Class #4193

Building Upward

55 min - Class


Continuing with Brett Howard's series Building Upwards with Brett, he adds overhead exercises to the Mat class he has established. He will enable you to access these exercises with greater ease and understanding with the assistance of a towel or Theraband. He also creatively prepares you for exercises such as Open Leg Rocker so you can keep honing your execution with deeper sensation and better technique.
What You'll Need: Mat, Towel

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Morning, everybody. It's Brett Howard here. I'm at my studio in Jersey City. And today our focus is building upwards. So if you don't have a towel, you don't need it but if you have a towel, maybe about this size, it might be helpful.

Also, a smaller one also could work. I use the towel, I mentioned this before to sometimes place underneath my lower back or you might want to do it for exercises like the roll up allows you to be able to push into it. It fills any sort of hollow space there, I find it helpful. We're also gonna use this towel the longer one. If you don't have a towel, you can also use theraband as well.

Because we're gonna start to introduce some of the overhead sizes today. So building upwards, I would like to take some of the exercises that most people find difficult but it's just misunderstood. All right, and we're gonna start to build that into the workout. All right, so let's start with the warm up. Let's go on the hands and the knees, quadruped head position, hands underneath the shoulders, knees directly underneath the hips.

You're gonna lean it the back like an angry cat dropping the head, dropping the tail. Then from there, arch the back, head up, tailbone up. And again on the back like an angry cat and drop the tail. Then arch the back, head up, tailbone up. And again, round your back.

And then arch the back, head up, tailbone up. And one more inhale around the back. And then exhale, arch the back, head up, tailbone up. All right, I'm have to turn around. Let's go on to having feet in line with knees, in line with the hip.

And then feet are gonna be parallel hip with distance thumbs with fingers, hold on to the back and start with the tail. You're gonna round down one vertebrae at a time bringing the lower back on mat. When the arms get to full extension, hold there. Lead with the crown of the head, round forward, bring the nose towards the knees, then roll up tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head is last. And again, starting with the tail curl down.

Try to keep the thumbs with the fingers. Also, try not to let the hand slide down the legs. When they are at full extension hold there, lead with the crown of the head, round forward. And then roll it to your spine, tailbone lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head. Let's go for one more.

Tailbone under, curling, opening up the lower back. This time the arms get to full extension hold there. I'm gonna have you reach the arms forward and up on a slight diagonal, try to pancake the feet and then roll down another inch. Allow the feet to spread like batter in a skillet, and then go another down and then go all the way down and you can rest your head. All right, if you're in a high mat, you can be hands behind the base of the head.

Otherwise, if you're in a lower match, you can bring the arms out to the side. Whichever feels most comfortable for you. Feet together and knees together. We're gonna go for tic toc. You're gonna bring your knees to the right as the head turns to the left.

Then from there, hold down, rib cage, lower back held this to come center. Then knees are gonna go to the left, head is gonna go to the right. And then pull down rib cage, we're back pelvis to go center, then knees to the right, head to the left. And then pull ribs, lower pelvis, nice sequential sequencing and then knees to the left, head to the right. Then curl ribcage, lower back pelvis to come center.

Last time, knees to the right, head to the left. And then pull down ribcage lower back pelvis to come center. And knees to the left, head to the right. And then pull down ribcage lower back pelvis to come center. Bring the arms on the hub.

The fingertips to go today go around on to the thighs. You wanna keep nice long wrist, and then you're gonna lift yourself. And you're going try to have no space in between your wrist and your thighs. Then soften the arm, melt down in one vertebrae at a time all the way to the tail. And again, tailbone initiates, this is an exercise by Kathy Grant, slant board, pelvis and then I'm gonna melt one vertebrae at a time all down to the tail.

Let's go for one more. You're gonna lift the hips up and then from there, press down with the hands. Now keep the hip up. Inhale with the arms up to the ceiling. Then exhale, reach the arms back, back, back.

Inhale, arms forward, exhale arms go down to the mat, still keeping the hips up, inhale, the arms up. And exhale and reach back, back. Inhale, arms go forward, exhale, arms go down. One more time. Inhale with the arms exhale, go back, back back this time.

Roll the spine down as you roll the head, neck and shoulders up like a seesaw, reach up in a forward position, try not to tuck your pelvis. Then tailbone let's have the head, neck and shoulders and arms go back. Then from there, soften at the start and melt down one vertebrae at a time to roll the head, neck and shoulders up. Then hold that position. You're gonna bring both knees into the chest, extend the legs out, rotate to palate stance and then pumping up and down as you breathe in with the air and breathe out two, three, four, five.

In and exhale three, four , five. In with the air. And exhale make sure you're not hyper extending your knees your elbows in and exhale three, four, five. One more, and exhale three, four, 50, hold there. Bring the eye overhead but try not let your head go back.

Now come back two, three, four, five and exhale three, four, five. Inhale and exhale three, four, five. Back, back, back, back back and exhale, two more. Just inhale and exhale three, four, five. One more, try to stay lifted on the upper back, exhale and then knees into the chest rest.

