Class #1763

Creative Mat Flow

45 min - Class


Alycea Ungaro teaches a Mat workout based on a recent study that assessed people's ability to get on and off the floor with minimal support. The study found that a person's ability to get on and off the floor with minimal support directly correlates to how long that person lives. Alycea teaches a creative twist on the traditional Mat exercises with Standing Footwork interspersed throughout, to help you improve your ability to effortlessly get off and on the floor.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Jul 06, 2014
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Hello, welcome to night class. Um, so there has been some really interesting research coming out around longevity and physical fitness. Uh, one of the interesting studies assessed a human's ability to get on and off the floor with minimum assist or support. Uh, and this was directly correlated to how long you could expect to live. So I'm gonna ask everybody to indulge me for a moment and then we're going to do a class based on this idea, uh, which will be pretty ordinary in nature except for a few small tweaks. So I'm going to ask you right now to just go ahead and see if you can sit down on your mat without using your hands. If you have to. You have to, if you have to use a hand or knee, whatever you need, and just kinda gauge like how much support did you need to do that. And now can you get up from there without using, what do you need? Is it two hands? Is it two feet? And just kind of note for yourself like, oh, how much help did I need? Uh, and we'll assess that again at the end of class and see if we made any impact.

I'm not promising miracles, but I think it's important to use your, your everyday tools to accomplish actual things. So we're going to start with the standing foot work and then we're going to move into our mat and we're going to come back to the foot work again and again to transition up and down, up and down, up and down. And then we're just going to get better and better at it. Okay, so for me, I'd like to start with what we're to. So let's take feet a little bit apart and we'll take gene cell arms and you're going to take a big deep squat, whatever that means to you. And I'm going to give you three counts to get your knees and hips bent lower but your chest higher bend a little lower, lift your chest higher.

Yes, bend even deeper. Open the chest and squeeze your glutes and stand back up. I'm going to do that like 80 times. Take it all the way down. Hold it there. The chest is up, the hips are low, the knees are bent, just lifted. Come on, bend at the ankles. Come right off your legs, your upper body, not on your legs. Squeeze the glutes and stand back up. Having fun yet. Take it all the way down.

Let's see this third one. Hold it. I would like all your weight to be in your heels. Weight into the heels like I'm pulling you backwards. Hold that there. Hold the chest up. Chest up, chest up, chest up. Yes and stand all the way up. We've got three more and take it down. It's just a warm up.

Lifts the upper body. Lift the upper body, lower the lower body, higher upper body, lower, lower body. One more count and squeeze back up. Take two more and down. Good. He put toes on the floor. That's important. Chest is up. Upper back is working. Get the hips to bend the knees to bend the ankles to bend and squeeze back up and give me your last one. Your best one. Just as good as the first one. Take a big squat. Chest is up, hips are low. Just even higher.

Hips even lower. Come on. One more count. How low can you get and stand all the way up? You guys are awesome. Walk to the front of your mats. Please take one foot forward or back and use that squat you just did to bring yourself all the way down to the mat, all the way down to the mat. Beautiful Scoop. Back to your like your straight, lower yourself down to the mat. We have to do our a hundred once you're down, bring your knees into your chest. Take a good long, deep breath. On Your exhale.

Stretch everything up and out and just arrive in. Hundred position. You're there. Start to pump. Inhale and exhale. Good. Press your legs up. Inhale into my hand and exhale. Two, three, four, five. Inhale, push up and exhale. Oh, there's your belly. Inhale, push into my hand. Exhale. Two, three, four, five. Inhale and exhale. Stronger arms go. Go in like you're running a race and out. Two, three, four, five. Again, inhale, nice ladies and exhale, strong arms. Three more sets in and out. Full exhale. Relax your toes.

Just Long Arches, easy to hose and out. And give me one last big one into three, four, five and out. Two, three. Stay right there. Bend your knees all the way in. Put your head down, done. Ha. Swing yourself up like you're rolling like a ball to seated and take your legs out straight for roll-up. So flexing fee, drop head right through arms. And let's roll just halfway back. So roll back to the low back is to the mat.

Stop there and then exhale and around yourself. Back up and try again. Take it back half way. Squeeze the legs together. Stay right there. I'm going to make a little change. Take your arms up to the ceiling. Ah, let's take your arms back down and come back forward. Squeeze all the air out and reach forward. Try that again. Curl yourself back.

Two, three, take the arms all the way up. Maybe you go an inch lower down on the mat. Press the arms forward, exhale and roll yourself up in two more times. Take it down to three arms. Go Up, two, three, hold it there. Two, three. Press the arms forward and crow yourself up. Last one, lower two, three. Take the arms up. Now we're going to lie all the way down. Lower, lower and lower.

