Class #5897

Full-Body Essential Cadillac

60 min - Class


Laura Hanlon masterfully combines spinal mobility work with deep core activation to create an energizing and challenging workout on the Cadillac. Through precise instruction and mindful progressions that emphasize proper form, you will discover new ways to find length through your entire body while building strength and stability. This versatile class, which can be taken on either a Cadillac or Tower, focuses on core control and breath work to help you move safely and effectively through each exercise, leaving you feeling balanced, centered, and invigorated.
What You'll Need: Cadillac

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Hi. I am Lara Hanlon on this beautiful Cadillac leading you through a full body workout today. We will be using the bars and the trapeze swing, but, of course, if you're on a tower and don't have access to the bars and the swing, you can omit that parts of the exercise, and I'll offer some modifications. We'll start facing the brown bar here with our feet up against the poles, nice in parallel, toes pointed up, heels pressing in often, A soft bend of those knees to really fine and anchor our sit bones onto the mat is a helpful adjustment. Grabbing a hold of the outsides of this bar, roll those shoulder blades down and back, and we'll begin with a simple press inhaling that bar down. And exhale resist to return those springs to start.

Waking up the arms, the back here, lifting through the crown of the head, and resisting as those arms lift up. And exhale to return. As you press the arms down, feel your shoulder blades slide down your back, try and keep them there as those arms lift up one more time, inhale to press. Exhale drawing ribs together, belly, back and in. Inhale press down up to about chest height, take a breath, another inhale to prepare.

And then exhale begin to round and contract back, initiating from that low belly right away, rolling all the way down onto your mat with control Really feel a link through the crown of the head here. Allow the bar to anchor your shoulders away from your ears. Beautiful open chest and throat. Right away, we'll add our arm pulls here, bar in towards the sternum elbows wide, exhale as you extend. Inhale to bend, exhale to lengthen 3 more times, feeling that length through the spine, the width across the chest, belly pulls a little deeper. Last one, we pull and extend inhale to stay.

Exel to roll back up chin over the chest, pulling the navel back and in, curling up till those shoulders around over our hips before lengthening everything back out again. Small press down of that bar to prepare deep breath here. Exhale to round and contract back, pulling that belly button deeper towards the spine, lengthening through the front of the hips and thighs, through the neck, through the shoulders. In how we pull. Exhale, we lengthen.

Bending the elbows nice and wide here to open up through the chest, feeling that expansion in the lungs as we draw the air in, and knitting the ribs together as we exhale once more. Pull and lengthen to stay deep breath in, exhale to round and roll up, allowing that bar to assist us as we warm up those abdominals. Sitting up tall, we're gonna move into an arch same gentle pressure down of the bar inhale to prepare. Exhale to roll back down, rolling vertebra by vertebra. Once you land inhale begin to lift the sternum up, dragging the head along the mat. Coming back up to vertical.

Again, exhale to roll down bone by bone. Think of lifting being pulled from your heart all the way up. We reverse, inhale arching back, crown of the head touches down onto the mat feel your spine lengthen shin peels over the chest exhale to round and contract back up one more time inhale lengthen back and exhale to curl up. Such a beautiful fluid movement there already feeling more open in our back. We'll take another stretch here. Right hand comes to the center of this bar. I like to wrap my thumb, so I'm really holding on tight.

Left arm wraps around the waist pulling the shoulder blades down into the back take a breath into prepare, exhale to round and contract all the way down. Make sure you have a strong grip right in the center of that bar. Left leg crosses over the right, and then the left arm sweeps around. Now if you're tall, maybe you're reaching back for that opposite pull, pulling those shoulder blades down, drawing the ribs together, pulling the obliques down deep breath here. Exhale.

Feel your body that whole left side of your waist opening up in this half moon shape. One more breath in. And exhale lengthening through that outer hip, outer waist continuing to draw those abdominals down and in. And then wrap that arm back around the waistline, bring that left foot back up against the pole, fill your body square off as best as possible, inhale at the bottom to prepare, exhale to round and roll up and over that arm feeling that course stay connected. And then lifting up, switching to the other side.

Left hand strong grip around the bar, right arm around the waist, shoulders, pull down and back and breathing in, exhale to roll back down, lengthening long through the spine. And then crossing right ankle over the left and sweeping that right arm around and back, pulling those shoulder blades away from the ears, taking a breath here. Sail failure abdominals pull deeper towards the mat. One more breath. Enjoying these moments in here and exhale.

Sweep that arm back around the waist. Brewing the foot back up against the pole square off through the shoulders and hips, take a breath, and and exhale to roll all the way back up to our seat. Now that our spine is a little bit warmer, we will add our trapeze swing. So, again, if you don't have a trap swing or you're on a tower, you can always move into a lot of this, portion of the work with your legs, knees bent feet, flat on the mat, doing more of, like, a bridge exercise. I wanna make sure this is a good distance from me and then lie on down with my head underneath that brown bar and my feet into this bottom part of the trap swing. Allowing my palms to rest on the mat to start by my sides, feeling my pelvis heavy into the mat. My chest, neck, and throat all nice, and open. We'll begin with the hip boost. Inhale, press the feet into that swing, boost the hips up.

Take a breath there. And then roll back down with control vertebra by vertebra. I'm seeing parallel to start here to really fire up into my inner thighs in heel booster and exhale to roll back down. Again, opening up through the back working a little more spinal articulation as we get started today. 2 more like that boosts those hips straight up long diagonal line of the body, exhale ribs knit together, belly pulls a little deeper as you release the pelvis really heavy at the bottom. One more just like that, press into the palms, and he'll boost up, exhale. Keep drawing inner thighs together.

