Class #5716

Cardio Jump Board Workout

35 min - Class


Join Sarah Shell for a cardio-focused jump board workout that will challenge your endurance and strength. This fun and dynamic class combines power jump board sequences with targeted abs, arm, and leg exercises for a total body challenge. Get ready to elevate your Pilates practice in this high-energy session using the jump board.
What You'll Need: Reformer (No Box), Jump Board

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Hey, everyone. I'm Sarah Shell, and we're gonna do a cardio focused jump board class. So I'm on a red and a blue spring. I'm already set up to go, but we're gonna stay standing before we lie down on our backs. Our feet are directly under our hips. We're standing right in front of your carriage.

We're gonna go into a squat here. So plug in that belly. We're gonna sit our booty back Hinge forward, reach the arms forward, and then stand up tall. Good. Exhale. Send the booty back. Our weight is in our heels.

Lift your toes slightly so you really keep the weight in the heels. Sit back like you're going to sit on your carriage and then stand up tall in between. Let's do 5 more, but let's go at a little bit of a quicker pace just to get your heart rate up. We go for 5. For 4.

Good. For 3, maybe get a little bit deeper for 2. And we're gonna stay down on 1. Hold it here. Shift the weight into the heels more. We go down an inch, up an inch, reaching the arms forward. We're hinging forward from our hips, pulling our booty back as we're reaching forward, and we got 8. Good.

First 7. Breathe for 6. For 5. Down an inch, up an inch for 4. For 3, 2 more. 2 on 1, you're gonna take that seat all the way down.

We're ready to go red and blue spring. Light on on your back, shimmy away from those shoulder blocks just a little bit. We're gonna warm up your joints here. So just stretch all the way out, lengthening your legs, and walk your feet up to the top portion of the board. My legs are all the way zipped together. I'm just gonna take a little heel lift.

So lift those heels, rise up high in the balls of your feet. Keep the legs squeezing together, bend the knees come all the way in. Good. We're just stretching out these ankle joints and knee joints and then drop the heels down. Lift up exhale. Bend the knees, draw the care gen. It's gonna feel light because we're just warming up, but once we get jumping, you'll feel the tension of the springs.

Good. Drop those shoulders down and really drawing in your belly. Find that neutral spine your rib cage is nice and tied together, and let's do one more. Rising up. The weights on the big toe and the first toe stretching behind the legs or the knees and then drop the heels. Let's keep the heels into the board as far into the board as you can. I have this really short Achilles, so I can only go to here, but I'm digging my heels into the board, and then I'm gonna lift the heels press out and then drop the heels.

Bend the knees. Keep the heels digging into the board as far as you can, and then lift the heels up. Stretch all the way out. Let's do that two more times. Bending in. Stretch over the toes as you press out strong legs.

One more. Good and press all the way out. Let's just do a couple more of these calf raises. Or heal lifts, keeping the weight on the big toe and the first toe. So being very aware of not rolling out on the outsides of your feet, Good. Let's go for 5.

Waking up our feet for 4. For 3, for 2 and 1. Good. Bend the knees. Just shake it out. We're gonna go into our power jumps. So really tying that waist, arms down by your sides.

We're gonna keep these legs zip together and go for it, stretching our feet and landing toe ball heel. I'm really trying to land towards the top portion of my board so I keep the legs slightly lifted and staying out of my low back. Good. Let's go for 5. Exhale as you jump, inhale to land for 4. I'm really releasing my heels into the board.

So landing toe ball heel. 2. Let's go one more. And then right away, we're gonna jump land in first position. Just that little Pilates v. It doesn't have to be too turned out.

I just want you to actively squeeze those heels together. Keep them glued and really zip up the legs as you jump. Good. Make sure the belly's nice and pulled in. Just support your back here.

And let's go 5 more. Towable heel. 3, 2, and 1. We're gonna alternate going back to how we started parallel and then turned out. Zip the legs together, and then land first position in and out. Now you'll start to feel the legs trying to release those heels into the board as much as you can.

Let's go for 5 for 4. For 3. Keep that breath going for 2 and then land in 1. We're in that first position. We're gonna go into a split jump right away.

Land in first. A little out and in. When your legs go out, just take them out, like, maybe a little bit wider than your hip It doesn't have to be too wide. You definitely wanna jump back, push back a little bit further so you have enough time to get the movement in. And catch yourself. Let's go for 5, 4, 3, 2 bellybutton is fine and one stretch all the way out.

Take a break for a second as you draw your legs back together in that parallel position, we're gonna take the right leg to tabletop and then microbe in the left leg. We're gonna push off the left foot land on the right. Towable heel. Push push push. This is where you'll really use your feet. And we're just prancing here.