Take your arms down by your side. You're ready for leg circles. Adjust yourself if you can. Good, and the right leg is up. Hold it there. Stretch your bottom leg, leg out very long. Flex the bottom foot and give it real parallel alignment there. Yes. Perfect. Give me a nice swing across the body, over and up to the nose again, across the body, over and up, across the body. Highlight the up.

I want to see it. Cross the body action up and across the body. Accident up one more across the body. Now reverse. Go other way around and up and out. Around and up. Third time around and up. Fourth one around and up. Last one, sweep the leg and hold it there. Lift your head, grab the leg, give it a pull to you. Stretch your other leg, the bottom one, all the way out. As long as you can. Right down the center of the body.

Keep using your arms to pull the leg in. Use the arms, use the arms, use the arms, and then just scissor the legs right where you are. Switch and hold. Pull that leg in. Elbows get to do something right. Biceps get to pull. Use the arms one. Use the arms to a way. That's what you're talking about, right? That firm pressing. Yeah. Sorry about that.

We're going to do legs circles in a liar herself. Down. Arms are down like it's up here. We go across the body, sweep it up and across and sweep. Exaggerate the across. It's very important to get that across, across, around, up. One more across. Now, reverse the circle. Go out, down, across and up and out. Down a cross and up, out, down, across and up. Out, down a cross and up. One more. Out, down, across and up.

You can bend the knee in and then just swing yourself up. You can hold right onto that leg and just swing yourself up to sitting. Look, it works. It's a magical thing. Skewed, barred. We're ready for rolling like a ball. Grab a hold of your ankles. Put your head into your knees, get as small as you can and then lift your elbows up wide to the side and keep that position. Okay. I don't want to see your heels. Leave your seat. They are glued.

Role upside down and right side up. Hold it. Roll upside down. Come right side up. Hold it. Good. Roll upside down and come up slower. Slow on the up. Get a little rounder and lower here. Roll it back. Come up very slow. Like slow motion film. Now your iPhone has a slow mo setting.

Go back. I want to see it in slow Mo. Slow Mo. Beautiful. Hello abdominals. Do it again and take it back and find it slow. Mo setting slow, slow, slow, slow. Last one, take it back. It's good video and come on up. Good. If you make mistakes, it's good.

It shows you where the week, Mrs. All Right. Excellent. Put your feet down, hands by hips. Slide yourself back. We're going to go into our abdominal series. Your favorite part. Lower yourself down. Good. Make sure you're on your mat. Yes. Don't want heads off net. Bring right knee in, left leg out, lift the head up.

Elbows are wide to the sides. Stretch the bottom like up and out on a high diagonal. Hugging in and switch. One and one. Keep going. And two and two. Can you hug it in tighter? So don't make a pose or decide where the leg should stop.

Pull it in as far as it can go and then squeeze it into the body. Squeeze it into the body even tighter and harder. Give me six more. Six then five, then four. Pull three. Excellent. Two and one. Both. He's in, you're in double leg stretch. Let me see everything.

Stretch out long and straight as far as it can go. Take your arms out to the side before you bring everything in and then bring it home. So three counts. One is out, two his arms, around three is pull it home. One is out, two his arms side, three, his home. Bring it out, sweep around, pull it in again and out. Sweep the arms, pull it home to more arms, back, arm side. Pull it in. Final one out, arm side and pull it in. Put your head down if you need to and then pick it back up for scissors. Right leg is up. Take a look at your legs and make sure they're parallel.

So no turning out here. You want me to good pulls. Elbows wide. One, two, change. One, two, one, two. I want you to now push the top leg away. So one to push it, one to push it, throw it away. Push one to press it away. Use your arms, push the legs and push it. Yes, throw it down. Throw it down. Four more and three more. Yes, two more. And one is enough. Bend your knees. Put your head down. So the last two are kind of hard. I think they're only hard cause they come.

Now take your hands behind your head and curl yourself up nice and high. Take your legs. Oh all the way up. Heels together. Toes apart, and take your legs past 90 so right here they don't weigh anything, but you get your abs on. If you take your legs below 90 make that your starting point. What's with the toes? Curl up a little higher. Curl up a little higher. Take your legs below 90 and stop there. Do not move your legs.

I only want your upper body to work. You're going to lift up. One, two, three. Come halfway down. Lift up. Two, three. Go. Halfway down. Lifted up to three. Halfway down. Take your elbows open to three. Halfway down. Two more. Up to three. Halfway down last time. Stay up right here, Chris.

