The Neck Class<br>Ilaria Cavagna<br>Class 5696

The Neck Class
Ilaria Cavagna
Class 5696

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Gisela G
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This is really really good, thank you so much! I have had neck issues for a while (even though I have tried to maintain correct posture as much as I can),  but this has finally helped. I will definitely do these exercises regularly. 
Gisela G Thank you Gisela! Alignment, posture and ELDOA are key for the neck! Very glad it helped!
Taghrid K
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Great class thank you Ilaria, I've done the Eldoa course and love it, the neck strengthening and releasing are so much needed by all of us.  
Taghrid K Hi Taghrid! happy to hear that you did the ELDOA Certification! Yes! The neck is such a delicate part of the body for many of us and also very beaten up by the use of devices... We need to keep it STRONG 💪🏻
Knockout Piates
wonderful series, my neck felt immediate relief. thank you!
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