Class #1356

Julian Littleford Tribute

45 min - Class


Melissa Connolly is back on Pilates Anytime with a tribute to her mentor, Julian Littleford. She teaches one of Julian's classic Mat routines that includes many intense exercises focusing on abdominals, glutes, and hamstrings. She is joined by Ginny Quick and Jessie Holmes Chatigny who were also students of Julian. We hope you enjoy this one!
What You'll Need: Mat

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Dec 14, 2013
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Hi, I'm Melissa Connolly and I'm here with you today for a tribute to Julien little firm. We're doing his classical mat routine and I have two of the instructors from the studio, Ginny and Jesse that came up from San Diego to join me as well as Christine. So you guys ready? Okay, so here we go. We're going to start on our backs with hip and shoulder raises. So start lying down. You want to bend your knees so you have your toes, heels, knees, hips and shoulders in line to get a nice deep breath. Inhale, hold it here on your exhale.

Dry Your abs and tight and roll your hips off off of the Mat. One Vertebrae at a time. Keep those hips lifted. Take your arms up and all the way overhead back of the hands, touching them at behind you. Axle, roll the spine down from the upper back, the middle back, the lower back, the tailbone, and then curl the chest up. Reach the fingertips to the knees, lower the arms, lower the head down again. Exhale, rule the hips up off the mat, one vertebrae at a time. Really engage the back of the legs and raise arms up and overhead back of the hands. Touch the mat behind you, axel.

Roll the spine down through the upper back, middle back, lower back, tailbone and curl the chest off the mat. Arms reach down to the sides. Head down again. Engage those abs. Pull the valley to the spine as you push into the feet and rule your hips up high. Inhale, stretch the arms up and overhead. Exhale, roll the spine down, creating space, a length and separation between every vertebrae. Curl the chest. Stop. Reached the fingertips above the knees and lower the chest down. Again, draw the ABS in. Push into the feet, rolling up, up, up. Take the arms up and overhead. Lengthen the neck.

Roll down one vertebrae at a tag and curl the chest up and reach the arms down to the sides. Head down. We'll do two more axial. Rule the hips up. Squeeze the back of the thighs. Inhale, take the arms over. Hud's axial ruled down one vertebrae at a time, and exhale, curl the chest up. Arms go down, head goes down. Last one, use your abs. Use Your glutes and hamstrings to lift the hips up. Take those arms up and overhead. Lengthen through the spine.

As you roll all the way down and curl the chest up and lower the arms and the head down. Come all the way up to seated. We're going to go into the spine. Stretch forward. So open your legs, flex your toes back. Take the hands right in front of you. Feel like there's a wall in front of your feet and a wall behind your back, lengthening tall. Tuck the chin to the chest. Draw your belly and as you round the spine forward, stay here and reach three times one a little further too. For this three, stack your spine. Roll up one vertebrae at a time, length and tall up through the crown and the hat head goes down.

Belly button pulls back as you round forward. Pulsing here for one, two, three. Draw the ABS in and stack the spine. One Vertebrae on top of the other. Again, head down, navel to spine, round forward and pulsing. One. Reach a little further to reach even further. Three and rural.

The spine up again. The head goes down the ABS. Pull back further. Use Your abdominals, pull them back as you stir ratchet one even further too. Even for their three pushed into the back of that. That is draw your belly in to rural up at last time here tend to test abs into the spine. Round forward and pulsing. One. Tighten the ABS. Two three. Roll the spine all the way up.

If you're like not like again, we'll come down to our backs when we go into the single leg shoulder raise. You want to bring your knees together, feet together, and you're going to cross your elbows. So tightening the fise. Feel the back of the legs. Your glutes engage. We're going to take an inhale to prepare. Exhale, curl the chest up. Lengthen your arms and your right leg forward.