Cross to the right. Oh my God. Elbow to knee. Hold it one. Hold it two. Don't fall. Three switch sides and one, come get that knee to keep twisting three and switch again. Hold it. Two, three. Don't make pretty pictures. I need to see movement. You move and twist. Move and twist. Move and twist. Change. One more. Set.

Lift and turn more most and change. Last one up and two up. Keep moving. Three up. Now you can rest. Hug your knees into your chest. Here's what I want you to do right now. As much as you can. Roll yourself up and back three times like rolling like a ball.

Take it back and on the third one I won't watch. Come up to standing. Try not to use your hands or, okay, good. So I didn't see it so it doesn't count back to your heart. Back to your first foot work that we did. Second one, right? Jeannie style arms. Let's see this again. You got five reps, right?

I want you to go lower than you did the first set cause everything's juiced up now. Hips are warm, knees are warm, ankles are warm. Even the back out. A little bit of work and bring yourself up. Do it again. Drop down nice and low. See if you can get your seat. Oh, most to the mat. What would you do if you had to sit down from there? Go down and hold it. Don't come up til I say to rock back in your heels more.

Three even more and stand it up. Two more. Take it down and two and three. You guys look great. One more time. Take it down and two this time. Stay down. Extend your arms where they are. Try to find the mat with your balm. If you need to use your hands, use them.

I'm not bad. Spine stretch forward. Feet are apart just tight, just wider than hip with arms out in front of you. Good. You're aiming your top of the head for the floor and the biggest thing I see here all the time is, oh, I just go here and I stopped. Don't make pretty shapes. Go as low as you can for one more than that, for to join me all the way down for three. You're still trying to get to the floor.

Come all the way up. Straight up. Beautiful. Try again. Bend it over on scoop and the abdominals too. You keep moving. Three, you eke out a little more and roll all the way up. Tall and straight. Arms directly in between. Go again, round it over. One, press two arms strong. Legs strong. Two, three and bring it up. Last chance to get your head on the floor. I want to see it. One and two.

You just had your first, second three. Try to get it. Try to get it and then bring it all the way up. You guys are amazing. You know what? If you get it just for a second, then you get to say, I did it. [inaudible] legs. We're going to do all for like rocker. Just like this. Your this to take legs up not wide just in front of you.

Yes. Chin to chest. Gimme a nice roll. They'll roll on the wood floor. Come up and stop at the top. Roll it back. Lock your arms. Don't let them bend. No matter what. Make a promise. Come up and stop. Hold it. Rock back. No bent arms. Rock forward.

I'll take it rock back. Excellent. Rock forward. One more time. Rock back. Rock forward. Now we're going to try this. You're going to rock back on the forward. You're going to cross so arms and legs and come up to standing again. I don't care what it looks like. Just get there. Getting there. So close.

Footwork three. Hey feet are together. Five Reps, all 10 toes up in the air, arms forward palm space. Each other. Sit. Hold at one palms face each other. Hold it to it should feel like I'm grabbed your hips and I'm pulling you back. Hold it three way back with the hips. Way Back. They are. She is. And sit up. Stand up. Sorry. Try it again. Drop down five times. This is four. Hold it.

Get lower, get lower. Cause the last one you're going to sit on that mat right and bring it up. Third one, take it down to the Rory and bring it up again. Take it down to the Ri and last one, take it down. All the way down, all the way down. All the way down to sit. It's totally happening. Skewed forward. Life, lap, record. Scroll.

I'm going to win this one. This is me winning the game. Lie flat on sound. Corkscrew legs are up. Both likes her up. Heels together, toes apart, toes relax. Make a little circle with both legs to the right. Go down through center. Over left. Come back to center. Go the other way. Left down, over and center. Take it right.

Cynical over and up to the left. Down around. Everybody stopped at the top. It looks lovely, but I really do want the legs further down past 90 so that this is where you start and where you stop. Find that place no more circling just for a second. Show me below 90 where your stomach feel something. Where do you have to put your legs? So you're like, oh, I feel that in my abs. Is it here? Make a circle and come back to that spot.

So you're going to circle below that space. Go the other way. Go back to that spot. Is that it? Go the other way. Come back to that spot or lower and the other way back to that spot or lower last set. Gorgeous. So much better this time and final ones. Circle around and come up. You can bend your knees all the way in. That was great. We still have to do the sauce.

So swing up to sitting legs are wide. Feet are flexed. Arms out to the side. I know you asked me for lots of stretching, so I will give you this exercise. Flex your feet nice and strong. Everybody twist to the right. Ah, dive over past your baby toe. Stay there. You don't know what's coming next. Take a deep breath in and go a little deeper. Put all the weight you can on the left hip. Oh, and now twist your rib cage around even more. Yes.

