Class #5659

Pilates & Strength Training

45 min - Class


Join Tracey Mallett for a sweaty, cardio-infused Pilates class that is sure to provide a whole body workout experience. With a focus on alignment, form, and pace, this interval class integrates bursts of power and strength training, utilizing props like 3lb & 5lb hand weights, or your preferred weight. As we age, it is crucial to build muscle mass to protect our bones, and this class uniquely caters to that need, often working close to the ground for added stability and effectiveness.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box, Hand Weights (2)

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Hello, everybody. Welcome to my strength training class. We are going to be adding a strength components fused with Pilates. For this workout, you will need your box. We're gonna be using the box, but we're also going to be using some weights I have a light and heavier weight.

I'm gonna kinda leave it at that. My weights are 3 and 5, but maybe you could have a 5 and 8. It really depends or a foreign aid. It depends what strength level you're coming in at. However, today, I'm gonna guide through a 3 and a 5. So you can kinda gauge it from that if you're used to strength training and you wanna add that little extra weight. Absolutely. As we age, We absolutely need to add strength training into our program, and this is how we can add it into something that we love which is what I love.

I love Pilates. So if I did that little extra strength training as I entered into my fifties, I really need some extra muscle. And so do you, it doesn't matter how old you are, we need muscle to increase our muscle mass and conte and protect our bones, basically, as we age. So that's the intent of this class. I hope you enjoy. We're gonna be adding some cardio elements too. So it's definitely going to be a fun kinda sweaty class and, so I have some water on hand if you need it. Alright.

So we get going. Fantastic. So I've set my weights out here So I'm ready to get them. It's important to get gear to pick up your weights when you need them because we're gonna go for a flow today. So let's get going. We're gonna get down onto our reformer here. I am gonna have a red and a blue replace the bar down head rest is down.

So let's turn around, and we're gonna lie down onto our back here. So make sure your heels are in line with the sit bones, and we're gonna go into a pelvic tilt. So take a deep breath in, exhale tilt the pubic bone up to the belly button, lift up into your bridge position, and then roll down. Inhale here through the nose, exhale scoop out those abdominals, lift up into a bridge, hold that bridge position here, And now we're just gonna push out just a little bit and come back. So just activating the hamstrings, the back body here, just pushing out in it.

I mean, when we're just warming up, back body, core, spinal articulation, getting ready, for a fun workout. Let's do about 4 more for 3 2, bring the carriage in, curl down one vertebra at a time, place the hands behind the head, lift the head and the shoulders so you're inflection here. Hold it here. Bring that right knee in. To your chest, left knee into your chest, into a tabletop, into single leg stretch. So we're gonna go straight into single leg stretch.

Lengthening those legs out, and we're breathing. And 8, and 7, and 6, and 5, and 4, 3, 2, float the legs back into tabletop. Hold it there. Shift your knees over your hips. Lift your head about a 2 more inches off the mat. Double legs. So inhale reach, exhale draw those abs in.

Inhale lengthen those legs, exhale pull in. Keep their head, neck, and shoulders lifted. Resist the knees as they come to the chest. Inhale, lengthen. Exel draw the knees to the chest.

Let's do about 4 more of those. 3 more. Two more. Keep looking at your thighs. One more. Hold that chair position.

Hold it here. Now from here, we're gonna rotate towards the right side. So you can do that little rotation here and then reach the opposite leg straight up reach the arm forwards and someone's pulling your hand in that little rotation there. That's it for 6. 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, bring the legs back into chat position. Switch with the other leg, rotate, press the arm against your thigh. Imagine someone's pulling you in that rotation, Feel those obliques.

Woo hoo. There we go. For 6, for 5, for 4, for 3, for 2. Hold it there. Bring you back into your chair position. Hold it here. Now from here, we're gonna circle the hands around. Lift that right leg up into your single leg straight legs here, and we pull pull switch.

Straight legs. 4 more. 44332211 chair position. Curl your head, neck, and shoulders down. From here, you're gonna circle the hands around.

Hold on to your shoulder rests. We're gonna reach the legs out. Lift up. Now we're gonna go diagonally over your head, pelvic tilt. Bring you back and down.

