Day 2: Legs<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 3346

Day 2: Legs
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 3346

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Nic G
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I could do that Back Extension alllllllll day :)
Sabine G
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The rotated skating was so playful, thank you for that! Nice challenge with the shortbox and no foot in strap, I made it and an I explored some imbalance in my body ;)
I loved your detailed cues for the back extension on the longbox, my blue spring felt as tight as a green one!!
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Love the focus + full body combo! Makes for great head to toe integration! 
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Loved day 2 - especially the standing work! ready for day 3 HIPS!
Awesome Brianna, Keep me posted!
Katie M
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Creative workout, thanks!  I did my right side first for the short box and had to hold on to the head rest for most of it, but I was surprised that I didn't have to do this at all on my right.  I was aware of this strength difference before but even more so now.  
Katie I am so happy to hear that you enjoyed the leg(balance/imbalance) challenge with this version of Side over! 
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I am LOVING this 10 day workout!  Short, sweet, sweaty, and I'm feeling it!  Thank you!
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Loving this ! Thank you 
Carrie N
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Day 2!  Yowzer! have I not been paying attention to me.  The short box no strap was fascinatingly difficult.  Thank you for my 6:30 am wake up.
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