Class #5714

Strengthen Reformer

50 min - Class


Join Sarah Shell for an invigorating Reformer workout that hits your abs and glutes with precision and power. This dynamic class combines fluid sequences with deep muscle-engaging pulses, featuring fun variations of lunges, standing splits, and challenging ab work. Sarah's straightforward approach delivers a comprehensive session that tones, sculpts, stretches, and strengthens, giving you all the elements of a great Pilates workout in one amazing flow.
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box

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Hey, everybody. I'm Sarah Shell, and I'm going to take you through my go to reformer workout. This is a full body workout, a little bit of stretch, a little bit of strength, and it flows really nice. So I'm I have 3 red springs on my head is down. We're gonna start with a little bridging. So come on down onto your back and show me a way just slightly away from those shoulder blocks so you have a little bit of space, arms down by your sides, and let's take those heels onto the bar hip width apart.

We're gonna plug in the belly, tie the rib cage together, and just relax your shoulders down by your sides. We're gonna start with our bridge So take a deep breath here. So inhale through your nose. And on the exhale, we're gonna start peeling off our tailbone. Scooping out the belly, digging the heels into the bar, stretching the tops of our legs at the top, Good squeezing the glutes and then slowly rolling down one vertebra at a time. Good. Let's start again.

Inhale. Exhale. Scoop. Stretch and squeeze. Good. Arms are long. Pressing into the carriage as you roll down and up.

Let's go again right away. Just activating the backs of the legs. And keeping the tummy tied in against your back. Let's do one more. And we're gonna stay at the top.

I want you to press those heels into the bar. We're gonna stretch the carriage all the way out keeping the hips high. Good. Bring the hips even higher as you draw the carriage back in. So you're engaging the hamstrings. The hamstrings are gonna draw that carriage in. And then you're engaging the glutes to keep the hips nice and high, and then our abs are just supporting it all. Good. Let's go at a medium pace here.

Stretching behind the knees and really being aware if you're rolling out on your feet, try to keep that weight right in the center of your heels. Good. Let's do four more here. Keeping the hips as high as you can. For 3, for 2 and roll it all the way down on 1. We're gonna do the same series, but now and I turned out position.

So with the toes on the bar this time, heels together. So toes apart, heels together. You're in that small Pilates v. I don't want you to be too wide or turned out here, so make it a small little turn out, but squeeze those heels together. Arms down by your sides.

Here we go. We're rolling up starting with the tailbone, squeezing lifting, we're keeping that nice pulled in stomach and roll all the way down. Good. I really want you to press into the balls of those feet, strong legs, rolling down and up. Good. Exhale. Scoop out the belly. Squeeze, lift, reach a little bit higher up with those hips.

And let's do two more here. Exale. You're keeping that turn out, and we're lifting. We're gonna hold at the top go into those presses, squeezing, zipping up the inner thighs, keeping the hips nice and high, using the hamstrings to draw in, and really keeping those shoulders down. Good. Let's go for 8.

7. Lift the hips a little bit higher. And tie that rib cage together. Good. For 3. For 2. This almost feels like a stretch to me and one roll it all the way down.

Good. Hug those knees into your chest rocks side to side. And then we're gonna roll ourselves up to change our springs out. We're gonna go into some ab work here. I like it light, so I'm gonna go to one red spring. But if you wanna do a a red and a yellow, that will work too. I'm gonna take my head rest up and then lie yourself back down.

Go ahead and take your hands to the short loops. And then bring your palms directly over your shoulders. Maybe shimmy away from those shoulder blocks again. So you have a little bit of space so you can curl up. Our legs are gonna go into tabletop.

We're in a neutral spine here. Take a deep breath, inhale through your nose. And on the exhale, we're gonna just Draw our arms down by your sides, lift your head and chest, chest towards your thighs, fingertips are reaching towards your board. We're gonna take a leg lengthen right away. Bring the knees back to tabletop, float the head and arms back.

Ag sale. Let's curl up. Go for that leg reach over the bar. Good. Bring it back in and float it down. You can curl up and reach your legs at the same time, but I want you to have that pause and that hold at the top. Good. Before you float your head back down. Exhale.

