Day 2: Legs<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 3346

Day 2: Legs
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 3346

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I can’t find day 1!!
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Em ~ Here is a link to the Challenge homepage where you can join Sarah's Challenge, and start with Day 1. Enjoy!
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Omg! ok Im doing this whole series OVER! I mean that in a good way!
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Loved this class, and love the challenge!
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Loving this workouts Sarah Bertucelli , you are speaking my language. Ground through the feet, open the heart.
Thanks Allison! Enjoy the ride:)
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So good! Really fun to have a series to anticipate. Thanks as ever, Sarah!
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Thank you Sarah Bertucelli - I really enjoyed the challenge of the warm up at the beginning and control of lifting feet while rolling back - not easy! Great class💜
Patti I love revisiting these classes with each of your comments! thank you!
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Full of good ideas! My favourites were the pulses in the beginning, and ”skating with the twist”. I can still feel the burn !!!! 🔥
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