Good. Keep it going. Keeping that heart rate up. Let's go for 10 and push 9, 8, 7, Just transferring the weight. 4 more, 3, 2 and 1.

Whoo. I feel my legs. Awesome. Come all the way in. Drape your legs over that jump forward and just shake them out. As you do that, we're gonna let the legs rest and go to some ab work. So grab those short loops, hands in the short loops, and then bring the palms directly over the shoulder the shoulders, and then come away from those shoulder blocks just a little bit you have some space. Our legs are gonna float into tabletop just right above our board. All I want you to do is take your arms down by your sides.

Good. You're gonna inhale as they float back, exhale, pressing the arms. So we're in a little bit of a heavier spring. We're still on that red and blue spring. So you'll feel this tension. Keep the rib cage tied and keep those knees right over your hips. As these arms are floating down by your sides, press, press, press, and you're reaching those fingertips towards the bar.

Let's add a chest lift here. So lift your head and chest, roll up to the tips of your shoulder blades, and float it right back down. Exale really pressing into the straps, get up as high as you can, and then float it back. Let's go for 4. For 3.

Good. Pressing the palms all the way down. For 2 and then hold it up at the top on one length in the legs straight and low over that board, hold this position, head and chest are staying up, we're gonna bend the elbows, tricep press. Good. We go for 5 Look at your belly button, tuck your chin slightly so it doesn't get too necky. My elbows are just hovering above the carriage.

Let's go for 3. Lift up a little bit higher in that chest if you can. Lower the legs an inch lower for 2. And let's go one more lower all the way down. This time elbows are gonna bend out to the side. We're gonna do some punching arms.

As you punch the arms, I want you to lengthen the legs out. I'm keeping my head down this time and just focusing on not arching my back. So I'm taking the legs as low as I can without letting it get into my back. Keeping the shoulders down as the elbows go wide. Let's go for 8, 7, 6. I'm slightly tucking my tailbone under to really scoop out that low belly for 4 for 3.

For 2. And on 1, we're gonna take the upper body back up. Hold it here, scissor the legs. Lift the right leg and the left. As the leg lowers, it's just gonna tap the board. You're lifting your chest towards your thighs. We got 8 7, reach those fingertips towards your board for 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1.

Fold it back. Awesome. Hang up those straps. We're gonna go to our second set of jumping. Power jumps, just how we were doing before, but we're gonna start in a second position. So our feet are wider.

Your heels are in line with your sits bones. Chosen. These are turned out. We're turning out from our hips. We're gonna stay in this wide second position as we jump. Arms down by your sides. Plug in that belly.

Here we go. Again, my feet are towards the top portion of my board, and I'm really stretching the legs as I jump. For 10, 9, 8, keeping that turn out from the hips for 7, So good. 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, we're gonna go into, like, a jumping jack of sorts, but we're gonna stay turned out. So you're gonna land 1st position land second wide in and out, but saying to her no. Good. Releasing those heels into the board as much as you can and keep this jumping going for 5.

4. Good. Belly 1 is fine. 3. Length and more for 2. And give me one more.

Good. Land and first. Zip those legs back together. We're gonna go back to prancing one more time. Shifting from one leg to the next just to push off, push and switch, push and switch, Good. Let's go for 8 towball heel.

6 draw in the belly. 5, 3, 2, and then land with a right leg down, left leg. Hi. We're gonna go into a single leg hop. Just keep the left leg in tabletop. Jumping on the right leg only. For 7, 6, 5, so good. Keep the breath going for 4.

3, 2, and switch on one right away other side. Good. Anchor the back of your hip bones into the floor. To stabilize that pelvis. And let's go for 5432 and one amazing come on in. We're gonna roll ourselves up, and we're gonna do a little spring switcheroo.

We're gonna take our red off so just your blue spring is on. We're gonna go to some abs here. So lie yourself back down. Shimmy on down away from those shoulder blocks a little bit, and then feet are gonna find the top portion of your board hands behind your head. So it's on a nice and light spring. That means you have to use your abs more than the power of your legs want you to lift your head and chest up towards your thighs and keep that position and our legs are zipped together parallel, you're gonna jump back almost flicking the toes as you jump. Keep your head and chest lifted.

And you're floating out, out, out, land, exhale, float, and land. Good. You can look at your jump board and look at your toes. Try to release those heels into the board. And keeping my legs nice and lifted so they don't drag down or fall down into the well of the springs. We're nice and pulled up.