Let's go for good morning roll up. Since it's early, especially for some of you guys on the west coast, the flat arms are gonna go up to the ceiling simultaneous action. Roll up as you reach forward into C curve. Then from there, slide the feet initial, round down, bend the knees and go all the way down. Simultaneously stretch the hip as you roll up and then reach forward into your C curve.

Then from there, bend the knees as you slide the feet in, roll down one reverberate at a time. And again, simultaneously roll up as you stretch and then reach towards the C curve. Then bend the knee, lighten your feet in this roll down to the spine. Let's go for one more. Rolling up and you're gonna reach forward this time keep your forward position, make two fist, curl your tailbone under, bring the fist into the sternum and hold their rowing.

You're gonna open the arms on one plane, press the arms back, then deepen over. Fingertips go back with the arms up one higher, two higher, three and circle the arms around. Two fists and curling under, trying to get the lower on to mat. Now, keep the pressure the same. Open the arms, pull back to the ribs, stretch your hands, go back, then lead with the head to go forward.

Then shoulder blades down with the arms up one higher, two higher, three, and circle the arms forward. Tailbone under, bringing the fist into the sternum, keep the C curve, open, press on one plane, then going over. Then reach the arms up one higher, two higher, three. Circle the arms forward. Now let's go for roll up the straight leg position.

You're gonna roll down one vertebra at a time and then go all down. Arms are gonna go over the head, arms to the ceiling, roll the head forward, and then revert into your C curve. Hands forward, stomach back, tailbone under, roll down one vertebrae at a time. Exhale all the way down. Making an arch where you can control about the rib cage laying your arms to the ceiling, roll the head forward.

Head leads the movement. And then reach forward C curve. Roll down as your rolling down and reach an up position. One vertebra at a time rounding down all the way down and rest. Now slide the feet in.

Feet are gonna be flat in the mat, you're gonna lift the right leg up knee to knee. Now doing that your pelvis is on a scale. Keep the scale balanced, you're gonna lower the leg down to the ankle. Now without tipping the scale circle the leg around and end that started chipping. Lower the leg down to the ankle.

Then from there, circle around. Keep the pelvis square and balanced. More time, lower the leg down and circle around, and come back to center reversed. Open, circle down, lift up to knee level. And again, open, circle down, lift up to knee level.

One more time, open, circle down, lift up to knee level, bend the knee. Now lift the left leg up knee to knee. Lower the leg down to the ankle. Now circle outward, but try not to let the standing leg move. And again, lower down.

I'm really gonna retract to the right side, engage in the right abdominal muscles to help keep the pelvis from tipping. Let's reverse this. You're gonna open, circle down, lift up to knee level. And again, open, circle down, lifting up level. One more time, open, circle down, lift up to knee level.

now bend the knee. Bring the hands behind the head and on top of the other. Roll the head up and shoulders up, bring both knees into the chest, both legs right up to the ceiling, rotate. Now let the left leg lower to where you can control. The left leg's gonna stay still looking at it and you can see if it's moving or not.

You're gonna go, circle the right leg down and around, across, down and up and across, down and up, reverse and down, cross and up. Try to have no movement in the left leg and down, cross and up, hold there, scissor. Other leg goes across, down and up, one. Cross, down and up two, cross. Notice if one leg is easier to stabilize than the other and down, cross and up and two.

I'm only circling as much as I can, controlling the right leg that's reaching out. Both legs up, knees into the chest, rest of the head, then extend the legs out. You're gonna flex the feet. Then point right foot, develop a slide foot in, knee into the chest, extend the leg up, flex the foot, lower the leg all down, left foot points. We're still keeping that image on a scale here, making sure that the scale it's not tipping, making sure the pelvis is not rocking side to side.

Slide the right foot in, knee into the chest, extend the leg up, the foot reaching out through that heel. Then let the point slide the foot in, knee into the chest, extend the leg up, flex the foot and reaching out. Last time, right foot points. Slide the foot in, knee into the chest, extend the leg up and hold, rotate the leg. Now you're gonna go across, circle down and up one.

Cross, down and up two. Cross, down and up three, hold there. Roll both arms up to the ceiling. Hands gonna face into each other. Don't move the hands that you reverse, down, across and up.

A little bit out, a lot of cross up. One more, a little out roll this up. Now bring the hands down to the right like the parallel, flex the foot reach out, keeping the pelvis balanced. And you're gonna point the left, slide the foot in, knee into the chest, extend the leg up. Rotate the leg, go across the circle down and round up one.

Cross, down, around and up. Cross, down, around and up. Let's reverse it. Roll out our arms to the ceiling and a lot of cross a little out. A lot of cross, a little out.

A lot of cross, in there, rotate the leg into parallel, flex the foot, and then reach that leg down. Now turn the hands forward, let the head up and roll up to your spine and one vertebra at a time. Then from there hands down, grab a hold of the ankles, balance. In this position, you wanna make sure you're behind the sits bones not on top of head tail connection, navel back, rock back, come right back up, find balance. And again, rock back.

