Tutorial #5821

Always Be Curious

5 min - Tutorial


Maria Leone and Tracey Mallett discuss the importance of maintaining curiosity and an open mindset throughout your career. Their candid discussion explores how returning to foundational principles with fresh eyes allows instructors to develop clearer, more effective teaching approaches, rather than simply accumulating new exercises. The dialogue highlights the importance of staying connected to the student experience by regularly taking classes from fellow instructors, creating a continuous cycle of learning that keeps teaching vibrant and evolving.
What You'll Need: No props needed

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Dec 05, 2024
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Hi. I'm Tracy. And I'm Maria. We're talking about how we never stop learning. And when you feel like you've stopped learning, then it's time to probably change profession. Quite simplistically put There's always been specifically now with Instagram, so many exercises, so many variations kept throwing at us, and we feel that we need to keep learning more and more and more and more different exercises but we really forget.

It's not really about learning new exercises. It's really coming back down to the basics, and I I don't like to say basics so much because soon I say basic, it really, like, turns off because nobody wants to do basic things. They wanna get a good workout. And I understand that, but it's coming back to the foundations, back to where Pilates originally started, and being able to really appreciate that to be able to go to all the free things that's all on Instagram right now. So learning is really, I love that saying, regress, to progress, is so vital in our community right now.

And a little story about me was I went and did, a great teacher training with Joy of a balanced body in December in London, and it was going back to all the original exercises back to basics. And I loved being a student at the back of the room and and seeing different people's queuing, seeing how the students reacted what what their difficulties was with grasping those exercises. And I realized personally how much I really enjoyed going back. It was so refreshing for me So I know I'm just like you, and I resonate with you that it's okay to go back. Absolutely.

Then you can do all the fruity things at the top. It's not about geography. Is a process just like doing Pilates is a process. Exactly. So you don't ever I mean, we always come back to a 100. Right? We do all the other stuff too, but some days, you just come back to a 100. So in your teaching, It's a process in the same way.

And it doesn't mean you have to go take every class, every course, every continuing education thing, but it does mean that you have to keep doing Pilates, even if it's on your own. And, man, if you can have anyone teaching you, I mean, Tracy and I, I know we're the same. We're like, oh, someone's gonna teach me. Not yet. Thank god. Someone teach me. Even if it's everything I know, just somebody else hearing somebody else's voice in my head instead of my own voice in my head, Do you teach at night? Like, in your head, do you catch yourself teaching? I sleep teaching. Like, literally sometimes I'm like, oh my god. I'm teaching. And, like, there's just, like, this channel playing in my head.

And the arms go up and the arms go down. I'll lift into you. Like, and I'm like, oh, shut that off. So keep keep your practice up, really. Just keep moving your body. Keep going deep, taking a deeper dive.

More is less. Trust you. Well, I said that wrong. I said that wrong. More is not less. More is not less. See, you're going into the new the new ethos of Pilates.

We're gonna reverse the ethos. That's our mission to reverse it. Our mission is for you to really Tracey love where Pilates comes from, and now we can take it to new heights. Less is more. Less is more. Trust the process.

It is a process. Yeah. A long one. It never stops. But it never stops, but it stays interesting. That's why we're still doing this. If it were boring, I mean, we would be how could we possibly be teaching the same stuff for 25 years? Think about that.

I haven't shifted around. I'm not suddenly doing, you know, crossfit and then doing aerobics and then doing spinning. Nope. Like, I have been teaching more or less everything on the same page because within this one discipline, you can go deep And you can also be creative with it too. That's why I find it very shallow minded when we say it's boring. I have since a podcast saying it's boring.

Pilates is not boring. It's you the person who's saying it is the boring Leone, not not the people that are actually doing this. Stay curious, everybody, and ask questions. Ask questions, ask questions, and continue finding your own voice, but the only way you can find your own voice is by taking different voices. Correct. Yeah.


Thank you Tracey and Maria for these conversations ! I've been teaching nearly twenty years and still find this movement interesting , intelligent, fun and incredibly effective !!  Both of your voices and points of view are so appreciated :)
Valya Karcher
You guys are a breath of fresh air...I've been teaching 20+ years and still find ways to be curious.   A big Shout Out to all the teachers on PilatesAnytime for inspiring all teachers!
Valya Karcher Thank you Valya appreciate your feedback, Maria and I hvae been working hard to deliver flows that make sense and inspire. Excited for the future!
Deborah Wasko Thank you Deborah we never stop being curious xo
Angelina K
1 person likes this.
This series is better than any Christmas gift I could think about! Thank you Tracey and Maria! 
What a cool and refreshing series!
It's so full of positivity and reassuring...!
Thank you so much you two!

Cheryl Z
Thanks do what you love what you do 
Cynthia M
Thank you both for your insight! I had to laugh about the incident of teaching in your sleep. This happens to me all the time!

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