Reach and lift. Inhale. Flo to back down. Good. You're keeping your arms nice and straight from your back like wings. You're pressing down.

And then resist your palms from going back your shoulders. So keep that stacked position as you lower down and then exhale reach it up. So good. Let's do one more. And then hold at the top. Arms are gonna go back on the inhale, exhale. Arms go down.

I'm keeping my head and chest up. I'm keeping my legs low, challenging those abs for 4 for 3. For 2. Exhale. Good. Take it back to your starting point.

We're gonna tee the arms out to the side. We're gonna start all over from the top same series, but this time with a little lap pull, so curl up, reach the palms by the hips as you lengthen the legs. And then lower back to your tabletop arms out to the side. Exhale. Really squeezing underneath your armpits. I want you to think of Oranges under your armpit, squeeze them out, make some orange juice, crunch up.

Good. Let's do 4 more. Ag seal. Lift the chest. Good. Keeping the shoulders down. Holding at the top for a moment, and 2 more.

Good. Hold it there. We're gonna hold our chest and head up. Arms go out. Exale. Squeeze the palms towards each other.

For 4, trying to keep those legs on the low side for 3. For 2, Last one. Exhale. Good. Bring your arms back up legs are gonna go a little bit lower. Exhale. Draw the legs up as the arms draw down. So I'm keeping my head and chest down this time.

Just focusing on this leg lower here. Ag sale, feet are directly above my hips. You can have a slight bend in your knees if you need to. We're gonna take the float on the inhale, keeping my arms stacked over my shoulders, and then bringing the arms all the way down by your sides. Good. Inhale. Float. Exhale. You're going as low as you can with those legs without arching the back.

So you do you. Inhale and exhale. Let's do 3 more here. Little leg lifts. Good. You're really resisting letting your arms keep going back. Just stack them like zombie arms.

They're straight up and then all the way down by your sides. Good. Let's do one more for fun. And then let's hold it here at the top. Bring the arms back up.

You're gonna bring your thumbs together. So palms are close to each other. We're gonna take an upper body crunchier Again, the legs can be in tabletop or slightly bent, but they're really right above our hips. We're gonna take our upper body towards our legs. You're gonna reach for those shins.

You're resisting taking your legs to your upper body. Just your upper body goes to your legs. Big chest lift here. Exhale. Reach for 5. Keeping the arms nice and straight.

Press the straps into the legs. Good. Let's go for 3. For 2. And last one. Lift. Let it go.

Awesome. Fee to your bar. Hang up those straps. And just grab the shoulder blocks for me. Let's take a little spinal twist here, dropping the knees to one side. Look away from your knees.

And then use your abs to pull your knees up and over to the other side. Good. And then come back to center. Let's get you off your back. So roll yourself up.

We're gonna go to a standing leg series here. I'm gonna stay on my red spring. If you were on a red and a yellow, take that yellow off. Our right leg is gonna be down on the floor and our left foot is gonna find that shoulder block closest to you. Let's take the left knee all the way down to the carriage and just go into a little hip flexor stretch here. So slide the knee back as you press the hips forward.

Keep your belly engaged and keep your chest slightly lifted. Good. Big stretch here. It feels so nice. And then draw your legs towards each other and round your spine. Good. Let's go again.

Slide the knee back, bend deeply in the right leg, open up the chest slightly. And slide it back. One more. Find this stretch. Good. Eggs, slide the knee back, open up the chest, and then draw the carriage in as you draw your leg towards each other.

Bring the carriage all the way in and then take a standing position so all the weight is on your right leg. Our left knee is off the carriage. Sit up as tall as you can. We're gonna press into the left leg to press the carriage back, but we're going into a lunge here, and I want you to go flat back over the right leg. So keep all the weight on the right leg as you flap back lunge. I want you to draw the carriage in, seen up tall on the right side. Good.

Push the carriage back, but stay forward on the standing leg. Good. You're gonna exhale as you push the carriage back. I like to think nose to floor. I'm really going forward over that standing leg. And then draw in the belly, squeeze that glute to stabilize yourself.

