Class #3574

Strengthening Reformer

55 min - Class


Improve your strength, endurance, and coordination with this Reformer workout by Courtney Miller. She teaches a Jump Board class, adding the Theraband to give you a fun challenge. She also plays with inversions, adding Headstand variations throughout the class.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box, Jump Board, Theraband

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Hi Guys, Courtney Miller here, back on police anytime with a jump board workout for you. Uh, we will not be jumping the whole time. Don't worry. And um, I really tried to build a class that worked the whole body. Um, I am using the resistance band throughout this class. If you have one, grab it. Uh, what I've done is I've just made a loop like this and I'm actually gonna put this around the shoulder blocks for later in a second. Such as going to sit there, I have what I would call springs to stabilize on. So the carriage just doesn't feel too wiggly under me. And I'm going to begin facing back taking the hands onto the rails that stretch before we begin to jump. So hands are on the rail, slightly forward of the shoulders. Curl those toes underneath you and then just press to a down dog, even a down dog ish position.

Now one thing that I like to do here is at walk my feet back so my heels can hang lower than the carriage. And that just gives me a big time stretch. And this is something that I like to do before I jump. And then after the jump board class as well, allow your upper body to feel free and there you have it. Lift your heels up, flex your spine and lengthen to a plank. Lower your thighs onto the shoulder blocks, and just give yourself an up stretch.

Think about pulling your chest through your arms. Take your toes down and press yourself back again and you might want to do that a couple of times, walking those heels, getting that length. If you have a long day or you been wearing a lot of stilettos, you might want to do an extra set or two and it's going to help you get that heel strike onto the jump forward as we go through class and just opening up that heart. Good. Press back, enjoy a nice little child's pose position. Change your springs. I want you to have a nice light spring on, so I'm on a yellow, which is a quarter spring and stand in the wow.

Before we begin to jump, I'd like to open up the hips a little bit. Walk your feet forward towards the back rail of the reformer and we're gonna use that band by hooking your back foot on it. And we're just going to do a standing lunch series. Feel free to use those risers as a balance aid just with light fingers. Inhale, bend into your front knee. Stretch.

Exhale, pull with the belly and with the hips. Inhale lunge and exhale pull. If you're feeling like you want to increase the level of here, then we'll add the upper body. So as you bend into the front knee, you'll pitch forward and exhale, pull even getting a little bit of a chest expansion sensation while you're last time like this and up. To increase the level of difficulty, you can hop your front foot onto a prop like a box. You want to start in a deep lunge position, body pitched forward, abdominals engaged.

Now the carriage is really pulling me backwards like this, so I have to drive my heel down and use that seat to stabilize. I'm going to pull the back leg in. [inaudible] adding more of a balance component. One more. Take your hands down. Step both feet back.

Mobilize the spine with five pikes. Think about tucking the chin towards the chest and rounding the spine versus just lifting the hips last time. Okay. Take the opposite foot out and rise up. Alright, here we are. Back to vertical. Square the hips up through the valley. You can use the little bounce aide slide back to your lunge and rise up.

Inhale and exhale. So we're turning on the hip extensors, creating warmth and heat in the thighs and length through the hip flexors. Adding the upper body. Yeah, and up. Reach the arms away from the back leg and pull two more like this [inaudible] and that front rail or that back rail gives you a nice sort of feedback of where your knee is tracking. Just give yourself a little hop to come up.

Come into a deep lunge. Hips are square, you're pitched forward. The back knee pulls [inaudible]. If you're light on the hands and you can take them up to increase the level of difficulty, three more. Two and one hands go down. Both feet. Go back. You've got five pikes.

[inaudible] focus on pushing down into the hands and finding that thoracic flection two more and one, take your feet down and bringing the carriage home. Rebuild your spine. Good. Don't you like a warm up that is harder than the actual jump board work you're going to do. Ah No, it's all good. It's all hard. So there you have it. Now you are going to be untimed this band and using it in its long form but not yet. So just get it ready. You can go ahead and lay it down beside you. We'll reduce our tension or excuse me, increase the tension to a blue spring.

