Class #4207

A Sound Structure

55 min - Class


Have fun moving with Brett in the last class of Building Upwards with Brett. He uses the same structure of the class that he has built throughout the series and adds variations to keep it fresh and add extra challenges. After you work your entire body, you will end class standing to test your balance and center yourself. Notice the difference in your technique from the first class to the last!
What You'll Need: Mat

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Good morning, everybody. It's Brett Howard here. This is, I can't believe it, it's our last class. I'm kind of sad, but... what we're gonna do today is we're going to put everything together and the theme of today's class is called a solid structure.

So, a lot of the exercises that we've done, we're all gonna put together and a lot of the variations that we did earlier, where I'm going to incorporate them into the class a little bit. So if there's an exercise that's a little bit too hard, or something you don't wanna do, since the variation or the modification is built in, you can always stick with that one or you can move on to the higher one. There's a few exercises that I always find helpful to have a little bit of a prop with. Would be things like roll up. Sometimes you can't roll up quite so smoothly and you don't have the availability to have a strap.

What you can do is you're gonna take a towel, place it behind your back, and when you roll up, you can just push into the towel. I find it's helpful to have it right at the low back or sometimes to have it lengthened, so it's right underneath your shoulder blades to the low back. Also, exercises like roll over and exercises like the jack knife, I find it helpful to have a towel or a TheraBand to pull, and so, this allows for your shoulder blades to get a little bit better together, so as you're going over, you can pull the towel to help yourself lift up and then you can pull the towel to help yourself lift up if you're going for the jack knife. Another option, if you have it available, is to take a foam roller, place it underneath your pelvis for exercises like roll over and jack knife to lift your hips a little bit higher. Okay.

So, let's start with a warm up. Since it's our last class, we're gonna have a lot of fun today. You're gonna bring the hands underneath your shoulders, knees directly underneath the hips. I'm gonna have you guys round the back like an angry cat and then arch the back, head up, tailbone up. And again, round the back like an angry cat and then arch the back.

Head up, tailbone up. And again, round the back like an angry cat and then arch the back. Head up, tailbone up. Last time. Round the back like an angry cat and then arch the back.

Head up, tailbone up. Turn around and we will go for the roll down. You're gonna bring the soles of the feet flat on the mat, feet in line with the knees, knees in line with the hips, thumbs with fingers hold the back of the thighs. Tailbone under, you're gonna roll down one vertebra at a time, allowing the elbows to stay nice and open. Then from there, you're gonna lead with the crown of the head.

You're gonna bring the head towards the knees then roll up to your spin, tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head will be last. And again, tailbone under. Roll down with the head and the tail forward towards each other. Bring the small of the back onto the mat. When the arms are at a full extension, lead with the crown of the head, round forward and then roll up tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head.

Let's go for one more. Tailbone under, curling back. Opening up the lower back, nice and broad through the shoulders. This time, when the arms get to full extension, hold there. Reach the arms forward and hold for three, hold for two, hold for one.

Roll the spine all the way down and rest the head. Bring the legs back a little bit. Keep the legs parallel hip with distance. Bridging, start with the tail, you're gonna lift up to a good shoulder bridge. Then from there, you're gonna soften at the sternum, melt down one vertebra at a time, all the way down to the tailbone.

And again, tailbone initiates. Rolling up, trying not to let the feet roll in or out, same with the knees. Then, soften at the sternum. Bring the sternum forward, upper back forward, middle back forward, lower back forward, tailbone forward. One more.

Tailbone initiates, rolling up, lifting the hips up to a bridge. Keep the bridge. You're going to lift the arms up to the ceiling. Then, you're gonna reach the arms back, back, back. Inhale.

Arms are gonna go forward. Exhale, arms are gonna go down onto the mat. Once again, inhale. Lift the arms up. Exhale and reach back, back, back.

Inhale, arms go forward. Exhale, arms go down onto the mat. Let's go for one more. Inhale, lift the arms and exhale, reach, reach, reach. This time, like a see-saw.

You're going to allow the hips to lower, roll the head, neck, and shoulders up, reaching forward, engage your abdominals, then lift the hips up as the head, neck, and shoulders go back. And then roll the spine down. Head, neck, and shoulders round forward, engage the abdominals. Hold there. Bring both knees into the chest.

Reach the legs out. Rotate the legs Pilates stance. Hundred, pumping, in with the air. And exhale, three, four, five. Inhale, three, four, five, then exhale, three, four, five, three.

And exhale, three, four, five, four. Exhale, three, four, five, five. Exhale, three, four, five more. In with the air, and exhale, three, four, five. Make sure that the knees are not hyper-extending.

Exhale three, four, five. Inner thighs drawn together. And exhale three, four, five, two more sets. And exhale three, four, five, one more set. And exhale three, four, five.

Knees into the chest. Soles of the feet flat onto the mat. Arms straight up to the ceiling and we will go for the good morning roll-up. Roll up to your spine as you stretch the legs forward and reach forward into your C curve. Then slide the feet in as you roll down, slide those feet back.

