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Building Upwards with Brett

On the Mat

Flow, Precision, Full-Body, Grace

Sep 02, 2020
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Incorporating Flow
Brett Howard
55 min
The New York Pilates Studio®
Fun, Full-Body, Flow, Strength, Length

Sep 07, 2020
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A Sound Structure
Brett Howard
55 min
The New York Pilates Studio®


Shelby M
Thank you so much for this series Brett! I feel so much stronger after completing it! 
Karolina M
That was great. I feel wonderful heat on my body! 😉 
Amazing! Just able to do some 80% correctly so still improving. I think I will repeat the series every week now for a long time!
Lori M
I have been repeating this series for the past year and I can't thank you enough. It has helped me rebalance my body which was quite out of whack from numerous injuries.
Looking forward to starting this series tonight!

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