Class #5489

Scapula Focused Mat

50 min - Class


Michael and Ton lead the way through a dynamic and thoughtful Pilates Mat class that brings awareness to your scapula. In this class, you will open and stretch all areas around your scapula while focusing on stabilization and strengthening your rotator cuff and mid trap. Experience a beautiful and controlled movement throughout your scapula, and release key areas like your pectoralis minor for a comprehensive and rejuvenating workout.

Please Note: This is a very prop-heavy class. Along with a Theraband and 2 light Hand Weights, this class also includes the use of an 8cm Yellow Massage Ball, but any equivalent small ball will work well for this class. In addition, a small, thin, pool noodle is used, but Ton does provide alternatives to the prop by utilizing the Mat.
What You'll Need: Mat, Hand Weights (2), Theraband

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I'm Michael, and I'm Tom. And welcome to our class all about the scapula. The scapula. Okay. So we are going to mobilize it. We can strengthen it, and we also are going to use it.

I know it's very exciting. So here we go. Well, let's use it. You're gonna stand with your legs in a comfortable position. With the arms bent and with the fist up, then you're going to dent your knees Push it away and round you back and create lots of space between those shoulder blades. Then when you come up, you're gonna bend the arms, lifting the elbows up, pulling it in towards you, and then create a slight extension opening those shoulders again. So we're gonna push it away You can have a nice dramatic breath, and then you pull it back in and open it. And think of the collarbone kind of like rotating upwards.

So you're gonna go curl, and I rotate the collar bone back and up. Let's do it one more time. We're gonna press, and then we're gonna pull And then we are going to relax. We're just gonna have a little arm swing. Nice and easy. This feels good. Let the shoulders go.

Let it go. There's a song about that. You might have heard about it. And now we're gonna cross the arms. I think it cross. Allow to show the blades to move with the arms.

Nice and easy. Bring the arms all the way up. We're going to do a bigger movement. We're gonna cross it and bend the knees and then we're going to bring it back up. Make it a double bounce here bounce and bounce back up. Now we're going to emphasize the recoil at the bottom.

So you're gonna go down push, make this a stretch, and go and let those arms really just wrap around like Michael Phelps getting ready for the butterfly. You might have seen it once or twice and go one more time, going around, and then let the arms just float down. Bring the arms up to the side. One hand goes up. One hand goes down. I'm a robot.

And then we're gonna switch and switch. Now don't do any dramatic shoulder action here. This is the own This is one of the few times where we do our contain our drama. Now we're gonna go to one side. Then you're gonna bend your knees till hand that goes up, goes up on an angle, and the bottom goes down on an angle, reach then we come back up the same way.

And guess what? We are going to switch. And we're gonna press and reach. Bring it up. Flippy do and go and bring it up and switch We have one more to go and and go and up and switch to relax. Thank you.

We have what we call IT cup. We hold IT cup. Don't drop the tea cup. Might be easier if you have your soft knees. You're gonna turn the teacup in.

You're not gonna drop it when you bring it all the way around. And you're gonna lift it on a diagonal, and then we're gonna reverse it. We bring the teacup back and bring it back up. We're gonna go in. Look at that. And then come back in.

We're gonna do one more time this way. Which indicates that there's another way we're going to continue to circle We go here. We go all the way around, and we are back and go all the way and make it nice, easy movement. Let the shoulder just follow that arm and around Let's go to our other side. We do have first going around, and we team might feel Yes, it's different.

And that's okay. Well, it's actually not okay, but it's normal. We would like that they're not different, but such as life and around. Now let's go all the way. I think we know each other well enough to go all the way to and around. And let that shoulder blade kind of like glide on that rib cage when you reach it.

Don't hold it in place. Kind of like, let it move up the rib cage and down the rib cage. We have one more to go, go all the way around, and then bring it around. And then graceful, decent. We're gonna slowly roll down.

Take your time. Again, let the shoulders round and create that space. When you need to, just bend your knees, place the hands down, and slowly sit down. Once you're down, you're going to take your Therabant. And we're going to do a little wrap motion. So I will show you from the back because it will be easier to see.

You're gonna place your Therabant down. Then you're going to sit with your right sits bone on top of it. So it's the it's the long way. Nope. Well, oh yeah, you can be this way. It's fine. Face this way.

