Class #5652

Deep Connections Reformer

45 min - Class


Join Meredith Rogers and Kristi Cooper in a deepening Reformer workout that emphasizes length, control, and connection. This feel-good class features the use of the Overball for hip opening and low back release, facilitating a deeper mind-body connection. Throughout the session, you will enjoy a variety of exercises, including yummy, feel-good variations and more challenging exercises like Side Overs and Kneeling Arm Work, all while engaging in a lively conversation that encourages questions, exploration, and connection.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box, Overball

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Guess what time it is? Go time. Thanks for joining us. This is our time to out together to learn from each other and to just have a little bit of fun. Shall we get started? Yes.

So we have the small ball or over ball it sometimes called, and we are set up on 3 red springs to start because we're gonna go from our warm up straight into footwork. So what I want us to do and this the positioning will be relative to the person's height, your height, our height So for me, I sit on the reformer very close to the edge with my shins up against the foot bar. I like the foot bar against my shins because it helps give me feedback. And then we're gonna place the ball kind of in the mid back area, right, kind of in the center of the ribs below the shoulder blades. So, just a note, you wanna be able to extend over the ball.

So I have the shoulder blocks kinda coming through my arms there, and then we'll come back up. So for Christy, she's not she can't quite get her shins to the footbar, but we're gonna, deal with that. Yes. So starting in a neutral organization of the spine on so it'll be a neutral on the diagonal. We're going to breathe in as we pull the abdominals in and let the by and extend over the ball. This is not a resting shape.

It's a working shape. And then on the exhale, we're gonna lift back up into that straight line and inhale as we go back. Such a nice way to start. And Excels, we lift up keeping the head heavy in the hands. If you don't have the footbar, let's keep going. If you don't have the foot bar to rest and do with your shins.

Another nice idea, lift again is to just push it down with your feet. So I'm doing both. I'm pushing into the foot bar, and I'm pushing down with my feet, and you can decide what you're doing in your body. We're doing too I am what I'm doing in my body is ever so slightly dragging the arches of my feet towards me rather than a push down. It's it's anchoring me a little bit. Better.

We're gonna make a change at the top. So come up and pause. Keep this lift in your spine as you take rotation in one direction. You couldn't decide. Come to center, take rotation in the other direction.

Are you trying to flex your upper spine? Not so much. I'll speak about it a little bit Okay. I mean, we go back. Come up into that straight line. And then just turn on the ball. So you might feel a little heavier on one side of the ball than the other, but I'm not actually taking my chest anymore forward.

I'm saying pretty long in my body rotating, and I'm trying to hold the ball fairly still underneath me. Center the body and extend back. So feel that there's support from the front of the body as the body goes back and lift up. Now what's nice if you have the option of feeling the shins on the foot bar is you can use it for feedback if there's any shifting of the shins on the bar that will be indicative of the pelvis moving. And if you don't have the bar as an option, let's do 2 more. You can feel just anchored into both feet. Is there any shifting on the feet from side decide.

Here we go. Left. Find your rotation. Come back to center. Makes it smaller doesn't rotate. It does make it smaller, and it should maybe make it more intense in fact.

Here's a fun thing to do. Go back. Now I've done it. And lift up. So I said we're not creating flexion, but take your rotation. Now make flexion. 4, 5. You're welcome. Yes.

And asking you anything else. And 3, And to remember, the down is an arrest. It's working. And 1, would you like a break in the middle? Nah. Let's go for it. Okay.

So we take the rotation to the opposite side, and then we do a flexion action. Now the flexion is coming from the upper body here, not from the palvis. Pelvis is staying anchored. There will be only 2 more to go. And one more will return to the middle.

We'll stretch all the way back and now you have the opportunity to have a small rest. And then the easiest way to get off this ball is to just help yourself up with your hands, remove it from behind you and go back down as you can. I really want to. Okay. Okay. So head is down. I'm gonna put my headdress up because I like to be able to see.