I always say it's better to fall backwards than to tip forward. And again, rock back three and leave with the head to come up, tailbone to lift your back, crown to the head to pull you forward. Two more, rock back and roll up. One, more rock back and rolling up and hold that position. Keep the right hand where it is, you're gonna bring your left hand, place it on the right knee.

Left leg out to 45 degrees, slow and controlled. I call this the set palates transition. See how set you can be going nice and smooth on the way down. Then pull the right leg in for single leg. Change, pull the left leg in, change two and two and three.

Three and pull and pull and five more and pull and pull and two and two and pull and pull. Inhale, inhale and exhale. Exhale both knees and double leg, arms back legs, let's reach circle beneath them pull. Inhale, reach, exhale, circle and then pull. Inhale three, exhale circle in.

Inhale four, exhale circle in. Inhale length, exhale, circle five more. Reach, reach, reach, circling in. Arms, legs out together, arms first and a second right gather and then reach, and exhale, circle in two more. Inhale out and exhale, circle in.

Last time, and reach and exhale. Single straight leg, right leg up, left leg forward and pull pull, scissor pull, two, two. Nice broad elbows, three, three, three, three. Pull, pull, pull, pull and five, five, five more. Inhale and exhale, exhale and pull, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull.

I'm gonna give you one more extra today. Pull, pull, pull, pull and pull pull. Straight up, hands down the base of the head, double straight leg, lower, two, three, lift to 90. You can also have your hands underneath the hips. Lower two, three, lift and three two three, up to 90.

Four, two three, lift to 90. Five, two three lift. Five more try to keep that upper back nice and lifted, lower two three up. And three two, three two three two more. And lower two, three, one more.

And lower two, three, lift crisscross. Twist to the right hold for three, hold for two, hold for one change hold, two, three change two. Two, three and two, two three and two, two three three, two, three and twist. Twist, twist, twist, twist, twist them further twist and sting five, two, three and five quick time. One one, two two, three three, four four, five five knees in and relax, okay.

You can scoot back. Then from there, bring the arms straight up to the ceiling. Now try to keep this controlled and smooth. Roll up for five, four, three, two, one. Let's go for spine stretch forward, you're gonna open to a V.

Then from there, you're gonna reach the arm straight out in front of you shoulder width, shoulder height. Into your spine, rounding over, hands forward, stomach back, heels forward, follow the foot back, crown in the head down. Then roll up tailbone back, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck head is the last thing to come up. Lift, rounding over, hand forward, stomach back, heel forward, follow the foot back, crown and head down. And then roll up, tailbone lower back, middle back, upper back, neck and head.

Last time lift all round up and over big beach ball, slide the hands forward on tabletop. Then roll up like we're stringing our curl neck, one curl on top of another pull. Curl right against that tall flat wall. Then you're gonna point the feet, bring the legs together, seek out, and then you're just gonna rest over the legs and just relax here. Don't force anything, let it assist you.

We're gonna take a deep breath in. And a big exhale, exhale, exhale. And again, inhale, I batch and have a pillow on my lap. And exhale, I'm just resting my torso on that pillow. One more, breathe in and breathe out, out, out.

Roll up to your spine, one vertebrate at a time. Now open the legs to that V again, you're going to reach the arms straight out in front for this type of flex feet, long feet. I want you to start with the tailbone. You're gonna curl down one vertebrae at a time until heels get light. Once the heels are light, pull into the core.

Keep a curve of the upper back, you're gonna float the right leg up towards the fingertips, now float down. Now float the left leg up try to keep equal weight on both sides of the pelvis, let it float down. Now float the right leg up, hold. Float the leg up to join it, right leg lowers. Left leg lowers and lift up to a nice curl back.

Let's do that again. Tailbone under, curve, curve. Soften now when the heels are light, left leg floats up and down, right leg foot up for keeping equal weight on both sides of the pelvis. Now this is the hard part, left leg up. Try to keep the equal weight, try to keep the seat curve, bring the right leg up to join it.

Keep the seat curve keeping weight on both sides of the pelvis the left leg lowers and same thing as the right lowers. Then roll up to your spine to a tall back. Last time, tail bone under and curve. Curve, curve, keep the sea curve, keep the weight where it is, try to float both legs up and you can hold on to the back of the legs. Now I have my hands behind my ankles you can hold lower if you need to.

Now open leg rocker. Rock back, come right back and balance for three, two, one. Rock back, same thing as the rolling like a bowl as they come up, I'm gonna try to stay at my seat spot. And rock and come up. Like I said, I'd rather you fall backwards than forward.

Three more, rock and come up and balance, balance twice more, and rock back and up in balance, two. Three one more time, rock back, up and balance. Now stay there. Bring the legs together. Then you're gonna keep your curb, reach the arms forward and a hold it there, one, hold it there two, hold it there, three, roll the spine down one vertebrae at a time when you can, bend the knees in and relax there.