Flex the right foot. Turn the leg out and lift a little higher. You bend that right in me. Cross your elbows, keeping the height and roll the spine down again. Curl the chest up. This time the left leg extends parallel. The arms reach forward. Flex the foot, turn out and lift higher. Keep that height as you bend the knee, cross the elbows and roll down and again, we curl the souths up. Stretch the arms in their right leg, flex the foot, turn it out. Well left a little higher. Bend the knee, cross the elbows and roll down with control again.

Curl the chest up, stretch the left leg and reach the arms forward. Flex the foot. Turn out and lift the little higher bed and then he crossed the elbows and construal the roll down. Exhale, curl out. Reach that right leg long stretch arms long. Flex the foot. Lift higher. Bend the knee, cross the elbows and roll the spine down. Exhale, curl the chest up. Stretch that left leg long. Reach to the fingers, flex the foot, lift higher. Bend the knee. Keep your height.

Cross the elbows and roll down. Exhale, curl the chest up. Reach the arms and legs long flex. Turn out and left. Bend the knee, cross the elbows. Roll the spine down. Curl the chest up. Stir refs the arm. Stretch the leg flex. Turn out and lift bad. Then he Cuba and rural. Yeah, down again. Acts Heel left. Reach long flex left. Bend the knee, cross the elbows. Roll down and curl up.

Stretch reason long. Here we go. Lift a little higher. Flex lift, bend the knee, cross the elbows. We're going to do one more. Both sides. Here we go. Left, right. Flex energy, pushing through the heels were reached. Reaching your fingers. Bend the knee, cross the elbows roll down. Curl that chest up. Stretching or reach. Flex, lift higher. Bend the knee. Cross the elbows and roll the spine down. That will get our attention. Come all the way up. All right, we're going to go into hamstring stretch.

Your legs are together, your feet are flexed. Raise arms up. Have that same feeling, the length of the spine. Tailbone up through the fingertips. Pull the toes back with a long spine. Reach forward to a high diagonal round and stretch forward over the legs.

Drop your head heavy. Reach out through the fingertips. Roll up, stretch the arms to the ceiling. Keep the feet flexed. Reach long and then round over the legs. Keep your abs engaged. Reach the arms away and lift up and lengthen tall again.

Reach forward. High diagonal round over the legs. Drop your head heavy region longer, stretch and come all the way up. One more like this. Reach forward ABS. Pull in, stretch over the legs. Drop your head heavy. Pull your stomach enteral up. Now stay here we go. Into a rotation with your legs. You turn out, feel the inner thighs engage. Give those glutes just a little pinch.

Squeeze the butt. Reach forward and then round again over the leg. Stretch. Reach through your fingertips to lengthen more and come all the way up again at the top. Give those glutes at schoolies. Lift up high. Reach long and forward. Head down. Stretch over the legs. Reach out through the fingers and rural AV job a valley and tie and that.

Reach forward. Head down. Stretch over the legs. Reach out through the fingertips. Roll Up, put your stomach in school easier. Bet. Let's see. One more in then head down and stir up. Reach the fingertips and lift all the way out and open the arms.

Good. Okay. Next AB series. Come down to your back. We're going to let go into the double leg shoulder raise. So your knees are together, your feet are together, the arms are crossed like you started with a single leg. Shoulder raise. We take a breath in. Nice deep breath. Before we begin. Exhale, curl the chest up your arms and your legs lengthen from here. Turn the legs off. Flex the feet. Lift a little higher. Keep that height.

Bend the knees, cross the elbows. Roll the spine down. Exhale, curl the chest up. Reach the arms and legs long, flexibly pushed to those heels. Lift higher and then me as cross the elbows and roll down again. Curl the chest up. Reach and lengthen. Arms and legs. Flex the feet. Lift higher. Squeeze those that are thighs bend. Then me as cross the elbows. Rule the spine down and curl the chest up.

Stretch everything long. Flex the feet. Push the heel left. Bend the knees, cross the elbows roll down again. We curl up. Reach energy through the till is through the fingertips. Flexibly. Turn them out left higher. Keep that height, bend the knees, cross the elbows and roll down. Curl the chest up. Stretch everything long. Flex the feet, turn out and left.