Let's go for For 3, lift that chest more for 2, and 1. We're gonna go into a little crisscross bicycle. So right leg is gonna come up opposite elbow to knee. We're gonna twist towards it and land and switch. Good. We got 8. 7 You have enough time to really twist across because you're floating out on that light spring.

Good. And let's go 4. 3, 2, and 1. Awesome. Okay. Now we're gonna get real jazzy, and we're gonna bring our arms to goal posts position. We're gonna keep these arms at their ready because we're actually gonna jump back and grab these risers. It's very fun. I promise you'll love it.

But that being said, we're gonna start with the right leg into our chest, the left leg nice and long. Those arms at this goal post position, you have to find the happy medium. So not too big of a jump to crash to the back, but not too little. You can even look back if you need to. You're gonna take a jump, wrap those arms, or those fingers around the risers, do a little switch with the legs, let go drop land.

Push off, wrap, pull your head towards the back of that frame, switch the legs and let go and drop. It's kind of fun when you get the hang of it. We're doing a little switcher roof. Pull the your head towards the back of the frame. So arms are working abs are working, legs are working, full body, keeping that heart rate up.

Let's do one more. And then we're gonna do the same thing, but leg is long this time. So jump back grab, scissor switch land. Jump, scissor switch. Good. Now you can go at a nice pace here. Let's go for 4.

For 3. For 2, and then hold it on 1. Pull your head to the back of the frame. Scissor switch. We got 8 elbows off to the side. Drop your shoulders down.

Bellies in. 76543 2, and one bring both legs up. We're gonna take them down. You're gonna go out, lift it up for 4. For 3, little leg lowers, try not to arch your back for 2, and then reverse.

We go split low legs lifted up. Good. Adjust. Pull your head to the back of the frame. Strong arms for 3. For 2. And one, lower your legs.

Reach them long. Let go and find your board. Awesome. Let's come off of our back, and we're gonna go into some arms. We're gonna stay on this blue spring and come into just like a seated cross your ankles position, but I want you to shift your hips out. So your hip is very much in line with your carriage, the edge of your carriage. So your knee might be over it.

That's okay. We wanna be nice and close to our board for the next exercise. But we're gonna grab this strap that's in front of you, slide your hand through that short loop, interlace the other arm on top, and then bring that strap from right to the center, midline of your body. We're gonna take a twist here using our obliques you're gonna exhale, get up a little bit taller and reach towards your board. Stop in your midline. Twist.

Good. You're getting taller as you twist. Like, you're wringing out a washcloth. Your waist is getting tinier as you twist. And you're drawing in those abs. The second thing I'll say is, like, keep your arms away from your body. So keep that around this in the arms and go for that twist.

Keeping the shoulders down, we got 5 Twist a little bit more for 4. It's slow and controlled, not a huge range of motion here. A lost count. So let's just do 2 more. We go 2 and one more twist a little bit more. Good. Bring it all the way back.

Hang that strap up, and let's go to a yellow spring. So the lightest of all blue is off We're gonna sit up tall, roll those shoulders back. We're gonna use our palm. We're gonna jump again, but with some arms. So fingertips are lifted.

I want you to just use your palm We're gonna take the other arm out to the side, bend the elbow shooting down. So press that elbow down. We're gonna push off little finger tap overhead and catch yourself to land. Try not to let yourself go all the way in. It's like a micro bin catch and then big push.

Good. You can look at your board, so make sure to not miss it. Good. And sit up as tall as you can plug in your belly. Fingertips, tap overhead. Exhale. Let's go 5 more. 5. Really keeping the shoulder down for 4.

For 3, 2 more, 2, and one. I think we need to burn the arm out a little bit more. So let's go in front of us, fingertip. Then this arm is really reaching out to this side. Being held on its own. Good. Shoulders down.

We're almost there. Let's do 5 more. Big push and a catch. Elbow shooting down. Good.

Let's do 3 more. And 2, and one. Awesome. Before we go to the other side, we're gonna go to a red bring yellow off and take your head rest down. We're gonna stay up on our forearm.

We're going into some glutes. Right forearm is down hugging those shoulder blocks, and then I want you to shift your hips close to your board or just down away from your arms so you can be nice and long in your spine. My hips and my shoulders are in line. Bottom leg is gonna stay tucked in, and then that top leg is gonna sneak up like hip height parallel to the floor stacking those hips. My other hand's gonna come to the shoulder block just so I can press those shoulders down and stay actively pulled up in my waist. Okay.

All we're gonna do is jump, bend the leg, push off, keeping the leg, hip height, engage those abs, and just a nice push. Good. Landing that toe ball heel just like we were doing. We're just firing up the glutes now. Let's go for 5. For 43.