Little magnets between the knees, the ankles, to release. Now the hips stay heavy on the mat. We'll grab the outsides of that brown bar once again. Pull those shoulder blades down. Arms start right up over the chest.

Try to keep your pelvis in this neutral position, warming up our arms, pressing them down and away, and then resisting back up. Really working from your low belly to keep that pelvis neutral. So we're not tucking or tilting here, inhale press the arms, exhale resist the arms straight back up over the chest two more times. Inhale press. Exelt to resist. One more time. Arms press.

Axalt to resist. Combining both hips boost arms press. Inhale. And exhale slowly roll down through your spine. The arms will release to the ceiling as those hips release to the mat. Inhale. Everything moves together.

Exhale. Continue to articulate, shoulder slide away from those ears. Belly pulls deeper to the spine. Twice more. Lift and boost.

Handhale. Exhale. Ribs knit tight. Belly pulls deep resisting those arms back up. Last one inhale lift and boost.

Exhale. Chest away from the chin. Slowly returning the hips and the bar to their start position. From there, we'll release that bar carefully back up. Keep those legs heavy in the swing, pelvis heavy on the mat, and just practice a little more abdominal work with our teaser here with the legs supported.

So think of your teaser 1. Take a breath in to prepare. Begin to curl up and over the chest feel that low belly engaged, you could always hold on to those legs if you need, and then reach towards your toes, finding that lift. I like to think of my legs and my arms parallel to one another deep breath here. And then exhale slowly rolling back down vertebra by vertebra. Low back, middle back, upper back, lengthen through the tail on the crown of the head, arms stay lifted to the ceiling, breathing into prepare.

Ex. I'll begin to curl up. Reach for the swing for your toes. Lift your gaze. Lift your heart, breathe in. Excel to roll back down. Waking up that low belly a little bit more here once more time. Inhale.

Exouch and over the chest. I think of zipping up through that low waist, finding that gorgeous lift at the top. Inhale. And exhale to lower vertebra by vertebra, low back, middle back, upper back, releasing at the bottom. We'll take our legs out. Keep those arms reaching up.

Legs extended long inhaling here. And exhale to round and roll all the way up to a seat this time. And then we'll remove our swing. We'll use it again later, but for now, just getting it out of the way. Placing it off to the side where you won't trip on it And then moving into some leg springs. So I'm gonna make sure this is out of the way, and then we'll lay on down, aligning the leg springs wherever you wish.

I like to set myself up where my arms are about a ninety degree bend, maybe a little bit greater. That way I can really press into my hands there for support. Our feet will come into our leg springs. Press those palms back, heels together, knees, and toes apart, and we'll start with a simple frog extending those legs out long. Point through the toes, squeeze heels, and inner thighs together.

Resisting as you bend. Working that neutral pelvic position using the low belly to really stabilize the hips here on the mat. It's really easy to kinda tuck and let the pelvis lift with where the springs are coming from. So instead use your arms and your back use your full body to really anchor yourself on the mat. Link in those legs long.

Resist to bend. Exhale and extend. Resist to pull it in. Pull the belly a little deeper, knit those ribs a little tighter. Inhaling and exhale squeeze those in our thighs tight for 3.

And stretch. 2. One more. And extend. Pointing through those toes, we circle legs lift and circle around down and together, opening up those hips. With the frame here of the Cadillac, you can really guide your legs, hopefully, in an even alignment, an even circle here.

They lift. They go a little wider than the frame. They press and squeeze together at the bottom, inhaling, and exhaling. 2 more this direction. Keep pressing down and back into those palms. Hold at the bottom, reverse your circle around and up on the inhale, squeeze inner thighs and heels together, lower circle, exhale to press, lifting around, deepening through the waist.

Keep pulling shoulders away from the ears, kinda resist the urge to look at your toes. Keep that chin beautifully lifted off the chest for 2. And press one more. And press. Hold it here.

Swivell to parallel about hip distance apart, flex through the heels. We'll take a slow scissor, lowering one leg down, lifting the other, and scissor to switch. Keeping the springs, quiet, keeping slight tension in the spring of that leg that's lifting, so it doesn't collapse. Instead of working flexibility here, we're working on the down, the press of that leg towards the floor. Engaging into the glutes and the hamstrings.

Lower and switch. Breathing in. Breathing out. If you feel solid here, start to release your hands from the poles. And lower your palms to the floor towards the mat by your sides. Takes a little more core connection. If you're wearing a really slippery top or you're super sweaty, make sure you don't slide off the end of the Cadillac.

We're here for 4 and switch. 3, keep sinking belly button to the spine for 2, squeeze the seat 1 more. Bring your legs together at 45 degrees. Squeeze them together. We breathe and choose a little quicker run.

Inhale, exhale, moving quicker with that movement from the glutes and the hamstring still working on that pelvic stability. Now if you're solid here, start to curl up to the tips of the shoulder blades, Maybe you hover your hands off the mat. Gazing into the waistline. Keep sinking it a little deeper. Depending on how your coordination is today, can you add the pumps of your arms?

As if you're moving into your hundreds. Inhale. Exhale. Working that low belly for 4. 3.

2. 1 more. Squeeze your legs together. Squeeze and point through those toes, lengthen through your fingers, curl up 1 more inch. Lower your head back.

