Fun-Filled Mat<br>Laura Hanlon<br>Class 5411

Fun-Filled Mat
Laura Hanlon
Class 5411

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I'm happy to hear you enjoyed class Kaisa L ! :)
Thank you Cheryl S ! I am thrilled to hear that someone else out there enjoys slowing the movement down. In my opinion, it makes the exercises that much more challenging and allows the body time to tap into the deeper muscles. :)
Saphira B
1 person likes this.
Thank you for your precise cues, great pacing, and a class that leaves me feeling really good.
Anna H
I loved the sequence of this class! I enjoyed the prep in the beginning of class using opposition to practice coordination - warmed up my mind-body connectivity! Each transition between exercises is so detailed and thought-out, reminding me that everything is part of the workout!
Moorea P
The cues in the extended vacation special were great. I especially was challenged by the hinge exercise due to the way my spine rounds I chose “dream like genie” arms and it helped me a lot more to modify!
Teasers slowly improving! Yay!
Isabella G
Great class that worked my whole body! I liked the transition from spine stretch into open leg rocker and appreciated all of the stretching incorporated throughout the workout. 
Pamela B
Great flow and cueing, Laura.   Nice workout for this very cold morning.  
Lauren S
Love the cue of "fire under the buns" for spine stretch! Important to remember that everything is working although this is a nice stretch 
I’m feeling so much more connection than I did 6 months ago. There is still lots of room for enhancement! Thank you, Laura!
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