If you need to keep your legs slightly bent, absolutely. We're just warming up, lift up. And back. Let's try that again. So we're going diagonally up over your head. And back.

Let's try that again. Inhale 90. Lower apps. And back, pubic bone to belly button. As we do it, we got a little bit higher.

I'm back a little stronger. One more. Ready. Slowly lower those legs. Bend the knees back to our start position, hands by the side of the body, pelvic tilt, roll up into your bridge. Now extend that right leg straight up to the sky.

We're gonna push out and in. Push out and in. So your heel is tracking towards your sit bone, and that leg is just lifted So you're focusing on one leg unilaterally here. So we work in that hamstring. 4 more. For look to the sky.

3, 2. You have one more. And then you're gonna close the carriage. Drop the leg down, flex it up, down, flex it up, inhale down, flex it up for 4, Try and keep that car. It's still 3, little challenging.

2, toss that leg up. And one, bring that leg down. Hips are lifted. A little gentle reminder there. Get those hips up. Alrighty.

Alrighty. We're each other like straight up to the sky. Press your pubic bone up. Ah, push out an animal. Remember you're only going to a semi bend. So don't go to full extension with this leg. Keep it slightly semi bent.

Heel tracking towards the sit bone. Pure hamstring here, hamstring, resist the heel to the pubic, bone, and to your sit bone here. There we go. 4 more. Get that leg up a little higher. There we go.

Can we do a couple more? Let's do one more. Close the carriage. Hips up a little bit more, toss down, flex up, toss down, flex up, and down, flex up, For 5, up 4, up 3, up 2, up, 1, up, drop that leg down, hips are lifted, Curl down, curl down, curl down, curl down, curl down, grab your straps. Everyone's got our straps here.

Chair position, press into your straps, reach the legs out. Now the leg come up, the arms go all the way down, we roll over, we open flex, and then we roll down one vertebra at a time, Circle, bring it back up again. Inhale 90 XL. Robert. Open flex. Curl down, reach out through the crown of the head and the heels.

Couple more. I like to do this to stretch out the lower back. Flex before we get into our strength training here. Last time. Dada. Roll over.

Open flex, crawl down, circle, reach those arms back up, drop the feet down, and place the hands, straps back on the loops, turn to your side. Beautiful. Alright. So we're gonna go into your lowest spring here. So I'm going into a blue. It could be a blue, or it could be yellow, lighter spring, we're gonna come up.

I'm gonna pick up a heavier weight. So I've got one heavier weight here inside leg closest. Towards the reformer is bent. Now we're gonna go into a row. So there we go.

Super simple in a row. There we go. Now from here, you're gonna add the other hand with it too. So you're in that standing role position. Slow and control, get down a little deeper, elbows high. I've got the heavier weight here.

Good. 87654 3, 2, 1. Bring it forwards. Just drop that handled down. We not got any weight there. I'm just gonna go into a fly here. We've got no weights in that hand.

It's just there. And we're gonna go to single arm and a fly. There we go. Let's do 8 more, 7, 6, good, 5, 4, 3, 2 and one more, bring it back. Let's turn it. Just pop the weight down. Turn it away.

We're gonna take it around your elbow here, hands behind your head, step away, and we're gonna go into a side bend here. Now if you need to, you can always put it around your smaller strap, but need to step away because if you're crashing, that means you're too close. Towards the rises. Now this is a lot of oblique work here. Going up and over.

Let's do 5 more. Get down a little bit deeper. Just work those legs. 4. Lift up and over. 3. 2.

Give me one more. Hold it over here. Hold it. Deepen. Amples.

Amples. Amples. Those legs, and 5, and 4, and 3. And 2 and 1 lift up. Amazing turn. Now we're gonna turn.

So we have this direction. Loop closest towards your reformer. We're gonna reach forward in your lunch. We're gonna try and press forward here. Your elbow is bent, and I'm reaching towards my ear.

A lot of stability here. My core is activated. Otherwise, I'm gonna fling back. Right? So there's a lot of core work here. So adjust to where you feel comfortable. Maybe you need a lighter weight.

And exhale, work in the shoulders. Couple of more. One more and slowly put the strap down. We're here. We're gonna go all the way down into your plank. And we're gonna bring the knees to the chest. Our favorite here.

