Day 3: Hips<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 3347

Day 3: Hips
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 3347

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Super Nancy ! Thank you. 
Katie M
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I really enjoyed the mermaid variation at the end.  Such a different stretch!
This is the most delicious thing I've done! The variation on Mermaid, OMG, amazing! Sarah thank you so much, you are wonderful, lovimg every minute! 
wonderful Lyndie Butler-Bruce!  Thank you. 
Emma R
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I’m really enjoying this series- thanks sarah. I’m new to Pilates but teach yoga. Lots of excellent cues and integration - and fun!
Hi Emma, So pleased to hear you are enjoying the series.  Pilates is a beautiful addition to a yoga practice.  Have fun and thanks for your thoughts. 

Carrie N
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Boy howdy!  Say hello to yesterday's work today.  My body says "Thank you! Sarah!"  I've so surely needed this.
Carrie I am working backward through my emails... It has been a very busy couple of weeks.  I did not realize I was so far behind with the comments here.  I am stoked you are enjoying the challenge!! 
Robin S
again so subtle and yet challenging. Im enjoying this mucho ~ thank you  
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