So we had a yellow. Now we have a blue coming down to a supine position, adjusting the headrest for you. You're not going to be down here very long and we're going to do what I would call core jumps. So this is more focused on the abdominals, not really working too much in that lower body region just yet. Move away from the shoulder blocks. If you're jammed in, have your toes towards the top of the jump board and take your arms out like a letter t.

I like starting in this position because it gives me that opportunity to open up through the packs. I draw the pinkies in towards my body as I curl up and then take the hands behind the head, push out to two straight legs, scan the body. So what I'm looking for is my inner thighs squeezing my quadriceps toned and engaged my toes in line and not staggered. Lift the heels up, lower the heels and just bend the knees a little. That's the biomechanics of what we're going to be doing. Sure.

It is a little jump. The emphasis is the ankle. The lower your feet land on the board, the more your core will be working. But stay honest. I'm bending my knees just a little sh so these aren't your moon jumps. Think of more the planter point and Doris.

I flex of the ankle. The knee just softens the landing five more. Yeah, and come all the way in. That's a series that looks super easy and is really, really tough to do. All right, we're going to come back up again, taking the hands behind the head and pressing out dry one knee in towards you and without moving the carriage, see if you can switch legs. It looks like that.

Okay? Okay. Now notice the soft landing in your feet. This is how you have to land when you're doing your heavier, quicker resistance jumps. Okay, I'd rotation towards the new that's coming in. Okay? Five more.

Four, three, two, one, and come on in. You getting warm yet here we are going to continue to build, so you see what I mean? It's core jumps. There's some jumping, but it's all of it. This toes towards the front. Open it up. Keep both feet on this time. Flex up, harass out, and draw one leg to tabletop. Hold behind the knee. Do your best to keep your hips square as you straighten the leg three times as if you're doing tree [inaudible]. Now keep your tree tall, flex the spine and climate good. Climb down your tree, but take your time so you can really mobilize for the spine and bend the knee as you come home. If you're sliding back, readjust other side, press that three kicks. One, two, three.

Work on flexing and deep in the mat. See curves come up. Try to pull the tailbone underneath you as you go down and Ben to come in. Let's go with a little bit more flow. Press out and kick and kick and kick. Walk it up, walk it down, come in other side. Press out. One, two, three. Walk it up. Walk it down and come in. One more per side.

Three, two, one. Use the upper body to assist in both directions. Take it down last time, well one, and you'll notice the more you do the more that hamstring release's walk up. Walk down and bring it in. Nice job. Help yourself come up onto your elbows and forearms.

Now I like to use the shoulder blocks to help keep my humerus vertical. So I kind of dig my elbow back there and I think about the shoulder blocks. As a reminder, if I start to do that, stay lifted. Come into a c curve position where you shorten the distance from your hips to your ribs. Toes start towards the top of the board and exhale, jump. Now this is more like those moon jumps. So do you see how I get into a deep knee bend and I spring out?

I'm using my quadriceps and the muscles in my feet and ankles. Now this is an exercise of endurance, not just in the lower body but in the upper body as well. So if you find yourself slouching, bring your attention to those elbows, to the shoulder blocks. You'll notice I turned my palms up. You can play with palms up versus palms down.

Let's play with coordination. The legs wide to narrow. One of the great things about being up in this c curve position is that you can see the feet meet the jump board. Okay? You can see as you land tow ball heel and you can watch as the knees travel over the second and third toes turning side to side. You will roll on one hip and then the other she's drawing and art.

Okay, two more. Okay. Coming back to center and go into a single leg. Reciprocal jump. Now don't just focus on the jumping leg as the tabletop leg draws towards you.

Deepen your scoop. Think about your single leg stretch exercise on the mat. [inaudible] and change to an external rotation. [inaudible] see if you can keep those hips square. Come back to bilateral parallel jumps.

Right leg table top. We're going to play a little bit with internal rotation. I duction Ab duction so pay attention to that jumping leg. Let's jump in. Land towards the top of the board twice. So that's one and that's two.