You're good. Yep. Then you take your Therabant. The end of it, and you bring it all the way up that shoulder. Then you cross it behind trying to keep it as wide as possible, which did not work today, and then you lift the other side and bring it up there.

So here you go. Now I'm going to do a very creative little move here. So what you're going to do is with the shoulder, You're going to lift the shoulder and bring it inward. Sit on it. Doesn't it not fit? Oh, you have too much band on the other on the there you go. And then you're gonna go lift and in.

And then you're slowly gonna relax, and the Theravant kind of like, moves the shoulder. So don't do too much work on the way down. Let actually, the Theravant do the work for you, and just let it slowly be pulled backwards open and down. So we're gonna go forward and inward. And then as you slowly let go, The Therabant does the work for you.

The best workout ever and going up and then let the prop work for you, which is what prop should be doing anyway. And we'll have 2 more to go going in. And then let that shoulder blade glide and have the free ride back home. And then re relax. And then we'll go to the other side.

So we're gonna take it off and wrap ourselves up again. So Let's try to keep it more flat this time. Maybe it will work. Maybe it will not. So I'm having the band flat.

I'm gonna sit on it on my left cheek. And then bring it up. Be happy. You wanna pull it a little bit. So that it stays nice and wide, then cross it over and then lift and enter the opposite.

Once you're sitting all the way straight up, You are going to bring it up and in, and then have that free ride back down. And going up. So we're not actually doing anything on the way down. We're just controlling the equipment or controlling the pool and get that beautiful opening feeling as the shoulder blade glides up and down. So when we go up, we go, forward upwards and inwards, and we call that an inward spiral.

When we go down, we go backwards downwards and out, and that's then the outward spiral. Going in and coming back, and we have one more to go. We go all the way in, and then we go all the way out. Once you're done with that, take it all away. And then we're going to use our, what we call, are noodles.

So we have these noodles, and they are basically the ones that you use in the pool. Very nice and simple. If you don't have this one, What we generally do is we roll up the end of our mat, and we create sort of like the same kind of idea. You might want to put a pillow behind so that you're not with your head on the floor. But that's the alternative. So you're going to take the weights.

We have £2, and that is more than enough. Because we don't want to make it super strong. We just don't want to make it connection. You're going to place your, What's it called? This little foam thing.

On the floor, make sure you have some space for your head. And you're gonna lie down on it. And then once I'm down, it's flush. So my shoulders are in line with the top or the back of my, little noodle. You're gonna hold on to the weights, and you're gonna bring the arms straight up to the ceiling. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna lift my head and round my upper back and curl the shoulder blades into that inward position.

Then I'm gonna bring the arms back slightly, and then I'm gonna slowly roll over the noodle back and I allow my shoulders be pulled into that backwards rotation by the weight. You might be able to go to the floor. You might not. That's not important. Then you're gonna lift the arms up a little bit.

You're gonna lift your head and then you could curl it back up. So make sure you don't do it in the arms. Make sure that the movement or the backwards movement is created by the shoulder blade moving towards your spine or towards your rib cage, and then recurling back up. Let's do a couple more So make sure that the shoulder moves back as it goes and then comes back forward and rolls forward. We'll do one more. We go back.

And then once we're down, we bring ourselves back up. Once you're up, you're gonna relax your head and gonna get rid of one of the weights. That arm goes straight up. The other hand crosses your body. The thumb goes into your armpit so that the fingers can reach back and find your scapula.

Now you're gonna curl up in that same way that we just did Now I'm gonna look at my arm. I'm gonna open it in the back diagonal, and as I do it, allow that shoulder to really open up, and then I come back up. In the center. We go out on the diagonal and reach that arm far away. Now the beauty of this as you come back up is use this hand that as you are going back, you pull that shoulder blade manipulated completely open.

Of thank you without the ribs, I was just going to say something, Reach it up, but she saw my eyes and pull open. I feel so then bring it back up and then we'll change arms. Here we go. So arm goes straight up. You reach across. Thumb fingers over and then look at that arm when you curl up and then put it on a high diagonal pull that that scapula around the back towards your rib cage and then bring it back up. So you really should feel that backwards rotation of that scapula as we go.