There we go. And we're gonna add like a little a little movement here getting that heart rate up. Okay. Let's do 8 more here. 8 765432 and one. Downward dog here. Amazing. Walk your feet to your hands, roll yourself up.

We're gonna go to this side. So I'm gonna pick up my heavier weight to get ready. Okay. Inside leg closest towards your reformer. We're gonna go back.

Make sure it got room here. We're gonna row. So just row and back. Now I'm gonna add both arms. Row. So get down a little bit deeper into your lunge. Our balls are high.

So work the back, the shoulders, the arms, don't forget your abs are working because they're stabilizing. You're pulling against resistance here. Can we breathe? 4 more. 4, 3, 2. One more.

Slowly bring it down. Just drop. Close that carry gently. Just drop. That hand down, we're just gonna do a fly. So I'm flying out to the side, flying away, Working your posterior deltoid in that fitness lunge with your fly. One of my favorite exercises to work the posterior chain, posterior deltoids, keep it going.

Let's do 4 more here. 4, 3, 2, 1 less time. Fantastic work. Let's just put that little weight down out the way, wrapping it around your forearm, hands behind your head. You can see I'm this way because I wanna make sure I'm not crashing. I've got resistance there.

So feel your resistance before you even go into it. So we go over. So you're working from resistance into resistance. There we go. So it's that lateral side bend working right here, right into your oblique. Let's go a little bit deeper.

Let's go a little bit more. There we go. Got a little excited there. Back Can we go a little deeper in that plie? Oh, this feels good.

Working hard, building strength. Can we do a couple more? And then we're gonna hold it here. Pause. Duh. Duh. You got that rhythm.

Everybody come with me. I know you're smiling right now. We're working those legs. We're working your core. And over, over 4 more here, 4, and 3. And 2, and one, finish it off.

Gently does it. Lift up. Control. Beautiful. We always control. Come back. Inside leg closest towards your reformer, elbow high, pitch your body forward, pulling those apps. Are we ready?

There we go. Albow nice and high. You're reaching your bicep towards your ears. Pop the other hand on your hip. To keep the power vest stable.

We need every little bit of help we can get. Trust me. We need it. Keep breathing. Alright. I know you're getting tired. Can we do 4 more?

4? 3. 2. One more. And back, yes, that last one was challenging, and it should be challenging, that last one. We're gonna come down.

Ready for our little running in plank. Roll down into your plank. Remember your last rep should be challenging. Knees to chest, right leg glutes, right leg, left leg. Right leg, left leg.

There we go. If you don't wanna get into a plank, just stand up. March in place. Big marches. Keep that heart rate up. And then add a little movement with that, or to stay where you were before. 8765 4, 3, 2, and 1, downward duck.

Woke your feet to your hands. Scoop up those abs, you roll up. Now the weight that I had here, I've got my heavier weights. I'm gonna put my heavier weights kind of right here so I can grab them. Now we're gonna go onto the top here.

We're gonna work your legs. I am going to go with either red or a blue. I'm gonna go with a red. Feel this is too heavy, you take it down to a blue. Okay? So we stand up platform first, hands forward, We're gonna imagine we're at the Olympics here, and we're running the two hundred meters, and we're on our starting block.

And the abs are pulling in against gravity. The feet are against the edge, and we're just gonna push out in it. I always say this. I feel like I'm gonna start in blocks. I'm ready to sprint. So in order to sprint, You gotta really pull in those abdominals so we can explode.

So think of this as explosion, power, out and in. Now, keep going. We push you back. Your glutes and your hamstrings are firing. We love it. Push back and in.

Amazing. Alright. Let's do 5 more and 5 and 4 and 3, and 2, and 1 shaky shaky from here. Take the left leg, the leg that's on the platform down into the well. I'm gonna pick up my weights because I can because they're right there. You have to find where it's comfortable for you.

I got my weights right here. Alright. You could even place them on here, but sometimes they roll off so you can choose. We're here. Let's go. So we'll lift up. Whoo. Alright. Bend your knees.