Now jumping land to the left side of the board twice. Staying in parallel if you can. That's to jump and land low as low as you feel. You can keep your heel anchored and then cross the midline twice. Try that again. Top.

Okay. Wide [inaudible] low and crossing the midline. Singles looks like this. Land once at the top, once wide, once low and once. Crossing the midline last time. Okay.

Other side. Just find your rhythm first. So much work through the foot and ankle but necessary especially to get ready for what's to come in this class. Good. Two jumps to the top of the board. That's one. That's two land wide. That's one. Yeah, that's to land low, but try to keep that heel down as you come in and then cross the midline. Try that again.

Tow Ball. He'll push one. Okay. And wide. I almost feel like I'm flicking the board away with my foot and crossing the midline and now one of each one. Hi. One wide, one low and one cross.

One more time. One wide or high I should say. Then wide, then low, then cross. Good job. Take a turn and come on to your elbow and forearm. Facing side. Again, I'll use the shoulder blocks to help me stay vertical. So even though the coordination is in the lower body, the endurance is maintaining that upper body alignment.

Take your top foot onto the job board and just push out to a straight leg for a moment. So I'm looking for your ability to keep those hips square. If you're having a hard time, then bring math forward a little bit. Okay, so hip bone over hipbone top hand will be onto the carrot, then the knee and jump. Now all of these jobs have been on a Baloo so far, so I am working through the quadriceps, but there's a big emphasis on ankle and foot mobilization here and strength. So bring your awareness to the foot. Think of the foot more like webbing and a dome versus something that's solid and flat. I had a lift.

When you jump three more and one, take your top hand overhead. As you do push down on your bottom elbow, you have three jumps and one catch. I'll tell you what you're catching in a second. This is one. Look to the riser in front of you. That's two. That's three. So you've made your catch.

Now all you're doing here is getting this amazing posterior stretch. So draw the leg back, lifted higher without sitting in the shoulder. Allow that lat to stretch. Bring the foot forward so you can make your landing. And now that you know we're going to keep going. So three jumps, that's one stay lifted for those ribs. That's to look for the rise, right of your peripheral. Three lift and stretch.

That's one, that's two, that's three. And lengthen. One more time. Push two and three and lengthen. And you can feel how it's all connected from your toes all the way up through to your fingertips while you do that stretch. Come into four point kneeling before we do the other side. Let's do a headstand. When do you hear that in life? Let's just do a headstand.

Um, kind of. Okay, so I still have that blue spring on come down onto your elbows and forearms. Now this is a series that I introduced. It introduced in a work out a while back, I think it was 2016, um, plays any anytime and this is an adaptation onto that drop head down between hands. I have my elbows about shoulder with the part and I use the shoulder blocks here. I push down on my elbows so that my ears are away from my shoulders and I can see the jump board here. So I take a foot on and I push out.

I just work my foot up until I'm hooked on the top of the jump board. And then I take the other foot, the hips lift up, and I try to shift my weight over my shoulders. Okay, so that's what I'm trying to do here. Feel my butt over my shoulders and then inhale, lengthen out and I lift the hat up and come into a plank position. So tuck the chin, lift the hips, and even though the crown of my head is down, the weight is mostly in my elbows and it's my back helping to hold me out here and inhale, lengthen.

Next time we're going to add a single leg option. If you're happy just staying here and working your balance, then keep both feet on. I'm going to take a leg off and you may even take both legs off. I'm not going to yet. Maybe next time and Preso Tuck the chin, hips up, shifting the weight back over your shoulders and taking the leg down. One more time. Leg comes up. Shifting the weight maybe.

Yeah, back. So I just sort of play with this weight transfer. Head is down. [inaudible] like comes up. Okay. Yeah. Take it down.

Lower one knee down and lower the other. Now before we do the whole series again on the other side, stay on your elbows and forms down here like this and knees are under the hips. Look back over a shoulder and push out to a straight leg. I can feel my heel and the top of the jump board. Bend the knee and press. Now, just like before, I want you to work. Getting that heel down.