Reach it long in a way. And then bring it up. Now if it's too far for the head to go into the extension, just put a little pillow there, and then you are going to be just fine going to bring it back up. We have one more to go. We go all the way up, and we go all the way back.

Then bring it back up, and then you can take your weight and your noodle away, or unfold your mat. And you're gonna get your little spiky ball. And what we're gonna do is a total shoulder release. So if you think of the shoulder blade, it's sort of sitting like this in your back, and there's a little ridge on top of your shoulder blade. You're gonna place the spiky ball right underneath the ridge.

So what we're gonna do, you're just gonna lie down You're gonna find that spot. And it's usually you have to wiggle around to sort of find it, you know, sort of the area. Then you're gonna bring your arms straight up towards the ceiling. From here, you're gonna reach up to the ceiling. So your arm is gonna reach and then it's go go back down. So it's like protraction, you're reaching, and then the retraction.

So you just go up and down. You reach up. You let your shoulder blade melt down. Let's do it one more time. Just reaching up and then leave it down. Leave the shoulder down.

And from here, you're gonna open arm to the side and bring it back up so you open it to the side and up. And side up. Last time, And then what we're gonna do is go back out to the side, and we're gonna do little circles and think of leading with your fingers, a circle one. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Reverse the circles. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and bring the arm back up.

So then we're gonna open the arm back out to the side. And what you're gonna think of doing is just internally an x internally rotating that humerus. So it's the feeling of screwing in a light bulb. So just internally, externally rotate and try and do the movement from your humorist. Then just bring your arm up, bring it down, and then just release the ball from underneath your spine and just sit there for a second and just feel your back.

Do you feel a difference? You might you might not. Then you're gonna just put it on the other side. The easiest way is just do what I did, and then you're gonna probably have to roll around on your mat to find that sweet spot for the second side. Then once you're there, bring your arm up.

And from here, you're just going to reach up you know, that protraction into the retraction. This is reaching forward, and then your shoulder sort of just meltdown. And when it drops down, just let it really drop. And last time, bring the arm down. Now we're gonna open the arm to the side and bring it back up.

Opens the side and bring it up. Open to the side. Bring it up one more time. Just open. And bring it up. Now we're gonna open the arm back out to the side, and you're gonna do little circles.

You're gonna circle and think of making these circles leading with your little finger, and you'll feel the connection in your shoulders, then let's reverse those circles. Still think even in the reverse of the little finger and the connection it makes with your shoulders. Then bring your arm back up. Open it again to the side. And this time, think of internal external rotation from the humeral head inside the socket.

So you just wanna think of all that movement screwing in that light bulb. Just think of the humerus head inside the socket. Then bring your arm up and then just relax it down. And just take the spiky ball out for a second and just sort of sit with it. Nice release.

But wait. There's more. You did such a good job. We are now going to do a pectoralis minor release. Yay. So easiest way to do it is if you think of finding your collarbone and then you take the road underneath your collarbone, this is how we are taught, It's Broad dynamic. And then you find Little Valley that the road dips down in to.

And in that little point is the little choricoid process, the little bone that looks like a sort of bird's beak, and it's usually for a lot of people, really tender. Well, guess what? That's where the ball's going. So you find that spot. And you're gonna just be head down. You want the home flat.

I'm making a fist because I have a mic on. So I'm just gonna so it doesn't get too lost. You're gonna start with the palm up, and you're just gonna lift it up and lower it down. Reach the arm up. And lower it down.

And just reach up, lower it down, and up lower it down. Now turn the palm of the hand so it's facing the flat heart of your mat. So palm down, You're just gonna lift it up and lower it down. And lift, lower it down. You'll find you can't quite reach as far, and that's okay. The last time, bring it down. Now flip the palm of the hand back up towards the ceiling.

From there, you're gonna lift the arm up and you're gonna circle it all the way around. The arm will change when it needs to, and bring the arm down. Then lift the arm up. And again, the arm will rotate in the socket when it needs to fill your body as you bring it down. One more time. So we're gonna lift it up, circle it around, lower the arm down, and lift it up circle, bring it all the way down, and bring the arm down.

Then you're gonna change the palm of your hand so it faces your thigh. You're gonna slide the arm up your leg trying to keep your elbow up towards the ceiling and slide it back down. So you just slide it up. And down. 2 more times. Slide it up and down.

