Day 3: Hips<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 3347

Day 3: Hips
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 3347

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Bernard F
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After some intense cycling sessions that hip pilates routine was an amazing way to release the stiffness. Thank you
Thank you Bernard F!  Take care of those hips. 
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Sarah, this felt great. Loved the addition of the foam roller. Lots of new variations to play with. I feel great afterwards. 
HiLacey M!  Cant believe I missed this comment.  So pleased to hear that this class and the use of  the foam roll worked for you.  Take care!
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Such a creative class. My body thanks you!
Hi Marlene B, Thank you so much for playing!  
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HIPS..... WOW.....they feel so good.  I am enjoying your creativeness in your moves.  Excellent cues, too!
Hi Janice M,  YAY!  so pleased that your hips enjoyed this class.  Thank you for playing!!
Odette B
1 person likes this.
Loved this workout with the roller. Thank you.
Beautiful Odette B!  Thank you and take care:) 
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