We're gonna go into some footwork. So heels on the footbar, lift the pelvis enough so that you can place the ball underneath your sacral area. So I have just the whole of the sacrum resting on the ball, and we're I think I've mentioned this, but we're on 3 red strings. So take a moment to find e evenness across the center of the pelvis to feel both feet pushing into the foot bar And then our action here is to maintain that neutrality in the pelvis as we reach out and come back. And reach out and come back.

For those of you who like to work a little heavier spring, don't worry. We're gonna go straight from double leg to single leg, which will feel significantly more heavy. So if you're looking for more challenge, it's coming. We'll do 4, keeping that almost it's almost a feeling of the pelvis dropping back over the top of the ball. 3? 2, working the springs, of course, in both directions. Number 1, we come back in.

Now step into the right leg, lift the left leg try not to change where the pelvis is organized over that ball and push. This is where it's a little bit more challenging. We'll do 8. Push and drag. For me, I have to especially, balancing. Uh-oh.

My last count. I think this is 4. Okay. That's gonna sapphire, but No. I have to go kinda slow just to make sure I keep my balance. And 3.

It's amazing how even this feels like a stretch to my evlexer. I really should stand more often. 1. We'll come all the way, and let's place both feet down. Let's just do one press with both legs just to get centered again.

And bend. Once we're at the bottom, we'll take the right leg. Oh, this is more difficult for me for balance. And here we go out. And in working the springs in both directions too, trying to keep the leg that's floating pretty still an inn centering the pelvis over the ball and in and 4 by my account is left. And feel free to help me if you need to.

If you, I wish I could. 2. Folks. I'm glad. Yeah. Come all the way in, both feet down.

Move from the heels to the toes. So you find that positioning of the feet take the carriage out with both legs. So we do a little plantar flexion there. And then we keep the heels still as we come in and reach out and pull back Notice if your pelvis is tipping off to one side or the other of the ball and see if you can find a sensation of just floating right over the top in the center of it. We're gonna repeat 5 more times.

1. If I count out loud, I'll get I'll keep track. 2. Or Christy can count out loud. That's fun too. Sometimes. 3.

Pilates goes to Sison Street. One more. Come all the way back in. Choose the right leg again to stay on the bar, lift the left leg up. Take a minute to find your balance, and we take the carriage and come back.

Take the carriage and come back. Again, with the one leg in the air, it's a little harder to feel centered on the ball. For me. Yep. I think there's 4 more. But it's possible if you focus 3.

And for those of us who are really tight in our hip flexes, maybe we'll get a little stretch as the leg fully extends. That's a bonus. You're welcome. I was just about to say things. Both feet down.

We'll do one press out with both feet on the foot bar. Come back in. I just like that little moment to reset, and then we take the other leg. And here we go out and bend out and in center Meredith out and in and feel the abdominals press down into the ball and reach and Bent. 3 more. She says with confidence.

2 more is better. And bend one more time out and one more time in. Both feet on the bar heels together toes apart. So we're in our small v shape settling into the ball, pressing the heels together. We take the carriage at, and pull back and real. This feels so much more easy to me for some reason. With with your feet in this position? Yeah.

I don't know. I haven't done the single yet, though. Exactly. I guess I'm anticipating. What we could do is press the heels together, resist the springs on the end, We'll, do 4 more repetitions after this one. Not so important that we're even with both legs down. And three Arms are long and active and 2.

And one. So coming all the way back and keeping the right foot exactly as it is, lift the left like, keep that orientation of the hip here. We go out, and now it's challenging and and bent and out. And resist and at and pull. Feels good to feel strong in one leg, you know, to work it.

Yeah. As long as you feel equally strong on the other side, you'll be determined. Two more. Woah. Cut myself rolling off to one side one. And in, we'll repeat what we did on the parallel shapes.

We'll bring both legs down. Press out one time. Come in one time getting organized on the left leg. And here we go. Reach out.

