Class #5692

Mat on the Wunda Chair

20 min - Class


Join Ilaria Cavagna for a quick Mat workout on the Wunda Chair that goes deep into the core, side body, and extensions. This efficient class minimizes transition time, allowing you to maintain a single spring throughout the entire session. Get ready for an intense and focused workout that will leave you feeling strong and centered.
What You'll Need: Wunda Chair

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Hi. This is Elaria from Pilares Anytime. And today, we're going to do a mat on the Vunda chair. Yes. Just an intermediate mat. Of course, we can do those same exercise in many different ways. Right? Today, we'll work mostly on top of the chair. I have a single petal And, we never change the spring.

So I personally go with 1 spring in the middle. According to the resistance you have, you can go one top one bottom, or you stay like me with 1 in the middle. So we start with the 100. So we lie down the long way and knees into the chest. Stretch your legs out long and pump.

You go with the legs at your working level, and we do this exercise with because it's a great warm up exercise, but also because, thinking about the map we're gonna do, we really want to move every time from the core. Right? The Vonage here is a pretty, unstable piece of apparatus for us. Right? We need to find the stability within ourselves, within our body, and our abs. So here you go, you email and you exhale, exhale, exhale, exhale out. Let's do 2 more. In with the air, pull the naveline squeeze the inner thighs, reach along with those legs and one more in, and you go x-ray, like, say, like, say, like, say, like, say, like, say, reach harms and legs, and then you bend in. And we come up and walk around to do our roll up So we'll do the push down instead of the roll up. Right? So from here, arms up, arms in front head goes down, we roll down. And as we roll down, we try to keep the hips over the ankles the whole time.

Don't push back Don't go forward. Just stay right on top. Push the pedal down, scoop the stomach up, and now you go up with the pedal. Push down with the pedal. Up with the pedal.

Push down with the pedal. Scoop from your stomach, from your core. And push down, down, down. Neck, relax. You go pump 3, 2, and 1, push the pedal down. Lift the navel up even more.

And then from there, you slowly unroll, you come up and we go down another time. Arms forward, head down, roll, push, push, push, push, push. Now here, push the pedal down, lift the naval, and we go, bend your knees and stretch them up. So you bend and then you find more stretch as you extend. And again, you bend, stretch, stretch, stretch.

Now you pump the arms. Pump 3, 2, 1, push the pedal down. And slowly unroll all the way back up. And one last variation arms forward, head down, roll down, push the pedal down, lift. Now walk back with your feet, like, one step back. And here I want you to bring the hips over the ankles.

And then you go forward almost like the elephant. And, again, you go back here. You need to activate the lats and the arms a little bit. And then hear you stay into your stomach. And, again, you go back and you go forward on your shoulders. Now, walk forward, until you get your toes against the platform, it can against the bottom of the chair. And here, you scoop and lift.

And down, scoop and lift, and down. And now scoop, come up, up, up, up, up, all the way up and open. Now, black circles, We're going to lie down the long way again. We support the head with the arms, and we go with one leg up one leg long. And here you go, circle around 1, circle around 2, circle around 3 rivers, open across and lift, open across, and lift, Open across and lift, hug the leg, pull it to you a little bit, flex your feet, pull it to you, and then you switch leg up, leg down, and you go circle 1, circle across 2, and circle 3 reverse, open across and up, open across, up, Open across. Lift. Now grab the leg.

Nice stretch. Flex deep into the stretch. And now you'll bend your knees, hug behind the thighs, curl up. So for a moment, almost balance on the vertebra behind the navel. You lift the tailbone. You lift the shoulders and release. Find that round position again.

You curl and release. From there, you start rocking very gentle. I know it's scary, but you rock. You stay around it with the spine until you come up to the balancing position. And then very easy, pull back, rock back a little, come up and hold. And, again, rock back and hold.

Now release down for the abdominal serious, we go into the teaser position. Now the teaser is very scary sometimes, but we're gonna go down and start from where is the scariest. So instead of teasering up, I want you to get the pedal, push down all the way, and help yourself with the leg over here so you feel more comfortable. And you get to the position where you have the sacrum on the platform, and you feel comfortable with the shoulders. So here we go single.

You pull 2, 4, now you come up. 1, 2, 3, 4, down to 3, 4. Again, up to 3, 4, down, 2, 3, 4. Bend, knees in, extend, come up, and bend in. Stretch lift and down in.