And let's go for 4. You can absolutely fingertips to bar if you need to stabilize yourself a little bit more. And if you're working on that balance, Good. I'm really actively digging my right heel into the floor. And let's do one more together.

We're gonna pause at the bottom and stay here. Pump the back leg in and out. Exhale. Good. I'm keeping my hips nice and square. My belly's drawn in, and I'm digging that heel into the floor. All the weights on the right side. Good. We got 5.

Squeeze them between your shoulder blades here as well. So there's no roundness in your upper spine. Let's go for 4, 3, 2, and we're gonna hold it back onto 1. Holy moly. Go a little bit deeper with the right leg. Come up an inch. My left leg is nice and strong and straight.

I'm still pitch forward from my waist, and I'm pushing the carriage out a little bit more by bending the right knee a little bit deeper for 4, pulsing it out for 3. So good. It's burning. For 2. And one bring the carrots all the way in, standing up nice and tall. We're gonna go to a kneeling position here.

So hands on your bar, Bring your knees to the carriage feet right up against those shoulder blocks. We're gonna go into a down stretch here, plug in the belly, slide the knees back so your hips are in line with your spine. You're in this nice flat back, pressing your chest away from the floor, We're gonna go for that slide by keeping the arms straight. The back nice and straight reaching back plugging in those abs and exhale. Lead with the heart here. Inhale. I like to think nose to floor again, keeping the shoulders down, exhale.

Little slight lift in the chest, but I'm not dumping in my low back. I'm really keeping in my low belly. Good. Rib cage is tied together. Oh, let's go into a flow here. There is some hamstring engagement as you do this, breathe through it.

Let's go for 2. Exale. 1, I lied. Let's do one more and let's hold it back. So pause here. Draw on your belly more. And then draw the knees underneath the hips, keeping the arms nice and straight, the back nice and straight, and exhale.

Pull the knees under keeping the back nice and straight. So there's no roundness in my low back. Let's go for 4. For 3. 2.

And 1. Bring the carriage all the way in, and we're gonna start over on our left side. So back to the standing lunge, he'll to walk the foot close to the frame and then sneak the right foot up against the shoulder block. Let's go into stretch first. So place the knee on the carriage and then slide the knee back open up the chest. Just give yourself that nice hip flexor stretch.

Pressing into the bar, and then draw your legs towards each other, kind of round your spine as you draw the carriage in, giving yourself that stretch. And then exhale slide the knee back, deep bend in the left leg, opening up the chest. Good. Let's go one more time, stretching it all the way back, pressing the shoulders down, and then draw the carriage in. Good. Bring all the weight to that left standing leg. Look down, see the knees are in line.

So I'm gonna step my left foot back slightly. So I'm a little bit more in line with my knees, standing up tall on my left side. Plug in that belly. We're gonna push the carriage back, but we're gonna stay forward on our left leg. We're gonna pitch forward from our waist flap back over the left leg and then bring the carriage in.

Good. Exhale. You go forward. And stand up tall. Again, you can use the the bar if you need fingertips to the bars. You come down. Deep bend in the left leg.

You're really trying to stretch behind the right knee. As you go into this lunge good. Let's go for 4. Drawing in the bellymore, standing up tall for 3. Push it back.

For 2. And then let's pause at the bottom on one stain there. Just pump the back leg in and out. Keeping your weight forward, digging that left heel into the floor, and you're in this nice flat back. Let's do 5 more. We go 5.

4. Keeping those hips even for 3. For 2, we're gonna stretch it back. Lock it there. Go into your pulse down an inch, up an inch. Bending the left knee a little bit deeper, pushing the carriage back, but staying forward.

Yes. We got 5. We got 4 down an inch up an inch for 3. Little micro bin for 2. And one. So good. Bring the carriage all the way in. Hands to the bar.

We're gonna go to a standing here. So come up onto your carriage. Let's say feet are in the middle of your carriage, hip width apart. Let's go into a little elephant stretch here to stretch out those hamstrings. So you're in a flat back and then take the carriage back as far back as you can without lifting the heels right where your heels went to pop.