Put your body forward. It's elbows high. Push forwards and back. If you feel this is too heavy, go back down, drop it down a half spring. If you need to drop it down, drop it down a half spring.

Push forwards and back. Breathe. 5 more. 5. I'm working with you guys. 4.

3, 2, 1 more, and bring it down. Hold it that. Amazing. We're gonna try now if you feel comfortable taking your hands forward with the weights and see how we get on. I've got my weights in my hands. Lift up, switch other side, or you can place them down on the floor.

Whatever you feel comfortable, but you got those weights here. We push backs. We go into the other side. I've got the heavier weights here. Of course, you can work with whatever weight feels comfortable for you. Any weight is good.

You're building strength. Alrighty. Building muscle mass. Keep our metabolism going. Keep our bones strong. Push out. Now scoop out those abs.

Lift the abdominals off the thighs. 5. 4. 3. That's it. 2. And one more.

Amazing now. We're gonna step that leg down. There we go. So now we're down into the well. Alright. We're going for it here. Now we're gonna change arms around a little bit. If you need to drop the weight down, you can trace up extension back.

Get their elbows high. A lot of glute work here, hamstrings, glutes, elbows high. Hey. We breathing? I hope so. 6 more. 6. 5432 and one more. Woo hoo and bring it back.

Close the carriage. We're gonna hold on to your bar, and we're gonna step out gracefully here, step out. Step out and stand up. Let's put the weights down from here. We're gonna go into a little plier position here. We plier, and we're gonna plier.

Now we're gonna add a little bit of a cardio interval here. So from here, hands up, we're gonna go down. We're gonna walk out. We go back. Reach high, down, walk out, come back, lift up high.

Down. Walk out. Lex together out. Come back. See how I added that little bit here in your plank. Left up, down, legs together, Come back, bend the knees. Love that stretch.

Walk out. Ready legs come together. Plea. Cool all the way up. 2 more. Walk forward.

In out. Take it back. Last time. Go forward. In out.

Take it back. And up. Beautiful. Moving on. Bring the bar all the way up. K.

We want 1 red spring. Take the hands onto the top of your shoulder rest here. Now we're in a quadruped position with the opposite leg reaching out. She's gonna push out and in. Reaching out to the top of the head, knees underneath your hip.

Now this is just a prep to go to where we're going to next. Extend, draw your shoulder blades down, lift up, into your plank. Hold it there. Now we push the carriage forwards, and then we bring it back, push the carriage forwards, keeping that beautiful plank position reaching out through the top of your head all the way down to the heels, and you're just moving at your shoulder joint. Beautiful. Couple of more.

Hold it here nice and tall. Pull those abs in. Drop the opposite leg down into your kneeling position, bending in and out just like we did the other side. Beautiful. Couple more. This is just your transition.

Push out. Hold it here. Now draw those apps in. Come back back into your plank, bring the right knee to your chest. Switch left knee. Right knee.

Think strong. Your hands are underneath your shoulder joint. Marching in place. 4 more, 4 look out, 3, 2, and 1 more. Drop your right leg down. Pull in, pull in, pull in. Step out into a plier position here.

So you're straddling your reformer. Come all the way back. Now I'm gonna be on one red. You might need one blue. We're gonna be at a red, and we're gonna come up.

Now I'm just gonna choke it up a little bit to go to the smaller straps. You probably need 22. You might need to choke it up a little bit more. Now press the weight into your feet, lift your arms up like you ride in a horsey, and we elevate. See my hands are underneath the shoulder joint, and we're gonna ride our horsey.

Love riding the horse seat. There we go. Those hamstrings are working, and we're getting ready. You know what's coming. Poms up. Biaset. Go.

And back. Your elbows are high. That's it. 4 more here. 2 more.

Last time, hold it here. I'm gonna go to the biggest straps. I'm gonna step back just a little bit. We open fly, get down a little deeper, elbows, a leading, If you want a bigger range of motion, you're gonna have to take a lighter weight. 4 more here. 4 3, 2, and one. Hold it.

Now slowly close it. Hips down, right hand, left strap, choke it up. Lift up. Hand on hip. I'm rotating. You ready? Now we're gonna add that rotation.

Rotation. Bring it back. A rotation. A lot of work in your lower body here. You're adding that rotation.