Pull back into your stomach as you roll up and down. Pull down and bend. Stretch left. Pull down and bend. If you move, readjust yourself, make sure that the sacrum is always up there. Single straight. You go pull 2, 3, 4.

Now we come up. 1, 2, 3, 4, down, 2, 3, 4, bicycle up, 2, 3, 4, down, 2, 3, 4. Now let's play with double straight. You go down to teaser, up with the shoulders, down with the shoulders, back up with the legs. You go 45, roll up, push down, vertical. And again, down, up, push, release, last one, down, up, push and release. And now you lower the legs down, down, down, and you come up to setting.

Stay pretty much here. Don't go too far back because we still need a little support. And if you can you lengthen the legs in front. You lift, you go twist, find the pedal, and now down, you push and you try to rotate the shoulders without lifting the hip behind. And now from here, you scoop back up.

Up with the arm, and we go the other way, exhale, exhale, exhale, down, push, Now my right hip stays down, and my right shoulders try to go tries to go to the window and then come up and center. Now a little deeper. You twist, and we bring arm to the ear as we go down you go x a, x a, x a, x a, x a, x a, x a, x a, x a, x a, x a, x a, x a, x a, and come up, and other side twist. You go and you go, exe. Lexe. Like, say, like, say, like, say, and all the way up and release. Now I want to go in the, twist a little bit more. So we go sideways, hip, on the chair and you press the pedal down.

Now from here, you straddle. So you have more stability, and we go into the neck pull position. So first, I want you to pull the pedal up and you twist elbow to the pedal. And when you go down, you open. And, again, elbow to the pedal and down, you open, elbow to the pedal, and down down now.

Keep the pedal down. You'll go down with your elbow. And as you come up, you open to the ceiling. And, again, down to the pedal. And as you come up, you open one more time, down, down, down, and lift.

And now we do the same thing to the other side. So you go, hip on the chair, pedal down, straddle the legs, ready with neck pull. So here, pedal comes up. And open. Positive torsion and open.

Left lift. Lift. And open. And now here, we don't lift the pedal. We go down first, elbow to pedal as we come up you open to the ceiling. So you're going to positive torsion and negative torsion. And, again, positive torsion a negative torsion, one more to come up to sitting, down, down, down, and calm up.

Perfect. Now we are ready for our spine stretch forward. We're gonna lift and sit up onto the chair, It's okay to have the hips out of the chair a little bit. You shouldn't really fall back. The legs are here and they're strong, so you should feel the stability. Flex your feet, arms forward, simple spine stretch forward. So you inhale, head down, find the pedal, stay sitting on the chair as you push down as much as it feels comfortable.

And then you scoot and you come up. In a left and down exhale. Exhale. Exhale. Push and scoop from your stomach. And bring it back up.

One more time. Lift. Head down. Go over now. Scoop your stomach. Lift your hips into horseback. And now pull into your stomach to drag the pedal up, and you go down.

Lift. Down lift. One more. Down lift. Now let go of the pedal and try to recreate your spine stretch forward in this position in space, and you sit. Let's repeat this one one more time. You lift head down. We start from where usually it's harder to go, and here we find the exercise.

And you go scoop, down 2. 1 more 3. And you go. Spine stretch. And sit.

Open the arms, twist, and we go for the soft. Stay sitting on the chair. And come up. Open. Other side, you go over, over, over, scope left. Keep the twist and untwist. Now I think you know where I'm heading.

You twist. You go down on the pedal, scoop, lift your hips up. You go lift 1. 2, and 3. Find your saw horseback here.

And then you release. Other side, you go push, scoop into the horseback, and you go up 2, and 3, maintain. Keep your c curve. Keep your alignment. And release.

Now, you can step off and lie on the chair, or you can use your hands, you split, and you go back, the ribs are off the chair, and you push down onto the pedal so that the shoulders are right on top of your wrists. From here, we just do a little pumping. You go 1, 2, 3, and lift, and you go 1, 2, and 3. Now, lift the pedal just a little bit to find opening in the collar bones, and you go nacro look down to the other side and center reverse look down to the other side and center. Now, pedal down, and you're going to lift one leg kick, kick, reach down. Up, kick, kick, reach down. Peddle up a little bit. Lift, kick, kick, reach, down, up, kick, kick, reach, down, keep the pedal down, lift both legs, You go kick to 3, reach with your legs up in the opening. And again, you go kick 2, 3, stretch up, up, up.

Let's do one more set. Kick to 3 and reach open, open, open. And again, kick to 3. Reach. And if you want to dive down and up, down, and up on the next one, you step off, and you come up and release. Now we need to compensate.