It may mean that your knee bend is small. Now this is a lot of upper body right now. Shoulders are working to stabilize the shape, adding a leg lift, and as I kicked the leg up, drawing the belly up with that one more and come in. Good. All right, let's see how we do on the other side. We're going to start in our side line position.

Actually I would call this more a lounge. Elbows down, ribs are lifted, bottom knees bent in top foot goes on the board in line with the hip, square the hips. So that means move the foot a little forward or a little back. Then adjust, push, not just with the quadriceps, with the hip extensors, with the ankle and the foot. Two more. And then we're going to add that little kick at trying to maintain that plank alignment in my torso. [inaudible] uh, last three and too [inaudible] and one.

So now we take the arm up overhead and notice that as you do, you get more of a lift and centrum underneath three jumps and then a catch. That's one, that's two and that's three. And just take this as an opportunity to create length and space. Bring the foot forward to land. Three jumps, so one, two and three. So I extend and lift my back leg and I allow that length lengthening need to happen without completely collapsing. One more. One, sue. Sorry, long, long, long, long and come all the way in. Nicely done. Pivot and turn.

Now we are going to do a second set of that headstand prep. Have you felt a little wobbly? You can always increase the tension a little bit. It doesn't have to be a Rad. You might just want to load the blue where you put the blue around the, the um, bolt versus the hook. So I did that. Okay, so here we go guys.

Coming back onto the elbows and forearms and I'll also show you another position too. If coming into a headstand prep is important to you, elbows or shoulder width, how does down that goes back and you can see it. So just take that foot to the top and take both feet. Now just to practicing, the sense of getting the hips up over the shoulders is perfect. You don't have to add anything fancy with the legs. I'm going to add a single leg lift and as the carriage presses out, how cross my ankles and lift the head.

So I just have a smaller base of support while I'm out here in my plank. Tuck the Chin and lift the leg. So squeeze and press. And the left. One more year.

Squeeze and lift. Okay, let's see how we do on the other side. So not just spending a little time upside down as all you need. Alrighty. So as we pressed out, the leg came down, shoulders or underneath or over top of the elbows and exhale up. Okay?

Now this is a lot more accessible than the foot bar because the jump board Kinda just gets you there, right? If you can bring that carriage in, your hips are pretty much over your shoulders and uh, good. And bring it down and enjoy a child's pose if you need to. So if going into an inversion is something that you want to try, but this feels a little bit intimidating, um, I can give you another just quick little option here. I'm just going to take the jump board off for a moment and this is just totally a side note. That's kind of something fun. If you're afraid of the carriage wiggling around, you could add more springs. Okay. So we were doing the head stand in this position. Um, if just getting that inversion is something that you want to be able to pop into, you can go into what's called a tripod up here. So walk your knees back, put your head in the center of the carriage, and then hold on to the front edge.

And then this will allow you to kind of have a little base. You could put your knees onto your elbows and just practice your tripod. You can practice that sense of lifting your hips up over your shoulders like we worked earlier. You could go into your full a headstand here, okay. And he's come down, okay.

And fee come down. It's not something that I teach in a group class guys, but it is fun to go upside down for a little while. So you could just play with that tripod position as you build your confidence going into your head. Stand in this position. Okay, so going into our quadro pad, low position, jumps on the other leg, push out to a straight leg, heels on the board, square those hips, and exhale, press. Again, this is a lot of upper body. So push down into the arms to find that stability. And if the knee doesn't bend too much, that's okay.

But do work to keep that heel on the board during the knee bend so you can use that whole foot and the plantar reflection of the ankle to get that Spring Adina lift. And as the leg kicks up, belly draws in four more, three, two, one and come on in. Great work. All right, so that series was done on a blue or a loaded blue. We're going to reduce the tension now to a yellow spring. Let's begin seated. Sit towards the front of your carriage, right about in the center between the blocks and the edge of the carriage. But you want all this room back behind you. Grab Ahold of your strap, roll back into a c curve position, bringing the legs to tabletop and the strap in the middle of the body.