Reach your arms back for the pulls. Turn your legs out. You should feel them fire underneath your buns. We're gonna press those palms into the poles a little more firmly. Think of lengthening your arms a little straighter.

Begin to lift your hips and your whole body up. And then lower to hover. We're waking up that backside even more here moving into our airplane and magician. It's small movement. We squeeze the seat to lift.

We lower to hover the pelvis. For 2, you're working your arms and your back you're working your core and your glutes last time, lower to hover small circle of those legs up and around for 5. For 4, keep lifting your pelvis higher for 3, pressing into those palms for 2. One more squeeze. Rubbers for 5. Can you lift your hips up another inch for 4? Keep them lifted 3.

Connect those legs in the midline. 2. Last one squeeze and hold. Roll down through the spine. Let the pelvis release the legs lift. And hug them in towards your chest. Should definitely feel those legs woken up activated.

We'll take our feet out of the straps. Let them relax a bit. Scoop yourself away from this end. Grab your arms springs. We'll stay laying down, warm up our upper body a bit more here. So I like to think of setting myself up, not quite underneath where your hands are.

You want your shoulder blades to pull down into the back. Your arms to be slightly in front of you. That way you're anchored in your back muscles. Knees will be bent to feet hip distance apart. Head will stay down. Take a breath in to prepare.

And then exhale press those palms down into the mat by your side. Here's where you'll feel what that weight is like for your body. Maybe you want a little more. You wanna scoop further away from the springs. Maybe you want a little less. You wanna scoop back towards where you just came from.

List into your body here. Most importantly, that pelvis stays neutral. We're not tucking or tilting. We're working our low belly to really keep that back supported on the mat, keeping chin lifted and chest open. Inhale. Exale to press, palms, press down to hover off the mat.

Bellie pulls deeper towards the spine. And he'll resist the arms up. Axale, press the arms down. Too more just like this. Press and reach away.

One more. Press to hold. Some small arms circles here. We lift circle and squeeze the thumb to the hips. Lift circle and squeeze.

They don't have to be huge. 2 more. One more. Squeeze reverse. Fill your triceps engaging as you press those arms down.

4. 3. Shoulders stay open. 2. Use the back. Use your arms. Use the core. Pull the belly down, press those palms down, bend your elbows in. You're keeping them active.

You anchor them onto the mat. Ninety degree bend of the elbows. Let's float those legs up to a tabletop, ninety degree bend of the knees. In heel here to prepare. Exhale, curl up extending those arms, pull your waistline deeper, legs stay at table.

Resist the arms, lie the head back on the inhale. Curl up, press and lengthen through those fingertips or fist as you exhale. Resist to take it back. Axel to reach up. 2 more like this.

Annhale. And exhaling one more time inhale back. Axle to curl up and hold another set of many hundreds breathing and twos. Curling a little higher, sinking that belly a little bit deeper for 3. Last 2.

One more breath. Hold and reach. Bend your elbows. Hug your knees in, and you can may release your straps. Give those knees a nice hug.

Take a breath here, and exhale. Let it go. We'll give ourself a little rock back and all the way up to a seat. Make sure those straps are just out of the way. And then we'll move into some spine stretch at our other end. So I'm setting my bar up here with one red spring. Again, maybe you use 2 springs.

Maybe you're on a lighter spring, listen to your body. Gonna stretch out that back now that we're seated once again here. Find your sit bones holding on nice and tight and begin to hang away from that bar. Pull the shoulder blades down into the back. Take a breath in, and then exhale. Press it through chin over the chest diving the crown of the head forward between your knee, feeling that length through the back of the legs, through the back, maybe shake your head a little yes and no releasing in that cervical spine, inhale here. X. I'll begin to round back.

Because if you were gonna roll onto that mat, you pull the shoulders away from your ears. You control that bar back, and you press up on that forward diagonal. Find the lift out of the hips, the lift out of the waist without letting those shoulders lift to your ears. Again, rounding back on the inhale. Press the bar forward and through as you exhale.

Rounding back again. Shoulders pull away from the ears. And pressing up finding that left. One more time inhale. Making this fluid.

Pull your abdominals back. Use your core as you stretch. Releasing the tension through the spine, through the shoulders, back, rolling back, and pressing up and away. We'll take a little more of a saw kind of twist stretch here, right arm towards that left pinky toe, feeling the body open peeking underneath that left arm, if you'd like to hold on to give yourself a little more of kind of a press and a pull here to what feels good in your body. And then same thing to the other side, right arm up. Left arm reaches as if it's gonna soft that right toe.

Maybe hold on. Give yourself a little pull, deepening your twist, inhale, and exhale. And then come back to center. We'll start the same way moving into our pelvic press arch exercise, holding on. Start to kinda round back here. Press your feet into the poles as you bend your knees. Bar comes towards the thighs.

And then we arch up through the spine crown of the head on the mat. Beautiful backbend. Chin tucks over the chest. Press into your feet if you're sweaty and you're sticking. It's okay. We move through it as best as we can. Again, like that rounding back.

Arching up. Inhale. Exhale. Round through your back. Press into those feet, sliding back up.

Little more advanced variation rounding back, connect the bar to the thighs, lift your body up, then arch. I've been told it's like water skiing. I think a little more like wake boarding. You find that moment of lifting yourself right here. You round.

You lift up out of the water. Use your glutes. Find that gorgeous back bend. Inhale. Exhale. Roll through that spine with care.