And again, simultaneous action, roll the upper body forward as you stretch the legs and then C curve. Simultaneously bend the knees as you roll the spine down, one vertebra at a time. All the way down, one more. Rolling up and reach forward into C curve. Then, from there, bend the knees, slide the feet in and roll all the way down.

You can stick with what we just did or you can stretch the legs out or you can place a towel or pad underneath your lower back. The roll up. Chin to the chest, inhale, rounding up and exhale, C curve. Roll down one vertebra at a time, exhale, all the way down. Twice more, chin to the chest, inhale, rounding up, and exhale, C curve.

Inhale, round backwards and exhale, all the way down, one more. Chin to the chest, inhale, rounding up and exhale, C curve. Inhale, roll backwards and exhale, all the way down. Bring the arms down by the sides. What you're gonna do is you're gonna bend the knees and then, you're going to bring your hands underneath your hips.

Imagine if you're hands are a scale. You're gonna open the right leg. Keep the scale nice and balanced and then close the right leg. Now, left leg is gonna open. Keep the right side of the body nice and still and then close the left leg.

Right leg opens. Don't allow the scale to tip, keep weight on both hands. And then close the knee. Left knee opens. Stabilize the right side of the body so the left knee can move freely and then close the knee.

One more set. Right knee opens, keeping that left leg nice and still and then come back to center and then left knee opens. Keep the right leg still and come back to center. Remove the hands. Then from there, you're gonna lift the right leg up, knee to knee.

Zipper up through the abdominals, lower the leg down. Keep the balance scale as you circle out and come to center. And lower down to the ankle, a small half circle out, return to knee level. One more. Lower down to the ankle, circle out, return to knee level, reverse.

Go out, circle down, and lift up to knee level. And again, out. Only thing moving is the circling leg. One more time, out. Stabilizing everything else and then bend the knee and then lift the left leg up knee to knee.

Balance scale. Lower the leg, circle out, and come back to center. Lowering down two, circle out and center. One more time, down three and circle out center, reverse. And out, circle down, lift up to knee level.

Out two, circle down, lift up to knee level. One more time, out, circle down, lift up to knee level, bend the knee. Now from here, bring your left knee into the chest. Take a gentle pull. Extend the right, ah sorry, right knee to the chest, sorry.

Extend the left leg out. Flex the left foot. Arms down by the sides, extend the leg up into the air. Turn out the leg. You're gonna lead with the inner thigh.

Single leg circle. Go across, down around, up and stop. Across. Only thing moving is the circling leg. One more time across, down around, up and stop. Reverse.

A little bit out, a lot across, up and stop. Little out, cross up and stop. One more. Cross up and stop. Rotate the leg parallel, take a gentle pull.

Then change legs. You're going to pull the left leg in as you press down with the right thigh. Nine points of pressure into the mat. Extend the leg up. Rotate and out, single leg circle.

Cross around, up and stop. Don't allow the movement of the leg to control the stability of the body. One more. Reverse. Inhale out. Exhale, across, up and stop.

Little bit out, a lot of cross up and stop. One more, a little bit out. A lot across, up and stop. Rotate the leg parallel. Bend the knee.

We're gonna come back to this exercise just a little bit later. Feet flat onto the mat, arms straight up to the ceiling. Roll up to your spine for five, four, three, two, one. Hands down. Scoot your bottom forward.

Hold the back of your thighs today. Broad, wide elbows out to the side. Rock back, come right back up and balance for three, two, one. Rock two. Up and balance.

Two. Hold the middle of your shin bones now. Two more. Rock back and come up and balance and hold. Two, three. Rock back, as you come up, stay behind your sits bones.

Now, you can grab your ankles or you can do one of the other variations. Rock back and come up, balance and hold. Two, three. One more time. Rock, and come up and balance and hold there two, three.

Right hand stays where it is, left hand will go onto the knee. Left leg out 45 degrees. Slow and controlled. Roll down through your spine to the base of the shoulder blades. Single leg stretch.

Pull the right leg in, change left, two, two, wide elbows, three, three, four and four and five more. One, one, pull, pull. Three more. Inhale, keep inhaling, exhale, exhale, both knees in, double leg. Reach out, circle in and pull.

Reach two, exhale in. Inhale out, and exhale in. Out four, exhale in. One more time. Inhale, reach.

Adding on inhale, hold there. Clap your feet five times . One, two, three, four, five. Circle in and pull. Reach out, clap five, four, three, two, one.

Exhale, circle in and reach and five, four, three, two, one. Exhale, circle in, two more. Reach. Clap, two, three, four, five. Exhale in, last time.

Inhale out and clap, two, three, four, five. Circle in, right leg up. Left leg out, single straight leg stretch. Pull, pull, scissor pull, pull. Two, two, nice wide elbows.

Three, three, and three, three. Four, four, four, four. Five, five, and five, five. More one, one, one, one, two, two, two, two, pull, pull, pull, pull, inhale, keep inhaling, exhale, exhale. Both legs up, hands behind the head or underneath your hips.

Double straight leg stretch. Lower, two, three, lift to 90 degrees. Two, two, three, lift. Three, two, three, lift. Four, two, three, up.