See if you can keep your legs steady as you rotate to the jump board and away. So I'm working dis association. I'm trying to rotate in my spine but not in my hips. Two more. And last one like this, bringing the hands into the chest. Inhale, lower to your hundred position and exhale, scoop back up. But again, try to stay in a straight line. Inhale, exhale, three more, two and one.

Lower the legs down. Awesome. Go ahead and come to a standing position. You'll use that same strap and you'll put it around the arch of your outside foot so it looks like that. Place the hands on to the shoulder blocks and curl the toes underneath you. Now I'm on a yellow spring for the series. My emphasis is mobilization. You could definitely do it on a blue, just throwing that out there and it would be heavier, harder, and the range of motion may not be as great.

Push up to your downward facing dog like position. So you were here in the beginning of class. Step your stabilizing leg in line with the head rest and slide the strap leg out to the side on an exhale. This strap leg lifts up, so it's like three, like a dog position. And on an inhale, it sweeps wide to the rails. Exhale and inhale down and wide trying to keep your hips square ish when the leg comes up. And I'm definitely going into but have an arabesque. But what I'm trying to avoid is cinching my hip towards my shoulder or drooping in that side as the leg goes down. And I like to add a little knee bend here in my stabilizing leg when I go down.

And then it gives me a little bit more power and range. Okay. When I lift up two more and last time and come all the way down, put your foot, meet the floor, Hook that strap up. And before you go to the other side, go back to that blue. We're going to place the um, outside foot. So this like here into the strap, looks like this and come to a four point kneeling position. Okay, so there I am and I'm kneeling right in the middle of the carriage.

I'm going to take the foot that has the strap in it, that leg and cross the knee behind. I would call this a curtsy position. Now I am trying to keep my hips behind my shoulders as I look towards the foot bar and open the leg and kick towards the jump board. Now my pelvis is rotated, but what I'm trying not to do is shift towards the shoulder blocks and inhale, bend, exhale, push and inhale, bend, exhale and curtsy. Three more. So sidekick and bring it in.

This is definitely whole body too. Okay, and last one [inaudible] another great thing to think about during that series is keeping your stabilizing femur vertical. We'll talk about that when we do the other side. Don't forget to switch back to a yellow so you can start the flow. So you can see now from this position, I've got all of this room behind me. I need it because I'm going to be lying back, but not yet.

So I like to begin in my best posture before going back into my seeker, taking the legs up, start rotated towards the police and see if you can work on this association. Moving the spine without moving the legs. Yeah, three more. Two and one. Yeah, bring the hands right into the sternum.

Send the legs away as you lower to your hundred and work to come back up. But try to stay straight. Inhale down, exhale up four more. Okay. And [inaudible]. Oh, go ahead and take a strap and put it around the arch of the outside foot. So just put it there, leave it there, and then take your hands up, come onto the carriage, curl the toes under.

And before you go into a unilateral balance, just come on out for a sec. Okay, so that's the easiest way I find to get up. And you can get a nice calf stretch. Really. You're here. Take your stabilizing foot into the middle so it's in line with the head rest. And then your strap that goes to the side. The leg comes up on an exhale and down on an inhale, it has to go wider than the rails belly draws in and up.

And if adding that knee bend felt right to you, you bend the knee while the legs sweeps down and you straighten the leg [inaudible] as you kick out tumor and one and bring it all the way down. Good. It's hard to get enough posterior chain and the jump board class. So that's what I was saying in the beginning. Yeah, the jump boards on the whole time, but it's a full body workout. So I need this strap in the foot that's closer to the jump board. I changed to a blue and I come into a kneeling position like so. Okay.

And I'm trying to keep my pelvis behind my shoulders. I crossed the knee behind. I would call this curtsy and then I'll look at the jump board. So I know the direction I want to send that foot and kick out to the side. Inhale, exhale.