And then I want you to almost shift your hips back slightly as your heels come right underneath your hips. We inhale reach. Exhale. I'm shifting my weight in to my legs. Keeping my belly tied in, and these arms nice and long.

Let's go for 3. Keeping the legs nice and long stretching those Achilles and the calves. For 2. And one, bring the carrots all the way in. We're gonna go into a standing split series here, carefully make your weight with your right foot on the platform, and the left foot on the carriage.

I have both my feet are directly under my hips. So my left foot is kind of close to the edge of the carriage. We're standing up nice and tall. Roll those shoulders back. Plug in the belly.

Your tailbone is shooting straight down low belly in. We're gonna keep these legs nice and straight as we go into our split, float the arms out. I want you to think of getting taller as you go into the split. So we're getting taller and longer as we split and then controlling the carriage in. Exhale.

Good. You're really resisting from sticking your booty out. Keep that tailbone straight down. Pushing in. We're using these glute medias here. Let's go for 5 big split push. We're taking our weight with the carriage this time.

Unlike the standing lunges we did where we kept our weight on our standing leg, we're really going with the carriage this time for 2 And we're gonna pause on the out on 1. We're gonna let the carriage come in an inch or 2. Press it out an inch. In an inch. Out an inch.

This is where you'll really feel the engagement. Keeping those legs nice and long. Press into it. We're trying to keep these arms out actively stretching, and let's go for 5 more. 5. Draw the belly and more for 4. Little inching. Push it out. 3, 2, and last one, float the arms down as you come in.

We are going to go to a little barbie toe in the left leg. So pop that heel up We're gonna bend both legs, shoot our tailbone back pitch forward from your waist, and then prop that left toe, maybe on the very edge of your carriage. I want you to try to keep the heel lifted. We're gonna go into a little leg press here, suppressing the carriage out. But I want you to keep all of your weight on your standing leg. So that's why I have the heel up because I feel like it helps us keep more of our weight on our standing leg. So this is over that right side.

You're putting just enough weight in the carriage foot. To straighten the leg just enough to stretch the leg out and control it in. Let's go for 8 for 7. So, again, this time, we're not going with the carriage. We're staying on our standing leg.

For 5, for or maybe you send that booty back a little bit more, get a little bit deeper in those legs for 3. For 2, and one good come up, stand up tall. So most of our weight is still on our right leg. I want you to take a balance here. So find a balance so drawing the left leg into your chest.

Or just simply keeping the toe barely touching that carriage just to find the balance. You can either stay here and just do a little toe tap draw the knee into your chest, or you're gonna take that left leg, and we're gonna shoot it straight back. I want you to pitch forward from your waist, reach your arms forward to counter the weight. We're gonna find the floor. Good. Right away, we step up, find the balance, draw the knee into your chest.

Stand up tall. Pitch forward. Shoot the leg back to clear the bar in the reformer. Step back. Step forward. Find that balance. It's okay if there's some wobble, but I think the most important thing is to keep your weight forward on your right leg.

If you really go with the left leg on the floor, then you're having to way shift your weight back I want you to keep your weight forward. So you're already there. You can go straight up through all the knee in. Let's do four more here. We go exhale.

Good. I'm actively squeezing that right glute. To stabilize myself in this balance for 2, and we'll do one more Awesome. And then bring it to the floor. We're gonna stay down, and we'll come around to the other side. So it's the left side's turn.

Left foot on the platform. You're gonna stand up. Find those toes They're in line. Our feet are directly our ankles are directly under our hips. Roll those shoulders back.

Here we go second set, second side. We slide that carriage all the way out. We're going with the carriage, and you're sitting up tall, getting taller as you split. Exale, press it out. That tailbone is shooting down.

The low belly is really tied in. As if you have on, like, super tight high waisted jeans, plug that belly in towards your back. The legs are nice and straight. Let's do 4 more here. It feels nice to go with a carrot to really split for 3.

For 2, and then we're gonna pause and hold on 1. Let the carriage come in an inch or 2, and then press, press, press out. Good. Really digging. Pressing out. Lift your chest slightly. Let's go for 8.