Okay, so now is the time. I'd like for you to take your towel if you have one. If you don't have it, always imagine you're doing the action that we're gonna do with the towel. So I'm gonna to lie down, and you're gonna lie down as well, you're gonna grab a hold of your towel. Then from there, I'm gonna extend the legs up, you're going to pull your towel outward and you're gonna bring your legs up and over.

For today, just go parallel to the floor. Open the legs, flex the feet, melt down, one vertebrae at a time, all the way down, down, down. I'm gonna lower the legs together point. Then from there, fold, fold as much as you can without your tailbone rising. Then from there, pull the towel and let yourself go over.

Then open, soften up the sternum. Allow the back to release, allow your vertebrae just sequentially down and then lower the legs together. One more pull the towel as you go up, over, open. Now as you roll down relax, let the thighs come close to the torso, melt, melt, melt. Put the legs together, reverse.

Open, flex forward of the hips. When you can't go any further lift up the towel to go up and over together point, melt down one vertebra at a time, all the way down to the mat. Lower where you can control open and flex, fold at the hips, tailbone brings the pelvis which brings the legs over together point, then melt, one vertebrae at a time, all the way down. One more, open, flex, then fold pull the towel go up and over together, point again melt, melt, melt, all the way down. Bend the knees into the chest, you can take the bulk palates to the side.

Bring your hands behind the base of the head. Then from there, extend both legs straight up to the ceiling. Rotate the legs to palate stance. Your goal was to keep equal weight on both sides of the pelvis as well both shoulder blades. Circle the legs right down, left center.

Circle left, try not to let the elbows rise and turn and circle right down, left, center. Circle left, down, right center hold there. Arms up to the ceiling like we did for the single leg circle. Circle right, down. Our goal is to knob the hands and circle left down.

I think we're using a magic circle in between the hands, circle, right, down, left, center and circle left, down, right center. Bend the knees and you're gonna rest. Bring your flat, arms to the ceiling. Let's go for good morning roll up, roll up for five, four, three, two, one. Now, let's open up to that V again and we are gonna go forward soar.

Today, bring the hands together. You're gonna initiate from the left shoulder blade and you're gonna twist wherever twist ends. Then you're gonna round forward and reach, reach, reach and come up to center. Then twist to the left. Then drop soar and reach, reach, reach up to the curve.

Now the left side pushes the right wherever you land stay there and reach. Look away on both sides of the pelvis and come up to the center. Now, right shoulder blade twisted to the left. Then drop and reach, reach, reach and up the center. Now open the arms to the side, same thing, initiate from the left shoulder blade.

Then drop the arm, soar and reach. Further, further and up to center. Right shoulder blade twist you to the left, drop the arm soar and each, reach, equal weight on both to the pelvis and then come up to center. One more set twist to the right, drop soar, while you're reaching let the feet roll in or out, try not to hyper extend the knees and lift to center. Last time, lift and twist, drops soar, reach further, further and come up to center.

Keep the legs where they are, rest your arms, shake out the legs a little bit. You can have two pillows in front of you. The rest of your torso forward on those imaginary pillows hold there, take a deep breath in. And a big exhale, exhale, exhale. And again, breathing in and breathing out, out, out.

Last time breathe in and breathing out, out, out. Now start with the tail, roll up tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck and head. Okay, legs together and you can flip over onto the stomach and we will go for the neck roll. You can always open the feet a little bit to create a little bit more space in your lower back. Hands are gonna elevate one inch above if you have them otherwise wider than the mat and into the air.

Lift the upper body up. And then lower the body all the way down. And again, unassisted, lift the upper back up, and then control the down. One more, unassisted lift. When you can't go any more, stay there.

Now rest the hands down, lift to the back, but allow the arms to assist you where you go. Then you're gonna melt down one vertebrae at a time. When you feel like you can take the hands off, control the descent and stick. One more, lift your body up. When you can't go any more hands down.

Allow the arms to assist you up and stay up. Shoulder blades down the back up to the crown of heads abrupt to the abdominals. Now look to the right, circle down, to the left and center. Left, circle down to the right and center. Look right, circle down, left and forward, look left, circle down, right forward, now stay here.

You're going to keep the hands down, but you're gonna let your body rock forward and then come back to the same position. And again, rock forward, and come up. Rock forward, and lift up. Now we're gonna allow the rock to be continuous still keeping the hands down, they're gonna rock back and forth. One one, two two, three three, and lower the body when you can take the hands control the descent.

Then let's go into our quadruped position. Let's go for a cat cow round the back, drop the head drop the tail. Then arch the back, head up, tailbone up. And again, the draw the head head and tail go down. Then head and tail go up.

One more, round the back, pulling up to the back, dropping into the head and the tailbone and then head and tailbone into shape to lift into a nice arch. Okay, you're gonna go on to your stomach, making a Sphinx position. Face down, elbows down, stomach up, ribs up, crown and the head up, and then you're gonna right leg twice, kick, kick. Now left leg kick, kick. Right, right, left left.