Reach that leg nice and long for 2. And one. Now we're gonna pull it in towards our elbow, bend in, shoot it back out. Now you really have to jump. So you have time to get the movement in. And time to catch yourself.

Good. The leg is being lifted. Let's go for 5. For 4 impressive shoulders down for 3, 2, and 1. One more set. We're gonna reach the leg forward, little kick forward, bring it back. Good. This is where you're gonna want your leg to drag to the floor.

Resist that lifted keep the belly pulled in, and let's go for 5. Really jump reach for 4. 3, 2, and 1 come all the way in. We're gonna continue to work that left leg. But we're gonna come onto all fours.

Your hands can be somewhere around your shoulder blocks, either in front or slightly to the sides. Bring your knees together so they're in the center of the shoulder blocks, but we're gonna walk the knees back so they're underneath your hips. Draw on your belly. We're gonna straighten the left leg and then just relax that right foot. So it's just hanging out in the well of the springs.

It's fine because you're gonna catch yourself, microbe in the left leg, and just push from there. Good. So your arms have to stay nice and strong here to stabilize you so you don't shift too much back and forth. Stay over the arms and that's standing knee, and we're just pushing. You can absolutely look at your board, get your bearings, We're using that left glute, lifting the leg slightly as you jump. Let's do 3 more.

Plug in the belly more for 2 and 1. Same thing. We're gonna go into that little bin in, shoot it out. Push in and out. It's a quick one. 3, 4, try to keep that head in line with your spine. And those shoulders down. Good. 5 more.

4, 3, 2, on 1, we're gonna go out to this side little diagonal kick, bring it back. It can be tiny. Yes. It doesn't have to be a huge range of motion. Make sure to bring it back to catch yourself. Let's go 5 for 4. It is burning for 3.

Push for 2. And one, amazing. Take your knees forward to those shoulder blocks. Send your booty back. Just take a break for a second.

Take a deep breath, and then let's slowly roll up. We're gonna go to our well, we're gonna do it in the reverse. We're gonna keep staying back onto all fours, but we're gonna start with the other side. So walk your knees back, hands are around those shoulder blocks. Left leg is down this time.

Right leg is doing the jumping. Plug in that low belly, bend the right leg, push and lift. Good. We got 10 of these, strong arms, keeping this heart rate going, 1st 7, towball heel, 4 3, 2. We're gonna go into that little knee tuck in and out. Pull the knee in, shoot it out.

Good. You really have to push off. Give yourself that time to get the movement in. So good. Let's go for 5 for 4, 3, 2, and 1, we go into right away into the diagonal kick, bring it back. Belly in. Arms are strong.

This is a full body. That's for sure. Good. We go 5, 4, pressing that chest away from the floor. For 3, 21. Awesome. We're gonna come down onto that left forearm squeezing or hugging the shoulder blocks and then scoot your hips down.

We're gonna come with those those hips and the shoulders are in line, bottom leg is tucked in, sneak the top leg up. Just adjust those hips. So right hip is stacked right on top of my left tip, and this leg is parallel to the floor. Press your shoulders down. Here we go. Big jump.

Just ten here. I want you to breathe and land toebo. He'll look at that foot placement on the board. See if it's too far behind you. We like to, like, let it go back.

Keep it slightly in front of your hip. So the heel or the ankle and the knee are more in line when you're landing. Good. Let's do 3 more. For 2, pull up in that waist. And 1, we go into the knee tucks in and out.

Push pull it in. Breeze for 7. We're almost there. 6. 5, 43, 2, and last one. Right away, we kick forward, bring it back, catch.

Whoo. It is bunz of steel. Here we go. 3. 4. Pulling that belly more for 5. Keep that leg hip height.

For 3, two shoulders down. Last one. Woo. Come on up. Let's take that cross leg position so crossing the ankles and then shift your hips out. So, again, your hips are in line with the edge of the carriage. We're gonna go to the blue spring.

Take the red off. And then we're gonna use that short loop, the strap that's in front of you, left hand in, right hand is going on top, and we're gonna bring the arms right to the center of our body. We're gonna start at this midline. We're gonna go into our twist. Good. Stopping in the middle.

And then twisting from there. So, again, it's such a small range of motion, and that's okay. It's nice and controlled. You're twisting, getting up taller. Press those shoulders down. Keep the arms away from the body.

And let's go for 5. For 4, we're almost there for 3, For 2, and one more twist. Get a little bit taller, and then let it go. Hanging that strap up, and then we're gonna go to our yellow spring. So the blue is off.