Five, two, three, adding on. Lower, two, three, hold. Clap your feet five, four, three, two, one. Lift to 90. Lower, two, three, clap five, four, three, two, one.

Up to 90. Lower two, three, clap, two, three, four, five. Lift to 90, two more. Lower, two, three, clap five. Two, one.

Up to 90, last time. Lower two, three, clap. Three, four, five. Up to 90, crisscross. Twist to the right, hold for three, two, one. Change, hold.

Two, three. Change, two, two, three. Twist, two, two, three. Twist, three, two, three. Twist three, two, three.

Twist, four, two, three. Twist, four, two, three. Twist, five, two, three. Twist, five, quick time change. One, one, two.

Three, three, four, four, hold it there for 10. Hold it nine, hold it eight, seven, six, and five, four, three, two, one. Change, hold it there for 10. Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Knees in and relax.

Okay, legs out onto the mat. You can do a either good morning roll up or a regular roll up. Roll up to your spine for five, four, three, two, one. Rest over the legs, roll up through your spine. Open the legs, flex the feet.

Fingertips onto that mat for the first one. Spine stretch forward. Lift the spine, round over and exhale. Slide the fingertips forward, exhale. Exhale, inhale.

Roll up to your spine to a tall back, arms to shoulder height. Lift, round over and exhale. Exhale. Exhale. Inhale. Roll up to your spine to a tall back, arms over head. Round over and exhale.

Lead in with the crown of the head. Exhale. Exhale. Inhale. Roll up tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head. Open the arms side. Bend the knees, grab the back of your thighs and make two right angles.

Okay, open leg rocker. Navel back, rock back, come up and balance and hold here. Behind your sits bones. Three, rock back, come up and balance. You can stay with that variation or extend the legs and rock back and up and balance.

Balance, balance. Rock back, up and balance, either variation you can stay with or you can walk up to your ankles. Rock back and come up and balance for three, two, one. One more time. Rock and up and balance for three, two, one.

Bring the legs together. Grab your bicycle handles. Kathy Grant's bicycle. Bicycle eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Down the hill, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

Hold two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Up the hill three, four, five, six, seven. Back peddle, back. Four, five, six, seven, eight. Eight counts down the hill, five, six, seven, eight and hold there, two, four, five, six, seven, eight.

Eight counts up the hill, five, six, seven, reach and roll down, hug your legs. Okay, we will go for the roll over. If you need a towel to pull, by all means, grab it. Legs up to 90 for the first one. Bring the legs up and over either parallel to the floor or you can bring your toes down onto the ply.

Open, then roll down one vertebra at a time. Together, going back. And then open and then roll down one vertebra at a time. Together, fold. Go up and over, open, and then roll down one vertebra at a time.

Reverse it. Open, go back and over. Together and then roll down to your spine, one vertebra at a time. Again, open, go up and over, and then together and then roll down, melt. Last time.

Open, fold, go up and over, and together and melt one vertebra at a time all the way down. Knees in. Soles of the feet flat onto mat. Arms either out to the side if you're on a flat mat or hands behind the head if you are on a raised mat. Mini ticktock.

Knees are going to go to the right, head is gonna go to the left. Then it's sequential sequencing. Pull rib cage, lower back, pelvis to come center. Knees to the left, head to the right. Then, sequential sequencing.

Pull rib cage, lower back, pelvis to go center. Knees to the right as the head turns to the left. Then pull rib cage, lower back, pelvis center. Knees to the left, head to the right. And then pull rib cage, lower back, pelvis to go center.

Last set. Knees to the right, head to the left. And pull rib cage, lower back, pelvis to go center. Knees to the left, head to the right. And pull rib cage, lower back, pelvis to go center.

Arms down by the sides. I mentioned we would do the single leg circle later. We will do it right now. We're gonna extend the left leg, flex the foot, right knee to the chest, right leg up. Turn out the leg.

Bring the leg across body. Allow for that right hip to come up, then circle around, stabilize with the left side, come to center. Go across, allow for the hip to come up, circle around, stabilize the left side to open the right. One more time. Going across, circle around, open to your control.

Reverse it open to where you can control it, then go across, then sequential sequencing. Rib cage, lower, pelvis comes back to center. Open to where you can go across and then go rib cage, lower back, pelvis to go center. One more. Open, go across, then pull rib cage, lower back, pelvis to go center.

Float the leg down, bend the left knee in and up, then single leg circle. Go across, allow for the left hip to come off and circle around, really wrap to the right side to open the leg, and then go across. Circle down and then wrap, stabilize. One more time. Hip goes across and down, really wrap to that right side, center.

Open, stabilize the pelvis and then go across, and pull rib cage, lower back, pelvis to go center. Open to where you can control it. Down, across, then rib cage, lower back, pelvis to go center. Stabilize the pelvis, now allow for the hip to come off and then pull rib cage, lower back, pelvis to come center. Now float both legs up to the ceiling, arms down by the side, circle the legs right, down, left, center for corkscrew.