For 7, So good for 6, belly in, get taller for 5, push, push, push, 4, 3, 2 more, 2, and we come all the way in on 1. We're gonna adjust. So all of our weight is on our left leg. I want you to bend both legs shift forward. So pitch forward from your hips.

Sending that tailbone straight back and then prop up the right heel. So the heel is lifted, and we're gonna take those little barbie toes to the edge of your carriage. So you it's easier to push out the carriage, but keeping the weight on the left side. So you can look down, see if your left hip and knee and ankle are in line. So if we were to shift out, it would be off. Right? So I'm just gonna feel like you're leaning on that standing leg.

But we're just stabilizing here. Little speed skaters. Let's go for 8. Again, just enough weight on that carriage leg to straighten the leg out. First 6, really pressing into the big toe and the first toe.

For 5, for 4, belly in for 3, for 2, And one, find this standing nice and tall position. Find all of your balance and your weight on your left leg, bring the right knee into your chest. Again, you can just tap the toe to the carriage, bring the leg right back up, and stay there. Or take it up a notch, reach the right leg back, bend the left leg, pitch forward from your waist, reach your arms forward to counter the balance. Just tap and press back, press right back up.

It's okay if you have some wobble, use the abs it helps, and then reach it back. We go back. Straight up. Oh, this is my left side. So, you know, a little bit more work. Good. Dig that heel into the floor, actively squeezing that left glute. Good.

And let's go for 4 more. This is a big step up. Lots of balance for 3, but it's a really nice challenge. For 2. And we need to stretch behind this left knee at the top, find that balance.

So good. Take it all the way back. And stay down. We're gonna come around to our foot bar just to do a nice glute stretch after all that. So let's cross the right ankle over the left knee You're gonna hang from your bar, sending the booty back, just hang from that bar. You can let your head go too. Just get in a nice stretch here.

Good. One more deep breath. And then let's switch sides. So left ankle over right knee, bend the right legs, send the booty back forward fold. Over the legs, hang heavy from the bar. Let your head hang heavy.

Let's do one more deep breath. Awesome. Come all the way up. We're here. So let's put on all of our springs. We're gonna grab our box for the next setup.

So all of our springs are on. I'm gonna lower my headrest of the box. Fits on nicely. And we are gonna go to A little back to ab land. So sit on your box and place both feet underneath the straps. Scoop for it a little bit.

So there's you're right in the center of your box. There's a little bit of space behind you. I'm really flexing my feet. So toes towards my face. And once your legs are slightly bent and you're sitting up as tall as you can.

Our arms are just gonna float out straight out in front of us. I want you to sit up a little bit taller. Pull in that belly. We're gonna exhale. We're gonna start to roll back and want you to tuck the tailbone under, scoop out the belly, Your legs will lengthen as you roll back. You're gonna pause there and then inhale reach the arms overhead.

Exhale. Bring the arms back. And then start to stack and lift and sit up tall. Good. We start all over. Exhale. The rib cage is wrapping, pulling together. It's like someone's punching you in the gut, and it's your belly's taking you back, but your chest is still actively reaching forward.

Inhale, arms up, exhale, and then sit up tall. Let's do two more like that. Where you go. Right away, roll it back, inhale reach, exhale, and sit up tall. One more, we're gonna stay back and just do the arms and he'll reach. Exhale.

Scoop more and more and more. I want you to visualize drawing your hip bones closer together or closer towards each other to scoop out that mid belly right in between there. You're scooping and pulling it back towards your spine for 3 for 2 and one sitting up all the way. We're gonna go to a single leg here and add a little twist. So involving the obliques Let's take the left leg. You can grab behind the leg. We're gonna take the left leg over the bar.

We're gonna scoop out our belly, Just hold on to the leg as you roll back. So the right leg is nice and straight. We're holding onto that strap for dear life. Let's point the foot. We're leaning back.

Good. You're gonna lift your chest, bend the leg. Arms come to goal posts. You're gonna twist towards the leg, tapping the elbow to the knee if you can. And then reach the arms and the legs as you lean back. Good. Exhale. So we're twisting lifting. I want you to see if you can get up nice and tall to roll that knee in.