And in oof. At yeah. Different body. Different leg in this body, for sure. Trying to stay nice and settled on that ball, drop the pelvis into it. That helps me. And 3, and keeping the rotation of the floating leg too.

And one coming all the way back in, both feet down, back to parallel alignment with both legs, Press all the way out to straight legs in here. We go into our calvaries as all the way under. And this feels really good to me. All the way under. I like to wrap my toes around the bar as I take my heels down.

Do you lighten up when you come up? Or you can I press into them as they come up? Okay. So they're stretching in one direction, stretching in the other direction. 4, 3. Again, floating, but also heavy on the ball counterintuitive, but it works. Last time, hold up, and now we go into prancing one knee goes.

Ben, one leg drops down. And as we come through center, we meet in the middle, and this one's really telling for me anyway, are you rocking side to side on palvis as you shift off one leg onto the other or from one stretch into the other? Also, what are your feet doing? You know, like, I could keep my pelvis still, but it might mess up my feet if I'm not paying attention. What do you mean? Well, so if I keep my hips still, but I roll the foot out, that's a whole Oh, I see.

I see. I see. Yeah. Yeah. So trying to say organize in the feet and the pelvis is what Christy's saying. I'm asking for it all, baby. After this one, one more to each side. Pause. We'll just give ourself an opportunity to enjoy that stretch for a 5 seconds or so will change sides.

Enjoy the stretch. And left. Okay. So let's bring the carriage in. Now lift your pelvis off the ball. Enough so that you can take the ball out from underneath you.

Please take your time as you roll down because it feels good. And then we will continue. So the easiest way to get up, because we're gonna need to change the springs, I think, is to just roll to your side. And so Oh, so nice. Just wanna, like, hang out there. But instead, let's do, like, a version of core coordination. Okay.

Yeah, let's change the spring. I'm gonna go down to a red and a blue. Okay. From our 3. And how do we do coordination with a ball? I'll show you. Lie down again.

Take the ball between your ankles, you know, center yourself on your carriage. Take the ball between your ankles. Reach for your straps. Issuing just a little bit away from the shoulder blocks. Arms are straight and you're just, like, ready to go. You're obviously not gonna if you know coordination, you're not gonna separate your feet, but we'll play with it.

Just inhale, prepare, exhale, curl up, extend the legs out on that diet. Raise the lights up for the inhale. Excel, take them back where they came from. Inhale. Bend in and go down. Right back up, exhale shooting out. If you want, raise legs, reach them down, pull them in, and here's that inhale down.

You can kinda start the inhale earlier if needed. Exhale curl up. So the long one still lets them raise the legs. Lower the legs. Ben the legs in healing to take you back down. And exhale reach. That's a subtle squeeze that I've done on the ball.

And down, bending all the way. Keep it going. Just like, I gotta gonna be here all the time. Press the legs through the air, push them back down through the air, bend, try to curl into it more and take it down. I'm doing 3 more. Still exhaling theoretically.

Start the inhale when you need to. Your body knows what it needs and down. 2 to go. Reach, lower, bend, upper body down. Last one.

Make it nice and long. Feel good. You're in charge. I love it when I'm in charge. It's so rare. And take your time. Right. Okay. So from the moment, you can set the rack, the straps down. Take your ball.

Just put your feet on the ball. We're gonna roll up and place a ball pretty much right where you had it's for foot and leg work. So under the sacrum, basically neutral. Right? So I I like the way you would say, Mary, that there's a subtle sense of the table and going over the ball. So that I have to hold from the middle to stabilize.

Careful when you push out, it's lighter than what we were doing earlier. Push out to put your feet in the straps, and this is where you're rolling. Be careful. Because you will be off balance by the fact that that ball is there. Starting in a frog position, Heels are together. Let's just focus on that and keeping the hips still.