Bend the knees, cross the elbows roll down. We have two more. Exhale left. Reach long and we're not done with abs right here and lift a little higher bend. Then knees cross the elbows rural down. Last one. Curl up. Reach the arms and legs long. Flex the feet.

Turnout and left. Bend the knees. Cross the elbows. Roll down. We go into hundreds. Curl the chest up. It's Julian's routine, not mine. Stretch your arms and legs forward. Turn your legs out. Feel that. Squeeze me in her thighs and your glutes, and we pump the arms. Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Inhale, t four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five. Inhale and exhale. Breathe out all of the air. Inhale, two, three, four. [inaudible], two, three, four, five. Inhale, and exhale. Halfway there. Inhale, and exhale.

Two, three, four, five. Inhale and draw that belly deep to your spine. Inhale, two, four, five. Exhale, two more. See if you can challenge yourself, lower the legs and chest to bits. Last breath. Exhale. Two, three, four, five, and pause. Hands behind the head. Diamonds, you bend the knees. Exhale, lengthen. Bend. We call them diamonds. They're not frogs. They're smaller. Breathe into bend. Small. Exhale, stretch and squeeze the legs.

Emphasize rank fitting rather than the band. Emphasize your inner thighs squeezing together, your glutes, engaging and the belly pulling into the spine. Last one. Stretch your legs long. Raise your legs up towards 90 degrees. Inhale lower. Actually look at your stomach. See it. Pull in as you raise up and here lower. Look at your belly.

Pull it in and lift the legs up and hail our exhale and lower for more breathing. Three more. Keeping that down and support it on the mat. Working. Deepen your core. Bend your knees, whole behind your thighs. Come on up. Whew. Sweating. All right, you're going to sit up tall. Flex your feet. Stretch your arms out to the sides. So from here, feel this length up through your spine. Now your abs are working.

Pull them in deeper than before. Big Toes together. Heels together. Let's all rotate to the right. So twist to the right. Do three pollsters, one a little further too. For this three. Inhale, get tall on the center. Rotate left one a little further too for this three and center twisting. Really wring out in your waist to three. Get Taller in the center. Ring it out. Exhale, twist a little further too. For this three, get tall or in the center. Exhale, twist a little further to bare this three. Check those feet.

They're glued together and twist a little further a little further. Now stay here. Reach energy through your fingers. Turn your legs out and our thighs tight. Glutes tight and we twist one and two and three in heel center. Exhale, twist a little further to ber. There's three inhale, center. Exhale, rotate. Two, three, center really wring out in that waist to three.

He'll stay connected last time on both sides. Two, three, get Tom. Last one, twist two, three and center. Feet parallel. Arms forward. Roll down. Transition onto your back. Good arms. Go down to the sides. We're going to go into leg circles. Bend your right knee up to a tabletop position. Now Flex your left foot. Your left leg is are stable. Like, I want you to anchor the back of the thigh, so really pressed down into the hamstring and push energy out through the left heel. Lengthen that right leg as you lengthen it.

Pull the navel down to the spot. We're going to have our circles as big as we can. Keep our hips stable. The legs are parallel. Take this right like across the body. Exhale down around and center we do ten two exhale, center 30 exhale, center four. Use your abs to pull it center and exhale.

Center six. Exhale, center hip. Stay Nice and still eight and center. Two more center. Last one. Put the brakes on. We reverse the circle. Take the like out, down are under harass and left out. Dad Around Karasin, left Breeden and Maria outs. Keep checking in with those hips. Keep them really still in quiet.

Check in with the left thigh. Press it into the map. Last three and two and one pause. He had been the right knee stretched out like Dan along the map. Flex the right foot. Bring your left knee a tabletop. Before we start. Just settle in here feeling your hips are square, your belly button anchors down, pulls into the spine, right.