Circle left, down, right, center. You can stay with that or lift the hips up two inches, roll down, circle right, around, left, center, two inches up, or five centimeters, if you're on the metric system, and then go all the way up and over, then roll down and circle right, around. You can stay with either variation or you can do this more advanced one. Roll, circle left, around, right, center. Roll down to your spine, then from there, you can either roll up or if you want to do this more advanced variation, roll up through your spine into a teaser.

Then keep your teaser, open the legs. Now, reach through the fingertips to the toes, the head and the tail and you're gonna float yourself down to a nice saw position. For the saw, but first, bring your hands together. Twist to the right, then keep the twist and reach, reach, reach, come back up, hands together. Twist to the left, then drop and reach, reach, reach.

Now this time, both arms side. Twist from your left shoulder blade, then drop saw and reach further, further, up to center. Then, from the right should blade, twist to the left. Drop saw and reach, reach, reach, and up to center. Last set.

Twist right. Drop the arms saw and exhale, exhale. Equal weight on both sides of the pelvis, come up to center. Lift and twist left, drop saw, pull that right hip back and down as the right little finger reaches past that left toe and come up to center. Keep the legs where they are.

Shake out a little bit. Rest forward. Take a deep breath in and a big exhale, exhale, exhale. Once again, breath in and breathing out, out, out. Last time, breath in and breathing out, out, out.

Roll up through your spine. Bring the legs together and then rest forward, over the legs, nice and easy, don't force anything. Take a deep breath in and a big exhale, exhale, exhale, and again, breath in and breathing out, out, out. One more time, breath in and breathing out, out, out. Rolling up through your spine to a tall back, then you're going to flip over onto the stomach.

We will go for the neck roll and the swan dive. Okay, you're gonna bring the hands, elevate them an inch above the dowel. Legs can be together or apart, for me it doesn't matter. You're gonna lift your upper back up and then lower the body down. Once again, lifting up two, and lower the upper back down.

Now, lifting up unassisted when you can't go up anymore, hands down, allow the arms to assist you and come all the way up to your full extension, and then lowering down. Everyone will be slightly different. Take the hands off when you can control the descent. And again, without using the hands, lift up, when you can't go any more, hands down onto the floor or the dowels and rise up, hold up, neck roll. Turn the head, look right.

Circle down to the left. Look forward, left, circle down, right, forward, right, left, and forward, left, down, right, forward, hold. Are you pulling up to the abdominals? Zippering up, wrapping through the ribs, pulling down through the shoulder blades, lifting through the head? Just posing questions.

Now, we're gonna keep the hands down and rock. Down and up, one. Down and up, two. Down and up, three for the swan dive. You can continue three more of those or reach the arms out to the side, rock back and forth three times.

Rock one, one, two, two, three, three, and lower down. Go onto the hands and the knees. Round the back like an angry cat again. Arch the back, head up, tailbone up. And again, round the back, getting mobility through the spine, and then arch the back.

One more time. Round the back and arch the back. You're gonna lie down on your stomach, stretch the arms out in front of you. You can have your legs long with long feet or you can have your legs long with flexed feet, your choice. You're going to lift your right arm up, then you're gonna spiral and open up and then lowering down.

Now, lift the left arm, reach forward and up, spiral. It's okay for the hip to rise a little bit. And then lowering down. Right arm reaches forward and open, open, open, and lower down. Left arm goes forward and open, open, open and lower down.

Hand on top of hand. Bend your right knee, then from there, lift the right thigh up and you're gonna spiral and reach. Reach, reach and lowering down and now, bend the left knee, lift the left thigh up, and then keep lifting and rotating and spiral, spiral, spiral, and then lower back down. One more. Bend the right knee, lift the thigh, go over and spiral, spiral, spiral and lowering down.

Last time. Bend the left knee, lift the thigh, go over and spiral. I'm gonna take a peek here, spiral, spiral, and lowering all the way down. Make a sphinx position. Zipper up through the abdominals.

Single leg kick. And bend the right leg, kick, kick. Now left leg, left, left. Again, kick, kick. Kick, kick.

Three, three. Three, three. Tight seat. Loose feet. Five, five.

Five, five. More kick, kick. Kick, kick. Inhale. Keep inhaling, exhale.

Exhale. Two more, kick, kick. Kick, kick. Kick, kick. Kick, kick.

RBG. I named this after Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Curl the toes under, lift up and hold for 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, and lower. Two, one more set. Lift up, hold for 10. Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Nine, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, eight, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, seven, Ruth Bader Ginsburg six, Ruth Bader Ginsburg five, Ruth Bader Ginsburg four, Ruth Bader Ginsburg three, Ruth Bader Ginsburg two, Ruth Bader Ginsburg one, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Lower down. Double leg kick. Right cheek onto the mat, hands behind shoulder blades, kick three times. Kick one, kick two, kick three, slide the arms down, lift and lengthen, lengthen, lengthen.

Lower down left. Kick one, two, three, and lengthen, lengthen, lengthen. Lower down right. Kick one, two, and three. Lift and lengthen, lengthen, lengthen.

Lower down left, kicking one, two, three, and lift, lift. We're gonna add on now. So, right cheek, kick one, two, three. Lift and lengthen. Now, reach your toes so far back that they'll lift up about two inches off the mat and lower down, left cheek.