And throw that back arm up in the air and let your head be heavy and go further forward. Beautiful. And then you can sit all the way up and unwind everything that was pretty stretchy, Huh? Let's go the other side. Twist and reach forward. Hang out there for just a second and then go a little deeper and then put all the weight you can on the right hip. So all the weight is here. And then wind your rib cage around. There she is, and then you can go forward. Oh my. Hold that. And then you can come all the way up straight.

That was excellent. Do it again and twist and reach. Go forward. You're there now you stay on the other hip. That's the left hip. Now you're going to open the rib cage around and then you're going to bring all that forward. Is that okay? You'll tell me if it's not right and then come up tall and straight. We still have one more to do. Twist other way. Bring it forward.

Stay there for a second. Let the body settle into this. It's a big twist. Put all the weight you can on that right hip. Then wrap the rib cage around. Drop your head and go forward. One forward two, forward three. Beautiful and set up tall and straight. Really, really nice.

Let's spin around so we're all facing each other for a little swan situation. Heads towards each other. If either away, God put the hands just underneath the shoulders, legs are together. Take a deep breath in and come up nice and high. Whatever you have. Half arm or full arm, it doesn't matter to me. Just rise up, rise up, rise up your abdominals, working legs, drawing together and then lower yourself back down. That's your inhale on the exhale. Come up, exhale, rise and two and three. You're at the top. Inhale, bring it all down. Good. Stretch your arms out, side to side. You have no help.

Now it's just you and your arms out. Take an inhale here on the exhale. Lift everything. Eyes up, arms up, legs up. Nobody moves. We're going to swan from here. Small, then bigger now rock, then fly really sail. Woo, and forward and forward. One more and that's plenty. You can sit back on your heels.

Not Embarrassing. Not at all stuff. Good. Stretch away. If you want to stretch your back, bring your knees together in this position. If you want to stretch your hips, you can open your knees, little known facts and then rolling up. Excellent. Come on up. We have more things to do. Sit Up straight. Aw. Neck Pole. That's your punishment.

I can't ask the teacher how much more time there is hands behind your head. I'm looking for mastery of two things. I want that high hollow scoop and the length and back. So we're going to pray. We're going to break it down and then we'll build it back up. Okay, show me your flat back. You really grab your skull and lean back flat back. Now show me the scooping down and rounding part.

You're going to go all the way down through every single vertebrae and you have to come back up that way. Round forward. Use Your exhale. Bring your nose to your knees. Use Your hands if you need to. Sit up tall and straight and try it one more time. Lift yourself up. Lean way back now. Scoop yourself down legs reaching forward, reaching forward, reaching forward. You're down. Bring it back up. Inhale, bring your nose to your knees. Exhale. Sit up tall and straight. Now I want you to combine the flat back and the scoop. So it looks like I lean, but I curl at the bottom. I lift, but I curl at the bottom.

I lift what I curl at the bottom, keep getting pulled out, all the wet and come back up that way. Inhale, exhale over. Using your hands when you need to is fine. Fight for it. Sit Up Tall and straight and let me see it again. So it should look like I pulled you up by your armpits and you go back. We start to curl down. Start to curl and lengthen more length. Yes, yes, yes.

And final one and curl it up. Exhale over your there. Sit up tall and straight to finish. Show me your postures. Awesome. And be done. Nice. Okay. Lower yourself down on two backs. We're a little jack knife, which I know is everyone's favorite. Yeah, take legs up. Oh, we have a friend, a leg straight up. And let me see you go overhead into our like pike or parallel to the floor.

Let me just see what that looks like first and then everyone take legs straight up to the ceiling. Not Bad. Is that a straight as they go? A little higher, maybe. Good. Then angle the legs back just a dot. Lower. And it should feel like I grabbed your hips and started to pull you down from the upper spine through the middle, down to the, the lower all the way before the legs go up and over again. Now less parallel at this time. Just go back to that shallow diagonal first up and over, and then Jack Knife, straight up, straight up. Hips up, hips up, hips up. Whoops, you're there. Lift up. Hold it.

I gotcha. And then roll down from the top of the spine through the middle, down to the lower and lower the legs just a little bit and go again over the head and straight up ceilings. Show me all the way up, all the way up. Stay there. And then again, like I grabbed your hips and pulled you down the feet, pulling the other way. Other way, other way. Damn. She goes all the way. That's amazing. Do one last one and over. Press it up. Nice and high.