So long arms, head down, and you go push. Reach. And lift, reach, and lift, reach, reach, reach, and skook all the way up. Nice stretch here. We really got everything back.

Now sidekicks. We go sideways again. And here, I want you to really push down to lift tall. Right? So from this position, let's try myself included to keep the head long with the neck, and you're going to lift the leg a little bit and you go kick front, and kick back, kick front, kick back to more front and back and front and back. Now, leg on leg. You turn out the top leg, and you go kick up down, come up with a pedal, and release. Kick up, down, up and release 1 more up, down, lift, and release and now circle 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, reverse.

1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Now from here, let's split the legs again. And this time, we go down onto the pedal with both our This is a beautiful kind of like, and nice stretch for the hip flexors. Now you come up reach back with that leg. Point the leg to the window and down.

And again, lift, lift, lift, and you go reach reach reach, the more you reach with the leg, the better stretch you get. And again, lift and down, down, down. Now you can decide to step off the change or from here, you're gonna go scoop down. You use your hips, reach up to the ceiling with the legs, and then down on your stomach. If you did this transition, you're ready for the, in for this kicks for the beads, Otherwise, you're gonna get into onto your stomach.

And you go 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and hold up a little bit. Same beats. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and good. And now you scoop, you come up, you step off, and we do another push down over here. You're gonna lengthen length and lengthen and scoop retreat reach and pull one more down, down, down, and scoop it up. Perfect. Now we have the other side. Right? So we sit on the chair. Nice long position.

We hold with the top arm. Lift the top leg and you go front and back and kick and reach. 3, and back, and 4, and reach back. Now leg and leg. You go kick down, lift, lower. You go kick down, lift, lower. 2 more. Up, down, and down.

Last one, down. Come up. And lower now circles. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, push down on the pedal. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Now, straddle, reach both hands on the pedal, and you go up, up, up, and push reach back with that leg, up and down reach.

And again, lift, down, down, down, now transition if you can. You lift, you go reach, use your hips, legs go up, and you go down, and you can step all the way down off the chair. Now let's get into the teaser. I know you did many before, But now we go, and we try to get with the usual one. Right? We don't start from down. We start from up here.

So here, you're gonna boomerang your arms, find the pedal, you did it before, so you know you can do it. You scoop down with the shoulders, with the arms, the legs stay there and you come up. And again, push push push and you come up push, push, push, scoop back up. Now, you drop and you lift. You drop and you lift. Down and up. Now everything goes down. Length and length and length and length and length and lengthen and up. And again, reach, reach, reach, reach, reach, and scoop and lift one more. Down, down, down, down, down, all the way up.

You reach and lengthen up your legs. Pull them to you a little bit. Hold, and then release. Let's now finish with something really nice and easy. That releases a little bit the work that we just did.

So just sit on the chair, you lengthen. I want this foot, at least with the toes touching the floor a little bit, And then we counter go the other way with a big side bend. You go reach. Reach. Reach. Keep the toes on the the big toe on the floor. And come up. And again, reach long, long, reach across the room and come up one more.

Length and length and length and length and then you lift. Other side, nice and easy stretch, you go down with the pedal and up. You go reach, reach, reach, and lift. Last one, stretch deep down. And all the way come up.

Wonderful. Hope you enjoy this. And I'll see you soon on Pilates anytime.


Kim B
1 person likes this.
Thank you. Fabulous ‘quick’ workout. Would love to see more new Wunda chair workouts ❤️🙏
1 person likes this.
thank you Ilaria, that is definitely one workout to keep practicing!!
Delia Ford
2 people like this.
2 people like this.
Great fun! You move with such grace and ease Ilaria, it’s fabulous to watch! Thank you🙏
2 people like this.
Magnificent Chair class, I would like to see more Chair classes, would it be possible?, thank you !!!
Sofie van der Sommen
For me, with a lot of adjustments :) it was a wunderful class !
Nadia L
1 person likes this.
I had to switch from a reformer to the Wunda chair due to my disabilities and this workout was perfect! Many of the exercises were new to me (which is FUN!) and I felt challenged. Thanks for making such a great workout!

Kim B Thank you Kim! Glad you enjoy it! I also love the wunda ❤️
Patti S Yep! the more you do it the smoother the transitions! And... the body goes deeper in the execution 🙌🏻 Have fun!
Delia Ford Thank you Delia 🙏🏼
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