Kick one, two, three. Now, keep the feet down, reach the fingertips down, reach the toes back so long, that they float up off the mat and lower down. One more set. Kick one, two, three. You can stick with what we just did or reach the toes long, float them up.

Reach the fingertips back and down and lift the hands up and lower down, kicking one, two, three. Sliding down, reaching back with the toes, float them up. Reaching back with the fingertips, float them up, up, up and lower down. Good, guys. Go onto the hands and the knees.

Round the back like an angry cat. Arch the back, head up, tailbone up. Round the back like an angry cat and then arch the back, head up, tailbone up. One more. Round the back and arch the back.

Okay, turn around. We will go for the neck pull. Hands behind the head. Remember your allowable cheats. Use them if you need them.

Roll down one vertebra at a time. You can either bring your elbows forward, take the hands off or you can bend the knees. Those are your allowable cheats. Chin to the chest, inhale, roll up. You can use the same on the way up.

Then roll up through your spine to a tall back. Today, hinge backwards, then roll under, tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head. Chin to the chest, inhale, exhale, nose to knees. Rolling up to your spine, lift, hinge, and then curl under, tailbone, lower back, middle back, upper back, neck, head. One more.

Chin to the chest, and exhale nose to knees, rolling up through your spine to a tall back. Lift, hinge, hold. Now, round down 10, keep rolling, go nine, eight, seven, six, half way down, five, four, three, two, one. Just in case you didn't do that perfect, I'll give you a second chance. Rolling up and exhale nose to knees.

I'm such a thoughtful person. Now lift, hinge back, and then curl under 10, now and I like to foster success, six, five, four, three, two, all the way down on one. Okay, let's go for a variation of scissors and bites. Or you can bring your hands underneath the hips, knees into the chest, legs straight to the ceiling. Keep your left leg completely still.

Lower the right leg to where you can without changing the stability of the torso and come back up. And then left leg goes forward, reaching up with the right leg and keeping the right leg still, and lift. Once again, right leg forward. Don't change the distance between bottom rib and hip on both sides of the torso. And lift, one more.

Left leg goes forward, forward, forward, and lift. Now, roll the head, neck, and shoulders up. A little bicycle one, reach out, reach, try to touch the toe, reach, but keep zippering up in opposition. Reverse it. Brush, brush, brush, brush.

Both legs up, rest the head. You can continue, repeat what we just did or if you want to challenge yourself, you can bring the legs over, then go up, bring your hands behind your back. Then, curve the upper back a little bit, but stay lifted in the lower back. Right leg reaches forward, the left leg stays still, and come up. Left leg reaches forward, right leg stays still, and up.

Right leg goes forward. You can allow the left leg now to go a little bit back, but the right leg has to travel further. And come up. Now, left leg goes forward, right leg can come a little bit back, but the left leg really has to be the longer reach. Now, bicycle.

Reach out, one, reach, think of touching the floor, and reach, reverse. Reach, reach, reach, reach, both legs up, take the hands away, roll the spine down one vertebra at a time. Knees in, feet down, feet in line with knees in line with hips. Shoulder bridge. Start with the tail, roll up to a bridge, then soften at the sternum, melt down one vertebra at a time, sternum all the way down to the tailbone.

Tailbone initiates movement. Roll up to the base of the shoulder blades. Then, sternum forward, upper back forward, middle back forward, lower back forward, sacrum forward, tailbone forward and down. One more. Tailbone initiates rolling up, articulates, stay left up this time, right knee into the chest, right leg up, lower the leg, knee to knee.

Lift to 90, knee to knee. Lift to 90, knee as low as you can control and hold it there, hold it there, hold it there, lift to 90, bend the knee, bring your foot down. Left knee in, left leg up, lower knee to knee, lift to 90. Knee to knee, lift to 90, knee as low as you can control and hold it there, hold it there, hold it there. Lift the leg up, bend the knee, bring your foot down.

More advanced of the variation. Brush forward and kick up, flex and lower, point up, flex and lower, point up, flex lower, slide the foot in. Now, left leg is gonna brush, kick up, flex and lower, point up, flex and lower, point up, flex lower, slide the foot in. Now, arms over the head. Reach the fingertips backwards as your sternum goes forward.

Upper back forward, middle back forward, lower back forward, sacrum forward, tailbone forward and weighted. Now, stretch the legs out or good morning roll up. Then roll up for five, four, three, two, one. Roll up, lift tall. Now, arms to the side, flex the feet for spine twist.

Twist to the right, exhale. Twist, twist and center. To the left, and center. To the right, exhale, twist, twist, inhale, center, to the left, exhale, exhale, inhale, one more. Twist, twist and center, twist, twist and center.

Reach the arms forward. Roll down through your spine one vertebra at a time. All the way down. We will go for the jack knife. Remember, if this is not in your practice, leave this one out.

You can also take a towel and pull the towel apart or band to help you up and over. Jack knife, go over, then jack knife up. Then from there, roll the spine down. One vertebra at a time all the way down. And again, jack knife over and up.