Last time. And down. And then you're gonna take your hand, put the back of the hand on your lower back, your lumbar spine, your sacrum, And from there, you're just gonna drop the elbow down to the floor and lift it up. Trying to keep the weight of your body on that ball so you don't lift up off the ball. And then slowly relax, take the ball away. And just put your head down.

And you should feel a difference somewhat. So just sit with it for a moment. Enjoy it. And enjoyment is done. We're gonna do the other side.

We have to double the pleasure. You have to do the other side. So from here, you're gonna find the Coricoid process again. This time. Starting with the palm down, and you're just gonna keep that weight on there. And you're gonna lift palm is starts up, I believe, and we're gonna lift it up and lower it down, keeping the weight. Lift it up, lower it down, and lift up, lower it down, lift it up, and lower it down.

Now turn the palm of the hand down to the floor, and you're gonna lift it up and lower it down. And lift it up, lower it down, and lift it up, lower it down, up, lower it down. Now turn the palm of the hand back up towards the ceiling, and you're gonna reach the arm up, and they're just gonna let it circle rotating when it needs to for your body. So it's gonna look different for everybody. And then you start with it back and lift it up, and then circle all the way back down and bring the palm up. So we lift the arm up.

We circle it around. You place it down on the floor, then you lift the arm back up and circle it and bring it down and relax. Then take the arm, bend it, and put the back of the hand on your lower back or slide it up first. Forgot that. And so we're gonna just so it's on the side, and we slide it up and slide it down. Now what you wanna make sure is you try and keep this bending as it bends the elbow as far to the ceiling as possible.

There we go. And the last time Then we're gonna bend the arm, and we're gonna place it on the small of the back, and you're just gonna drop the elbow down and bring it up. And lower it down. Then let's just lift the elbow up again, and then just let it melt over and lift it up. And just let it melt.

And again, lift it up and let it melt. And then you're just gonna take the bulls away. I'll be nice, and I'll do it for you. And you can just sit there. Enjoy the moment, and the moment is gone, which means get up, grab your Therabant.

They're like, ah, what you're gonna do is you're gonna lie down. You're gonna hold the part of the TherabAN. You wanna make sure it's tight, See, you're gonna go back that way in the diagonal, but you don't want it too tight. So you're gonna just have to sort of figure out the strength of your Theraban. So you wanna be just do a little test run.

Can you bring your arm down and out of the diagonal? If not adjust your Therabance. So we start here, and you're just gonna pull out at a diagonal. And let the Therbend pull you back in. So you're gonna pull out and then just let the Theraban take your arm back up and bring your awareness to what your shoulder blade is doing.

And think backed tone in the noodle with the weight. Another variation on the theme of the same movement. The last time and slowly bring it up. Now the arm is up, so you're gonna bend at the elbow. You're gonna try and keep the elbow in the same position as your shoulder.

So directly outline the elbow will not be on the floor. From there, you're gonna pull the Therabam back So you have external rotation, bring it up, and try and bring it down in front for most of us. It's not gonna go very far as you just play with internal and external rotation and then slowly relax the arm and let's change sides. So you're gonna start again. Is it in?

On your stomach, get enough tension? And adjust the you wanna just do a little test run again. See if you Therabance needs to be tighter or needs to be looser from there, then you're just gonna pull it out in a diagonal and bring it back up. So you're gonna pull it out and keeping those ribs down. And if you touch the floor, good for you. If not, good for you.

It's all based upon your body, and you just wanna bring the awareness with your hand that's on this stomach. If you feel the ribs going, go ahead and adjust it. I'm not saying anything. The ribs are speaking. And from there, one more out at a diagonal move the weight so you don't have an excuse.

One more for Christy and then bring the arm up. And then from there, you're just gonna bend it out, and you're gonna keep the elbow in line with the shoulder and you're just gonna have external and internal rotation without lifting the shoulder. Or the ribs. Or the ribs. There. You feel the difference?

So you don't wanna be doing this. You wanna be doing this. So the shoulder blade is staying down. So we go here. Keep this down, and now bring it up.

And there. That's it. But that's good. It's different for everybody, which makes life exciting with everybody different, and then just relax and like, and just sort of sit with your shoulders. That was enough sitting with your shoulders. We grab our Therabant.