Five presses into the mat. Now lengthen the left leg up and with quiet hips. Take the leg or crops down around and center. Breathe in. Exhale, center 30. Exhale, center four and center half of the circles that inhale half of the circles and exhale. Good. We have four and three last two and put the brakes on reverse out. Exhale, center to ABS. Pull em three belly to spine for exhale.

Five. Press the right thigh into the mat. Exhale seven, eight, nine, 10. Bend the left knee to table top position. Stretch it long on the mat. Good. We're gonna stay on our backs. For the next exercise. We'll go into the tick tock, so bring your legs as straight as you can, up towards 90 degrees and press your arms into the mat.

Feel your chest is wide and open. Your abs are pulled in. You're going to take your legs to the right. Lifting your left hip, keeping the left shoulder supported on the mat. Exhale, draw your belly and bring the legs to the center. Take the legs to the left, right shoulder down, right hip is lifted. Exhale, center. Inhale, lift that left hip up as the legs. Reach to the right. Exhale, pull your abs in tight. Lift the right hip. Resoles like for the left. Exhale center. Inhale to the right. Exhale, use your core and inhale to the left.

Exhale, pause, and the center. Reach your arms up. Take your arms all the way over head. Keep the neck long. Lift the chin, take the legs to the right. It might be smaller. Exhale over to the left. Exhale, center, staying in control using those abdominals. Pull them in. Sites. Left. Exhale, center, right ABS. Pull income center. Last one and center. Go ahead, bend your knees and hug him into the shot.

Hold behind your thighs. Rock up to seated God. Next is the song. So you'll take your legs to the width of your mat or a little bit wider than your map. Stretch your arms actively out to the sides, so feel like you're being pulled in two directions with those arms. Press your shoulders down and lengthen tall. Let's all rotate to the right. Spiral that waist around. Take the left pinky finger past your I pinky toe and stir Rach roll up, reaching back through the right arm to a west and center. Inhale, rotate. Exhale, reach a pinky finger past the pinky toe and heel roll up. Twist.

Exhale, center, and we rotate. Draw the belly in and saw off the Pinky toe rural up and center. Inhale to west. Exhale stretch and he'll roll up. Exhale, center last time we twist abs in end stretch. Reach back to roll up and center and we twist adds in and stirrups, rural up and center. Relax the arms. Good.

We're going to roll up so you might want to come to the front of your mat. Okay. You're going to point your toes and reach the arms out in front of you. So we have energy reaching through the toes, reaching through your fingertips. Now pull your navel back in opposition of your fingers and toes as roll down one vertebrae at a time. Flex your feet really strong. Raise the arms, lift your head, anchor the back of your thighs and stretch over the legs.

And we point the toes energy through the fingers, through the toes. Roll that down. One Vertebrae at a time. Flex the feet, raise the arms, lift your head. Acts to anchor your thighs into the mat. Pull your belly into your spine and stir up.

Point the toes reaching energy forward. As you roll back, arms reach back. Flex the feet. Raise the arms. Press those thighs into the mat. Keep 'em down as you roll up and stretch forward. Point the tills. Let's pick up the pace. Roll down one vertebrae at a time. Flex a fee. Axial Roula and stretch forward.

Point the toes. Roll down one vertebrae at a time. Flex the feet, raise the arms, lift your head Roula and forward. I Gan pointed toes. Roll down. Reach through the fingers, through the toes. Roll back. Flex the feet and rural up God. Last time. Roll down one vertebrae at a time.

Flex the feet rural up. Stretch forward. Roll up to seated. Okay. Just make sure I have enough room on your mat behind you. Come down to your backs for the roll over. Okay, so our arms anchor into the mat, the legs length and straight up to 90 degrees. Keeping those thighs glued tight together. Breathe in to prepare.

Exhale, peel the spine up and off the mat. The legs go overhead from here. Separate your legs and lead with your soldiers and the hips. Flex the feet roll down. Keep pushing your heels behind you as your tailbone reaches to the Mat.

We'll stop at 90 and point the toes. Bring them together. Exhale. Use your abs to go over and he'll separate the legs in line with the shoulders. Flex the feet roll down. Feel your heels pressing back as you roll down. Point the toes, legs together. Exhale, go over. Separate the legs. Flex the feet, keep pushing back through the heels.