Shoulder blades together, then roll down, one vertebra at a time all the way down. Hug the legs. We will go for two more. When you roll down though, try not to let, just watch once. Try not to let your legs to collapse.

So, don't let the legs go back. Try to keep them forward of your sternum. So, jack knife over, two more everybody. And up, now, you can break in your hips, but don't let the legs go too far back, so then it's more controlled. One more.

Over and up. Pull the towel apart if you have it, then roll down. Keep the toes forward, even though there's a slight break in your hip. Knees in, hug the legs. Side kicks.

You can lie down onto your side. I'm gonna start on my right side. You can prop your head up onto your hand. One leg on top of the other leg. Then from there, zipper up.

Use your core, use your powerhouse as your anchor or your keystone. You're gonna lift the leg up hip height, then from there, you're gonna kick front, front. Reach as long as you can go. Kick two, two, and reach, three, three, and reach, four, four, and reach, five, five, and five more with the hands behind the head. Kick, kick.

Try to keep the torso still. Try to keep the top elbow from moving. I always tell my clients, make sure it's not like a flag waving around in the wind. And one more, and kick, kick and back, back, back. Leg on top of leg.

Turn out the leg. Developpe. Toe to the knee, knee to shoulder, extend and down. Toe to the knee, knee to the shoulder, extend and one more. Toe to the knee, knee to the shoulder, extend. Let's reverse movement.

Enveloppe up, bend the knee, toe to knee and down. Up, two, bend the knee, toe to knee, and one more, and up, bend the knee, toe to knee, the up and the down, kick it up, resist it down. Up two, and up three, and up four, and up and hold it up. Small little circles, circle one, circle two, circle three, circle four, circle five. Reverse.

Circle one, circle two, circle three, circle four, circle five. Reach the leg out and long, go half way down and then circle one, circle two, circle three, circle four, circle five. Reverse. Keep the torso nice and still and five. Lower all the way down and circle one, circle two, circle three, circle four, circle five.

Reverse. Two, three, four, five. Rest the head down. You can bring the hand down. Lift the leg up hip height.

Bring the leg back, so the heel is right underneath your sits bone, then flex the foot. Make sure that the heel is higher than the toe, but not the toe higher than the heel. Lift it up and lower. It's not gonna go up too high. Two, and lower, and three, and lower, and four, and lower, and five, and five more.

Lift and lower, two and lower, three and lower, four and lower, up and hold it there, hold it there, hold it there, hold it there, hold it there. Five more hold it theres. Hold it there, hold it there, hold it there, hold it there, hold it there, lower the leg, leg on top of leg. Transitional leg beats, we'll do later. So we're just gonna switch sides, so it actually won't be a transitional leg beat anymore.

It will just be a leg beat, but we'll go to the other side first. One line from elbow to tailbone. Feet forward at a 45 degree angle. You're gonna lift the leg up hip height, front and the back. Kicking front, front, and reach back.

Think of your body like the grandfather clock. The leg is a pendulum, the body is the base. Only move the pendulum. Kick, kick, and back. One more, kick, kick, and back and hold.

Hands behind the head. Keep the torso still, the elbows still, kick front, front, and back. Keep the leg on one plane. Imagine you're wiping a table. Get all the crumbs on the table, don't miss any spots.

Kick, kick, and back. One more. Kick, kick, and back, back, back. Leg on top of leg, then from there, rotate the leg, developpe. Toe to the knee, knee to the shoulder, extend and down. Toe to the knee, knee to the shoulder, extend and one more.

Toe to the knee, knee to the shoulder, extend. Let's reverse it, enveloppe. Kick up, bend the knee, toe to knee and down. And up, knee to shoulder, toe to knee and down. Once more, up, bend the knee, toe to knee, now the up and the down.

Kick it up, resist it down. Up two, and down. Up three, and two more. And up and one more. Up and keep it up.

Small little circles. Circle one, circle two, circle three, circle four, circle five, reverse. One and two and three and four, five, reach it out, half way down, circle one, circle two, circling from the top of the leg, four, five, reverse. Five, four, three, two, one. Reach it out, lower down, strike one, strike the heel to heel each time, four, five, reverse.

Five, four, three, two, one. You can lower the head down. Rest the other hand down. Lift the leg up hip height. Bring it back, so it's underneath the sits bone.

Flex the foot, heels the highest point as you lift, and lower, lift two, and lift three, and lower. Up four, and lower, up five, more times, and up, and lower and up and lower and three more, and lower. Two more and last time, up and hold it there, hold it there, hold it there, hold it there, hold it there, hold it there, hold it there, three more hold it theres. Hold it there, hold it there, lower the leg, leg on top of leg, and you can stay where you are, just flip over onto your stomach. Now we'll do our leg beats.

Reach them long, float them up and clap 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, repeat. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, and one more set. Six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Lower down. We will go for the teaser.

I'm gonna turn around. You guys are gonna lie down onto your back. We're gonna make it a series today, so we're gonna go from one teaser to the next. Arms are gonna go next to the ears. Teaser one.