Absolutely fine to use your upper arms. Ex help press, lengthen the legs away fully straight. And resisting the straps to bring it back in. So I do think of pressing my abs into the ball or to my sacrum or But if I overdo it, I'll tuck because I can feel that ball. So I'm just in the subtle amount to hold myself still.

I'm just concentrating. I'm not falling off. Well, that too that's sort of the same thing. I mean, less words. I love it. I'm doing 4 more here.

Like, right there would be easy to tuck or to raise the heels, but they they they can stay on the same line. And out. Finish it one more. Take it out. Keep it out there.

I'm gonna keep a small turnout. Let the legs rise up a little bit. Again, I'm not trying to change the space between my back and the ball right now. Open out. Circle around. Inhaling up. Open. That exh.

It's just like up leveling a little bit, you know, when we talk about keeping the spine neutral or level or stable, Same thing. Just now that it's in the air and on the squishy ball, it's more fun or something. It's more hard. It's more hard. And more fun. Thank you. I'm gonna make this the last one up, open down around, and hold It's worth it for some of us to just make sure you haven't really arched your back.

Kind of wanna pay attention to that upper back staying relatively stable, reverse it, open out. Bring it up all the way together and then pull down. Wow. That was different. Open. Touch and then bringing it down.

It's really not so much about how high your legs go. So do you try to keep them straight? And I'm looking at mine. This one's a little different, so I'm gonna really focus on the simultaneity of pulling the links down. Rather than catching up the whole way.

Simultaneous. I know. Is that even a word? I think it is that maybe not used right. That's okay. Do it at the same time.

No. I like the word. I like it. I like it. Finishing this one one more round. Here it comes. And just notice the tension in your toes if there is an come down about, I don't know, 45 maybe a little lower.

You could turn out more if you want this open. And then with as less energy or as little energy in your feet as possible start to draw right back across that same line. In other words, the feet aren't going up or down to bring it together and open. In my mind, I'm reaching my legs longer as I go out. Just energetically, it makes the return a little more interesting.

For me? I'm still just trying not to fall off. Sorry. That would be Thank you. Thinking. I I think you could do it. I'm doing 2 more.

I have one more go push it a little further. To, you know, max, but it's a little bit more stretch. Almost relax here and see how little you can how little muscle you can use to bring it right back on that same line. Might get wobbly here. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Bend your knees.

We'll take ourselves out of this. Let's put your feet on the bar, put the straps away, come all the way into the stopper, heels on the bar, parallel. I have mine a little bit apart. And let's go ahead and just roll up. Oh, you up for doing the bridge with this weight, Mary? I'll try. Okay.

Let's just take the ball out. So we're holding it, and we're gonna roll right back down. Oh, I'm halfway into it cramp already. Ball goes right between the knees again. Thinking about not pressing into the ball itself, but maybe this the negative space, like, above the ball. Hug that just a little bit.

We're gonna do our best to stay on the stopper. If you need to add more spring, please do. We're rolling up and peel the spine up reaching those deeds over the bar. Massaging the spine up, hold it there, take it inhale, and exhale roll down. Of course, We're going to lower those headrests. Go ahead and put them down.

Inhale. And exhale peel the pelvis and spine up. Do you do your best to stay on that stopper? Even if it has to move out a little, let it stay there, if that's necessary, inhale hold, and exhale from the top of your back. The middle of your back, you're placing yourself back on to the mat releasing fully at the bottom. And again, inhale.

Exhale. Let that breath start you. Again, it's one of those moments where if you over contract everything, because you know it's gonna be hard, It just makes it harder. Right? There's some poetry. Inhale. Hold long necks. Exhale from the throat, from the sternum. Peeling or unfurling yourself all the way down.

Prove that you're there. There's subtle sense of a downward drag on my heels to help me to get the hamstrings. Yeah. Okay. Up we go. One more like this. And then when you think you're at the top, double check. You're looking for a straight line across those hips. So you might have to re tuck or recommit to tuck of the pelvis.

Christie. Come down. Okay. Let's go down. 1 enough spring. A lot at the bottom. Okay.