Energy in the back of the thighs. Likes come together. Toes pointed. Exhale, go over and now open those legs. Feel your knuckles. Long energy back to the heels. Roll down, keeping your abs engaged now feet flex and open. Reverse. Take the legs, overheads, legs come together. Toes point and roll down. Let's pick up the pace a little. Here we go.

Open the legs, flex the feet, roll over, close the legs. Point the toes, roll down. Open the leg. Flex rural over close. Point and rural down to more open. Flex acts. Sail over low collects. Close point and roll down. Last one. Open flex, rollover.

Close point. And roll the spine down. Bend your knees. Hold behind your thighs. Rock up to see them. God will go into the soft from here. So open the legs. We already did the saw. Close your legs roll down. Just see if you're paying attention. We already did that one.

Pull your knees up to tabletop. We do single leg stretch. So your chest is curled up. You're going to pull your right leg and, and stretch your left leg away. So hands holding onto the Shin here. You're going to pull that like in towards your nose. And then you switch stirrups, the opposite, like away energy through the leg. Now go one more time. Just get the form. Think about the back of your thigh.

So Juliet always like to squeeze in the gluten hamstrings. So think about that more than your abs. ABS will work. Switch. Feel that on the other leg. So back of the thigh. Stays engaged. Okay, here we go. We'll pick up our pace. We're get us so wet and so wet and so wet. Switch. Let's breathe in. Burke two. Exhale for two. Breathe in Burt. Two. Exhale for two.

Breathe in for to exhale. Breath to last. Breath in. Breathe out. Keep your chest lifted. Bend your knees. Stretch one light to the Sam. We go into single leg, straight, single, straight leg. Stretch the scissors. We called it hole behind your calf. Stretch your left leg forward. Now get the mechanics here. Think about this top leg pulling in towards your forehead as the other like reaches down towards the Mat. Again, back of the thigh is working.

Give it to poles. Pull, pull. Now switch. Get the form here. So just pull the leg towards your forehead as you press down through the back of the right thigh evenly pulling and reaching away. Pull, pull, pick it up. Here we go. Pull, pull and switch. Pull, pull n switch, pull. Pull an switch, pull, pull. And switch. Inhale, exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale, exhale. Good. Keep it going. Leg to your forehead. Press dam, the opposite thigh and pull, pull, switch. Pull Paul last for three.

Increasing the strap one. Then the knees come all the way up. Separate your legs, toes, heels, knees, hips, shoulders in. Align hands, holding behind your thighs. Get a good grip with your hands and now anchor your sit bones into the mat and left your chest up so you want to go up and over. It's a thoracic extension.

Look up at the ceiling now from here, draw your belly and we're going to round the spine back until your arms go to straight. Just lightly let go of the legs. Hold that c curve. Exhale. Pull the belly back, back, back as you round forward. Hold behind your thighs. Lengthen the spine and lift the chest. Exhale, pull the navel to the spine. See curve curl that tailbone under. Reach the arms forward. Pull the ABS in as you ran forward.

Hole behind the thighs. Shoulders, Yam. Lift the chest. Exhale, navel to spine. Roll it back. Inhale, reach the arms forward. Exhale, pull your belly to your spine around. Forward. Inhale, lengthen tall again. Exhale, round the spine, back those arms. Go to straight. Breathe in. Exhale, scoop the belly and see a PLN. Use Your eyes.

Look at your abs, Pullman, Pullman, and left. We'll add on with the next one. Axial. He'll roll back and he'll reach the arms. Long. Exhale, pull your abs in, Sam Polen. This time, open the arms out to the sides. Press the palms down and lift the chest. And again, reach the arm source so we won't hold on. SIF Eyes. You just reached forward. Now pull the stomach back. Start to open the arms. Press the palms down, shoulders down. Lift the chest. Two more. Draw the belly and round.