Zipper up, extend the legs to your working level. Roll up, try not to move the legs, lift the arms to ears, roll the upper body down. Rolling up, two. You can always put a towel underneath your back to help you on this one. Similar to the roll up, rolling up, now stay up, hold there.

Teaser two. Keep the torso still, lower the legs, lift the legs up one, lower, keep reaching out to those fingertips, pulling back through the ribs. Teaser three. Reach for the toes, everything comes down, and everything comes up. Reach for the toes.

Arms to ears. Everything comes down. Simultaneously, everything goes up. Reach for the toes. Arms to ears.

Everything goes down. Everything goes up, hold there. Bend the knees, bring your toes on the mat, and then elbows on the mat behind you and forearms down. Mini can-can. Knee is right, left, right, kick, right, left, right, left, kick left, right, keep the lower back nice and weighted.

Left, right, left, hold left, legs to 90 degrees, lower back into the mat, circle right, around left, center. Left, around, right, center. Right, around, left, center. Left, around, right, center. Bend the knees.

You can stay with what we just did or you can come up onto your hands. Can-can. Keep a curve in the lower back. Knees right, left, right, kick, right, left, right, left, kick to the left, one more right, left, right kick, right, left, right, left kick, hold, legs up, and hip circles. Circle right, around, and up. And left, try to keep the curve in the lower back, now we'll keep it more in the core, less in those hip flexors.

And left, around, and up. Bend the knees, round over and stretch. Two, three. Roll up through your spine, let's stretch out the front of the legs and we will go for the swimming. Arms long in front of you.

Lift your upper body up. Right arm up, left leg up, and swim. Swim, two, three, four, five and exhale, three, four, five, inhale, exhale, three, four, five, one more set. And exhale three, four, five, lower down, hands and knees again, limbering the back, round the back, and then arch the back, head up, tailbone up, and round the back and arch the back. Last time, round the back and arch the back.

Now, you're gonna reach the hands forward, curl the toes under. Make a straight line from head to heels like a long piece of steel. Keep that, don't let the heels rock, lift the right leg up and hold it there. Lower down. Left leg up and hold and lower.

Keep your pelvis still. Right leg up and lower. Left leg up and lower. Right leg up, hold there. Heel goes back, back, forward, change.

You can also just keep alternating the legs if you don't want to do the heel rock. Back, back, forward one more. Back, back, forward. You can either kneel down or if you want to get fancy, right leg underneath, right hand underneath, flip around and we have our leg pull-up. Now if you weren't, if you're not up, lift up, then from there, kick the right leg up and down.

Left leg up and down, right leg up and down, left up and one more, right up, left up, hold up, thread the right leg underneath and we will go for the kneeling side kick. Lift the leg, kick front, front, back, back, two, two. Same thing, don't allow the torso or the elbow to move. Back, back, center the leg, kick up and two, three. It's all about the stability.

Circle one, circle two, circle three, reverse one, reverse two, reverse three. Lift up and then we're gonna flip to the other side. Lift the leg and kick front, front, and back, two, two, and back, three, three, and back, center the leg, kick up and two, and three, circle one, circle two, circle three, reverse one, two, three. Lift up, then sit down. Some of you guys who have been with me throughout the series know I prefer to do the mermaid, merman, like this.

So it allows for your hips to be a little bit more anchored. You're gonna bring your left hand against the right heel. You can use your elbow to help push open. Right arm up, you're gonna go over and stretch. Bend the elbow, stretch the arm, lift up one, two, three, then reach, two, three.

Lift up, balance, change. Over, bend and stretch it. Lift, two, and three, and reach. Reach, anchor that hip down, and up. Balance, last time.

Over, bend and stretch and up, two, three, and reach, reach, reach and up, two and three. Both arms side. Both legs side. Other heel in. Arm goes up and go over, bend and stretch it.

Up and balance, change it, reach, reach, reach and up, two, three. Over, bend, stretch, up, balance, change and reach, reach, reach and up, balance, one more. Over, bend, and stretch and lift, and two, and three, and reach it, reach it, reach it, up and two, and three. Both arms side. Both legs side.

One arm threads under as you side, bend over and stretch and come up. If you've been with me throughout the series, maybe you notice that your side bending has gotten a little bit greater range of mobility. Mine actually has. And come up, and again, go over and reach, reach, reach, and one more, and over and stretch, stretch, stretch, and come up, last time. Over, and stretch, stretch, stretch and come up.

I love that one. That's one of my favorites. Okay. What we're gonna do is we will go for the boomerang. Let's do a little prep first. Hands down onto the mat.

You're gonna tip back, switch legs, swoop the arms behind you and just round over and stretch, stretch, stretch. Lift up tall. Go back and change. Swoop the arms behind you, round over and stretch, stretch, stretch. Lift tall.

Now we're gonna add the teaser in. You're gonna go back and switch, and then, find your teaser, elbows back, stretch, lift the arms and legs, the heart, float forward by going forward through the head and circle, and again, first part is dynamic. Back, hold them closed, and hit it. Second part is sustained, elbows back, stretch, controlled, and go over and circle. Roll up.