So now what we are going to do while you recover, we're gonna go up, then we're gonna go in and out. So inhale, exhale peel up. Finding that long, slant board like lining hair hold, Excel push out almost all the way, 2 thirds, I'll say, and then, you know, re come in. Let's just go again and exhale out. So the the whole physician changes.

You're not thrusting the ribs. You're just like, okay, my legs are getting stretchers. So my body goes down, and then I come back. How about 5 more after this? A little quicker, though.

It's out and in and out and in 3 to go. Out and in. Two and in one more. Tell me you don't fill your hamstrings or or I do feel my hand. Here we go. We're rolling down. No talking for me.

Roll, roll, soften through the shoulders when you can. And you are landed. You may pick up your knees, hug the ball in. I think we're getting up. Is that right, Mary?

What about this? If you just keep your feet as they are, and they'll just I think it will feel good. Lift your pelvis again, putting the ball at the base of the sacrum or closer to the tailbone here. And then use the ball to really rotate the spine into flexion. So You're pressing the sacrum into the ball.

The spine is maximum flexion. And from there, we'll just take the legs. Maybe not all the way straight. And then use the ball to deepen into that flexion for me because this ball, I it just feels good. It feels like a stretch.

It does feel good. And pull in and reach out pressing into that flexion. And then let's just do 2 more. Just giving the body a moment too. Be in the other direction of neutral or extension.

And then all the way in, So let's lift the pelvis, remove the ball, take your time as you bring yourself down into the carriage, and then we'll just turn to our side. And help ourselves out from there. Let's do some artwork. Okay. Okay. So let's use one red spring. And what we're gonna do with the ball is just use it for a little bit of feedback between the empathize and marking in this shape.

So coming on to the knees, with the knees against the headrest. So depending on the size of your ball, you can depend it will depend on the placement. Because this one's kinda small and a little squishy. I'm putting it more towards my mid side than I'm putting it right between my knees. So I think the placement can be different for different shapes of people and different shapes of ball.

So taking the straps in the hands, bring the arms straight down right in front of the size, and then from that place, push down and back and forward. More things to think about as the arms press down in back, can you feel a little inward squeeze into that ball? Into all into the ball. Yeah. Of course. And press down and back and pull into the ball. It's not so much that you're trying to move your legs closer together or anything like that and maybe not keep going, maybe not even getting a lot of tension in the squeeze into the ball, but just the the sensation of finding that inner thighs and the ball in relationship to try and find the midline of your body. Oh, this feels good.

We'll do 3 more. Sounds really good. Back and down and forward. Keeping the pelvis forward. The abdominals engaged to and forward.

And 1 and forward. Okay. So we'll take the straps down. We'll turn all the way around. We'll keep the same spring for the moment, putting the feet up against the shoulder blocks. One of these days, my voice will be fully functional, and maybe I'll be I don't know how old I'll be then.

Your voice seems pretty functional. Really? Like, so annoying for me. Okay. Feed against the shoulder block. Roll through your spine, bring the hips forwards, lifting the chest. Same thing. We press a little bit into the ball as we take the carriage out and then lift up and back. So what I'm I'm finding is as I push out, I get a little feedback with the ball into the carriage.

It actually feels feels kinda nice. It feels kinda centering. Almost supportive. Yeah. Exactly. K. Let's do 2 more the same or 3 more. Back and in up and back and 2.

In up and back. Number 1. In up and back, hold the carriage in, press into the ball, bring the carriage towards the stopper, or keep it at the stopper as you round your spine. Straighten your spine pressing into the ball, push the carriage out, drop the hips through, and come all the way in. So what's nice there, in my opinion, bring the carriage towards the stopper or keep it at the stopper come into a neutral pelvis, push out with your leg.

So here's where we kind of feel that contact of the ball, which tells you that you're in position. And then come all the way through and around the spine and let the spine change into more neutral and push out and come all the way in up and center and one more round. Even here, like, the lights squeeze allows you to pull away with your ups more. Go flat. I agree.

