middle of the exercise. They don't know how to set it up. They don't know where he comes from. And so they'll go into a class.

They'll teach it, and they realize that it doesn't work because they don't know how to get in and out of the exercise. So it's kind of like we have to I think the moral behind this Learn the process. The process. Yeah. Learn the fundamentals. And then you can always kinda go up or down.

And take ownership when we make a mistake, and it's okay. We're all human. Let's just move on. It wasn't the right day. Yeah. I will do that too. Sometimes I'll be like, hey.

Let's just move on. We're gonna come back to this another time. Yep. And it's okay. We're human. Right? We are. I think.


Valya Karcher
When things go sideways I  like to tell the group "This is why we have dress rehearsal."  It makes me human and everyone has a good laugh.
Valya Karcher Ooooo I love this! Hilarious but so true!
oh yes ... I saw this on IG or tik tok, is the new thing :)

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