Try not to let your upper body move, kick, kick, kick, kick, five five, five five, more kick kick, kick kick, two two, two two, pulling in and up through the navel, kick kick, kick, kick. One more set, then kick kick. All right, lower down. Right face kick on to mat, hands behind the shoulder blades. Nice and broad there.

Simultaneously kick both legs. Kick one, kick two, kick three. Now slide the arms down the back, blade in like thinner, like thinner. Lengthen and move down the left cheek and kick one, kick two, kick three, slide the arms down and lift in, lengthen, lengthen, lengthen, lower right. Kick one, kick two, kick three and lift and lengthen.

For today, keep the feet down also keep the arms down and lower and in a couple of weeks, we're gonna lift them up. Two, three feet down, slot hands down the body reaching the fingertips towards the heels. One more time, and kick one, kick two, kick three lift and lengthen. Lengthen, one more time on the left, and kick, inhale. Two, three, exhale, lengthen, lengthen, lengthen, lower down.

Let's go back into that quadruped position, and knees, and shoulders, knees underneath hips. Try not to hyper extend your elbows, round the back. And then arch the back. And again, round the back two and arch the back two, round one more time. And arch the back.

Okay, turning around, we're gonna go neck pole. Remember if you need to place something underneath your lower back, by all means do so. Just a quick review of the allowable pulls. Remember, if it's not easy to get up, you can always bring your elbows forward, or you can have your elbows forward, hands can come quickly. Elbows forward, hands off, bend the knees as long as we have a controlled movement.

Okay, let's start off actually. Hands are gonna go behind the base of the head. Then from there, you're gonna roll down, melt one vertebrae at a time, all the way down onto the mat. Once you're down, chin and the chest out, roll up, and exhale, nose towards knees. Inhale, rolling up your spine to a tall back.

Don't hinge it just round it one vertebra at a time. All the way down, down, down. And again, the chest and now rounding forward bring the nose towards the knees and rolling up. Then from there, don't hinge it again, just melt down one vertebra at a time, all the way down. Down twice more to the chest.

And exhale these shorts, I'm giving a little bit of a soar with and rolling up, now hold there, you're going to this time, lift the spines, hinge back and hold. Then come there, pull your hands forward, put your head back into the hands then melt down. As you're melting down, keep the head pushing your hands backwards. So that's the neck puck, that's the stretch. One more rounding up inhale and exhale, nose forward to knees, rolling up your spine to a tall back.

Then from there, push your head to the hands. Then melt as you roll down. Keep pushing the head into the hands, pushing back, pushing back, pushing back, pushing back. All right, I'm just gonna pull my shorts up a little bit before I get arrested for indecent exposure. Now what you're gonna do is you're gonna bring your fingertips on to your thighs.

Again, we're gonna go back to that slant board pelvis. You're gonna lift hips up, then from there, you're gonna melt, melt, melt. One more time, lifting up, try to create no space in between your wrist and your thighs. And now melt away from it. Let's go for one more.

Lifting up, up, up. Now, I want you to actively put your hands into your thighs while you're actively lifting up through the hips. Then from there, keep the right hand where it is but bring the left arm down. Now, don't let the hips lower. Bring the right knee into the chest, right leg up to the ceiling, lower the knee knee, lift to 90.

Lower knee to knee, lift to 90. Lifting up and lift to 90 bend the knee, bring your foot down, other hand comes on, lift up into those hands. Ideally your hips have not dropped. Let the left arm come down, keep pushing your thigh into the hands. Then you're gonna bring the left knee in, left leg up, lower needs knee, lift to 90.

Knee to knee, keep it up. Knee to knee notice if one side is easier or harder than the other side. Then you're gonna reach the arms over the head, backward energy through the fingertips as you melt your sternum forward. Middle back forward, lower back forward, pelvis forward and relax. Then you're going to flip the legs out, roll up to your spine for five, four, three, two, one.

Now if you have your towel, you can grab it. Otherwise, just bring the hands in front and have the hands face each other. Now what you're gonna do is flex the feet pull outward and you're gonna twist but keep pulling with the left side and come back to center. Then pull with the right side as you twist the left and center and twist to the right. Now hold there, left up to the head to the tail.

See if you can twist a little further. Lengthen, go a little further and come to center. Twist left, see how far you can twist. Then from there, lengthen, try to go a little further. Lift up to the head down to the tail see if you can go a little further, come back to center.

Drop your towel, arms out to the side. Same thing, energy out fingertips. Twist the spine, don't lead with the fingertips hold there, head up, tail down, fingertips out, find more length to see if you can go a little further. Find more lengths see if you could twist a little further and then come back to center. Then right shoulder blade let's twist to the left.

Now head up, tail down, fingertips out. See if you can go a little further by more length. See if I can go a little further from the center. Now we're gonna take an up tempo, only a double twist this time, twist to the right and go exhale, exhale. Inhale, center, to the left exhale, exhale, inhale, center.