We're gonna do one more variation, which is called the swan lake, which is a variation by Lolita San Miguel. I'll show it once. Then we'll do it together. So you go back, you switch, you swoop the arms back, up, look up, swan lake over. Okay?

So, let's do this together. Right leg on top of left. Tall back and you're gonna go back, switch, swoop the arms back, arms up, look up, and fold over swan lake. Roll up tall and go back, and open, close, swoop back, up, look up, and swan lake over. All right, it's always good to have a little bit of drama in your life.

Now, you're gonna reach through. Good drama. And you're gonna hold underneath, balancing there, and then seal. Clap one, two, three, back, clap, clap, clap. Two, two, two, two, two, two, three, two, three, three, two, three, four, two, three, four, two, three, five, two, three, five, two, three, clap, two, three, clap, two, three, and stick it.

Glue it. Park it. And rest over and stretch. Take a deep breath in and a big exhale. Breath in and exhale.

One more time, breathing in, breathing out, out, out. Rolling up through your spine to a nice tall, straight lifted back. And then, what we're gonna do, is we're gonna go onto the hands and the knees and we're going to do a little variation that Romana would do sometimes. You're gonna bring your left leg forward, right leg goes back into a runner's lunge. What you're gonna do is let the heel go back, back and front.

Back, back, and front. Back, back, and front. Bend the knee down, uncurl the toes, then from there, stretch the front leg, and then remember Romana would always say, "try to keep your torso glued to the leg "and try to bring the forehead onto the shin bone." One more, and going forward, I am good. Curl the toes under. Go back to that runner's lunge.

Same thing with the straight leg. Arms stretch and bend. Stretch two and bend. Stretch, hold there, bend. Now, you can continue with what we did or you can lift up, bring your arms either out to the side or in a rushing closet position there and you're gonna stretch and bend.

Stretch two, easier on the floor or on a flat mat, and stretch and bend. You can bend the back knee, lift the arms up and arch, and from this point, Romana would have you go into a split. I'm not gonna do that today, but if you want to, by all means, do so. All right, let's switch sides. You're gonna curl under, take a runner's lunge, and go back, back, front.

Two, two, front, three, three, front, bend the knee down, uncurl, and stretch, and bend, stretch two, and bend. One more time. Stretch, stretch, stretch, and bend. Curl the toe under, find your lunge and stretch, and bend, two, and bend, one more time, three, and bend. You can stick with what we just did or you can lift up, arms to the side, or in a rushing closet, and stretch and bend the knee.

Stretch, two, and bend the knee. One more. Use your core for balance and your glutes, and bend, you can bend the back knee and lift up, stretch if you want to go into your split, you can do so. Okay. Now, you'd gonna go on to your knees.

One leg crossed on top of the other. Go to a straight line from head to knees. Push up, down, up one, two, and up, three, and up. Find your plank position. Bend the knees, other leg on top.

One line, down and up, two and up, three and up. You can stick with that or you can do a regular push up. Down and up, two and up, three, up, walk back, one, two, three, four. Roll up through your spine one vertebra at a time. We're gonna do one more thing today.

You're going to stand flat. You're gonna cross your arms like a genie. Let's see if I can get here. Yes, I can. Now, what you're gonna do is try to stay narrow.

Our goal is to try to not shift weight in our feet, our hips, our ribs, and you're going to go narrow. Lift the right leg up and lower. Narrow, try not to transfer weight, even though I just did slightly, and lower. Try to go narrow. Stay centered as you lift, and lower.

Stay center and lift and lower. Open, open the arms to the side. Now, same thing, go narrow and lift. Try not to shift as much as possible, lift. Notice one leg will be easier than the other leg.

To find your balance. And one more, and lift and lower. Rotate the legs to parallel. I'm gonna step back for this one. You're gonna round over for four, three, two, one, and bend the knees, two, three, four.

Stretch the legs two, three, four. Soften the knees, roll up two, three, one last time. And go over two, four, bend the knees. Two, three, four. Stretch the legs two, three, four.

Roll up two, three, and four. I thank you guys so much. It has been a pure pleasure working with you guys every week in the last six weeks. I will miss you guys and everyone, take care, stay safe. (blows kiss) And thank you guys so, so much.

Take care.

Building Upwards with Brett: On the Mat


Fantastic series! Love how you give some many options and building blocks! Thank you very much!!
oh, how much i LOVE your classes, Brett! where can i find information about your teacher training programs?
Thank you!
Aurea M
1 person likes this.
I really loVe this class.
This is the level that I was looking for... I'm going to get my subscription back because of you Brett.
ThaNk You!
Thank you for the wonderful series! I will be revisiting these classes in the future. Side note, I haven't practiced the splits in a while, so I also appreciated that addition this week.
Maria del Pilar P
I will miss you Brett! Thank you so much for your classes. How can I find more information about your classes and training programs? 
Thanks for this awesome series!
I've LOVED your classes!!! More please!
Cyd V
Inspirational teaching Brett. Instructions are super clear, the class flows and is so enjoyable as well as challenging. I've loved the  series and the towel trick has me mastering the roll up after many years of struggle. Thank you!
Awesome class!
amazing class loved it, can't wait to teach it. Your variations are beautiful

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