And then you unwind. Contract unwind. Dada. There we go. Look over your shoulder back. Look over your shoulder back.

For 4 unwind for 3. Unwind. 2. One. Holdy here. Impulse. Gotta work those legs.

I'm right here. So why am I not gonna work them? Right? In the perfect position to work those legs, so we're gonna work them. Yes. I know you were like, please, let's stop. No. We're gonna do 8 more. Ready? Go. 8. 765-432.

Holdy here. Hold. And then lower down. Woo hoo. Guess what? We gotta do the other side. Left hand.

Right strap. Chop it up if you can. Hand on hip. Elevate. Get nice and strong. Hey.

We're ready. We pull rotation unwind. Rotation. Like I said, you can step back further, go with the biggest strap, To make it a little bit easier, go take it down to a lighter spring. Remember, you have to play around with your springs, but I'm usually working either on a red or a blue.

Good. Are we unwinding on wind? DA rotation rotation. Woo hoo. 3 more. 3 2, and one more come back and pulse. Now, of course, I'm gonna take it up that one step further. You can always come with me or stay where you are.

Relay. Our little bar action going on here, not too high, though, impulse. So you're on your balls of your feet, you should be able to wiggle your toes about. Shoulders should be over your hips. Easy. There we go.

Not so easy. I know. Can we do eight more? Let's go 8 and 7 and 6 and 5 and 4 and 3. I'm shaking Are you shaking? Yes. I forgot. I'm not counting anymore, but you're gonna keep going because you can, and we hold it here. And we die. Yes.

Does not feel good, though. That's why I'm here to push you. Alrighty. How are we feeling good? Okay.

Good job. We're gonna come back. Alright. We're gonna grab our boxy. We're gonna put our box Just a little bit further away from your reformer. Let's take your bar down. Oh, the way down.

Now we are going to be on 1 red or 1 blue. I'm gonna go for blue. Some of you need more support might be on a red. So there's my blue spring. Alrighty. It's gonna move that box a little bit further forwards.

Going for the heavier weight, so I'm gonna pop that heavier weight right on the box. Okay. So hand down here. Hand forwards on your actual platform. And take that leg back, push back so you're in a lunge. Now we're gonna do the flying cat So from here, we're gonna bring the carriage in, and we lift the leg up, and we bring it back down.

Now if that's too challenging, Then just do, like, a little kick and then a down. You don't have to go so far, but you're closing the carriage. Basically, you're working your core, you work in your abs, then you're just lifting the legs up into an arabesque. Keep that back leg straight. There we go. Are we feeling comfortable? Hopefully, 2 more, and then we're gonna be adding on to it. Pick up your weight.

Lift up. Press it down. Ready go up. Bring gate down. Pick it up.

Close the carriage. Drop the weight. Kick. Pick it up. Draw the carriage in.

I'm gonna keep going till you've got it. A lot of balance work going on here. Keep going slow and controlled. That's why I've got that nice light spring gone. How are we doing? Can we do a couple more?

One more. Hold it here. Just push out of here. I had an end just working those arms. Oh, my heart rate is up.

4 more here. 4 3, 2, and 1, and come back. Beautiful. We're gonna come to the edge of the box. Woo. Woo. Wanna sit down.

Alright. Weight is here. Come up into chat position. You're balancing. We're rolling down reach the arms and legs out, come in, roll up, balance, curl down through the spine, reach the arms and leg, look towards your feet, curl up, balance. So you're drawing in through those abs, curling down, arms and legs reach out, of course, and then we roll back up again.

Let's try that again. Cool. Selects. Go back up again. 2 more. Last time hold it here, right, and left, and your little rotation.

There we go. If you wanna bring your legs down, bring your legs down. If your legs are going tired, for 5, for 4, for 3, for 2, for 1, back to center, and release. Pop that weight down. We're gonna go into some tricep dips here. Reach your right leg into a pistol squat, hips back.

8 here, 7 leg reaching out. That's too challenging. Just bring your leg down and do it with both legs down. 4, 3, 2, 1, hit, come back, 8 more here. 6543 2.