Go into that nice little c curve contracts in here. Now pull the stomach back as you round forward. Open the arms, lift the chest. One more time. Exhale, draw the belly in around Greta. Exhale, pull the stomach in, or Rola. Lengthen and left rest. God will flip onto my stomach. So turn around. I'll stay on the side. Okay, so stretch your legs long. Stretch your arms over head so the arms will be shoulder distance or a little bit wider. Palms down lifts the upper back, upper spine off of the mat and the hands are into the mat. The legs are open.

Reach your right arm up and your left leg long. Now get that length here. We always like to think about the hamstring and the glutes, so feel that working in the back of your left leg, you lift from the gluten hamstring attachment. The leg is straight, lower dam switch, so feel that link from the back of the thigh. Left shoulder down lower. We're going to go into swimming, so raise your arms and your legs. Pause right there. Here we go. We switch, switch, switch, switch, switch. Good. I can't talk too much. It's too hard. If I keep going, and Juliet always liked us to go faster. So challenge yourself.

Challenge yourself by bringing your thighs closer together. Skim them by each other. See how that works. The back of your legs even more. We have 10 none, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two and one. Superman. Lift and lowered down. Stay here, legs or separate him. Hands by your shoulders, forehead towards the map. Start to slide your scapulas away from my ears and lift your chest up slightly.

Use Your upper back. Use the arms only. Lift as high as your shoulders. Stay down, and then exhale. Lauer. We're only gonna do two more. It's just a little rest position here. So scapula is away from the ears. Lift from your upper back. Press into the hand slightly. Lifting up more ABS.

Pull in and lengthen down. Good. One more time. Slide. Slide your shoulder blades away from the ears. Lift from the upper back muscles coming up. Your shoulders are down, your neck is in line with your spine, and we lower all the way down. Good. Stay on your stomach. Your hands come together. Your legs come together. Your forehead is rusted into your hands.

Okay. This next series is our beat series. Excellent exercise for your hamstrings, your glutes. We're going to turn the legs out now. Raise your right leg, keeping that length and the right leg. Bring across the left leg, bring it back to the center and lower it down. Raise the right leg, cross it two times. Cross cross center. Lower it down, raise the right leg, cross three times. One, two, three. Lengthen to lower it down. Raise the right leg, cross four times. One, two, three, four. Stretch a long, low, or a down. Raise the right leg. Cross for five, four, three, two, one. Stretch. Lower down. Raise the right leg, six times a, one, two, three, four, five. Fix, stretch, lengthen and lower.

Raise the right leg, cross for seven two, three four fat, six seven stretch and we lower lift the right leg. Cross for eight two three four five six, seven, eight [inaudible] and lower. Raise the right leg. Cross for nine two three, four five, six, seven, eight, nine. Stretch, lower raise or right. Like here we go for ten two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Lengthen. I know you wish we were done but we go down to one left. Crossword, nine one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Stretch and lower. Lift the right leg across for eight two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

Stretch, lower. Lift the right leg, cross for seven two, three, four, five, six, seven and Lauer. Lift the leg, cross for one, two, three, four, five, six stretch. Lower. Lift the right leg, cross five two three four five stretch, lower lifted up cross one, two, three, four. Stretch lower lift cross one, two, three struct. Lower, lifted up across for two struct. Lower last one. Lift, cross, stretch. Lower. Good long series but we will what we do on one side we need to do on the other. So readjust. Forehead in the hands. Tighten your butt. Heels together.

Toes apart. Anchor your hipbones into the mat. Here we go. Side to raise the left leg up. Cross up over center. Put it down. Left crass crafts center and down. Lift. Cross one, two, three. Center and down.

Left Cross. One, two, three, four. Center and down. Left. One, two, three, four, five. Center and down. Left. One, two, three, four, five, six. Center down left. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Center down, left on two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Center down. Lift the leg. Cross the for all. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Lengthen. Lower. Lift the leg. Crawford, ten two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 stretch.