Nice and high. Nice and high. Push the feet up and now pull from the top of the spine. Resist the middle of the spine. Resist the low spine. Bring it down. Bend your knees and hug them all the way in. Take a rolling ball. A little lower. Roll like a ball up and down. Three times on the third one. Please come to standing.

Try not to use your hands. Yeah, and come up to sandy for another set of footwork. You Go, girl, let's do this Peter together on my God. Come pee together. All 10 toes are up. You could also get just more tired as we go and not be able to do anything, but I think it's working down. Hold it one Tozer off two. It is. It is. It's detox. Press your hips back like there's a bench behind you and then stand all the way up. Dropped down and hold it. Let me see the chest. Get Higher. Hips lower, higher and the up. Lower in the down. Stay there.

One more gout and squeeze the glutes to come on up. Take two more. Drop down, reaching out the arms. They're doing something. They're energetically reaching hips, pulling back. That's the feeling. And then bring it all the way up. And final one, take it down to three. Nice and low. Nice and low. Nice and low. And your up cross arms, cross legs. Get yourself down to the mat again with control.

Guys are rock stars lie flat please. Shoulder bridge. Pardon me? Toes can beat judges or just whatever needs to happen. Oh yes, for the foot works. The toes were up. Yes they were. Shoulder Bridge, knees bent, feet flat, hips up. Good. I'll take that. Hold it there. All the weight into your heels. Take your right leg up to the ceiling. Hold it there. Good. I want you to really work your standing leg a lot. Flex the foot, kick it over your head first, all the way over your head, and then it goes way down. Kicking up high and down and kick and down.

Don't lift it. Kick it and down. Kick. Go Up. One more. And switch legs. Other leg comes up. Hold it up. Flex the foot. It goes over your head first and then down. Kick one and down. Kick two. Don't slow down. Three is up and four. Press the hips up. Five. Stay up. Switch legs. We're going to do it again. Right leg is up. Come on.

Bridgers you're up. Flex your foot. Take it over your head to start and kick down and up. Two and higher. Three make it a split. Four and kick five and switch other leg. The thing you only have to right and go over your head. One and two. Kick it.

High. Three. Big Kick for even bigger. This is five. Make it good. Put it down. Both hips are up. Both hips are up. Both hips are up. Roll yourself down. Upper middle, lower back. Bring your knees into your chest. Bring your head into your knees. Roll like a ball. Three times one is up to, I won't make you stand up. It's up the three pause at the top. Excellent. We're going to go to sidekicks, so face me, I'll face you.

Oops. I'll face you this way. Good at the back of your mat. Please head on hand. It's not good that way. Just make sure you use the yes. Why don't you flip and face me this way. Hand on the mat to start heels together. Toes apart there at the back of your mat.

Your legs are at the back of your mat with the rest of you just to begin. Can you flip? That would be awesome. Yes. Lift both legs up, heels together, toes apart. Hold it. Press them back down. Lift them back up and hold two, three length in them out to put them down. Lift them up and hold that. You actually going to float your legs forward to the front of your mat using your abdominals. Push the legs back, squeeze them forward. Push the legs back. One more. Squeeze the legs forward. Leave the top one up.

Put the bottom one down. You're ready to kick this leg front. Front. Reach it back front. Front. Reach it longer leg front, front. Reach it back front. Front. Reach it back one more front. Front. Reach it back this time. Leave it front. Hold it lifted up to the side high. Reach it down to the back. Don't let your body go anywhere.

Swing to the front. Lift up to the side. Reach down to the back. Check your hand. Do you really need it? Swing to the front. Lift it to the side. Reach it down into the back. Bring your legs together and reverse. Go to the back. Rotate it up. This is hard. Control, control, control. Take it to the back. Sweep it up to the side, all the way out to the front. One more. Take it back, sweep it up. Reach it forward to three.

Don't put the leg down. Leg over leg. Hold it in the air. Make little circles. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Reverse it. Take it back to three and four. This is six, seven, eight, nine holds it. Here is your sidekicks up. Press it down and up. Press it down. Big. Kick up and press faster. Up, up, down, up, down. Three, two, and one. Stop at the bottom. Hold it, reach it long, very long.

And then put it down. Yes. Let's go to the other side. Flip the other way. I can't lie on my pack. He'll be one legged. [inaudible]. You guys have it right? You know exactly what we did. Okay, good. I don't have to remember it at all. Right. What's your hand on the Mat? Legs are behind you or underneath you.

So you're in one straight line and lift both legs up. Hold them up. So the under side of your waist is doing something here, right? Squeeze it up and put the legs down. Lift them up and hold it. Get a little longer. So even though they come up, you don't get shorter in the hip and put them down. Lift up and hold here. They come to the front. Bring them forward to the mat and back.

