The Neck Class<br>Ilaria Cavagna<br>Class 5696

The Neck Class
Ilaria Cavagna
Class 5696

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Karen Duncan Thank you Karen 🙏🏼
Caroline B You are welcome Caroline! I like the "swan like" idea! 😉 
Niamh O So glad to hear that Niamh! The neck is such a delicate area and it's really important to get it back to the proper alignment when we want to exercise or just be able to move pain-free! Keep me posted!
Chanda Hinman Thank you 🙏🏼
Marion D Thank you Marion! 🙏🏼 Happy to hear that
Christina R Happy to hear that  🙌🏻
Penny W
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Thank you! I went very gently but feel different already. If I wake up on my back my arms or hands are numb and strength is what I need in my neck to realign. 
Penny W So happy Penny! Keep this work up and let me know how it progresses.
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Soooo interesting and useful! Now i feel my head is floating above my body! My clients with sensitive cervical spines will love this work. Thanks so much Ilaria. :))
Anne P. 🙌🏻 Wonderful! Thank you Anne for the feedback!
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