So what I was mentioning is try to keep that stabilizing femur straight up and down. And that'll tell you that your hips are indeed staying behind your shoulders for more three, two and one [inaudible]. Awesome. Alrighty, let's jump. So remember I said that that band was going to reappear. Now is the time. I prefer to have a medium to light tension on the reformer.

So I'm going to put a red. There's definitely days where I'll put a red and a blue. I'm feeling a little stronger, but it today's a red day. Um, you'll want your band wide. Okay? And if you prefer your head rest up while you John, which I think a lot of us do, then go ahead and adjust it. The band is going to cover the ball of the feet and the baby toes on both feet and you'll see why in a second. Your legs are, I ducked it and parallel.

Now you can hold onto that band with open grip. If you find it Slippy, then the easiest thing to do is to roll it over the knuckles. Okey-Dokey. The tail is coming through the thumb side. Here's why I love the band. As I press out and I maintain my bicep curl, my hip extensors have to work against the band, which is exactly what I want to try or tried to fire into when I'm jumping.

So no more soft knees. We really want to push, push through the foot, engage through the quadricep and fire into that whole back body. Okay? Now this is also an exercise that I like to do. Inflection, anchor those elbows. And again, you have that ability now to see and correct [inaudible] straight, I mean those legs and pushing into the band [inaudible]. Let's change our arm position. Reduce the tension quite a bit. So come to the tail of the band. Feel free to wrap.

If it's feeling a little sticky, we're going to add an arm reach. As the arms go up, the legs have to work harder to push down. Okay? Again, coming into flection, okay, allows you to see what's going on here. Three more push down into the band with the feet too.

And one, you can also do this series with a single leg version. Now the fun thing about this is you don't only have to jump on the, but that doesn't have the band. So let's actually begin jumping on the foot that does have the band. You get that same feedback, okay? Ad Inflection.

Adina, reach up with the arms down with the leg and you can absolutely go into exercises like your bicycle, which gives your brain and nice little challenge. Three more two and the one take the opposite foot in. Now if for some reason you're having a hard time keeping the band on the foot, you can actually make an x like that and now it's not going anywhere. Yeah, arms go up. You can add in your spinal flection [inaudible] and work that reciprocal challenge. [inaudible] two more and come on in. Nice. All right, let's make a quick change.

Bang can go down, box can come on. We'll place the box on in short box position. Okay. We had a red spring on for the last flow. I'm going to change it to a blue. And the way that this reformer is, is the blue is almost in the middle.

Um, but it's okay. You can just step to the side of the spring. The way to get in here guys is just push the box away first, creating an open space in the well, and then you can step your feet in and it's okay if the carriage touches you, nothing bad happens. Press your hips back against the jump board and feel a little bit of an anterior tilt to the pelvis and you'll see why in a second. Okay, so pressing the set bones back. Take one foot up, endorsee flection onto the box and push out to a straight leg. The reason I asked you to feel this anterior tilt is because as we straighten the leg, when we begin to stretch the hamstring, it's going to pull our pelvis into a posterior direction. So you're actually sort of countering the way that you know the muscle's going to pull by feeling belly of the muscle, lengthen tailbone back.

Then once you found that position, see if you can come to a balance. It's not easy. Then Dean and your box leg and pressing forward. I'm trying to stay vertical, so I'm trying to keep even weight onto my toes and heel on my standing leg. Okay.

It's not easy adding some upper body work. As I pushed the leg away, I rotate in the direction of the leg. Now this sort of gives me this reminder to drop that hip and pull that sit bone back and come back to center. Push and lengthen and come back to center. Three more [inaudible] and one.

Yeah, come back to center. Push the Lego away, lift your arms up, start to lean forward, flex this spine, take the hands onto the box and take that leg wide and then back and you can rest it. No one's watching. Just rest it. Bend into your stabilizing knee a little. If you're on the petite side, guys, sometimes coming up too irrelevant is a little helpful. Resting that back leg, pitching the chest forward and down. You've got arm presses here, eight of them. Now if you're feeling strong and you want to add a challenge, come into an arabesque and lift that back leg off. For most of us, the pelvis will rotate in order to get that leg lifted, two more and one, take the leg wide and in opposite foot goes on the box and just press the hips back so now you can feel that sense of anterior versus see curvy curving the spine. You're trying to stretch the distance from the back of the knee to the sit bone on that side. Push yourself forward.