Reach it long for 4. For 3. Hold on to it as you reach back. Good. I lied. Let's do 2 more. I don't know what count I want. 1.

Good thread the leg back underneath the strap. Do a forward fold over those legs. Shake out the head. Roll it all the way up, and let's start on the other side. Flex the left toes so you're nice and ready.

Lift the left or the right leg up. Scoop up the belly roll back. Good. We're gonna lean back a little bit more. We're gonna lift the chest and twist towards the leg. Lean it back.

Exhale. So knee to that opposite elbow, you're getting up tall, as you bring the leg in, lean back, but keep your chest lifted for 4. For 3. So good for 2 and 1. Reach folded under 1 more stretch.

Roll it up. We're gonna go right into side overs. Let's bend the right leg on the box, keeping the left foot underneath the strap. Take the right hand to the headrest or the floor if you want more of a stretch, but you're gonna really shift that right hip underneath you. So we're Drawing the left hip on top of the right hip so they're nice and stacked. Take a side stretch here. Good. We're going to go right in the side over as I'm gonna give you 2 options for your arms.

You're gonna either keep the left arm reaching towards your legs. As you go over and up, just keep it there or hands behind your head for a little bit more extra weight, a little bit tougher, on the obliques, but equally nice, plug in the front of your belly towards your back, keeping those hips nice and stacked, and let's go for 5. For 4th, think of going out, out, out, and then lifting tall. Instead of down, we're not rounding for 3. For 2, And one one hand is gonna go to either side of the frame.

Walk your arms out. Drop your head. Hang heavy. So my foot is still in the strap holding on. It's pulling my hip back, and my upper body is hanging, so I'm getting such a nice stretch in my low back. On the side, though, that right above the hip.

Good. I want you to walk your upper body up so your hands are underneath your shoulders. I'm trying to square my shoulders to the floor. Plug in the belly. So I'm in this twisted position here.

We're gonna actively pull in our belly and involve the back. We're gonna come into a little extension here. And then I want you to twist and lift We go out, flat back, shoulder square, exhale, twist, reach long. So there's no roundness in our upper body tying the waist. You're wringing out this waist for 2 and give me one more. And one, you can go back to that stretch. Let it go. This time let's stack the left palm over the right palm. Get more of a side stretch in there, and then slowly walk your upper body up, and we'll go to your other side.

So flipping around tucking the right toes underneath or the right foot underneath this black strap bend the left leg on the box. I like to shift my hips out so they're almost towards the edge of the box because I'm quite long. Flex that foot and lift the right heel. Bring your left hand to your headrest or to the floor. Take that side stretch.

Good. We're gonna come into this locking these hips. So right hip is directly over our left plug in the belly and get tall. Here we go. Right arm is reaching towards the foot bar, left hand behind your head, and we go for it. You want more hand both hands behind your head.

So I see this all the time. People are really focusing on this oblique. This side over, and they forget about their upper spine. And so I want you to squeeze in between your shoulder blades and almost lift your chin slightly. Good. Get longer.

As you go out, let's go for 5. For 4. For 3, belly button is fine. Almost a slight tuck in the tailbone. To stay scooped out in the belly.

Let's do one more, and we go into our stretch. One hand on either side of the frame, walk the arms out, Drop the head hang heavy. Let your head go. So our arms aren't really holding us up. Just the foot and the strap is holding us up.

Great. Okay. Walk your hands underneath your shoulders. We're squaring our shoulders to the floor. Plug in your belly against your back. We're gonna use our spine, all the muscles along your spine, to lift squeezing in between your shoulder blades, twist a little lift as you twist, go back to that flat back, square the shoulders to the floor.

Try not to let the head go. Keep the head in line with your spine. And let's go for 4. Exhale. Again, you can think of throwing air. So the left arm. You're reaching sweeping air and throwing it as you lift for 2.

And one. Take it over. Let it go. So nice. Those are never easy. Okay. Walk it back. We're gonna come up Since we're here nice and easy, we're gonna go into some arms with just I like a blue spring for arms, but you can do a red.

