Beautiful Cadillac Flow<br>Rael Isacowitz<br>Class 2449

Beautiful Cadillac Flow
Rael Isacowitz
Class 2449

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Elizabeth I am so happy you enjoyed doing it as I mush as I did. I honestly felt like I was meditating when we filmed it. It's fantastic that you tapped into the feeling if relaxation and challenge at the same time. All the best!
How talented and creative is this art of both Isacowitz, thank you very much from my soul to yours.
Dear Svitlana, I am so pleased you felt our soul's in this session. To be able to connect on that deep level is very special. Maya is incredible, and for me to be able to move to her music is a gift, something that I treasure very much. I wish you a Happy New Year!
Thank you Rael, Happy New Year! You guys rock!
Esmeralda B
Again, a fantastic class with a wonderful sequence of exercises. Rael dances on the Cadillac with that beautiful music.
A hug and Happy Holidays from Madrid, Spain.

Esmeralda wishing you and the whole of Espania (I love Spain:) Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
MIC DROP. Absolutely glorious & inspiring. MANY THANKS.
Alex, thank you for your kind words. You have studied with some wonderful people who are also dear friends of mine. Send Jennifer my love and of course I send you my very best wishes.
Thank you so much, Rael! Indeed, I know! We are all connected. I will pass along your love to Jennifer(: Thank you for continuing to share your keen knowledge & on going experience with us. You have cultivated such a positive tribe in the movement world. I have been following your work since the start of my Pilates journey (1995) and have your actual BOOKS in my library. I STILL refer to them to this day!
Nada A
I can't believe I just watched this for the first time. It was absolutely breathtaking. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I even felt the connection with each movement he made from my screen. I can't wait to see him in person again.
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