Okay. So we'll change springs here. Go from a red to a blue. Reach back and take the straps with your hands. Come all the way up into an upright position. Arms at the sides of the body will reach up, keeping the body in an upright position, Just feel that line from the knees to the fingertips and then around.

And then press up. Holding the body still and around and reach up. Finding some mobility. Don't forget that ball between your legs. It's not just there resting.

It's there for you to feel contact. Wish contact into one more. Reaching up. And around let's reverse. Take the arms out.

Turn the pump's face up as the arms come right next to the thighs again and then allow the scapula, the shoulder blades to rotate as the arm circle and bring the arms down. And take it around and bring the arms through pressing into the ball. Let's do three It's a little mobility here and 2. And down the front, and last time and down the front so we can untuck the toes Sit down, put the straps back. Shoulder brush?

Sure. Anna Blill? I think a red, probably. Maybe a red and a blue for some. I'm gonna go red. And you wanna sit on it? I think Sometimes sitting on, it's really nice.

You can keep it between the knees, but I'm gonna sit on mine for the moment, move forward to the front edge. Right. That's just hanging out here. Hands on the bar. I I feel like I'm like a bird. A bird bird on my egg has my egg. Okay.

Yes. Let's go with that. A chicken. So now you had it. You're gonna put I don't know. I can't I can't keep going. Sorry. Because the joke's coming up right now don't work.

Turn your hands in a little. Should the blades are down. Let's just push out straight. So you're just gonna hand yourself forward over your knees and then just allow both elbows to bend wide, almost spreading the bar out. Head goes right to the top or maybe slightly over and then extend your arms all the way.

And then re bend. And for me, this has always been about initiating from just under the lot if you're a muscle kind of person that likes to think that way. But it's also the sensation of how broad can I be with what doesn't automatically feel like a really heavy spring? I always like to think of pulling the bar apart. Yeah. But I guess just with the palms. Right? You know?

Yeah. Yeah. And you're not really, you know, doing anything set for creating that idea. Yeah. And looking really for a flat back, it'd be tempting to be super rounded. So sometimes I, when I'm feeling tighter, I even have to slightly lift. But the contact with the ball does help me.

Alright. Next time, we'll go out as we come and just leave your arms straight. Start to look over the barn, come into an extended back. Oh. Still with the lads. Right? And then go back out again, straight arms. And so you're in that sort of flat back position, long spine, and then pull the bar apart as you bend the elbows. Initiate from underneath those shoulders to extend the arms. Keep them straight.

Start to articulate up like a reverse chest crunch. Settle downward pressure on the bars. You get closer to home there and back out again. Rebend elbows, feel how much width you have in your back. Push back out to straight.

And come forward and up. Last one? Bending nice and wide, long neck. There's, like, that's a good feeling when you get it. Super straight arms. We come in.

And then I'm just gonna take us out one more time. Straight arms. And now to come in, keep your arms straight, but go ahead and just round your spine, you bring the carriage home, spreading out your back even more. That feels so good. Oh, and here we are. Okay. Well, if it's my choice, you know what? I'll always choose side over.

So let's take the bar down and give yourself a supportive spring. And we'll get the box. I love sideovers. Me too. They just They just what? They're just hard. Yeah. That's all. That's the fun part.

Okay. So we are gonna use the ball just for something a little fun. So come up onto the box, put your top foot underneath the strap, reach over and rest your underneath arm on the headrest just to give yourself a moment of Finding your positioning, finding your line. It's a it's a pep talk moment. We just did it silently with our eyes. Here we go. Pep talk for everyone.

Are you ready? So the hand comes behind the head, the underneath hand. As we go over the box, we're going to reach with thar. And then we're going to reach back out like you're following the ball to the top. And reach over, letting the head just rest in the hand and then reach back out, think this way long.