One chair position. Roll up. Pistol squat. Left leg. Go. 8. 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Co back, hands behind your head, rotation, shoulder to knee. I know we're moving faster.

That doesn't take away from beautiful form, control the movement. I know you're getting tired. You gotta pull in, pull up, as my mom was always, like, buck up. Buck up. 2 more.

One more. Cheah. Cull up. And we're going to the other side. Amazing.

Yes. My heart rate is up. I'm human just like you. Grab your weight. You got the heavier weight, or you can go with a lighter weight entirely up to you. This is your body.

You choose. Going back to either a blue or a red, you remember I worked with a blue spring. So we start here. One hand on your box, one hand forward on your platform, push that leg out straight. We do in our flying arrow bus. Keep that back leg straight.

Put your shoulder blades down. Ready before the carriage in, close the carriage in, lift that back leg up, and bring you back. Try and keep the hips square as you can and try and close the carriage. So we go up. Look out on the horizon.

Horizon. Two more. One more. Hold it here. Grab your weight. Overhead.

Bring it down. Ready. Go. Slow and controlled. I know we have a tendency to wanna go fast.

Kick down. Bend your knee in as your balance, lift up, and back, slow it down, everybody. Back. I know we kinda get excited, and we kinda like, I'm in it. I'm going for it.

Slow and control. Keep with my cadence. Can we do a few more? Come on. We're doing this. Look how strong you're gonna be.

Flexible. One more. Back. Bring it in. Now hold it here.

Like I said, my hair down, and then we push out and in. Oh, other than it. 4 more 4. And 3, and 2, and 1. Bring it in.

Now just pop that white down. Perfect position. Be at the side here. Got my box here. Right? I'm here. Just gonna tap up.

We're gonna step up and squat up and squat. Tap and down. So this is building strength. It's keeping our heart rate elevated. It's an interval class.

Heart rate comes up. Heart rate goes down. Adding strength into it. 4, 4, 4, squat, 3, squat, 2, squat, dah, dah, turn around. Ready, how the side we've got this.

Come on. God. Duh. Duh. Duh. Keep your hips.

Back in and out. Absa strong. Duh. Keep that energy. Up. Duh.

Duh. Come on. 5 more. 5 down. 4, down, 3, down, 2, down, 1, down, setback. How you feeling? Highfive.

Woo hoo. Okay. Put your box. Box is going long ways. I'm just gonna move this little weight out the way here.

Perfect. Okay. One red sping. If you know on it already, get on one red. Alrighty.

Sit on your box. Your butts all the way to the edge. Alrighty. We are now going to go into some AB work here. So hold on to the baby straps We're gonna roll down slowly.

So we're gonna slow the pace down just a little bit, how your heart rate is racing. We're slowing it down. Bring it up into chair position. Deep breath. And that's just why we're here, go into a fly.

Breathe. The heart rate coming down a little bit. 2 more. 1 more. Now, palms are facing downwards.

We're gonna roll up, and we're gonna go into your teaser prep. Are we gonna hold it there? Are we there? If not, one leg down? We can all do it with one leg. There should be no excuses for you right now to do it.

So you're either doing double leg or single leg. So pick, pick your poison. Alrighty. We are going to do 4 of those and then 4 with the legs extended. Either double leg or single leg, so everybody can do it.

Are we ready? Okay. Slow. Pretty. Exhale.

Hold it there. You are strong. You must believe in yourself. It's all about belief, believing that one can do it, curl all the way up, And, again, call down. Roll down. Look towards your thighs. Palms are flat, and we curl up.

Now are you gonna stay there? Are we gonna go to our straight leg? Ready? Straight leg. Go. Scroll down. Curl up. Cool down. Palms are flat still.

Look towards your thighs. Curl up, reach those legs up to the sky. Oh my gosh. You've got this. You've got 2 more. Try not to give up.

I know you wanna give up, but you're not going to. Please don't give up all the way up. You got one more. Scroll down, cool down, cool down, cool down, cool down, Roll all the way up, up, up, up, hold it there for 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1. You can stop cursing me, though. We are here, and we gotta put one strap down.

Amazing. The other strap is going around. Alright. Killer abs. Here we come. Rolled it on. One leg is around the strap, hands are behind your head.