Use your belly forward. Don't put them down and back. Keep them in the air forward. Hold them forward. Only put the bottom like down. Good. Ready, kick to the front. Front, Front. Reach it back, back, front, front, back, back. I don't want to see you move front, front, back, back. Reach it front, front, back, back again. Kick, kick back, back to more kick. Kick back, back. Last one, front, front, and back. Back. Kick to the front and hold it. Hold it. Good. So it's just hip height, but it can be all the way up to your shoulder.

Take it up to the side. Big Split here. Go for the shoulder. Reach behind you like somebody pulling your foot down and out. Pull the top, hip forward. Pull the top hip forward even more, even more, even more. And swinging to the front. Lifted up to the side. Bring it down and back. Pull the top hip forward more, way more, way more, way more. Fight me all the way. There she goes. Bring it to the front, all the way up to the side and bring it down and back.

Top hip goes where there she is. And one more to the front. All the way up to the side and bring it down and back. Pull that top hip forward to three. Awesome. Bring it to the front and hold it there. Hold it there. Hold it there. Not Bad. Like over like little baby circles. Here we go. Ten one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Reverse it.

Take it back. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Pause. Here we miss the reverse. We start now. Go to the back. Lifted up to the side. I told you guys to keep track. Bring it all the way to the front. Two, three, go all the way to the back. Stop. Oh, lifted up to the side. Big Split. Loading it to the front and hold it to the worry. One more.

All the way to the back. Lifted up to the side and bring it all the way to the front. Hold it and like over leg it. Here comes the sidekick. Up and down. Up. We did our circles down, up and down. Kick and down. Make this a kick and down. Kick and down. Last five and down faster.

Four down, three down, two down. One. Stay down. Hold it and down. Lie on your back. Please. Reposition yourself so you facing each other. We need to do a little teaser. Heads up. The outside feeds to the inside feats to the inside. That's a word. Bring these down the way in. Give them a nice hug.

Ah, so we have to do the teaser. It's not the most fun exercise I can be. Let's try it like this. Arms go back. Legs take teaser positions. So put them out on the 45 degree angle. Stop there. So you've done this. You did this. We set up for it in our corkscrew already, right? You're past 90 abs are on arms. Do not rest on the floor. They're held in the air.

Try not to move your legs and sail yourself up. Arms come up and over. Don't move those legs. Fight for it. Palms down over legs. Hold it one. Hold it to say three, don't move the legs. Lower yourself down and down and down. Arms go back. Second one. Come right back up. Sit Up at the top. Can you get a little higher?

A little higher, a little taller, and then lower away from your legs. Away from your legs. Arms go back. Third and last one. Take it up. Exhale it all the way to the top. Stop there. Hold two, three, and then meltdown. Meltdown, meltdown. Bring these into chest. Give them a little hug. I thought that was really lovely. We have to do a different version because three is not enough.

Take your legs back out, please. Arms back out behind you. You're all set up. Here we go. Glide yourself up. Arms come forward. You sit up, stop at the top. Don't move your upper body. Let me just see your legs move. They go down, they come up, they lower down. They come up again. They lower down. They come up, you stop. Take your arms to the ceiling. Take your arms back down, arms to the ceiling, arms back down. Don't move your legs, arms to the ceiling. Arms back down. Now you can roll away. Roll away. Roll.

Nobody said teaser three. Everybody's in a hurry to do teaser three. It's fine with me. I wasn't going to include it, but arms back, legs down. Let's do it. You have one count to sit up all the way up. Go be there. No time like the present. Hold it arms to the ceiling. You have five counts to lower down. Five, four, three, two, one. Your down arms are back. Go again. One count to get up. Throw your arms up to the ceiling.

You've got five counts to reach and lower arms back. Three, two, one legs and arms arrive and one count to sit up, up. Let me see it and arms up. Take your full five counts. Massage your spine down. One. Roll it down to reach behind you. Three, four, five is plenty. Bring the knees into the chest was really very good. You are a noisy bunch. That's all right. Swing yourself up to sitting.

I want to do a little hip twist here and then maybe we'll do some boomerang. We will do that and then we'll stand up and try our footwork again, like sat in front of you, Peter Flexed. Let's try arms to this side. Everybody twist this way. Good. I'll take that. Reach your front arm more forward. Reach your spine, straighter up your legs straighter and tighter. Don't let one heel or foot slide forward please and then come back to center.