You use the jump board to help you find your stability and then take your hands onto your hips as you go into your box presses. Inhale, when you bend and exhale. Again, it's the sense of vertical, so standing up, right [inaudible] closing the ribs and adding your rotation so you're turning towards the leg. That straightening, you're dropping that hip down and you're trying to pull it back and the box helps you. It pushes your femur back into the hip socket, but it's not going to do all the work you want to think about bad narrowing of that space and back to center two more. Okay, I had lost one like this. Push the carriage out, lift the arms out and start to lean and you might want to just stay here for a little bit and start to feel that stretch. As you pull your sit bones back. When you're ready, you cascade forward.

You have to take your hands on the box first so that the light can go back. And like I said, I like a little bend in my stabilizing leg so I feel more gluten. Mead, you could come up to Relevate, especially if you're more petite and feel free to rest that back leg. Yeah, eight arm presses and auditing the leg hovers. It's gonna increase that challenge. That's three, four, five and I have to keep thinking about it cause that back leg doesn't want to go up and one more. Take it wide and bring it in. All right. Almost done. Almost paid.

What you're going to do is take the arch of one foot onto the front edge of the carrot and then take the other one out. I still have a blue. I'd like you to come to a standing position here so you do have some of your weight back on this board, but I can let go. Okay. Draw those legs together. Flex the spine, drawing ribs in and up. Now my preference for Tendon Stretch, oh by the way you're doing tendons stretch is to have the thumbs on the same side of the foot bar a at thumbs, at the same side as the fingers. I should say when I'm using the foot bar because I can wrap my fingers on this variation. I do tend to take my thumbs around. I want you to play with it and choose what feels best on your wrist.

Finding that c curve position, you'll press out using abdominal strength and length into a flat back. One tricep dip. And then hips come up as you come in. So if you hear that crashing in, then you need to stay to yourself. Less arms, more abs. That's what I'm saying to myself. I have to power less and breathe more.

A little better. Lengthen out, down and up. [inaudible] there we go. And you can try thumbs on the same side last time. See Curve. Nice. Long Spine. One dip. Wow. And Europe, taking your hands onto the box and carefully stepping off.

All right guys, this is when you want to lay down. Put your feet in the straps. Do some circles. Pasha, maybe even a short spine or to, um, I'm gonna cut it here though. And this is a fun class, right? Yeah, it was jump board class, but we certainly weren't jumping the whole time. Have Fun with your inversions. Play with the resistance span and remember the why behind it. How it really helps you to get into that posterior chain and keep coming back to this class cause I guarantee you're going to see improved strength, endurance, and coordination. Thanks for joining me.


Loved it! :)
5 people like this.
I always say we need a “Love” button instead of just a “like”. There is so much here to play with. I just love how you use all of the reformer and how much fun you make every class! Thanks Courtney!
What a great class - thank you soooo much Courtney! Lovely greetings from Switzerland
Love love love! Hope there’s more coming! Can never get enough of your creativity! The head stand I didn’t love so much- guess I need work there! Always humbling to feel the imbalances and weaknesses Pilates can show.
Ha Bowtell
Awesome jumpboard/ Reformer class Courtney and I love 3 jumps and catch part, can’t wait to share with me clients. Thank you
Ingrid J
What a wonderful class!!! I think I will never do jumpboard without TheraBand again! What a great feeling! Thank you!
I love your classes. I keep watching and doing it over and over again. Always come up with a new movement! Congratulations for your simpathy. Criativity and thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. 😘
I’m doing this for the second day in a row! That head stand🤩
Wow! What can I say. As always this was a blast🙏🙏🙏
Holy guacamole! I am a huge fan and have done all of your reformer classes, but this was definitely the most challenging in so many ways. Loved it!
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