Here we go. Down, lift the leg, length along, squeeze it, and two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine stretch. Lower left. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Stretches like long end, lower left, cross. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Stretch, low or lift the leg. Cross for six, two, three, four by six. Stretch. Lower lift. We're on the home stretch. Here we go. Five, four, three, two, one. Lengthen. Lower left. Four, three, two, one. Lengthen. Lower left. Three, two, one. Stretch.

Lower left. One to center. Put it down last time. Left crafts center down. Okay. Stay with me. Arms down to your sides. Heels together, toes apart. Rich energy through your fingertips to your toes. Lot that lift your upper back off the map.

If you have that next thing in line with your spine, raise your legs. 50 beats. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. One, two, five, six, seven, eight, nine 21 two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine 31 two five, six, seven, eight, nine 41 two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine 50 stay there. Arms up to the sides. 50 beats. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. One, two, five, six, seven, eight, nine 21, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine 31, two, five, six, seven, eight, nine 41, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine 50. Stay there. Arms over head. And one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Shoulders down and Suwanee. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine 30 abs tight. 41, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine 50 is enough. Lower hands by your soul does sit back in a rest position. Sitting to your heels. Yes, I know.

That's why I haven't practiced in a while. All right, good. We're gonna roll up. Woo. Okay, we'll come on to our backs. Okay, so lie down. How are we doing? We're good. We're happy. We're all still smiling. That's always good. Okay. Knees are on the table. Top position for this next exercise. Okay, we call this. This is another soldier raised series, but the arms will be straight up towards the ceiling. Okay, so let's anchor them back down.

Pull your stomach and feel the abdominal connection before we even start. Take a nice deep inhale before we come up. Axial curl your chest up. Only left. Reach your legs away from you and our pollster. Chest up left lower from here. Bend the knees.

Arms are gonna reach back. Your head goes down. You circle the arms around, curl the chest up. Reach the legs to pulses and your chest. One, two, bend the knees as your arms go back. Circle the arms around. Curl up. Stretch the legs forward. Three pulses. One lift to lift. Three, you bend your knees as arms go back about arms. Circle around. Curl the chest up. Legs long for pulses. Deepening that belly to breathing out and bend the knee as arms go back. Circle the arms. Curl up, or reach to the knees. Lift for five to look at your abs. Pull them in, pull them in, pull them in. Bend the knees, go back, circle.

The arms are going to go to four. Here we go. Lift four times a one lift to deepen the ABS. Three, four. Bend the knees as the arms go back. Circle around. We go to three. Exhale left. Two, three. The knee is bend as your arms. Reach back, circle and lift the chest. Two Times one, two and we roll back last time. Curl up, one pulse up and let's hug the knee as n.

All right, hold behind your thighs. Hermana from here we go into planks, so come around. We're going to do them on the elbows. Your palms are going to be facing up this way, so we have shoulders directly in line with your elbows and land with the she'll open shoulder distance. Take one leg back. Now when you do this, you want to really press back through that right here and then take the other leg back and bring your legs together. They're stacked one arm right next to each other. Now feel that length from the crown of the head to your heels and let's draw that. All those muscles in tight in between shoulder blades, sliding down, neck in line with a spot. ABS, we engaged. Glutes engaged.

Squeeze your butt as much as your abs. Hold it for 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two. Now we're gonna. Um, we'll be on our left side. So come to your left side. Bring your right arm down to your side so you have your right foot stacked on top of the left. The right arm is reaching down. Good shoulder sec. Feel like there are two panes of glass on each side of your waist. Keeping your body still in steady.

Raise your right arm straight up to the ceiling. Hold it there. Lower the hip down. Exhale, left lower. Exhale of working out left side body. Oh obliques. Exhale four lower lift five lower lift six. Lower exhale seven.

Breathe out two more and hold it up. Go back to your forward plank. Palms up length. Head to the heels. Just reestablish your form. We'll switch to the other side. So turn the right hand forward. Stack the feet one on top of the other. Stretch of left arm. No, sorry.