Other way around. Don't make a pretty shape. Let me see you get up higher. Twisting more. Look to your back. Arm up higher, twisting more. Fight for every inch of it up higher. Twist more. Come back to center. Other way. Ring it out and twist around. Good. So if I pull you forward, you get higher, yes and higher again. And there you are. And Center. One more time. Another way.

Go twist. Come a little forward on the legs. Push the heels. Even keep lift setting up and com center. You can round over your legs. Take a moment. Back's okay. Ribs. Okay. All okay, good. Let's do a little boomerang without all of the arm flourish. So just a little peace.

Make sure you're forward enough on your mat that when we roll back, your head is still on the mat, so even your feet can start a little bit off. That's okay. So let's start with one foot over the other. Put your hands onto the mat, scoop back, take legs overhead and you stop there, Chris. Cross your feet so the other one is in front. Reach your arms very far forward and roll yourself down till you're up in a teaser. Just glide forward. Sit Up, sit up, sit up all the way and we do it again. Roll yourself down. Roll yourself over. Crisscrossed the legs, the other ones in front.

Hold it very slow motion. Put that slow mo on again. Roll it down and glide forward. The more you can reach your forward, the better. Come up to that teaser. Come up, come up, come up, come up, pull it in and roll yourself down. Flip over head. Don't let that happen. Crisscross the legs and roll. Pull your tail down all the way to the mat. Glide forward.

Come up to sitting. You're in. Your teas are one last one, and curl down and back. Take it over your head, arms on the mat, open. Close the feet and then pull yourself back up to tease or pull yourself up. Rise up, sit up, hold it there. Okay, beautiful. Cross our arms and legs and come to standing. One more set of foot work. Excellent. Matching feet together.

All 10 toes are in the air again. Arms forward, palms facing each other. Sit in a chair, hold it. Good, deeper. Get lower, bend more. Stand all the way up. Take it all the way down. Hips, knees, ankles, working. Sleen backwards even more. Yes, that's where the weight is. That's where the bending can come from. And then bring it all the way up. Just three more. Bend down. See how much you can lift the chest off the lower body. Do not fold in half.

Your upper body is upright. It should still look like you're sitting in an upright chair, so even higher and then come up better. So less movement at the top of the body. More movement at the low body. What if I carved you and stone up top? That's much better. Go, go, go, go, go. Bending at the hips, bring it up, and your final one. Then it's done. Take it down to one. Take it down to take it down. Three, bring yourself all the way down to the mat.

Old, you're there and onto your stomach. We have to swim. It's critical that we swim. No one leaves without swimming. Yes, wet is good. Arms are forward. Take a deep breath in. Lift everything up off the mat. Arms, legs, chest, head. Look up with the eyes out of the water. Please hold it.

Come down again. Inhale, and the exhale. You come up, all the air out. Chest is open and bring it all down for the inhale. This last one will stay up and we will swim. Bring everything up and a nice strong paddle. Go for ten one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Pause here. Can you get just a little bit higher and now bigger arms go. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Hold it. This is your last chance. Final 10 big, huge, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 you're done. Sit back on your heels.

It's amazing the joy of movement. It's supposed to be exhilarating and fabulous and feel amazing coming out for leg. Pull all the way forward please. You're here in plank. Join me in three into in one. We do long stretch first. Go all the way forward. Come all the way back, all the way forward on the dip toes all the way back the hips. Don't raise her lower. Go forward. Then back.

Take one more forward and back. Take your right leg up and come forward and back. Three times forward and back and forward and back. Other leg change lifted up. Take it forward and back. Forward and back. Beautiful. Forward and back.

Both legs down and come down on your knees. We're going to go to kneeling sidekick, so I do want you to face me. This is so fun. My favorite series. I made that up. We're all going to fall that way. Everybody onto this hand. Yes.

Bring your fingers forward. Bring your leg out. Where I'm looking at you. I should see this hip right over the knee. So if you're all the way out here, that doesn't work. The right over the knee, yes, hand behind the head. Take your leg all the way up, then down five times up, then down, up and down, up and down, ups and down. Stay up, circle and kick. Circle and kick. Circle and kick. Circle and kick. One more circle. Kick. Hold it here. Hot Potato to the front.

One, two, three, kick back, two, three, kick. One, two, three, kick back, two, three, kick. One, two, kick back to kick. Front to kick back to now. One, one up. Back up, front, up, back up, front up. Stay up, hold it. Circle on kick, circle and kick. You got it. Circling, kick, circle, and kick circle. Hold it lower. Lift down a five times and you're done. Up, down, up, down, up, down. Stay up and put it down. Come up right onto two knees and let's just do a little five stretch for transition. Needs can be a part B can be together. Arms out in front. Put one palm on the other, drop your Chin and lean back.