So I'm on just one blue. We're gonna reach back and grab our short loops and threading your fingers through those short loops, thumbs on the other sides. You can either keep your feet flat here on the carriage or just cross your ankles and let your knees naturally fall open if you have a hard time sitting up tall. I want you to really engage your abs so no one falls off the box. Arms are gonna start by your hips.

We're gonna go into a serving arm. I'm gonna actually take my feet back so they're nice and flat on the carriage. Sitting up tall, draw on your belly. Just exhale as you reach those arms. My arms stay slightly bent, and I'm really focusing on keeping my collarbone nice and wide, especially when my arms reach forward.

Let's go for 4. Exale reach, get a little bit taller for 3. For 2, and we're gonna hold it at the top on 1. We're gonna go into a little pulse. I love a pulse. We go down an inch, up an inch.

Reaching, lifting, keeping that slight bend in our arms so we're not locking in our joints. Breathe. Lift it up. Reach for 5, down an inch, up an inch, 4. So good for 3. For 2, and we're gonna hold it up on 1 flip the palms so they face each other, open up the arms, hug a tree.

I'm keeping my arms away from my body as I close this circle. And then keeping my arms in front of me. So I'm not, like, arching my back or letting my rib cage display out. Keep your rib cage tied And, again, that collarbone is staying nice and wide, and let's go for 4. For 3 and 2, and then hold it out on 1. We're gonna go into a medium sized circle, like around a beach ball for 5.

Really keeping the shoulders down and the neck long for four. Exale for 3 for 2, and we're gonna reverse on 1, of course. We go. Forward for 5, lift it up for 4, 3, 2 and 1. Reach your hands behind the small of your back forward fold. Let your shoulders round, shake out your head. Give yourself this moment.

And then we're going to come into a flat back. I'm gonna stay in this diagonal line here, bring my arms to goal posts. So wide elbows. This is where you really have to wrap that rib cage together. Keep the belly in to keep your spine in this nice, long diagonal line.

We're gonna reach the arms pushing. I want you to think of pushing the palms. Just straighten the arms. Elbows come back to this wide gold post position, and we got 5 here. For 4.

3. Squeezing in between the shoulder blades for 2. And then keep the arms straight on 1. I want you to keep the arms straight as you lift up stacking the shoulders over the hips, open the arms wide. Press the palms into the straps, lean into it. Good.

Go back to gold post arms. So we start all over again. We got 5. Punch those arms push for 4. Really keeping the neck and the shoulders out of it for 3.

For 2, and you're gonna keep the arm straight on 1. Good lift up stack. Sit up a little bit taller as you open up, bring the arms forward, bring the chest forward slightly, and let's do one more set. We got 5. Oh, these are are burning for 4.

For 3. Bellybutton is fine for 2. And then hold it here. And when this time, you're gonna bring our palms together, we're gonna take the palms behind the head. So like prayer hands, you're gonna do a little tricep press here.

I want you to keep the elbows squeezing in beside the ears. Try not to bring them forward, just straighten the arms, but keep the elbows in the same spot. So this is for the backs of the arms. The triceps think pinkies forward. If this feels like it's getting into your elbow joints and it's too much, Maybe just take a microbend and then really focus on the straightening of the arms.

Good exhale. Keeping the shoulders down for 4. For 3, We're still pitched forward in our way, so leaning into those straps. For 2, And last one, sit up tall, open up the arms. Big nice stretch taking the arms all the way back.

Awesome. Let's hang up the straps. We're almost there. We're gonna go to a little plank here. So hands on your bar. We're gonna come up and then just take your heels slightly up onto your box. We're gonna shift forward as our we lengthen our legs and drop the hips.

We're in this perfect little plank Our arms, our shoulders are stacked over our wrists. We're gonna stay here and just start with a baby push up. I say babies. Look a micro bin, and we, you know, exhale. Press your chest away from the floor and then bend the knees. Draw the carriage in with control.

Exhale. Straighten the legs, micro bin. I say micro bin. If you wanna do a full bad boy push up You can go for it. My elbows are out to the side, so I'm doing, like, a military style push up. Good. My legs are staying active.