To the right, exhale, exhale, inhale, center. To the left, twist, twist, and center rest. Okay, now you're going to lie down onto your back, you're gonna take your towel again, if you have one or your theraband. You're gonna bring these into the chest, legs are gonna go straight up to the ceiling. You're gonna actively pull, bring your legs up and over.

Now, pull the towel more as you lift your hips up. Then from there, roll down to your spine. Keep pulling the towel all the way down. I'm gonna do a little tuck it and we're gonna go over and up, pull the towels and lift up. Pull, go forward to the heels up to the toes, then melt, melt, let it go.

Let it go, let it go. I feel like I'm frozen. And again, go over and Jackknife up, pull the toes up, heels forward, on the way down, let it go. Let go all the way down last time. Go over as you pull the towel.

Now lift up to your back, shoulder blades together, zipper up through the abdominals into the inner thighs. Heels forward, toes up. Then melt, melt, melt, melt and relax. Okay, let's go for some sidekicks. You're gonna lie down onto your side, you're gonna have one line from elbow to tailbone.

Then from there, you're going to lift the top leg up lift the bottom leg up to it and clap five, four, three, two, one. Lower, lower, lift, lift, clap two, three, four, five. Lower, lower, lift, lift, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three two, one. Lower, lower, lift, lift, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three two, one. Lower, keep the leg lifted, the front and the back.

Kick, front, front, back, back. Two, two, reach to the back. Kick, kick, and reach. Kick, kick, and reach, kick, kick, and long. Five more kick, kick and reach to the back.

Two, two, and reach, kick, kick and reach. Two more kick, kick, and reach. Last time kick, kick and reach back, back, back, back, back, leg on top of leg. Then from there you're gonna bend trance, then I want you to do an internal rotation and then lower, internally rotate and lower. Three more, internally rotate and lower.

Two more, internally rotate and lower. One more, internally rotate and lower. Now what you're gonna do is you're going to internally rotate both legs, lift both shin bones up. Now externally rotate, open the knee, and close for the clamshell, open two and close. Three, and close.

And four, close. And five, let's go for five more today. And open and close and two, and close. Keep pulling in and up to the core and close. Two more, open and close one more, open and close, lower the shin bones.

Then extend the legs forward on your diagonal. Again, turn up leg, slide the toe up to the knee or develop a knee into the shoulder. Extend the leg up, resist it down. Toe to the knee, knee to the shoulder, extend, resist it down. Toe to the knee, knee to shoulder extend, resist.

Reverse it all the way up. Bend the knee, toe to knee and down. Kick up two, bend the knee, toe to knee. And one more kick up, bend the knee, toe to knee. And now the up and down, kick it up, resisting down on the same air pathway, lift up all the way up and down.

Two more, up and down. One more time up and reach, reach, reach small circles. Circle one, circle two, circle three, circle four, circle five, reverse, one, and two, and three, and four and five. Now, lift leg up hip height, kick the leg forward, rotate the leg to the side. Now as you go to the back, lift back to a parallel position.

Bring it home. And again, kick forward for gron ronajam, rotate side. Now go back to parallel position, isolate goes back and bring it home. Kick it front, rotate it to the side. Now rotate it back to a parallel position as you go back, keep the hips nice and still.

And now home, reverse it. Go back, rotate the leg to the side. Then bring the leg forward and home and parallel back. Turn the leg out to the side, both forward and home. One more time, back, rotate side, and front and home.

Okay, let's switch side. I'm gonna face you guys so I'm gonna move my box. You can either turn around or it can face me. Then one line from elbow to tailbone. Keep forward at a 45 degree angle and then up to the core.

Top leg lifts, bottom leg lifts, five, four, three two, one. Lower lower, lift, lift, clap two, three, four, five. Lower, lower, lift, lift, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three two, one. Lower lower, lift, lift, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three two, one. Lower, but keep the top leg lifted at the front in the back.

Flex the butt and kick front, front and reach to the back. Two, two and reach. Three, three, so the swinging leg moves independently don't let it affect the stability of the upper body. Let's go for five more kick, kick, and stretch. Two, two and stretch, kick, kick, and two more.

Kick, kick, find the length, there's a mosquito here, find the length leg on top of leg. Then from there, you're gonna bend your knees that mosquito almost messed me. And now internal rotation you're gonna internally rotate and lower. Internally rotate two, and lower. Internally rotate three.

Try to keep the knees together, lift the shin bone up four and lower one more time with the shin bone up five, and lower. Now lift the bones up on external rotation, open the knee, then close. Open two and close. You have some days that you just can't speak properly. And close today is one of those, and four, for me.

And close, and five, five more and open and close two and close, three I'm like annoying myself. Two more open and close. One more time to open and close. Lower the shin bones, extend the legs out. Now from here you're gonna rotate the top leg and we will go for develop a toe to the knee, knee to boulder, extend the leg up, resist it down.

Toe to the knee, knee to shoulder, extend and down. One more toe to knee, extend. Let's reverse it an agro kick, kick up. Knee to shoulder, toe to knee, stretch down. Up two, knee to shoulder toe to knee, stretch one more and up knee to shoulder, toe to knee.