And reach over and out. I think 2 more is enough. What do you think? I think 2 is and reach over and out. And one more reach over. And out.

You can put the arm down. You scared me. I thought you're gonna add a vodka. Reach over. Take a stretch. You can just rest the ball into the reformer for now.

Reach and stretch. No add ons. No. Thank you. And then take a rotational stretch. Oh, I have a funny story to tell you about that later. Remind me and come up and change.

Okay. So we're on the opposite side of the body. It's nice to give yourself just that opportunity to get yourself organized with the hand on the headrest or the shoulder block. Ball is reaching out to the side in a straight arm, hand comes behind the head. And then as we go over, we take the ball.

And let that ball arc back up. The body follows the ball and reach over. I'm counting this one. There's 5. I know. And reach back out. Even I can possibly count to 5.

We'll see and reach over. And back out and 2 more. Imagine the ball is heavy and it's pulling you lower and up and one more and up. Hand comes down. Find a place to rest the ball.

I'll just put mine kinda next to the shoulder block, reach down, take a stretch, pushing out through the leg, reaching out through the arm, come around to both sides of the frame, and take a rotational stretch. And then we'll come all the way out. And we'll just finish with some back extension. Sounds good. So let's turn the box. My recommendation for spring or what I'm gonna choose for myself is 1 red spring, and we're gonna need the footbarge in.

So make those changes, please. Okay. So collect your ball. Just hold it in your hand for now. Come up onto the box.

Position yourself on the box. Just where your chest is right at the very edge and then reach back and just put the ball between your ankles. Hands on the foot bar at very same, very exactly the same action of the shoulder push arms. So we'll go out to straight legs. Create a little bit of up energy in the legs, a little bit of down energy in the shoulder blades, take the arms out or push the carriage.

From here. As we lift the body to come in, we'll bend the knees, bring the ball towards the back of the head. Stirretching the front of the body. I know it feels so good. I'm gonna let us pause here for a second and then reach back out to straight legs, straight arms.

And bend and come in. Energy through the legs while they're straight. Reach out. Lyft the body, bend the knees. The ball reaches up and back towards the back of the head.

It's a big stretch for this person. Me too. Reach out to straight legs. Hard not to flare the knees too. And been, oh, interesting. Keep the legs as much in parallel as possible as something to think about.

And, Ben, so you could think almost of internally rotating into the ball as you bring it towards you. And back and bend. We'll just do two more out. And everything extends in the back body, shoulder extensors, spinal extensors, hip extensors, and back and in. And one more push out and bend and lift.

It's getting a little easier every time, you think? For me, we'll have to stretch for you. The stretch part. Okay. And bend drop the ball, carefully bring yourself up onto your knees onto the and then just let the arms rest on the foot bars. You reach down and take this oppositional stretch taking a breath or 2 here and then bringing yourself back up.

And thank you for joining us. Thanks for joining us. Thank you, Mary. Girl time.


3 people like this.
Very feelgood indeed ! Nice fluidity, comprehensive workout without too much complexity, perfect for a hot summer day ! 
Robin S
1 person likes this.
LOVE GIRL TIME! I wasn't suppose to be working out but I couldn't wait to do this workout ~ so I told my staff I had an emergency meeting . Thank you for the super comprehensive workout hitting all the traditional points with an extrad added bounce the ball.
1 person likes this.
Girl time, always a good idea Really enjoyed the workout, feels great to start my holidays!
1 person likes this.
Cool backband and interesting way to feel shoulder push while sitting on the egg - wish it was a little quicker pace but slow is probably better for me and most populations - thanks! 
Debbie Zelenoy
Ladies! This was so good! Loved the ball focus... badly needed after golf this week!
1 person likes this.
Great class! The deliberate pace really helped me work well deep in my body🙏
1 person likes this.
Love Girl Time!!
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Thanks so much everyone for joining us and for sharing your feedback!
Andrea B
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My favorite combination of instructors! You make my workout fun 😀
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