So depending on how long your Therabant is and how strong it is, We're going to place one end under our right sits bone. And the other end underneath our left sits bone that creates a loop Then we're gonna cross that loop, and we're gonna place our elbows in. You can cross your legs. You can be in diamond shape. Whatever feels comfy.

It's going to get even come more comfy. Hence by behind your head. It's getting so comfy. Yes. There's your exercise already getting into it. Are you good? Yep.

So now we're gonna round and give in on the tension. Now we're going to lift our sternum. And make our rips go down as our upper back comes up. And then bring it back in. So you can have it closer to the elbows.

You can have it closer to your shoulders. It's going to kind of like find its own little way of going in and out. And see if you can use really the shoulder blades to find that space of open and being really against your rib cage going in and lifting it up. Let's do one more time. We're going in. Have that round feeling.

Bring it up. Have that lift feeling. And then we're going to relax. We're gonna get rid of that. And we're going to be on our knees and our elbows. So think quadruped, but then on your elbows.

And the hands are going to be with the fist or hands together. Doesn't matter whether you have fist or long fingers, and the elbow slightly open, but they are still in line with your shoulders. The knees are going to be relatively right underneath your hips. Now like we do normally with a cat strategy. We make our back go round, but now what we wanna do is feel how to show the blades move on top of our arm and then roll the shoulder blades back to come to that straight feeling.

So it's more of a movement of an inward movement of the shoulders, the scapula, and then an outward movement movement of the scapula rather than in the spine itself. So really feel how the scapula kind of like rolls on top of that, and then rolls back home. Watch out if it doesn't happen in the back and then reach and come here and move that backwards. And then move it back on top of it. Now you're gonna find that neutral place again.

Find it. Now gonna curl your toes under. And now you're gonna hold that position, and you're gonna lift the knees just off the floor. And you're gonna hold us for 10, 9, 87, 6, 5, 4, do a move, 2, 1, and slowly come down. Then we're going to do the whole series again. The only thing we're going to do is change our arms.

So the elbows come right underneath our shoulders, and the palms are facing down. In line, middle finger, in line with your elbow. And we're going to start again with rounding that scapula around. So bringing that all the way on top, and then keep those ribs and just move it in the shoulder blade. That feels so good.

And then bring it in and bring it open. There you go. Push and find that position again. We'll do one more rounding going round, then find that neutral place Now to lift up, think of the heels pushing back as you brace it and lift. And we go 10 9876543 2, 1.

Just push yourself back into a child's spouse, relax sing those shoulders for a second, then roll yourself back up. And then we're going to sit for a side bend. So we're gonna have our bottom foot our hip and our hand all in line. Other foot goes in front. We have that space again. There we go. Don't let this harm go too far away from you because then it's just lying on your side instead of a side bend.

Which is also on your side. It's just not what we want. So you're gonna push the heels away. We're gonna find our plank position, and we're gonna bend the knee moving in towards her feet and out. And we're gonna do, how many are we gonna do? Maybe 4.

She said 3, so we're going to do 4. So we're going to be over here. We're going to lift this arm up. We're going to flip ourselves over to a plank position. Then we're gonna lift the upper arm up.

So now, oh, look, mom, at the side. And we do 4 on this side. 1, the arm can go down, and 2, and 3, and 4, then we come back, arm lift, back to the plank position. Bend the knees, and just relax for a moment. While you're on your knees, grab your Therabant, You might want to turn around. And then, you're going to have one hand on the floor that's going to hold the Therabant.

The other one, you're gonna regulate how much tension you're going to have. And you're just gonna wrap. I don't always like holding on to the bend. What I like to do is just wrap it around a couple of times so you don't have to hold it, and it just stays. So from here, the palm of your hand is going to face you, and the thumb is up.

Then I'm gonna open this arm to the side. I'm gonna flip my hand around So my thumb is up again as I lift it. And then I bend it. I turn my hand, so my thumb is up again when I'm going forward. So no matter what happens, we always have our thumbs up and then bring it back in.

Hold on. We have a Houston. We have a problem. She's having thumb issues. We have 2 more to go. It happens to the best of us.

And one more time. Reach it open. Bring it in. And then it's time to change our hands. So again, lock it on one side.

