Beautiful Cadillac Flow<br>Rael Isacowitz<br>Class 2449

Beautiful Cadillac Flow
Rael Isacowitz
Class 2449

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Nada, your words mean so much to me. Sending you much love until we meet again.
Excellent, superbe fluidité.
A la fin, dans le block Back Extension, c'est je pense plutôt Prone 2
Bravo Rael pour tout le travail et la création de BASI !
Phillipe, merci beaucoup! I appreciate it very much.
That was lovely, inspiring, and a pleasure to watch and follow along. Thank you Rael,
Tova, my gratitude to you for taking the class. All the best!
This is everything......
Chaz K
Loved this flow!
Thank you, Chaz. Go with the flow!
Amazing flow, great class!!! Every exercise perfectly executed.. It is a very different approach to the other classes where there is so much talking. I must say I liked it a lot. There is some sort of moving meditation going on..Thank you so much Rael!  Can't wait to try everyting with my clients.
Silviah, I am so glad you enjoyed the class. It is indeed meditation in motion, which is my preferred form of meditation, although I like other forms as well. But, I am a mover, I love movement! I send you my very best wishes.
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