Lifting all the way up. Hopefully, a little taller. We'll press the bar through carefully and then bring our feet onto it for our parakeet. Now if you're slippery, you wanna make sure you're really controlled with this bar, thing of setting it up around where the frame is maybe slightly further forward. And then once you feel like you can really wrap those feet, reach your arms forward, and roll back down onto the mat. You might have to adjust once you're down here.

I'm gonna scoop myself like an inch or 2 close So, again, that bar is just slightly past the frame. Pelvis is anchored. Palms pressed down. Shoulders are open. We'll start with a small hip boost waking up again.

The back of those legs, really focusing on that glute engagement here in he'll boost up. Exhale, trying to roll down and articulate through the spine as best as you can. It's challenging. You squeeze your buns. You lift your hips up. It's a small movement.

You can see here. Now can you get into your upper back? Then the middle back, you gotta really squeeze those sit bones butt cheeks together before lengthening out through the pelvis 2 more times. Keep wrapping toes over inhaled booboo boost up, exhale to roll down. If you feel like you're going to get a footer at calf cramp, you're probably doing it right One more time. Squeeze your buns and lift, exhale to roll back down. Her ribs draw together, belly pulls a little deeper here.

Now, really important to keep that pelvis anchored. Bend your knees creasing at your hips, pulling the knees in towards the chest. And then extending those legs up with control. We try to keep those hips anchored as much as we can, then we breathe in once those legs are straight, exhale to tuck and curl the hips up, finding that gorgeous long diagonal line through the toes through the shoulders, right leg floats up and back deep breath in, try to keep those hips square fire up underneath the glute of the leg that is on the bar. That's like your standing supporting leg here, left leg up and back inhale.

Exale. Now we find that stretch for the hamstrings, reach through the toes, lengthen through the legs, one more inhale. Exale to press and hold. Squeeze your seat deep breath in. Exhale to roll down chest away from the chin, lengthen through the crown of the head, through the fingertips, try to get your low back on the mat. Bend your knees once you're there.

Wrap those feet over. Hold on tight to your bar. Call it parakeet, hear like a mama bird holding on to her children. You don't wanna drop them as you fly over the Grand Canyon, really working that prehensile position of the feet. The second part, again, we bend our knees and crease at the hips.

Rejarms a little longer control that bar. Deep breath in as those legs extend, exhale tuck and curl your hips up. Fire underneath the buns, zip up through your waist. Left leg comes up first this time flex through your heel. Who that should feel good for those calves.

Squeeze your seat. Press the foot into the bar. Right leg up and back deep breath in. Gaze stays lifted. Enjoying these stretch moments, lengthening out the back of our legs, pressing the foot back down.

One more inhale reach, exhale to press and hold deep breath in. Take your time, rolling down with care, staying connected, bone by bone through the back, engaged in the glutes, pull the belly deeper, draw those knees in, and carefully press the bar through. Wrap those feet. Squeeze from your seat here to keep pressing down into the bar. Reach your arms up. Take a breath in.

And carefully round and roll all the way up. We'll bend our knees carefully. It take the feet off the bar here. You always wanna be really cautious with this bar. Yeah. We don't want it to come back and hit us in the face. Alright. We're going to continue using our push through bar, spin ourselves around, extend those legs out nice and long, and then make your way all the way down onto the mat.

Kind of depending on how long your arms are here, You might have to reach up to grab it once again. Just make sure your head isn't hanging off that we're underneath the bar holding on nice and tight. So, again, the safety of this, we don't want it to hit ourselves or our teacher in the face pulling the shoulder blades down. Again, I like to think of my hands, like, ever so slightly in front of my shoulders versus too far back here. And we'll start with a simple press of those arms, bending the elbows in tight to the waist, and then extending all the way back overhead. Feel this beautiful stretch out through the and the crown of the head out through those toes, body already feeling a little longer from what we've done thus far. Inhale bend your elbows in. Again, trying to keep them as narrow as your body allows, exhale to control the bar back up to start, again, like that. Inhale.

And exhale. Try not to overly arch the back or splay the ribs. It can be challenging with those arms overhead once more. Inhale. And exhale and bending through and extending up to stay. From there, we'll keep the bar where it is.

Flip those legs back up to a ninety degree bend at table up, inner thighs connected shoulders pull down into the back, breathing, and to prepare. And then exhale to curl up to the tips of the shoulder blades. Moving through a little more abdominal work here. We'll extend our right leg as we pull the left knee a little closer. And then switch legs.

Think of our single leg stretch for our abdominal series vacation special, pulling the shoulders away from the ears, highlight to almost think of pulling this bar apart. So I'm active in my upper body as well as my low body inhale. And exhale for 4. 3. Last two.

Really nice high abdominal crunch here. Pull both knees in double legs. They lengthen on the inhale, exhale, knees to the nose. This bar is assisting our lift, so our shoulder blades continue to hover off them at 3. Belly to spine too.

One more lengthen. Pull those knees in. Release your head down. Arms stay long to the ceiling. Extend your legs up long to the ceiling.

Deep rough here. Exhale. We curl right back up to the tips of the shoulder blades. Moving into our single leg, straight leg stretch, lower the right leg to hover, scissor, and switch. Inhale. And exhale.

Thinking about that nice neutral pelvic alignment. We're not wobbling back and forth side to side. We're sinking pubic bone to sacrum and able to spine for a 4. Shoulders keep pulling down into the back three. Last two.

One more. Meet with those legs to the ceiling. Pilates stance heels together, toes apart, curl up 1 more inch, inhale legs lower down, exhale zip up through the waist. Lift your legs up with control. They bend and lower on the inhale.