Grab the other side. Wrap it around once tries three times. I don't care. Just wrap it. Elbow is open.

And then the thumb goes up. Lift it. And then bend it back in and the thumb is up again. And you can you might wanna also pay a little attention that means pay attention to the hand that's on the floor, that that shoulder is also stable and that we're not hanging down. Bring it back in.

Let's do 2 more. We're going to open and bend it back in. Palm is facing up. And bring it up, and bring it down. Then let go of the Therabant and just we don't need it for now.

Sit down on your side. Again, we're going to have foot, hip, hand in line. This time, this leg is about a 45 degree angle in front of you. Okay. We're gonna push through this foot.

We're gonna push through this hand and shoulder. And we magically lift off. We hold it for a second, and we have a graceful decent. We'll do it again. Lift it up.

Hold it and slowly come in. So you can stay here or we can do this. We're gonna go up. You're gonna bend this knee. You're gonna wrap it around. And place the knee down behind you.

Then we're gonna go back, lift it, bring it around, sit back down. Watch out for the rotation in the shoulder. The shoulder stays here. The humor rotates inside of the shoulder. So we go here, make sure that the shoulder stays where it is. We just move, place it down, lift it up, bring it front, bring it down. If you don't need to kneel down, then why are you? We're gonna lift We're going to bring around, and we're not even gonna touch.

We are just gonna go to the front, and we sit back down. Relift, we are going, and we're coming back, and maybe you wanna stretch it like out behind you. Maybe reach stretch it out. Bring it back. Sit back down. And now maybe you wanna do a somersault in between and bring it up.

And then relax. Let's go to the other side. Maybe. So hand, hip, foot, all in line, legged 45. Magic flowed in the beginning.

Lift it up. Graceful descent. Shoulder stays open. Press And do you remember how Michael had that, light bulb moment of rotating it out? Think of that here. Perez and rotate it out.

And bring it back in, time for the knee, lift it up, bend it in, place it down behind you. Lift, breathe to the front, sit down one more time, up, bring it around. Place it down. Lift. We are not going to touch if that's available to you.

If you wanna place the knee down, place it down. This workout is for you. So you do it, what you can do. Bring it up, and you might feel more stable on one side than the other. Let's stretch the leg out behind us.

Lift right around. Maybe. One never knows. Bring it back. Sit back down.

Now if you've done your somasol on the previous site, don't forget to include that to your bag of tricks. Bring it down. Have a moment. Catch your breath. I missed the somersault.

So what we're gonna do is lie down in a shoulder bridge position, and you're gonna start with your thumbs up. So thinking of the shoulders, it's all about the shoulders, the shoulder blade. So what you wanna do is lift your arms up, and bring your thumbs to the floor, and bring it back down. So we lift thumbs up, bring it over, minus the ribs would be great and bring it up. But we can have the ribs preferred not one last time and just bring those thumbs all the way down and bring them up.

Now you wanna make a fist with your hand and do the same thing. It's gonna be a little bit harder, and the fist might not touch, but that's okay, and bring it up. And then bring them up. Keep those ribs. There you go.

And keep your lumbar spine long and neutral. Now we're gonna have even more fun. You can now open the hands so your fingertips start very similar, but you wanna start. In cat like Kathy Grant's shoulder bridge start. So here with the fingers long, now keeping that, you're gonna stretch the arms all the way back and put the top of the hands on the floor if possible, if it's available to you, and then slowly bring it back and lift the back of your brains even when you're lying down. There we go.

Now we have a long spine. He just want that, lift the back. So it keeps the spine long And last time, and this time you're gonna bring your arms all the way down next to your sides. And you're gonna think of your shoulders. Just think of rolling them in.

So it's that inward spiral and then the outward spiral. So you're gonna roll it in and then roll the shoulders back out. That out is where you want to be for shoulder bridges and any kind of palau position overhead. You feel that's you just release them in, then release them out, keep the out, use your hands, thanks to your body, and just press down and try and feel that connection in the upper back in the hands. Now keep that outward rotation of the shoulders and roll up into a shoulder bridge.

And oh, I saw that adjustment. Go away and roll back down. And you should not see anything move here and roll it up. Shoulder bridge again. Keep that outward smile and keep pressing down with your hands all the way up.