We're on the lightest spring. Palm is on the top of your board fingertips off. I really want you to catch with the palm. Elbows down. Other arm is shooting straight out to the side. Arms are gonna do a little lift, fingertips touching, and catch yourself to land. Big push, you float out arms up and land.

So good. Let's go 5. Belly button is fine. For 4, it's gonna help you with his sitting posture here for 3, for 2, And one. Now we're gonna reach the arms in front of us, hug a tree, and then catch for 2. Good. Really keeping this lat engaged.

So that's gonna keep that shoulder blade down your back. Good. And let's go 5 more plugging it in for 5 for 4. 3, big push, 2, and last one. 1. Amazing.

Okay. Take your feet to the floor. Let's take all of our springs off. We're gonna come up and then slide this care all the way to the back of your frame. Careful as you step in, and then I want you I want you to make sure that your carriage is all the way up against the frame, so there's no movement.

We're gonna go into a side plank, but I want you to take your, right forearm down, like, maybe a palm width away from the edge of the carriage. We're gonna reach our legs back. I want your bottom leg in front of your top leg. So right leg in front of your left, you're on the sides of your feet, and you're really pushing the shoulder down, reach the arm up, We're gonna squeeze those inner thighs, take the hips down an inch, press up an inch. So little oblique work, those arms are working or that right arm is working for sure. And don't forget about the legs.

Squeeze the inner thighs Lyft the hips like you're a puppet on a string. Someone's pulling your hips up. Let's go for 3. Belly button a spine for 2, and then stay there in 1. Let's thread that arm.

Maybe pike your hips up a little bit higher. And then open up. Let the eyes follow the hand. Good. And let's do 4 more. Good.

For 3, keep the breath going. Exhale. For 2, And one. So good. Bring both elbows to that carriage. Make sure it's all the way slammed back. We're gonna go on to the right palm, shift to the left forearm, and then rotate the legs.

I'm gonna sneak my left leg in front of my right, stack my hips though, and plug in the belly. Lift the arm. Lift the hips as high as you can. Squeeze the inner thighs, and we go down an inch, up an inch for 8. 7, keeping the shoulders, down. Those shoulder blades slid down your back.

And we're going for 4 for 3 for 2 and then hold it up on one reach a little bit higher, thread that arm through. Take the eyes with it. Squeeze for 4. For 3. For 2, don't forget about those legs.

And 1, bring it back. Step underneath yourself. Give yourself a little forward fold here. So just arms straight out in front of you, drop your head, and then let's slowly roll ourselves up. Let's do one more stretch before we're done. Placing your hands on the jump board.

My left foot is forward, and I'm gonna sneak my right leg back. Maybe again, like a palm with the way from the front edge of the carriage and then push the carriage all the way to the back of the frame, and go for this lunge here. So press the hips forward, bend the left leg, open up the chest, but don't let the belly go plug in the belly against your back and get a nice hip flexor stretch here. Good. Open up the chest more, sinking the hips a little bit more. Let's go straightening the leg and then exhale, bend the left leg, open up the chest, drop the hips.

Let's do that one more time. Just pressing up. Give yourself a breath and then exhale. So good. Let's switch it out. Right leg down.

Left leg back. Slide that carriage all the way back. If you need to hop your foot forward or back, you can adjust, but just press those hips down, pulling the belly, open up the chest a little bit, pressing the hips forward, and then straighten out the front leg, readjust hips or square, and then go for that stretch. Let's do one more and stretch. Good. And then step it back. We're gonna do our crossover figure 4 stretch for our glutes that we worked, crossing the right ankle over the left knee, sit the booty back, hang from your jump board, let your head go, really bending the left leg.

Breathe into this stretch and then switch it out. Left of a right knee, shift it back. Breathe into it one more breath and then coming all the way up and you are done. Thank you guys so much.


Barbara O
3 people like this.
beautiful sequence! Can't wait for more of Your classes :)
1 person likes this.
great class! thank you
1 person likes this.
Loved it...thank you so much xx
1 person likes this.
Fantastic class. Easy to follow along and def broke a sweat> Thank you.
1 person likes this.
Really wonderful
1 person likes this.
Great flow!
Suzanne F
1 person likes this.
The jump to the arms on the pulley posts/risers was so much fun. Thanks Sarah!!
1 person likes this.
It is more than a cardio workout is a total muscle strengthening cardio work out in 35 min that feels like an hour. Saved it in. Loved it!
Dawn U
2 people like this.
I really enjoyed this class.  Felt like we accomplished more in 35 minutes than most 50 minute classes.  Great flow.  Easy to follow.  Well done!
Sarah S
1 person likes this.
Barbara O Yayyy! Thanks Barbara! Excited to share more classes with you. 
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