Hold it for three. Go deeper to get another inch on one and bring it all the way up. Try again. Take it all the way back. One and two abdominals working and three don't overarch, no backbends here and bring it all the way up. Final one, take it all the way back on then to long arches if you can, and three. Okay, and bring it all the way up. You have another knee, another leg. So let's all lean out this way. Hand on the Mat. Thigh, hip over knee, leg outstretched, hand behind head. Here we go. Lifted all the way up. Then down five times, up and down, up and down. Hips forward, up and down. Last one, stay up.

This is very high circle and Kik. Circle and kick. Circle and kick. Circle and kick. It's behind you. Circle and kick. Keep it in front of you. Circle and hold it. Here's your hot potato to the front to three. Kick back, two, three, kick front to three, kick back, two, three. Now. Two. One, two, up top, two up front. Two up top. Two up. Front to, up, back to now. One, one up. Back Up. Front, up, back up. Front, up. Stay up. Circle, kick, circle, kick, circle, kick, circle, kick, circle, kick. Five. Lower lift. Down and up. Four and up. Three and up.

Two and up. One. Stay up and put it down. Excellent. Take a little stretch to one side of the hip like a baby, little mermaid and maybe to the other side of the hip just so that you got everything you needed to get still. Okay. Good fit. Seal hands together. Thread through the ankles. Give me a nice roll. You're going to do five seals. Clap, clap, clap. Three times. Clop. Clop. Clop at the front on the fifth one.

Cross your arms and legs and with no help. Stand up. Here we go. One, two, three. Take it back. One, two, three. Don't clap. This whole of your features, the inside border, one, two, three and back to three again from two, three all the way over your head. Back to three. This is four. You've got one more mentally prepare back to three. Here comes the big one. Oh and I'll take it. Take one more. Do whatever you need and you're up.

She's there. She's there. I got Ya. Laugh. Footwork, heels together, toes apart. Footwork one. Admittedly the hardest because there's more balance. The feet are changing. Position. Give it a whirl. Hands behind the head. Feed her a little wider. Turned out now heels together, toes apart. Your body stays completely upright.

Take a little small bend. Your heels are down. Go all the way down in the heels. Just come up cause they do. But you didn't lift them. They just happened to that way. Start to stand up and press your heels down flat. Then you can stand fully up. Try again. Little Bend, big bend to the knees.

Udo Bend, stand tall. Keep going. Small down, full down, small up and full up. Watch the ankles, little down control all the way, little up and all the way up. One more. Put your heels down as soon as you can. Lower halfway they come up cause they have to put them right back down and stand up. Perfect. Take it down. Last one. All the way, all the way up and stand up tall. We're going to rise up on the balls of the feet. You're up and hold heels together. Squeeze. Stay there. Hold it.

Low abdominals, working legs, squeezing everything on fire. Lower your heels. Take your arms out in front of you. One chest expansion to go. Press behind you and rise up on the toes. Hold it. Their arms, reaching back, reaching back, reaching back. Float the arms, lower the heels down. Try again. Press back, arms go way back, chest up, way high. Keep raising the arms behind you. Don't go to a place and stop.

Reach and then lower all the way. One more. Reach back to back three back and float all the way forward. Everybody's going to try to sit down with arms in front of them. Sit all the way down. No hands. Nope. Sit all the way up. No hands.

That's not bad. Try One more time. All the way down. That's your tests. Yeah. Harder to come up. Right. This part is done though. I'm finished with that at all. The way up. Lean or use the hands only if you need to take a bow. Good job, you guys. Excellent. Excellent work.


2 people like this.
Great class, got my sweat on! Thank you!!
1 person likes this.
Only Alycea with her infectious upbeat spirit could have motivated me to complete this class. I'm one of those who doesn't have difficulty getting up from the floor without hands and it was still hard work!!
I really liked this class today! I realized how tight my ankles and shins feel so this helped me to re-calibrate my awareness. Good flow as well!
Alycea, you never disappoint! Thanks for kicking my butt.
1 person likes this.
Great class and amazing energy with cueing! Loved the pace!
Thank you!
1 person likes this.
Excellent class to observe as I work towards getting my certification!
1 person likes this.
Great upbeat challenge!! New ways to think about getting up and down. Progression of standing footwork was very clear.
Thank you all. It was a great group to work with. The motivation is always mutual!
Thanks Alycea. A fabulous start to my day!!! You inspire as always.
1 person likes this.
Thanks alycea and to the group was lots of fun. Love your energy alycea.
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