And they'll roll down. Lift the back of your brains. Relax your throat. And relax. So if you can keep that outward spiral, it really helps the shoulder blades and for the overhead, etcetera.

Slowly come up, and we're gonna go into a quadruped position here on an all forest Now what I want you in this quadruped position, just feel what your arms are doing. Now think of externally rotating that humerus in the socket and feel the difference, and the forearm is internally rotating. And you're thinking of keeping the weight even on the outside of both hands. You feel that? And then just let it go, and you can feel what happens. In your shoulder.

You feel that? We don't want that. You wanna externally rotate that humerus internally rotate. There's the spiral in the arm and connecting the shoulder. From that position, you're gonna curl your toes under.

Push through your heels and lift your knees off. Now in this position, really keeping this position, the external rotation, you're gonna use your head and your pelvis, and you're just gonna go the flexion, think of bringing the head and pelvis together. Now think of sending your sits bones back and lift your sternum into the extension. Keep the external rotation in the arms. And, again, you feel the difference? And then send the sits bones back.

Lift the sternum to create the extension. Hold on one more time with feeling. You're used to earth you're used to earthquakes here. Don't mind the shaking. I had hold it there.

Hold it and then push straight back into downward dog and just walk yourself back to your feet. Then we're gonna get our Theraban. And we're gonna do a serratus anterior pull. So Basically, you're gonna hold it up in a v shape above you. And now the tendency when I say poll, most people think pulling down.

I want you to think of pulling out, lifting that sternum and bringing it right in front of your sternum. So she brings it right down in front of her sternum right above your breasts. For men too, I guess, right above, from there, and then slowly let the Theragun bring it back up and just feel what the shoulders are doing. So as you pull it down, just bring your awareness to the shoulders in the back. Good, guys. And then slowly Let the Theraban do the work and feel how the shoulder blades are gliding on top of your rib cage. Just to give the client the feeling, There you go.

Of how they're just then, but wait, like Tony said, there's more. We're gonna do an airplane. So you're gonna take it down. It's gonna be right across your sternum From there, you're gonna keep reaching out wide wingspan, you're gonna bend the knees. And from here, keeping your sits bones going back, you're just gonna move and rotate the upper body and keep that elongated spine, send those sits bones back Make those cheeks smile. There we go.

And keep going. Now let's make that a bit bigger, and you add the pelvis. So now you're the jumbo jet. So you're really adding the rotation of the entire body but try and keep the knees over the center of the foot. And then one more.

Big wings stands up. Heads through all they will roll yourself up. Then get rid of the Sarban. Now what we're gonna do is, armless with ulm not deviation. You'll experience it.

So if you're a palms that just out, it's on the side of the hand. So you're gonna think of bringing your fingers in this way. Now all you're gonna do is bring your arms up and down. Doesn't feel so good, does it? Well, it's always the one that it feels really good.

Then if you think of reaching out with a little finger, So you wanna think of keeping this straight and reaching this way so that it's It's like that groucho marx. I love Lucy episode. Where they're all there you go. And you should feel the difference. If you do it once more feeling it within, you're losing the connection in your shoulders.

If you take it by thinking of leading out, reaching out with the little fingers, your shoulders are connected. So it's a very, very easy way to give your clients the feeling that a group class setting, that's what your shoulder blades, that they're doing this, and you can actually feel it. So good. And thank you both. Thank you all. And thank you.

I thank you. Oh, no. Thank you. No. You were great. Thank you. Thank you. No. Thank you. And, Pam, thank you. See you next time.


Akiko O
Thank you for the video. I have enjoyed the exercises!  They  are good good for  release shoulder tension and also good to have the strength!
Katarina S
I love this class, and my shoulders are too! Thank you, Michael and Ton, for this routine. K
Wow! Such meaningful stretch, strengthening and flexibility! Now feeling the release and ability & awareness to better balance in the entire shoulder area! Will repeat often! I feel clearer and free! U guys r the best!
Lola P
This is the first PA class I dropped halfway thru. I’m not an instructor and this class is geared toward instructors especially if you have absolutely zero physical issues. Also, “do this and not this” implies we are just watching, not doing, as most of the time when you say this, I need to get out of the position I’m in to look. Unless, of course, you’re an instructor watching this …. Or 15. 

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