We go into your scissors. Ready? Scissor. Keep it a little bit smaller because you will crash, so it's not a big movement. It's a small movement. And you're in your little scissor here, the single leg strap here.

Let's do one more. Bring your legs into chair position. Now we're just gonna open like a butterfly, and now the head goes down, head comes up, as we butterfly? Butterfly, knees are coming together 4 more. Woke in the adductors to inner thighs, pelvic floor, and abs.

One more. Holdy here, pulse 8, pulse 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, hands by the side of your body. Pull yourself up. You gotta use your apps to come up. Think there's functional training too.

You're using your apps in your transitions. Your transitions just as important as your exercise is. That's why I'm queuing you to get into it and out of it safely and correctly, hands on your edge of the box, roll yourself down. Chair position, circle the hands. Class your hands, scissors. Go.

Keep it small. Doesn't have to be huge. Yeah. Keep it small. Cis a scissor. Amazing. There we go. Breeze.

5 more. And 5, 4, 3, 2. 1, chat position. Alrighty. Little butterfly. Butterfly legs now at the head.

Up. We're nearly homes. We're gonna make this work. Now add one little pulse here. We go 87654321. Hold it.

Hands, lift yourself up, drop that lovely strap down, quickly in transition, half spring, we are nearly done. We just have to get this one last in for our back We walk walk walk walk, walk, hold on to the edge. This is your last exercise. So let's make it work. We're working our back extension, our back body.

Elbows going towards your box. We're finishing off. We're reaching out to the crown of the head. Alright. Let's do 6 more of these. 5 has worked our back.

4, 3, 2. And if you really want to, you can do another set, but we don't have time today. And we reach. We walk down, down, down, down, and then we collapse. And we relax. And we turn around and we hang off of the box Amazing class, you guys. I hope you had just as much fun as me.

Good torture. This is good for your body. And then lift yourself up. Up. Come back. Give yourself a little stretch. Remember, stretching is important. Didn't get much chance to do a lot of ability, did a lot of active flexibility today. So remember, go to the flexibility and go and do some stretching as well.

It's really important that we get everything in. Amazing work. We're gonna finish off with a roll down. Look. I'm sweating. So don't say I never sweat. There's the proof.

If you could see it, the sweat there. We're gonna roll down, roll down, touch our toes, roll all the way up and realign the spine. Don't you feel so great? Hi, 5 guys. Thanks for joining me in this strength training Pilates based class. Thank you. See you soon.

Bye bye.


1 person likes this.
Fun, dynamic class, good mix of strength with some cardio. I really enjoyed the mix of springs and hand weights
Not a great workout if you are shorter. Can't do exercises as shown. Also putting leg in well very awkward. You can do same exercises with leg outside of reformer
Pamela B hello I am very short well 5 feet 3 inches and had no problem with any of the exercises.  Placing Leg side the well is done often but if you feel awkward then yes absolutely place it to the side of the carriage where it would normally be. 
Thank you for your comment 
Rachel P thank you so much it’s definitely a mix! 
Thanks Tracey, maybe it's the reformer then. I have a Stott so possibly it's taller
2 people like this.
This was so fun! And challenging. Loved it
Pamela B Hello I have a STOTT at my studio too and can do these flows on the reformer as they’re all derived from classical Pilates moves. Maybe you can share what moves you are referring too. I travel teaching instructors so work on so many reformers but the only issue I have is maybe the other way around when the height of the reformer is high maybe because of it being a clinical reformer. ALLEGRO 2 reformer is the standard height of a reformer which I believe the same as STOTT. Happy to help in anyway I can. 
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Here I was planning to do a traditional reformer class after work and this popped up-- yay!! Tracey, your newer classes are so amazing. As a fantastic 50-ish soul sister I cannot thank you enough for these mixed classes. I am stronger and my endurance has definitely improved with the added cardio. You inspire me and I hope you keep on sharing your gift to us and down the road for the sexy 60 and 70 years!!!  Thank you!!!
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Tracey. You are HARD CORE! Love a challenge! Scissors in straps at the end nearly had me but with you all the way love! Super class. Thanks !
Maria P
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Enjoyed the class soooo much! Very fun and creative flow
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