Rhythm and Tempo Flow<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2462

Rhythm and Tempo Flow
Amy Havens
Class 2462

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Thank you Stephanie and ADA.....so glad you both enjoyed this class! I had a lot of fun with it....maybe more coming on the Chair! :)
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really like your no nonsense approach to working our body and especially incorporating the musciology part... is it possible to actually play music in our workout for us? I would love that! Thanks!
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Loved this. Made me work on balance which I need. Liked he mixed pace. Great stretching and good mix of ab work. Thank you!
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I would love a class with some music as well!
Hi Jennifer....thank you....! Hmmm, let me give that some thought! I like the idea very much and am working on some other things with music. Stay tuned!!
Great feedback for me Kathy...thank you!!
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Thanks Amy! Really liked your class and it definitely challenged me!
Thank you Randi!
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Wow. I think this is my favorite PA class!!! AMAZING! I loved it. Great cues too. Love love love. More from Amy!!!
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I loved Amy classes, this one in special because of the tempo works. 💪💪💪👏👏
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