Even though I'm really working these arms. And then, of course, your abs are working like crazy. We have 4. Ag sale. Keep your head over the bar here.

So you stay over those arms. Good. Really pressing your chest away from the floor for 2 strong long legs. And one, bring it all the way in. Walk your feet forward.

Hang heavy. And then you're slowly gonna come down. We're gonna take your box off, and we're gonna finish lying on our back for feet and straps. The good part, the yummy part, the big stretch, I'm gonna take my head rest up, and I'm gonna go to 2 red springs and take my blue off. Lie yourself down on your back, shimmy on down, and then take those big loops out, feet on the bars, stretch your legs all the way out, take those feet in the straps. Okey dokey.

Let's start with a stretch. So take the feet directly over the hips. Reach up and grab those straps, and I want you to just pull your feet towards your face. The higher up you grab on the ropes, the more stretch you'll get, so you decide what kind of stretch you want. I'm keeping my tailbone on the carriage.

I'm just getting a nice stretch in the backs of the legs. Good. I want you to release the straps now. So arms are gonna go down bar. Sides, and then press your feet in the straps. Just float the legs halfway down. Good. Bring the legs up.

Again, reach up, grab the straps, pull pull pull nice, big hamstring stretch, draw on the belly, release the straps, push those feet down into the straps. Good. Let's do one more. And draw the legs down. Good. Let's stay there. We're gonna go into our split.

So toes out, big split, and then stacking the ankles over the hips. Push into the straps. You go down out and around, trying to keep those hips nice and even, But I don't want you to think about it too much. I really just want this to be for you a nice stretch at the end of this workout here. Let's go for 4.

And, again, you can make your circle as big as you want or as big as you can handle it, I should say. For 3, 2 more. 2. And let's reverse. So I am turned out here. My I'm gonna split at the top this time, draw those heels together, zip up the inner thighs, and then float the legs back up.

We split draw the heels together and up. Let's do 5 more. Good. Exhale. Inhale, float the legs up, drawing the belly more, I'm really anchoring the backs of those hips into the floor. 2.

And last one, we're gonna stay here. So heels together toes apart. Let's flex the feet. We're gonna bend the legs into a little frog position. So knees towards your shoulders, keeping the tailbone on the carriage, exhale, squeeze, zip up the inner thighs, straighten the legs.

We're gonna be right into an inner thigh split. Draw all the heels together. Start all over. We go frog in, exhale straighten out the legs, inhale big split, exhale. Uses inner thighs to draw the heels back towards each other. So good.

Let's do 3 more sets Big split. You wanna split enough to where the carriage moves. So make sure there's a little bit of movement in the carriage and then really, to the heels back together. Last one. And then keep the heels together. Draw the legs in. Grab those ropes again.

We're gonna guide the right leg out to the side, pull in that rope so the really actively pulling the foot towards the shoulder. And still turned out so it'd get a nice inner thigh stretch and then fold the leg back in. Unfold the left side. Pull on that strap. Good.

Big stretch and then take it back. Souls of the feet together and just drop your feet into the well of the spring. So I'm keeping my heels close to my body, take the arms out to the side, take a deep, breath, inhale through your nose, and then exhale really letting it go. And then slowly taking your feet up and out of those straps. We did it. That was so fun.

We're all done. Thank you so much.


Maryna Z
3 people like this.
Great class!

This is a great well well-rounded class!
1 person likes this.
I feel amazing Sarah, thank you!
2 people like this.
Awesome class.  Please post more classes.  I love the flow and pace.  

Wonderful class!  Really enjoyed it!  It really worked everything including a bit for balance.
Shona Croft
That was so GOOD a bit of everything, a nice flow, great cues and fun. THANKYOU Sarah x
Shannon H
1 person likes this.
I absolutely loved this workout! I look forward to many more from you! Thank you!
Great class! I will come back to this one. Thank you!
Wonderful class! Whole body and challenging but your cues and pace are perfect! Loved the squeezing the orange cue! A new favorite class!
Great job! Loved you class especially all the pulses!:)
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