Class #5710

50-Minute Total Body Mat

55 min - Class


Join Meri Rogers for a Pilates class that emphasizes connecting and moving from your center through creative, smooth, and rhythmic sequencing. This session focuses on finding more range and length through your thoracic spine, upper body, and rib cage, challenging you to explore your full potential. You will finish off with a bang, leaving the class feeling both aligned and challenged in true Meri style.
What You'll Need: Mat

About This Video


1 person likes this.
What beautiful class! Thank you Meredith!!
Anne M
1 person likes this.
Thank you so much, Meredith. Fabulous class!!
1 person likes this.
Wonderful wonderful wonderful, Meredith! I love your classes because you soothe me into doing the more difficult moves. And I think I saw you contemplating 5 more pushups towards the end … today I’m grateful there were no more but on another day I may pause and throw them in. Thank you for setting me up for success today! ❤️
2 people like this.
So fabulous. Loved every moment of this class. I'm going to do the whole thing again tomorrow on the tower. And spot on cueing as always. Love that you can take your classes and never have to look at the screen. 
Gisela G
1 person likes this.
Very nice to finally get an hour-long mat class!! Thank you for this wonderful session!
Pepa G. Molina
Thank you, Meredith for this very complete and fabulous class!
1 person likes this.
Yay!!! So excited to see a new mat class from you! Great workout and I loved the spinal focus and stretches.  I feel great! Agree with Lori M that you never have to look at the screen because the instruction is so clear. Thanks, as always!
1 person likes this.
I don't know what else to say other than that is a spectacular class.  I loved everything about it.  Thank you so much! 
1 person likes this.
Thank you so much Meredith for a smooth and yet strong mat flow✨ loved the cuing and all
Catherine A
1 person likes this.
Such a fantastic full-body workout. Your method of layering the movements to move and prepare for the next is masterful.
1-10 of 17

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