Pull the belly deeper, lift on the exhale for 3. And, last two, knit the ribs a little tighter. Sink that belly a little deeper one more time inhale. Exhale lift, adding on legs lower to eye level, take a breath in, start to curl up to your teaser, lift the chest up, let the arms lift the bar, lift you up deep breath in. This time we lower all the way down.

We get a moment lying flat on the mat, pull the belly deeper before you do so, and then release heels, head, bend your elbows, press that bar all the way back. Feel this length. Hold on tight. Pull your shoulders down. We're going right back up to that position. Elbows, bending, deep breath in, exhale to round and curl up.

Lift through the chest. Lift through the heart deep breath and exhale zip up tighter through your inner thighs, tighter through your low belly, lowering legs and body with control. You find that hover belly sinks 1 inch deeper before releasing everything at the bottom. One more time here. Full teaser.

Arms lift up on the inhale. We curl up as we exhale. Arms and legs stay straight. We lower back down to hover heels and shoulder blades inhale. Lift right back up. X hail for 4 down.

Press the lift. 3. Zip up 3 or waist. Last 2. And, one more time, lower.

Lift and hold. Reach one arm towards your toes. Reach your other arm towards your toes. Lift everything up a little higher, a little tighter, v shape. Take one more breath and lower with control in 4.

Slow and controlled in 3. Squeeze those legs a little tighter. Find that gorgeous hover we worked to. Let it all go on 1. If you don't feel your abdominals, well, I don't know what to tell you.

So Pilates is so good for. Nothing like it. Alright. We're gonna press this through very carefully yet again, moving to some back extension work. So get here with care. Hold on tight. Thumbs, fingers wrapped.

Tops of the feet pressing down. Forehead releases to that mat. Squeeze your inner thighs together. Press the tops of the feet into the mat here. So we're engaged in the back of the legs.

You pull those shoulders away from your ears. Take a breath in at the bottom to prepare, and then begin to lift the chest and the heart forwarding up. Opening up across the collar bones, deep breath in, exhale pull the belly away from the mat as you lower with control. Taking this at your level, opening through the spine. Inhale at the bottom to prepare.

Exhale tops of the feet press down. Interthighs and glutes are squeezing together. Heart is lifting a nice open chest and collar bones deep breath in. Can you pull your belly up and away from the mat as you lower? Knit those ribs together. Reach through the crown of the head.

One more like this. Deep breath in. Jack's helping of pressing down into your palms, engaging into your triceps. Using the arms in the back to find this gorgeous high gorgeous hyper extension of the spine and lengthening all the way down with control. Now you always have the option to stick with that, adding on, we're gonna go into our cobra.

Same beginning here, but the elbows bend deep breath in as you do so, and then begin to lift the chest up as you exhale. Going right into it, those arms extend up. That chest lifts up. Arms are overhead with control here. You breathe in.

Pull the belly up, begin to lower your body first. Then bend the elbows. Keep using your core, using your arms, using your back, full body exercise, to lower with control. A lot of back work here. Listen to your body.

Take it at whatever pace you need. We bend those elbows and we lift the body up. Gorgeous lift of the heart, deep breath at the top. Pull your waistline up. Lengthen back through the toes, out through the crown of the head, pull those shoulders away from your ears.

Keep pulling that belly away, and press the bar through with control. Now very carefully sit yourself back bring that bar up, and we'll sit all the way back into a child's pose. These could be together or apart, something that allows your back to release here after that hyper extension, the spine, take a breath in. And exhale it out. From there, we'll walk our hands up, move into a little side kneeling mermaid.

So I'll face you feet hang off the edge here. I want my hand that's on the bar, that arm to be straight. So adjust your spacing accordingly, tuck of the tail, pelvis stays really square to you. Pull your shoulder blades down. Start with by pressing this arm down, use your back deep breath in, press up and over.

You keep those hips really square. You pull those shoulder blades away from your ears. Find that gorgeous side stretch. With control, we lift back up to vertical. We're gonna control the bar up as we open the other arm out.

Inhale to press, exhale to reach up and over, lengthening up a little taller out of the hips. And controlling from the back. It's a lot of work underneath that shoulder blade. Engage in your lap as you press and reach up and over with control. Keep pressing the glutes forward, pulling your belly button back.

Lift a vertical, try and find equal weight into those knees so we're not sinking into either side last time. And reach. Enjoying these moments in lateral, flexion coming up and open. We'll go to the other side. Should be about the same spot for your knees unless one arm is significantly longer than the other.

Shoulder blades pull down again. A lot of work for those lats, but press down as you reach the arm up and then press up and over, driving those knees down squeezing the seat tight, feeling this gorgeous length through that right waist. Coming back up with control. Opening out. Inhale and exhale.

Shoulders away from the ears, lifting, zipping up through the waist. And release twice more inhale and exhale a slight bend in that elbow of the hand that's holding the arm that's holding the bars. Okay. You don't wanna lock the elbow out. But we don't wanna lift the shoulder to bend the arm either. Pull down from your shoulder blade, then use your abdominals, use your obliques, use your whole powerhouse, your glutes included here, to reach over, lift all the way up, and release From here, we'll do one more shoulder stretch today with this bar. Now, this is not for everyone.