Now the up and the down, you're gonna kick up, resist it down, up two, resist it down. Up, three resist it down, two more resist it down. One more up, resist it down small circles. One, circle two, circle three, circle four, circle five. Reverse, one and two and three and four and five.

Gron ronajam, lift the leg up and you're gonna kick forward, rotate the leg side, bring the leg to the back on a pair position and bring it home. Kick in front, rotate the leg side, go back and parallel and bring it home. One more time. Front, rotate side, go parallel to the back, bring it home. Reverse, back, rotate side and front and home, and parallel back, rotate, front and home parallel back, turn outside, and front and home.

Good, all right, shake out the legs. I'm gonna turn around and we will go for the teaser. Today we're gonna go right a teaser, one, two and three. You're gonna bring your arms next to the ears, zip up your abdominals, extend the legs out to your working level. Try to keep them stable as you roll up into your teaser, remember to stay up, don't come too far forward, lift the arms up and then roll the spine all the way down.

And rolling up then from there, stay behind your sits bones. Lift the arms and melt all down, down, down. One more rolling up this time keep that lift. Keep the ribs pulling back, energy through the fingertips, lower the legs to where you can lift the legs, lower the leg two. I'm reaching forward through my fingertips reaching back through my ribs, and lift.

Now you're gonna towards the toes, arms to your ears. Everything is gonna float down head and pelvis arrive at the same time. Everything floats up at the same time. You're gonna reach for the toes, but stay behind your sit bones with the arms to your ears everything floats down. Then from there, slow, down and up, reach, arms to your ears everything's gonna float, float, float all the way down.

Then arms to the ceiling, roll up to your spine for five, four, three, two, one. All right, if you have a little towel, place it behind you on the mat. Then you're gonna go on to your four arms. You're gonna curl under, push the lower back into the towel and release. Pull your pubic bone up to the belly button, and push and release.

One more time pulling in, stay there, keep that active push. You're gonna go on to the toes can can. Knee to right, left, right kick, right, left, right, left kick. Right, keep pushing back into that towel. If you don't have one, push into the imaginary towel.

One more right, left, right kick, right, left, right, left kick, hold. Both legs up keep pushing it into that towel. Lifting up a chest though. Circle the legs right around left center for hip circles. Left down, right center.

I'm always thinking of pushing back especially when the legs are to lower. One more time, circle right down, left, center, circle left, down, right center. Bend the knees, round forward, and you're gonna stretch two, three rolling up to your spine, then spin over onto your hand. And then you're gonna bring one foot back, then the other foot back for the leg, pull down energy from the head out through the heels like a long piece of steel. Equal weight, you're gonna lift the right leg up and lower.

Don't allow the pelvis to move, left leg up and lower. Right leg up, I imagine there's a bar across my back, or hips, I'm gonna keep the bar stable throughout. Again, right leg up and lower. Left leg up and lower. Bend the knees down for three.

Then you hold their one, go to a straight line. Now heels go back, back, and front, back, back, and front. Back, back and hold their right leg up, left heel goes back. Forward, change, back, back. Forward, change back back forward change.

Back, back, and forward. One more back, back, and forward, back, back and forward. Bend the knees down, turn around, and we are gonna go for the leg pull up. Now if you have a flat mat, I find it helpful sometimes to roll the mat into like little rolls so that he can bring your hands on it and be a little bit higher. If I was on a mat like this, I would do the same similar type of thing where my feet can be a little bit lower than my hip line, okay.

So let's do that that way today or you can do it regular. You're gonna lift up and hold there two, three and lower. One thing when you lift up, try not to let your feet roll outward really push down with both first metatarsal. Okay, lift up I'm gonna push the metatarsal of my big toes and the first one and one more time. Lifting up and hold there.

Push down with the left big toe as you kick up. Push down with the right big toe as you kick up. Left big toe down as the right leg goes up, right big toe down as the left leg goes up. And kicking up, lift the bottom up, kick up, stay there. Now keep the bottom up shoulder blades together, lower the hips all the way down.

Good, so at least I think it's good. What we're gonna do is we're gonna go to the mermaid and I like to always do, or Merman if you're a guy. I like to always do it this way. Wrong to do the other way, actually that's how I was taught before. But I find that this really allows you to keep a nice balanced pelvis much easier.

You're gonna bring your right arm up and you're gonna go over to the side and stretch. Bend the elbow, stretch the arm, lift up, find your balance, change, then reach while you're reaching pull down with that opposite and then come up. Two, three, go over. Bend, stretch and lift, balance, change. Now pushing down with your left tip as you reach to the right and go up, two.

One more, over, bend, stretch and lift two, three. Reach, reach, reach, then lift, two and three, good. Stretching out, bring the other leg in, and then arm to ear other side going over, bend, stretch and up. Balance change then reach, reach, reach and up. Two three and over, bend and stretch and lift.

Two, three then reach, reach, reach and up. Last time, over bend and stretch it up. Two, three, then reach, reach, reach and up, two and three. Both legs out, nice straddle the shin, then you're going to thread the right leg, right arm under and go over to the left hand and stretch, and come up. Thread the other arm under.

