Creative Mat Flow<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 5741

Creative Mat Flow
Amy Havens
Class 5741

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Hilary C
I did 5lbs but couldn’t manage the sparkles! Great cueing thank you
I used 3 lbs...yow! Tough in some parts, felt great in other! Thank you!
This was perfect after a very brisk New Year’s Day walk! I used 2 pounds because I didn’t have any 1 pound. The 2’s were good (a bit challenging on a few moves). Thank you, Amy and a very happy new year to you! Xxoo
Sarah  H
I wore wrist weights along with 3lb hand weights 
I feel aligned thank you
I loved the creative use of the weights. I understood the traditional mat exercises more clearly feeling which muscles need to be activated. I used 1kg weights but would like to try with 1lb to see how it feels. Awesome cueing and always feel challenged in the safest hands.
and loved the spicy feet extension!
Lina S
Great class! I've enjoyed the sideline and the series of 5 with dumbbells. 
I vacillated between 2 & 3 ib. weights. I really enjoyed this class Amy, and it went into my favorites immediately. The cueing was excellent and every intentional exercise was focused and effective. 
Lots of creative variations!!! I used 2 lb and it was challenging. One pound would have been better. Loved the class❤️ Happy 2025🙏
Great class;i have used 1kg weights which is fine for me;thank you

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