Sometimes if you're petite, your shoulders are really narrow or you have lack of flexibility here, you can't quite reach the bar. In which case, this and this feels really good and is a great modification. If you can get into this safely, you take your hands pressing that bar down. You wanna be a comfortable distance away or towards it. We'll start with the palms down, squeeze those inner thighs together, pull the shoulder blades back, make sure you're holding on tight, take a breath in, and then begin to tuck the chin over the chest, hang over reaching your forehead to your knees, and allow the bar to lift your arms up. And if it feels good, then, well, it really feels good.

Such a gorgeous stretch for the back, through the neck, through the spine, through the legs. Carefully press the bar back down, and then think of tucking your tail underneath you and slightly rolling back again without overly letting those shoulders roll forward, but feel that stretch in the front of them. Again, like this, rounding forward, forehead to the knees. Let that bar lift your arms up, up, up. Press it down. This time we're gonna roll right back up to vertical. We very carefully switch our hand placement.

So now those palms will be facing upward. We do the exact same thing. Pull the shoulders back, breathe, and exhale chin over the chest. This one might feel easier. It might be a more challenging position for your shoulders, for your arms.

Both equally as important, pressing down. Think of pressing the hands back rounding back. One more. Forward fold over those legs. Let that bar lift your arms up up up with control, and then roll all the way back up to a vertical seat. Be very careful to hold on tight here as you come out of this controlling that bar up.

Is that alone? Could throw a shoulder out. So do it with care. We're gonna unhook this bar. We are done with it. Let that go out of the way.

We'll stay kneeling and move into some chest expansion here. So I'm gonna grab my brown bar once again. Moving into some more arm work. Make sure you are at the right distance for your body here. My tailbone is tucked under. I'm lifted in my abdominal, so I'm in this beautiful vertical line. Pull the shoulder blades down away from the ears and begin by pressing the bar towards the thighs on the inhale and return it to start as you exhale.

We'll do 3 more preps just like that. Inhale to press. Exhale to resist. Squeezing the shoulder blades together behind you, really working to punch those fist straight towards the mat. Inhale down.

Exhaling up. Adding the turn of the head. Bar presses down on the inhale. Look to the right. Look to the left.

Look to the center and return. Saver your breath here. Deep inhale to press. Long exhale. Lot of core and breath control. One more time each side.

Look right. Use your core, use your glutes to stabilize last time, inhale, we press, exhale looking left. Such a grateful body exercise. We're adding on taking it a little deeper. I like to inch myself, and I encourage you do too, a little bit closer for this one.

We start the same way. We're gonna add a squat back with that bar down on the thigh. So it has to agree with your knee, flexion, take care to do whatever range of motion works for your body. Inhale bar to the thighs. Exhale hips hover over the heels. Don't let them release. Inhale, squeeze your seat, come back up. That bar is still on my thighs, and then I return it to the start position.

Again, like that, not easy. Do it correctly. Squeeze between your shoulder blades. Keep your spine vertical hover your hips over your heels, squeeze those butt cheeks together, zip up through your low belly. You should be feeling this.

Return the bar. We do it once more like that. Inhale press. Exhale sit back. Inhale. Excel return.

Last little kind of cherry on top of this one. We add some tucks at the bottom. Watch for the breath change. Inhale to press. Exhale to sit back.

Inhale to hold. Exhale tuck for 5. For 4. Release. 3. I think low belly.

Use your seat. 2. One more. Release. Inhale. Excel to come all the way up and return the bar. I feel that one.

Give your arms a shake. We're still using our brown bar. We're turning around for our long back stretch arms. Of course, if you need to get off your knees here, do what your body is craving. Grab that bar.

Right away. We're back in that beautiful shoulder stretch position. So we prepared well for this one. Squeeze your shoulder blades together. Squeeze the seat underneath you and zip up through your low belly. We begin bending those elbows in. Press down like you're shaving off those glutes. Keep those arms straight.

Control the back bar back up to start. Again, this direction. Inhale. 2 more. Press and punch to the floor. Lift taller through the crown of the head as you do so. One more like this. Inhale.

Exhale. Press and resist. We reverse. Press towards the back of the legs. Slide those elbows up.

Keep pulling your shoulder blades down as your arms end, those shoulders are going to wanna lift the ears. Don't let them inhale. Exhale. Last two. One more press. Control the bar, control the springs, and release.

Let that bar rest. Sit all the way back. We're gonna get off of those knees. Give the legs a little shake here. We're gonna move into some side lying leg work.

So should feel really nice to stretch the legs out here. If you have hooks on the very side, you can use those. I'm moving mine to as far to the side of the Cadillac as they will go. I'll start facing you. So you want to make sure you're lined up in a long diagonal here.

My left forearm to start is against this pole. My head gets to release onto my arm. How lovely. I take this back spring. So important that it comes from behind. You don't wanna spring in front of your face ever as a student or as a teacher.

DevilPay extend your top leg up with an open knee. Don't get into it this way. That's a knee injury waiting to happen. All these in between, so important. This hand can come to the bar.

It could also stay on the mat for support. I extend my top leg out. I'm gonna go back to parallel. Flex my heels, press my palms into this bar to stay active in my whole body from here. My top leg floats up, stay in parallel, knees, and toes towards you, and they squeeze that leg back together, inhale to lift.

Axle to lower. Working on that outer hip, outer thigh, working on that pelvic stability from the low waist, keeping a lift in that bottom oblique so I don't just collapse into this bottom shoulder. 2 more like this. Lift Really just feeling the weight in this prop of the spring, feeling the alignment of my legs stacked over the other. Lift to hip height with control begin to kick that top leg forward pressing out through the heel. Point through your toes, press the leg back.