Stretch, and up, and reach and up. And again, reach and up. Last time, reach, and up, and reach and lifting up. Good, all right, so what you're gonna do, you're gonna go on to your hands and your knees. Then from there, you're gonna bring your left foot forward, you're gonna bring both hands onto your thigh and you're gonna lunge forward taking a stretch of the right hip flexor muscle.

Bring the right hand down onto the mat. Then from there, you're going to twist and open, then bring the hands down, and then you're gonna stretch the front leg. Then bend the knee, bring both hands onto the thigh, go forward through the right set of hip flexors. Then right hand goes down, viral and twist to the left, then both hands down, framing the foot and then stretching the left leg. One more time, bend the knee, bring one hand on top of the other and lifting up this time, stay there.

Reach the right arm forward, right arm up to the ceiling and then take a slight curve right back pushing back a little. Then you're gonna bring the right hand down. You're gonna open that left arm twisting and then left hand comes down, stretching, hold there. Now flex the left foot, point. Flex and let it go and flex and let it go.

All right, you can bring the left leg back, bring the right leg forward. Then from there, you're gonna go forward and stretch, opening up the left side. Then bring the left down and twist to the right. Both hands down, then you're gonna stretch the front leg. Then bend the front knee, walk up onto the thigh, go forward, stretching the left side of hip flexor.

Left hand goes down onto the mat, twist, open to the right, both hands down, stretch the front leg, try to pull back to that right sits bone. Then bend the knee walking up. This time they'll hold there, arm forward, left arm up and take a slight arch backwards. Then from there, bring the hand down. Then you're gonna twist open to the right, both hands down.

You're gonna stretch the right leg and hold and flex the right foot, let it go. Flex the right foot, let it go. Flex the right foot, let it go. Then you can bend the knee down, turn around, sit on your back and we're gonna do a little Boomerang prep. You're gonna have one leg on top of the other leg.

So we're not gonna go up into a teaser. I'm gonna demonstrate real quick. You're gonna go back, we're gonna switch legs, you're gonna swoop the arms back and stretch, one stretch, two stretch, three. One more, go back, switch, swoop the arms back and stretch, one stretch, two stretch, three. Okay, let's do it together.

Now, tip back, switch. Go forward and stretch, one, two stretch, three. Lift tall, roll backwards as the legs lift, open, close. Then swoop the arms back, round over the legs and stretch, stretch, stretch, lifting up and then go back and switch. Swoop the arms backwards around forward, stretch, stretch, stretch, and lift and go back open, close.

And then swoop this back as the head goes forward and stretch, stretch, stretch. Last time, going back and open close. Now round forward and stretch two, three, lift tall. Go back, and switch. We're gonna add on to this exercise next week and you're gonna stretch, stretch.

And lifting up to a nice tall straight back. And now let's go for the seal. You're gonna dive through, you're gonna round, stay balanced, behind the sits bones. Then clap your feet three times with the arms. One clap, two clap, three rock, clap, clap, clap and up clap two, three and back clap two, three.

Three clap two, three clap two clap. Four, clap two three, four clap to three Five, clap two three, Five, clap two three. Clap, clap, clap, and clap, clap, clap. The hold balance. Stay behind those sits bones pulling into the ribs.

And then relax. Let your head forward. And then just take a deep breath in. And a big exhale, exhale, exhale. And again, breathe in and breathing out, out, out.

Last time, breathe in, and breathing out, out, out. Rolling up to your spine to a nice tall back. We're gonna end with a little bit of shoulder work so you can stand. Just a little release here. You're going to bring your shoulder, stand with your feet together.

Bring your shoulders forward, shoulders back, circle the shoulders. Circle, the elbows, circle, the arms. Now reverse, back, front. Circle the shoulders forward, out, come forward, arms come forward. Now let's take it a little quicker.

And forward and back and circle around and elbows around and arms around and back again. Again, front circling, forward, elbows go forward, arms go forward, forward and back. Shoulder go around, elbows around and arms around. Last time back, and front and shoulders circle forward and elbows circle forward and arms circle forward. And you guys are done for today.

Thank you guys, I hope you enjoy your day. Stay healthy and stay safe. And I hope to see you guys next week. Take care, bye, guys.


Nice Mat workout  Brett 😀
Such an awesome class !!! 👏👏👏
Gretchen B
Love your mat classes and different variations!
Maria del Pilar P
Excellent workout. Thanks for taking the time to explain the movements in details 
The people of Jersey City are very lucky to have you! I must visit someday! My teasers suck these days. I don’t know if it’s because I just turned 60 or if its my overly developed quads. Sorry to rant! Thank  you so much Brett! 
Olivia C
Geez your legs go on for days, Brett! Awesome class, gonna do it again tmrw
Love all of your workouts Brett, fabulous!
Thankyou Brett!
Kay A
Brett, I love your classes!
I feel great after that!  Thank you, Brett!
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