Benjamin's Personal Practice<br>Benjamin Degenhardt<br>Class 2726

Benjamin's Personal Practice
Benjamin Degenhardt
Class 2726

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Lorie H
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Double Thumbs up! Good to know you feel fatigue at work and classical Pilates brings you out of it to continue with your day. This is real life.
Love the history and pace. Thank you. Hope to get to a live class in NY.
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Benjamin, I love this I often find myself up early in the am going towork and having ashort time this gets me going. LOVE IT!
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Love!! Perfect for this morning. I was dragging and possibly going to skip my workout. Turned to you for inspiration and I'm invigorated and ready to go! Mwah!!
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Loved it! Learn something new every time!
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Love this quick, super effective workout! Thank you fo this!
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Very inspiring! Thanks
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Thank you for sharing some of your own practice! As teachers we enjoy so much here as concerns better sharing the work with our clients but this was so great for me personally! I need to be reminded that I truly do need to give myself permission to do what I can with what time I have and this gave me some great ideas on how to better do that for myself. Thank you!
Benjamin Degenhardt
Thanks everyone, and thanks Rebecca! One of the many "Joe quotes" that float around in oral history is "half an hour—hit the shower". Efficiency is so engrained in this work, and I don't know a single person who complains they have "too much time to practice". You will find a majority of my sessions on Pilates Anytime are 30-40 minutes long because I truly believe so much can be done in that amount of time with smart sequencing—and a good dose of zest. Celebrate your practice!
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Love this 30-minute power session! As a studio owner I feel like I should spend every free moment working on the business, but I can definitely commit to a 30-minute "me" session every day. This gave me a perfect boost exactly when I needed it. Thank you!
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Thank you always for your workouts Benjamin, I really connect to your cuing and images you use at your workouts . Thank you and hope you get some rest as well. Where can I take a class from you ????
21-30 of 45

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