Only go as far as you can go without letting your body shift forward. Keeping the upper half from my arms all the way to my hips. Really stable here. Imagine this top leg is moving along a tabletop horizontal plane. 3 more flex and kick forward in here. Keeping it really smooth with the breath and the movement today. Squeeze the seat for a 2 forward.

Lot of control using that inner and outer thigh to keep that horizontal line. One more reach forward. Keeping that spring quiet, press it back, squeeze from your seat, lifting your low waist. Flex through the heel, hover the top leg over the bottom leg, small circles forward around and back for 5. Squeeze together for 4.

Nice and even here. 3. Last two. Keep breathing one. We reverse our circle back up and around inhaling and exhaling, really pressing out through those heels, finding length through both legs, last two.

And one. And squeeze. From there, turn your legs out. One more thing here. Really feel those inner seams of the pants wrapping forward, externally rotating from the legs, bottom toes are in this little kickstand.

We point that top toe, lift that leg up up up, find the spring, still quiet, slight tension, flex to squeeze those legs back together. I think of opening up the hips, working that outer medial glute, and then squeezing from that inner thigh or just turn out long length through the legs here. Lift squeeze shoulders, stay down. Draw the ribs together as they're together as the leg squeeze together. So much happening here, so much to be aware of in the body, inhale, and exhale.

2. And squeeze one more. We hold that flex squeeze together, breathe into his little beats, inhale, exhale. Should feel your inner thighs and your glutes really working for 4. 3.

Last 2. One more breath and point through the toes carefully lift that top leg up. And then you can bend your knee carefully reverse kind of how you came into that. If you don't drop a spring or a strap on your head, then we spin around for a second side. So now my right forearm is up against this pole. My legs are towards the opposite corner.

My body is in this gorgeous long diagonal line. I turn my top leg out to bring my foot into the strap, bring my top hand onto that bar, lower, let's flex and squeeze together parallel, zipping up through the waist, stable in the hips and the pelvis here, starting with a simple lift, top leg up, knees and toes pointing forward, and squeeze together engaged in the seat, inhale to lift, exhale to lower. Really taking any tension out of the neck here. Use your arms. Your back to press the pole away for support. 2. One more.

And lower. Lifting just to hip height. We begin to kick through the heel, reaching the leg forward, creasing at the hip, feeling a little hamstring stretch, point through the toes, press the leg back, feel the front of the hip, and thigh stretch back of the glute engage. Flex, as you kick forward on the inhale, keeping it smooth, upper body still, point and press back, lengthening through that thigh. Inhale flex forward, exhale point and press back, keeping it smooth and steady.

Inhale and exhale last time forward and press top, like, hovers over the bottom, reaching parallel through those heels. We circle forward up around and back in hailing and exhaling, keeping the pelvis anchored and stable for 3. Keep breathing too. One more this direction. Hold at the bottom to hover.

Reverse press back. From the glute resist squeeze from those inner thighs. Up and around. Nice low belly connection. Last two.

One more inhale. XL ribs continue to draw together belly back in and hold those legs tight, find your turn out little kickstand of those bottom toes, point the top leg, lift that leg up, up, up, up, flex and squeeze together, inhale lengthen to lift, exhale, press lengthen through your heel. Point to lift up, flex to lower down. I prefer to feel the hips opening, that glute really wrapping behind you, inner thighs wrapping forward. Oh, I got a good hip pop last time. That always feels good.

Flex. We'll do our little pulses here breathing and twos. Inhale. Exhale. Use your core. Use your seat and those inner thighs for 4. 3. Last two.

One more breath. Squeeze at the bottom. Point through the toes and lift the leg up to rest. Carefully bend that knee. Take your foot out.

Make sure you don't roll off the table here. I've never seen it happen, but come close. Alright. Carefully press yourself up. We're gonna change our springs once again for a little flying eagle. So I like to have my arm springs on the outer.

Where my leg springs just came from. Again, kinda depends on your equipment. We lie down facing this direction. Little more upper body work, little more back extension work, really using that whenever we have a chance. Holding on to your handles, your lighter springs here, comfortable distance from the edge. If you have a strap, you could always put your legs underneath it for a little more support for your back and your legs.

From here, we start to press those arms back and down, lift your chest, reach your arms behind you, deep breath, and exhale reverse where you just came from. A little prep here similar to those arm pulls on their reformer. Feet pressed down in this case, glute squeeze tight. Fingertips reach to the floor and then back by your hips as you lift your chest and resist. One more like that, we're gonna stay lifted at our arm circles, pull down and back deep breath in, circle those arms around for 5.

Press it back for 4. Lift the chest in the heart a little higher. 3. Keep zipping up through your waist. 2. 1 more. Lower as the arms lower.

Now we reversed arms and body lift right away. We stay up there. Reverse your circle for 5. 4. Squeeze between the glutes and shoulder blades. 3.

Keep that neck in line with this fine. 2. Last one squeeze and lower with control. Really a beautiful exercise. Nice for that arm and back extension work. Press your palms into the mat.

Sit yourself all the way back. Taking another moment in child's pose here to release any tension in that back and to bringing air into the back of the ribs and lungs as you inhale here and exhale allow your chest to drape a little further over your thighs. From there, carefully bring those hands back in. We are grabbing our trapeze sling and finishing with some standing work on the Cadillac. So, of course, you are not on a Cadillac.