Bring the left arm down to the side to start. Roll the shoulders back. Feel head to feet. One long line. Raise the arm, lower they head down. Exhale up to exhale. Up Three. Breathe out four and left five and left six and left. Seven, eight, two more. Hold it. Go back to your forward plank. Palms up.

We're going to hold it here just for a breath. Feel that length. Tighten your abs. Squeeze your butt and lower the knees. Let's sit back in a rest position. Separate your knees, sit bones to the heels and actively reach the arms forward. Drop your forehead down as the mass sink into the stretch. Nice deep breath. Okay, roll out. You go to rolling.

Rolling like a ball. So we're almost done. Yay. Okay, so we're going to take the hands to the ankles. Okay. Julian wasn't particular where you held just as long as you keep kept the shape of your spine, keeping knees and shoulders the same height. You don't want to be kicking in and out with the legs, so find your position. Hold it.

Your low abs are pulled in in your tailbone tech slightly under. Let's keep the eyes on the belly and we're going to roll back to the shoulder blades and up three times. Here we go. Inhale back. Exhale, lift in balance. Inhale back. Exhale, lift and scoop those abs back. Use your abs to lift. Pause now. Stretch arms forward. Keep your eye gaze forward and the knees. Stay that inhale. Roll back to them. Soldier blades. Axial lift in balance. Two more.

X, lift in balance. One more, just the shoulder blades and pause right there. Keep that scoop in your belly. Reach the arms out in the peripheral. Inhale, roll back and exhale lifts those abs. Use your core. Go back and left. Feel that nice spine massage back. Pause right here. Take the arms out, shoulders down. Here we go. Inhale. Exhale, scoop your abs.

Inhale and exhale left. One more. Pull the belly in and left. Enhanced your ankles. Go ahead. Take your right leg out, take your left leg out. Legs are straight as your flexibility will allow. You can do this with bent knees as well, but let's scoop the belly and we're going to stay round.

Look at your abs three times. Roll back. Exhale, lift and balance. Keep that back round. Roll back. Keep the back around as you left. One more pause right here. Arms through the legs. Keep that shape. Here we go. Back and left. Good. Roll back, Jeff to the shoulder blades. It's challenging. Left.

One more and hold the arms up to the sides. Here we go. Roll back. Exhale, balance. Woo, and roll back. Exhale, balance. One more, but not the very last. Arms overhead. This is our last three. Here we go. Rock back. And ladies, this is our grand finale. Make it beautiful and go back and left. Last one. Now let's pause at the top and bring your legs together.

Let's create a beautiful teaser. Hold it. Pull the belly and lift your Chin and pull your abs in away from your thighs. As you slowly roll down, roll down. Reach the fingers, back the legs away. Stretch. Good. Grab your towel. A little bite buff for sweat. We're done.


Jennifer W
1 person likes this.
Great workout Melissa! Brutal in many ways as Julian would have insisted! Thank you!
Outstanding, challenging workout. Whew! thanks so much. I needed this type of a workout badly! Great job!
1 person likes this.
That was sobering! Now I can finish Christmas shopping, thank you! Cant help but think of Julian's family especially during the holidays. No doubt Julian's spirit speaks strong w/them.
Amazing! Thanks!
Loved this! Felt like I was actually "working" out and toning instead of just stretching - thanks!
I don't even have to re-take this class to feel it. Just looking at the thumbnail and I'm back there again! I loved this class in person and can't wait to take it at home! Thank you Melissa (and Ginny and Jessie)!
So glad this class worked for so many of you! I´ll stick with 950 instead which I do faithfully. I was so excited to have a new class from Melissa. This one felt too much like old fashioned calisthenics. Nothing "wrong" with that, it just didn't speak to all the "something elses" I nearly always get from the PA classes.
Wow! Super challenging- and awesome- thank you Melissa
Great great great class, especially during the Xmas holidays with that much food around!!
Love this session...kept hearing "hold those jiggly bits" in my head. Thank you
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