Maybe do some push ups, finish with some strong arm work. We over here get to do pull ups. A little more back extension work as well. Again, one of my favorite things. I think it feels so good. Now that's my body talking.

That's not for everybody. To make sure this is out of the way for us. But a lot of Pilates work is inflection. So getting into that extension work, that lateral movement, rotation, we're gonna do all a little bit of it here is so important. I like to set this bar up about my full wing span away. I'm gonna face my trapeze.

If you need grippers, if your hands are sweaty, if you need to remove some rings, do what you need here. I'm gonna say a prayer and hope it works for me. So carefully, you could always bring one leg in. We're going to hold on tight, draw those knees into the chest, and then hook them around with control. From here, starting with a nice arch, scoop from your low belly, lift your pelvis up, lift your heart up and back, gorgeous back bend, and then slowly think of rolling through your spine chin over the chest, hips release down into a teaser position, breathe in.

Excel tuck and curl. We lift the pelvis and the hips up, lift the heart up and back, and enjoy this gorgeous chest opening deep breath in. Excel chin over the chest Think of rolling through the spine, hips releasing at the bottom. One more. Being to scoop through the pelvis, lift the hips up, arch through the back, gorgeous hyper extension of that spine and come all the way back down. From here, we're going right into a twist stretch for those legs.

Point through your right toes, extending the leg to the ceiling, flex through the heel, take it across the body, make sure you clear that bar, and look in the opposite direction. Taking control from the core, from the arms, of course, here, and then extend that leg back through, flex to hook it around the spring, reach the other leg up inhale, flex through the heel, twisting through the spine. Coming back up. This time, let's take that foot all the way down and carefully stand all the way up. Taking your other leg out and taking a moment to just shake those wrists out.

If you need stickies, grippers, anything, wanna make sure we don't feel like we're gonna collapse onto the Cadillac here before we move into our pull ups. So take a second for yourself and then reset up a comfortable distance from your trapeze swing. Those hands come back onto the frame. We take a breath in, draw those knees up in, and hook the feet around and lower inhale to prepare, exhale, curl up to that gorgeous, long flat diagonal, and then pull those elbows and lift your heart up to the ceiling, lowering with control. 4 more. We lift and lower.

3. Lift to the chest squeezing the back. 2. One more time. Lift and hold. Stay. Squeeze your buns. Lift up one more inch.

Release those arms down straight to release your hips and then carefully pull those feet out and stand your way up. From here, we'll take a stretch before we go into the reverse. So bring your feet into your first position, Pilates, Stance, Devil Pikes, extend that right leg onto the swing, trying to pull that right hip back for a moment to square the hips off. You can point flex this top foot and then take a moment as you walk your body further over your leg for a little bit of our ballet dancer stretches here. Should feel like a glorious stretch for the back of that hamstring, holding on wherever you feel comfortable, deep breath and deep breath out. From there walking those hands back up, Pressing into the swing is you allow that leg to shift forward into a split. Again, pointer flex through your feet, maybe allowing the hips to open a bit here, and then think of using your core to pull your right hip back, your hips back to center.

Lift that leg up, bring it back in, and we'll move to our other side. Left leg onto the swing, drive that hip down, maybe flex through the heel to get a little deeper into that hamstring and calf, and allow your chest to drape over the leg. Deep breath here. And exhale. Let this feel good.

Enjoy this stretch moment before we finish strong with some more arms. Try and release those hands. Release that grip. Open up through the hips and the legs here pressing forward into that split stretch, pulling that hip down, staying connected in your core. Drive your left hip back, core back, point through the toes, lift the leg up.

And lower your foot down. We'll carefully spin around. Probably about the same distance you were before from your swing. Hands on the bar. Nice solid grip here.

Feet could be in the trapeze or in the strap below. I like to go in the trapeze because I do have a nice extension in my spine. If your back is a little bit more finicky, you might wanna be lower. Do what you need in your body here. Bringing that foot right to the edge, holding on tight, Don't let your body drops.

Stay where you are as you bring that other foot in. Flex through the heels. We lower inhale. Exale. Pull the head to the ceiling for 4. And up.

3 abs are lifted to support that back to shoulders pull away from the ears one more time, lift and hold, slowly take one foot out, and the other foot out. And with that, we are all done. Hopefully, you feel that full body exercise and workout and had as much fun as I did.


1 person likes this.
Very rewarding class ! Starts gentle, and very naturally goes toward pure strenght movements… Beautiffuly built progression. Moreover there’s not a single second lost, we never stop moving ! Thank you for this success feeling…
1 person likes this.
Thank you so much. I love having a new full length Cadillac class!
1 person likes this.
What a class!!!!❤️
1 person likes this.
That was a great all-around class! For the first part of the trapeze  I  used a big ball and it worked great。  obviously had to skip the last  part because I just have a tower. Still a wonderful class. Thank you!
Rudi R
1 person likes this.
 I loved this video,  thank you for sharing !
2 people like this.
It would have been nice to know the set up before starting the class, so that I didn't have to interrupt the beautiful flow to set my springs.
1 person likes this.
Great class! Please share the springs setting as you go. Makes it easier to follow.
Chanda Hinman
Yael C thank you for the feedback!
Evelyn thank you for this kind and thoughtful comment. I am so happy to hear you enjoyed the class :)
Connie M I'm happy to hear you made this class work on your Tower! That's an excellent modification to use a ball instead of Trapeze swing, and definitely a challenge. I hope you'll check out my Tower class as well if you haven't done so already :)
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